《Abyssal Fortress girl in another world》Chapter 14: Upgrade


One day passed since I found socket soldiers, using my core as energy source Kurogane easily activated the entire dock after modifying the generator. Despite it is size dock almost required no energy from because only things working was some light and socket soldier's facility.

With the help of my minions, I finished clearing the entire dock from berserkers while at it I found two Armory one is partially emptied while another one is full of small, medium arms and one MG-50.

[Don't worry master I make good use of them so don't worry about myself also I will work on this weapon as well.]

Said Kurogane took MG-50 for further study with flushed expression. Okay, now time for activater remodel.

Remodel activated in 3 sec [3].


[1]. There are multiple choices. Please choose from the following Type I Kraken class Abyssal Hunter Type I Kraken class Abyssal BattleCruiser Type I Kraken class Abyssal Battleship Type I Kraken class Abyssal Carrier Type II Kraken class Abyssal Hybrid

Wow, look all of those choices. It is like putting invitation of top universities in front of you, and all of them are great!. Let's ponder about choices carefully this will determine my future. Brawler? what Brawler? I can't hear it during my concentration.

Hunter seems great, but I don't want to turn into hentai monster, BattleCruiser is out, speed nice and all but I don't want to lose any more armour. Battleship is nice, but it is too risky to fight against a man with a sunken eye.

Then that left Carrier and hybrid. A Carrier means I can carry and control more minions while keeping my speed and armour in exchange for my own firepower. Later one, hybrid means a mix of two or three things right? like a jack of all trades.

I don't want to lose any of my ability or add-ons, so that means leaves hybrid. Also, type II means is better right?


I decided to choose Hybrid.

Individual Type I Abyss cruiser(Brawler Variant) remodelling into Type II Kraken class Abyssal Hybrid

Followed by a machine voice my vision turns dark.

Remodelling completed Became Type II Kraken class Abyssal Hybrid All status rose Level reset to 0 Condition met a combination of Vision, Enhanced Optic Nerve and Processor became Smart Vision lvl I Madness engine lvl I upgraded to II Twin Engine lvl V became Quad Engine lvl I Lesser Energy Core lvl V became Dual Energy Core lvl I Lesser Minion Hangar lvl V became Minion Hangar lvl I Repair Node lvl I, Resouces harvesting module lvl I, Onboard micro synthesizer module lvl I installed. Harvester, Repair Variant Minion added in Minion Hangar Due Quad Engine add-on Dash evolved into Overcharge I Guns and Torpedo upgraded Deep Mine layer Type IV installed

Uoo Nice. I believe I saw a very dangerous upgrade but I choose to ignore it, I quickly opened my status screen.

Name Gladys Griefhearth Age 0 Race Abyss Level 0 Class Type II Kraken class Abyssal Hybrid Titles [Reincarnator],[Giant Killer],[Berserker],[Trigger happy],[Who Watches The Heroes] Attributes Health 15000 Armour 4900 Energy 13000/13000+153 energy per second Strength 800 Agility 1500 Intelligence 370 Dexterity 400 Material mass 0 Add-on Smart Vision lvl I, Sonar radar lvl V, Body of Abyss lvl VII, Pressure reducer lvl VII, Madness engine lvl II, 4-inch abyssal gun x10, 6-inch double abyssal gun x2, 7-inch triple gun x 2, Dual Energy Core lvl I, Abyssal Combat hand Lvl I, 21in-Abyssal twin torpedo tube x2, Extra armour lvl IV, Minion Hangar I,Quad Engine lvl I, Repair Node lvl I, Resouces havesting module lvl I, Onboard micro synthesizer module lvl I,Deep Mine layer Type IV, Armory V Active Skills Bite lvl X, Overcharge lvl I, Mad enhancement(Curse) lvl1, Coup De Grâce V Unique Skills Martial art mastery Racial trait Skill Upgrade, Remodel/Locked/


I checked information obout my new add-ons.

Name Smart Vision lvl I Status +250 int, Advanced caculation, Enchanced vision. Description Powerfull vision have ability to show advanced information about target, calculating projectile's path and can see 25000 frames per second /Upgrade to increase FPS and Processong power/ Name Minion Hangar lvl I Status Can store 100 minion. Description Special factory can store and control minions /Upgrade to increase maxi limit of minion/ Minion

Gun Variant,Scout Variant,Torpedo Variant, Harvester Variant, Repair Variant, Humanoid Variant.

Name Repair Node Status Heal 50 hp per second in excange for 50 energy. Description Emmiting a special energy pulse with Yellow spectrum color allow nearby allies within range heal by specific value per seconds. /Upgrade to increase healing per second/ Name Resouces havesting module lvl I Status Can store 1 ton of resource Description Allow deployed units and host havest limited resources with them & return with the cargo convert into Material mass /Upgrade to increase maximium limit/ Name Onboard micro synthesizer module lvl I Status Convert 50% of total mass used. Description Allow directly process harvested cargo into reserve/insta-use ammunition stockpile and material mass. /Upgrade to increase efficiency/

After the remodel my body I have grown almost twice in size, but it enough for fitting through the tunnel. At same thanks to Smart Vision now I can clearly see my each individual weapons aiming spot and their path. While I checking my add-ons.


While I trying my new body I heard Kurogane's voice switching my vision I saw Kurogane standing in front of me along with many bald people with rundown cyborg bodies. All of them are armed with weapons like assault rifles, pistols, rocket launcher and shotgun. But looking at their unfocused eye, the way they didn't wipe their saliva dripping on their rag-like clothes and walking like zombies in biohazard I don't think they can hit anything more than two meters away.

[The hell]

The with guys like these I will be more feard of being hit by stray bullet than real enemy.

[Master are you awake ?]

Yes, I am awake.

[I finished remodelling the MG-50]

Said Kurogane give a command to one socket soldier. A moments later he returns with few other socket soldiers pushing the car. On the cart, I saw new MG-50. New MG-50's barrels are increased in number but also length reduced and it doesn't have magazine more.

MG-50(Modified): Modified MG-50 that reduced range, ammunition in exchange for quick reload, burst fire and reduced energy consumption

It was almost no different than a shotgun with a faster rate of fire and bullet speed.

Shotgun? oh! I can use that way!

I immediately modified my other MG-50 and installed on sides of my head. So I can use as like shotgun port used in tanks. I installed on side of my head because I know he definitely aims my head again to study me alive.

A one socket soldier steps from the group. He had black skin well only his head thought and unlike others, I saw in intelligence in his dead fish like eyes.

[Master he is Kai Woods the lieutenant of heavy armoured assault troops]

Kurogane introduced him.

[If not for madam's energy we would just rot away in our status container. Thanks for saving our pitiful lives it will be last socket troop's pleasure to work under the new commander. ]


[Can I shoot it?]

[Bang Bang Bang]


Said Woods with a salute while his subordinated saying whole different things on the background.

Hey, are you sure people behind you agree with you?

With that, I began to prepare to kill that motherf*cker that cut off my body.

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