《An 'Ordinary' Adventure》Chapter 1 - Imprisoned - Part 4


Part 4 A few minutes had passed before a grating voiced pierced the comfortable silence. "Emoc." The fuck? Knight thought as this inhumane voice appeared out of nowhere, like a hawk snatching its prey. Glancing over to the direction of the voice Knight thought only one thing - I can fit through now. Two pillars that blocked Knight in were gone. However, a tall shadowy figure, missed by Knight, squashed any thought of escape. After his hope was immediately trampled on, the boy squinted. He made out two large poles in each of the figure’s hands. No, it wasn’t two poles the thing held. It held two stone pillars, presumably the ones remove from the cell. A soft ruffle of fabric caught his attention from the strength of the figure. The quiet movement came from the corner of the cell. After the ruffle of fabric, the soft noise of skin on cold rock fell into Knight’s ears - it was the pitter-patter of feet. He turned to see the small girl walking towards the exit. She wasn't hiding in rags; she wore one murky oversized t-shirt. Knight belatedly noticed her overgrown and unkempt blue hair stroking the rough surface of the rocky floor. How long has she been here? Noticing that the girl was waiting for something, he wondered whether it was for him to follow, or for the figure to do something. However, he wasn’t thinking for long as a flick of the girl’s wrist answered his question, gesturing him to follow. After lifting himself from the floor, with slight difficulty for such a simple task; he only owned one working arm after all. The same piercing voice entered his ears, "Pu yrruh." Hoping the rasping meant for him to stay in the cell, Knight sat back down. The sound of feet not pattering but slapping against the rock surface filled his ears. The figure was approaching. “…” Registering what was coming his way, Knight’s heart skipped a beat. He didn’t realise it was that big. It was about 9ft tall and one glance to the giant’s hands told Knight that they weren’t just the size of his head. They seemed to have the power to crush it as well. “Y-yes? Shall I come as well? Please don’t-” Knight’s question went unheard. Perhaps the creature didn’t understand English. Well, that doesn’t matter now as one of its humongous hands slammed against Knight’s face. However, it didn’t just slap him. The hand stayed stuck to Knight’s head, the palm covering the entirety of his face. The thick fingers digging into his skull, threatening to crush it at any minute. The shock to Knight’s head reverberated through his whole body, a crushing sound echoing through his ears. "Shit!" Knight spluttered into the sweaty palm in front of his lips. Knight’s thoughts raced around his mind searching for an escape. However, he didn’t even know what this giant looked like. The light wasn’t bright to illuminate the thing when it was at the pillars. Now, with its hand covering his eyes, Knight still didn’t know what it looked like. Blood was swashing about his body, rushing in his head. His thoughts were struggling to focus. Before Knight could calm down and clear his thoughts, the same grating voice as before came. Except, this time it boomed across the cell room, damaging his eardrums. "EMOC" As soon as these words boomed, the giant’s crushing grip was released. It turned and started walking out of the rocky cell. The dim light scarcely illuminated the girl staring softly at Knight, with an expression of pity. He shook his head to try and rid the feeling of his head being gripped. And then he set off after the small girl and the giant that threatened Knight’s very life.

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