《(OLD)Play On! My Lovely Goddess!》Chapter 12: A Flurry of Activity!


“An amazing Singer on Weibo!”

“Hidden Talents on Weibo!”

“Who is the mysterious singer on Weibo?”

"Weibo's latest trending clip!"

With the small audio clip of Li Rou’s singing going viral, numerous newspapers were publishing articles about Li Rou. Meanwhile, numerous talent agencies were frenziedly working to identify the singer.

Even some bigshot singers were keeping an eye on the situation, hoping to bring Li Rou under their tutelage. Such vocal talent was rarely heard of.

“Quickly find the singer!”

“She’ll be one of the top singers in China easily!”

“Where did the audio clip come from?”

“The original audio clip came from Zheng Wei, he’s a professor at Tsinghua University!”

“Send people to Tsinghua immediately! We must get the singer before the others!”

“Don’t forget! The singer is highly likely to be in the business faculty building as Professor Zheng Wei is one of theirs!”

Professor Zheng Wei’s phone was blowing up. He was receiving numerous calls from talent agencies and journalists.

It was now common knowledge that the mesmerizing singer resided in Tsinghua University and Professor Zheng Wei knew the identity of the singer.

“Hello, is this Professor Zheng Wei? I’m from Sum Far King Music Agency, we would like to know who the singer in the audio clip was.”

“I’m sorry but that information is private and it would be inconsiderate for me to disclose it.”

“Could you at least give us a hint?”

“No, sorry. Goodbye.”

Within seconds, his phone rang again. This time, it was from another talent scouting agency.

“Hey there, I’m calling from Sung Shi Tee Talent Agency. Professor Zheng Wei, I’d like to ask if you know who the singer in the audio clip you posted is?”


“What’s that? I can’t quite hear you, it appears the location I’m currently at has bad reception. I’ll call you back when I am in a better location. *bzzt*”

Professor Zheng Wei mimicked the sound of a fuzzy television screen with bad connection and immediately hung up. He then turned on his mobile phone’s airplane mode. Despite being good-natured, he was eventually annoyed by the sheer amount of calls he was receiving. It completely distracted him from doing any work.

Furthermore, there was not a chance that he would reveal who the singer was to Sum Far King music agency or Sum Shi Ti Talent Agency. They only aimed to line their pockets by getting their greedy hands on the recently trending singer.


“The number you dialed is not available, please try again later.”

“Director Ma, there’s no one picking up the phone.” The bespectacled middle-aged man sighed as he reported to his superior about the current situation.

“There’s no other way. Little Shi, prepare to make a trip to Tsinghua University. We have to recruit that singer otherwise we will lose a top talent as The Central Conservatory of Music!”

Director Ma was the Arts director in the Conservatory of Music. Whereas Li Shi (called as Little Shi by Professor Ma) was an associate professor there.

“It seems she became quite popular on the internet, I can use that to my own advantage later on.”

Cheng Yu silently plotted as observed the endless stream of visitors entering Tsinghua University in search of Li Rou.

At Tsinghua University, a large number of visitors arrived and were randomly asking students they saw to sing for them. Some even barged into lecture theatres to ask where Professor Zheng Wei’s class was.

A large proportion of Tsinghua professors and officials in the business faculty building were outraged by the large influx of people who had brazenly barged into their school for a witch hunt. They had even dared to disrupt lessons just to search for a single person.


“Only those from other academic institutions and cultural associations may stay. Talent agencies and journalists are to leave the school grounds immediately!” A loud voice blared through the University's PA system.

“Afterwards, I shall address the rest of you formally in the meeting room.”

“Professor Zheng Wei, please head towards the meeting room as well.”

Dean Wei of the business faculty was absolutely furious by the large cesspool of unauthorized visitors.

Almost everyone who valued their jobs knew of Dean Wei’s bad temper as well as his connections to numerous government officials. Nobody wanted to make an enemy of him.

Thus the unruly mob quickly dispersed and left the vicinity while grumbling to themselves, leaving only a handful of distinguished scholars who aimed to recruit the talented singer in Tsinghua to further polish her talent.

“Shameless bunch! The audacity of them to enter my faculty building as they please? I’ll sue them next time!” Dean Wei muttered under his breath as he marched to the meeting room to attend to the unwelcome guests.

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