《journal teleport science something》typing this with one hand the reason why will shock you





lucky i had a spare one handy AHAHAHAHHA OH GOB THATS NOT EVEN A JOKE

holy flip

breathe jin


you ain't dead



i mean you always wanted to be a cyborg right? robot girl. thats kind of cool i guess. i guess. iguuess

by the way award for best invention created just to distract yourself from bad cramps goes to jin alakija 13yo version for the emergency personal teleportal system. saved my life. got me down here to bleed all over everything.

oh hey

you wanna know whats really flipping fiddly?

replacing your arm with a robot arm when you've ONLY GOT ONE ARM

thank flip for scamps is all i'm saying. bless their stubby little helper claws. anyway after i stopped fainting all the time i taped a camera to #6 and sent him over to the ant warehouse. got one in there with only two legs. my first test subject. hehehe.

oh yeah laser shotgun story

okay so you know how i was worried about power levels and that? like how i didn't want to set it too low in case it wasn't powerful enough and just bounced off an ant's bum?

well mission flipping accomplished

first blast vaporised the sucker

apart from the antgutgems which are apparently laserproof

seriously it was total videogame situation for a second there

kill an enemy

shiny gem loot drops to the ground

had to do the sound effect myself


caught the second ant with the edge of the blast. wiped out a bunch of legs. thing limped after me, managed to get it in the warehouse before the THREE OTHER ANTS JUMPED ME

bit of warning about them might've been nice

i need a minimap or something


anyway you know the rest of the story. one of them ate my arm. emergency teleportal kicked in. bleeding. fainting. robot arm. i'm a cyborg now. #4 zapped a couple of ants before the laser battery ran out. didn't kill them, just punched a couple of holes. made them leak a bit. but they got away. back to their hive. one presumes.

i mean i can hope they'll report that there's just a crazy girl with a laser shotgun over in them parts so y'know just maybe leave that part of the city alone

but yeah


hive knows where i am now

only a matter of time before i get swarms of soldiers or whatever

so i guess my only real option is like

destroy the hive before it destroys me

somehow i always knew my life would come to this point

i mean not the specifics

just generally

so i guess i got to do a whole bunch of stuff all at once now. no time for sleep which is okay because i destroyed my bed already. no time to wash but thats okay because my bathroom is just a pile of gutgems.

really would kind of like a wash though

i mean i am not great personal friends with mr hygiene

but things in here are getting to like crisis levels of filth

but oh well

better make a list of all the stuff i need to do then figure out what to prioritise

so here we go

to do:

[ experiments on ant subject 001 hehehe ]

shield stuff also battery stuff

teleportation stuff because getting me out of trouble BEFORE limbs get eaten would be aces

mo weapons less problems?

realise it cannot be a priority right now but oh how i would love a tea party

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