《An 'Ordinary' Adventure》Chapter 1 - Imprisoned - Part 5


Part 5

The corridor the trio were walking through was spotted with dull lights on each wall and, despite the petty illumination, the combined effort of those dull lights was considerably brighter than Knight’s dark cell, allowing him to finally lay his eyes upon the tight grey skin that covered the half-giant in front.

A sick feeling swarmed Knight’s body which he couldn’t hold back, resulting in an odd contortion on his face, what the…? If one glance at this creature, a prison guard, could do that much, then what other monstrosities were interred around this unordinary world?

What Knight saw in each arm of the creature was a preternatural, inexplicable disfigurement. Although being in the location of where the thing’s arm should be, it simply couldn’t be seen as an arm, even with the hands at the end, the only reason why Knight even thought of them as arms. The only way to describe this malformation was that it more like twisted metal and spare parts mended together than an arm. However, that description still pales in comparison to how bad it actually was.

As this new observation entered Knight’s mind, something occurred to him, Haven’t I seen this before?

Spending no more time on that thought than asking the question, he shoved it away and looked back at the disfigured arm, noticing dark lines splattered across that twisted, rigid arm. Tattoo? No, hopefully some sort of curse and everyone outside is ordinary, like me…though I guess it wouldn’t really be a new world if that was the case.

After he stopping his internal debate, he dragged his vision all around the giant’s body, observing all the wrong proportions. Seriously, I expected catgirls, lizardmen, elves and dragons…not whatever the fuck this is? Nothing could make Knight accept this creature and no amount of time spent in this new world would normalise them.


The whole body was simply messed. The hands were not much different than human hands, apart from their massive size but everything else, even if it slightly resembled a human’s, was undoubtedly different: the legs were exactly the same as the arms, except he couldn’t see the grey skin that was worn by the guard. Instead, the disfigured legs were coated in what seemed to be steel, or at least something similar (Thank the lord they’re at least normal enough to wear pants…I wouldn’t last if I saw that.), probably pants; the creature had a huge, wide back, surprisingly similar to a human’s apart from a multitude of engravings that appear to be of some sort of insignia, or a multitude of insignias, mostly the same apart from a couple.

Knight looked back down at the steel-coated legs, glancing past multiple juts and irregularities and landing at the feet of the giant.

They were the length of flippers. However, the feet, much like the hands, did, in fact, resemble normal feet. However, that thought prompted Knight to notice something that definitely was not normal, How the hell does that work?!

This provoked a realisation in Knight, remembering what had awoken him earlier - a kick to the ribs followed by a rather odd object pinning him to the floor.

The realisation that it was this actually the feet of this guard, not some strange object, that had pinned him to the floor. The bottom half of the giant’s foot was…halved. The sole of the thing’s foot was disconnected from the rest of the foot. It wasn’t a deep gash; Knight could literally see through it. Although this was dismissed by Knight, Nahhhh, maybe it’s just the lighting. How could gravity allow that gap in his feet…? Yeah, must be the lighting. He ignored the truth and stuck to the laws of his old world and shook the creeping confusion, looking around at the corridor the trio were walking through. For someone who’s read multitudes of isekai, he sure doesn’t think about the possibility of magic or an unnatural force.


The corridor they were walking in wasn’t much of a corridor, just like the one they just left, it was more of a tunnel. However, this tunnel didn’t try with the facade of a corridor-like many others, it was nothing more than a man-made tunnel, with the rough cuts and edges implying that it had been mined out by amateurs.

The man-made part gave Knight a bad feeling resulting in a large sigh as he prayed, please don’t tell me the prisoners here are forced to mine. It was his worst nightmare, slave labour; it was the worst kind of job for him, the only thing he has ever put real effort into was his football. He was lazy, very lazy. The best term for him would probably be slothful.

However, due to the lovely effort he so graciously implanted into his football, it had led to him developing quite an athletic body. In other words, he was quite athletic, so, despite his sloth-like attitude, it shouldn’t be too taxing on his body.

“Er, excuse...” Knight spoke, ready to confirm his suspicion, although he trailed off as he turned towards an offshoot; his suspicion answered.

He heard the clanging of steel and along with it, he saw a figure, nothing but skin and bones swinging a pickaxe against the walls, etching the rock away. I’m going to be doing that, and probably end up like that, aren’t I?

After asking himself this question, he let out a large, exasperated sigh in response to this confirmation.

“Well Damn.”

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