《Abyssal Fortress girl in another world》Chapter 13: New Allies Get ?


After absorbing the MSG MK-50 and GS MK-2, I absorbed cyborg body. Cyborg body It resembles a large muscular male body about 180cm tall. A moments later I received a large amount of information.

Name AT-AB-01 Description Next generation prototype berserk body built to combat in any situation including space. It can withstand a high amount of pressure and punishment due body composed of Mad Cell shaped in the molecular level Acquired new add-on: Enhanced artificial muscle lvl 8, Enhanced Optic Nerve lvl Max, Second Brain N/A, Processor lvl 5, Quad Core lvl 2, Humanoid battle minion, Internal Protection Nanomachine lvl 4, Emergency Cooling System lvl 5 New option added in remodel

Now then let's test our new arsenal. First I prepare to fire MSG MK-50 by supplying with my energy. A few seconds later I finished to fully charging MSG MK-50 as for ammo I didn't create it because it was already reloaded it well currently it is only one of the fourth of total bullet left in a barrel.

I aimed MSG MK-50 towards debris that two meters from me and give a command.


God damn!

With sound, MSG MK-50 almost instantly shoots all of it is remaining bullet towards the debris turning them looks like modern art along with few MEC's at the same time after the test I noticed more than one of fourth of my energy is spent by charging this gun.

It is definitely a powerful gun, but consumption was too high. There was no way to stop this one it has begun to fire and seeing barrel's state I bet it can fire two or three full salvos at best before barrels starts to bent due heat, but the core problem was it cost too much to shoot this gun.

But if I found a way to reduce the cost and consumption of the energy while retaining power this will be perfect against the man with a sunken eye. But how?


Let's try GS MK-2 for now, it was very easy to operate because it is a string made of artificial muscle can be controlled through an electric signal to expand and shrink.

I aimed towards the destroyed submarine and fired it.


With a sound, a tungsten rod stuck at dock's wall after piercing submarine's armour as if it doesn't even there in first place. Not impressive as the MSG MK-50 but I take it.


Oh isn't Kurogane returning?

With a cute grin, wait for a second why there is a small floating creature with three green eyes? Why looks like it is afraid of you?

Kurogane arrived in front of me and handed me strange balls that shining dark blue light.

Oh, what is this?

Name Core of Berserker lvl 20 Description It can be used as a power source or convert into exp by consumtion

This is great but it was too late now consuming those things will not even provide enough exp full one bar. So I decided to keep it. But I also want to as where did he get those core from. Isn't dwarf oni are weak?

[Master I found a very interesting room if you wish I think I can activate it using some of the master's energy.]

Oh, what kind of room is that?

[Just follow me, master]

Said Kurogane asked me to him follow like a child wants to let his parent see a toy he wanted to buy for him. With that, I followed him using my minion.

Sometimes later we enters in a quite small room. In the room, I saw three skeletons dressed in work clothing in front of some kind of control board. Especially one appears died right before touching a button on the panel.

Kurogane gently cleans area around the button and presses it.



Huh? why this sounds very close to me?

Changing back to my main body, I saw a quite big gate on my left side making a creaking sound trying to open, but it is stoped in midway. I can open it by force, but usually forcing things don't end in a good way so I sent one my minion to check the inside looks like.

Inside I saw a room filled with large fully armored many robotic bodies missing it heads. I noticed thin long rails above those bodies. Those long rails have two mechanical arms are holding large helmet looking thing along with small glass container that full of unknown red substance with a clean needle for each body.

Upon closer look, I saw each of there bodies have a hole for inserting screw shaped thing. A small voice in my head telling me to look no further but I decided to ignore it because I don't believe in chosts.

* a few moments later*

Now I believe in ghosts. Well because now I am seeing living human heads with screw in place of their neck sleeping in a container filled weird glowing sh*t.

And I saw their information.

Name Socket Soldier #09 Description Artificial humans turned into socket soldiers by Trinity Force faction to an act as a vanguard against Abyssal force.Because faction more focused on quantity over quality made socket soldier lacking Intelligence

Well this is f*cked up.

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