《journal teleport science something》living that cyborg superscience life


oh yes. #4 brought me bullets

he's my hero

so now i got a bunch of these boxes of .50 which seems pretty big, I mean i don't know a lot about guns but these seem big

like, pretty big

so i'm looking at making a basic bulletgun. can't be too hard. some kind of tube i guess. its just basic chemistry right? chemistry + physics = gun. i can do chemistry. i can do physics. i can do this.

anyway that's a sideproject. everything's a sideproject. what's the main questline here huh? all i got is sidequests

robot arm pretty okay. still getting used to it. weird not to feel stuff. wonder if i could do something. where did i even get this thing. didn't make it myself that's for sure. just part of the random junk that kind of just piles up around you as part of a superscience lifestyle.

ooh yeah anty experiments. mostly right now i'm just trying to figure out what ants don't like. specifically if theres a frequency of sound they hate. because being able to make some kind of sonic repulsor would be b.rill.i.ant. anyway promising results although it might be easier to spot the negative reactions in a non-mutilated ant. right now i'm mostly just playing random music at the thing. is there a track so majestic even an ant can't resist grooving. let's find out.

oh but one good thing. did some tests on antgutgems. i mean i didn't do it. computer did it. but i told it to do it. apparently. anyway i got RESULTS and that's the important thing. so anyway antgutgems have all this insane potential energy and also like antigravity properties? don't quite get that bit i mean they don't float or anything. although they are pretty light. hmm. hmmmm. hmmmmmmmmwell anyway right now i'm mostly interested in power source stuff more than floating



if they could make stuff lighter

i could carry more


what else. built a bunch of microdrones. i mean the mareo just spat them out. i must have told it to do that at some point. so i gave each of my scamps a bunch of minidrones as underlings. even my minions have minions.

completely out of scrap now though. put #5 in charge of getting more. gonna strip this neighbourhood baaaaaare

spending more time topside. i mean just in biscuit fortress. not outside-topside. the topsy-outsy. have to get used to walking around and stuff. using my human legs. also my lair is seriously stanking lately. not sure what to do about that. ignoring it becoming. difficult.

anyway actually felt okay to be out. walking is okay. using these ol legs for intended human purpose. good to be doing solid basic work on solid basic stuff too. feeling kind of okay. better than before. tea supplies are good which definitely helps. the tea must flow.

speaking of solid basic work i fixed up the shield. made a new power pack out of three dead power packs. that's my last one though. need to get on those antgutgems as a power source. that or find more power packs. the power plant near abandoned superscience lair #2 probably has some stuff i could use. maybe i need to explore. but i need a shield to explore. but i need power packs for shield. and etc.

also. pretty sure the emergency save my life teleportal won't have enough power to work with just one pack. so that. is. a thing.

no sign of avenging ant swarm yet. been vewwy quiet. #4's out scouting. gotta find that hive. gotta get power. gotta get kitted up so i can maybe go scout some places.

so yes

to do:

[ get my brain focused on e-lec-tri-ci-ty ]

sensors are boring but practical also could i rig up a minimap?

brother, we gotta do something about this stank

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