《Abyssal Fortress girl in another world》Chapter 15: Wearing Same Color is Good Idea


*3 days later*

With the help of Woods and his men along with my minions, we finished restoring dock making fully functional at the same time using material mass created from converting useless resources I finally got an add-on to able me to talk even though my voice sounds like a robotic monotone voice.


[Master I know you are happy that you can talk again, but please be quiet for a second I am currently connecting cell reserve into your heart, one small mistake will lead damage your mad engine or at the worst instant explosion.]

I got scolded even though I am his master...

Well, I am at fault despite Kurogane trying his best to ensure my survival. He is now modifying my Mad Engine to make able to store extra mad cell and energy in empty storages. No wonder he is a bit angry.

After restoration, the dock has a few torpedoes tubes, 6-inch AP cannon and machine gun port. Well, that was good news, and bad news was those weapons must be controlled manually because all system is busted. Kurogane removed auto reloader from each torpedo tube and AP cannon replacing small crane making a bit easier to reload for socket soldiers. As for ammunition, I placed few harvester minions for each weapon for transporting ammunition from an armoury.

[Master I completed adjusting your 'Mad Engine' but beware even after I adding those storages don't forget to check your energy status. It may sound hard, but it is essential for preventing to explode like a bloated fish. ]

Kurogane walks in front of me and spoke about potential dangers. Then after finished checking everything is all right I left the dock through the tunnel. I already checked surroundings using minions I stationed in the first place, so I know a guy with a sunken eye is not around here at the moment.


I immediately examined the area around me and knowing he is not here I released my minions, give a command to scout the area while sending some of them to upward.

After a long wait, something caught on my vision. It was the guy with sunken-eye moving towards me with ten Abyssal Hunter and long eel-like creature armed with many torpedo tubes and scary looking guns while all of them are in transparent form.

[Gen-3 Abyssal Hunter lvl 30]x10

[Gen-3 Abyssal destroyer lvl 50]x2

[Avon Abyssal hunter ]

Sh*t looks like that guy serious about catching me but I also very serious about f*cking you up!

I quickly send my scout minions towards my sides to check any more enemies at the same time releasing my other minions from a hangar. It was 60 vs 12 numbers on my side, he got quality but what they say war is about quantity!

First, my large calibre guns lock on incoming hunters while my small calibre guns locked on two destroyers along with my minions. A moments later their path appears on my eye along with correction of my aim.

With that in mind, I open fire along with my minions.

*Hong* *Hong* *Hong* *Hong*

After a big explosion, I saw three Abyssal Hunter are blasted into pieces while one Abyssal Destroyer is in poor shape after due receiving concentrated fire.

Then I noticed Avon immediately begin to move towards me at extreme speed but thanks to my new vision I able to track his movement but to my surprise destroyers also moving the almost same speed as him.


Following their path, I shot another two volley, but I saw Avon's move path continually changing in every second. Are you matrix or what!

Then let's see how you dodge this!

I gave the command to 20 minions that hiding under my shadow to rush towards him while holding a mine. As expected he surprised by the sudden minion attack, but sadly it was not this easy.


*Hong**Hong* *HONG!*

He quickly cut them apart using his crude looking axe at the same time despite it is body riddled with holes Abyssal destroyer releases 16 torpedoes towards me.

Leaving white trail on it is way 16 torpedoes move closer to me while with arrogant smirk Avon wait for me to receive incoming torpedoes.

Not this time sucker!

I activate Overcharge increasing my speed by double it will damage my engine but it will worth it. With increased speed, I quickly position my head aiming towards Avon and rushed towards him an instant.


Ouch, I ate one of the torpedoes in the face, but it was worry cause almost all damage blocked by my high armour. I grabbed him from two hands.

[what is up m*ther fucker]

[what!? you can talk that is even greater!]

This guy is nuts doesn't he realize he about to turn into a pancake?

[yeah and now became pancake]

Sh*t with saying with monotone felt so weird.


I can't even move my arm it felt like I trying to squeeze a rock, where is this strength came from f*ck!


[laugh at this]

I opened my mouth showing gift that especially prepared for him. It is an improved GS MK-2 with more powerful artificial muscle along with 3-meter long tungsten rod.


This baby will tear a new hole on you f*cker!.

*, THNK!*

With sound, Avon's head blasted apart along with some part of his upper body. But it was not over because of weird fleshy tentacles began to emerge from Avon's body by tearing apart the skin.

I immediately knows those tentacles are bad news so I throwns him towards big mountain with all of my strength.


After hitting mountain Avon's headless body grows in twice of my size and opens apart like a flesh flower then from it is middle appears one large eyeball.

Thank god I am under water.

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