《Old: The Dark Inheritor》Chapter 16: Dueling the Savage Night Menace Destroyer
The Night Menace just lets out a hearty laugh, forcing me back as he slams his blades against mine.
"In your stupid dreams!" he states. Feeling the tremendous strength against my blades, I realize that his brute strength goes above my own. Evading several swings from the creature, he teleports above me. Deciding to activate Piercing Tornado, I force the creature back. A bit. He pushes forward, slamming his blades expertly against me every second. Every time our blades collide against one another, I can feel the sheer strength this creature was using. I felt like I was going to lose a firm grip on my swords. Eyeing at the creature, I made sure Pressure Realm is active. Of course this did not faze the creatures, moving quickly towards me.
"That will not work on me again! Taste this!" He unleashes a powerful version of a God's Realm on me. My body feels heavy now, the creature successfully suppressing me. Unable to move in time, the creature was able to slam his blades against my armor. I can hear his swords grind through the hard material that I relied on. Only receiving two major strikes against the front, I will have to literally power myself now. This God's Realm will definitely limit my movements. The creature is not even going all out yet. Activating my chi, I empower it all over me. This will slightly help me counter some of the effects of his God's Realm. Dashing right into the creature, I ram my knee against his chest, forcing him to jump into the air a bit. Having empowered weapons, I directed my blades towards his body. He blocks both of them before he tries to headbutt me. Teleporting, I quickly spun around activating Piercing Tornado again. The creature moves his blades to protect his back, both of us moving against the ground now. Teleporting, the creature quickly halts my blades once more, chuckling.
"Is that all? I surely thought you could do so much better. Maybe I was wrong. Let me show you how you do it."
Disappearing, he appears behind me for a split second before he reappears in front of me. Responding to such trickery, I usher out Cries of the Betrayed, somewhat dazing him. Taking the advantage, I hammered a Dual Barrage into his exposed chest. Having both of my blades in hand, I stab repeatedly against the creature. Unable to block in time, the creature took the attacks. Roaring at me, the creature literally force both of my blades into his body, tackling me through several trees behind me. He violently bashes his swords against my body, sending me through the air. Coughing out blood, my chi armor was able to minimize his true damage on me. Hell, he could have sliced me in two if I did not have my chi armor on. Crap. worse of all, my weapons are still in his body. Enraged, the creature pulls out my swords and toss them directly at me. Side-stepping to the right, the creature literally appeared in front of me. He did not teleport- he sprinted right at me. Spinning myself quickly, the blades almost stabbed themselves into my chest. Shit, this was not a good position still. Swinging his blades towards me, I flew across the sky, skidding across the ground.
Fuck! Getting up quickly, I curse at this beast. He was making quick work of me. My body is throbbing in pain, my armor receiving more dents and scratches on it. Thinking I had a short break against this thing, I was greeted with the creatures furious swings and stabs of his blades behind me. Taking several powerful swings against my back, I can feel the sharp pain registering into my head. I took too many hits from that one. Grinding my teeth against each other, I quickly pull out the two pistols Len gave me from my ring. Spinning them around by the trigger guard, I held them in an awkward way by the handle. Even with this rain and the visibility being shitty, I focused my eyes on the creature. Confused at the weapons I hold, I quickly pull the triggers. Using my chi to power them, the creature took the shots head on. Growling at the fact it dented his armor and made him flinch at each shot, the creature decides to sprint at me. He was trying to close the gap between us. Using my incredible stamina, I hastily dash through the forest, sliding against the muddy ground. Spinning them around to hold them properly in my hands, I gaze down the sights, I activate Dual Barrage, bullets hammering the armored fiend. Enraged by these weapons, the creature toss his blades at me. Evading them, I hear them slam into the tree on my right. Appearing next to the tree and me, I unleashed another volley before teleporting. At the same time, I place the pistols back into the ring.
Teleporting away, I quickly summon two Holy Javelins to explode in front of us. Surprised by this, the creature flew across the forest and bounced against the ground. I need to get my blades. Teleporting to both of them, I pick them up from the muddy ground, furious that I have to reveal those javelins. Since I brought magic into this fight, I need to use my mana as well. Empowering my blades with chi will not save me. I know I was not even landing any heavy damage on this thing. Deciding to power my blades with mana along with the chi already powering them, I quickly slammed a strong attack against the creature's blades, overwhelming his block. Swinging my blades downward against his body, I can see my attack slashing past his front armor. I know it did not enter his actually body, but the creature will definitely feel slight pain. Agitated, the creature kicks me away, charging head first into me. My arms could not react in time. Bracing myself, I took the headbutt head on. Once again, blood escapes my mouth as I fly through the wet air.
Landing against the muddy ground, the mud starts to cover my body. Even my face. I coughed violently at his damn charge. That was definitely painful. I would love to grab my stomach, but the creature will continue to attack me. Rolling backwards off the ground, I evaded the creature's blades that pierced into the mud. Deciding to be stubborn as well, I rushed the creature and tackled him. Forcing the creature to let go of his blades, I furiously swing my blades around me, activating Piercing Tornado. Even though I was stabbing into his flesh, the creature took it so he can punch me against my side. Loosening my grip on my weapons again, I flew into the ground. I was thinking that the creature would try to retrieve his weapon, but a kick forced me to slide against the ground, sending me into the base of a tree. Focusing my attention on the creature, he was entering hand-to-hand combat. He appears before me, unleashing powerful jabs and punches into my chest. The tree behind me made sure I took all of his attacks He finished his attack with a punch across my face. Raising my arms to block it, I can feel the tremendous strength that could have easily snapped my bones in half. Luckily both my chi and mana armor is protecting me along with the actually physical armor, but even though, the excruciating pain is there. Slamming against the ground, I conjure up a Holy Arrow and Damnation Arrow. The creature did not know that I could utilize these heavy and strong magical spells. Planning to jump on me, I toss both of these arrows at the creature. Successfully piercing his body, the creature just falls onto the ground. The arrows disappeared though. Like the arrows I used before, these did not create a tremendous amount of damage though.
I figured that I will give the damn creature a taste of his own medicine. Quickly appearing over his body, I made sure a good amount of chi coated my hands and feet. Slamming my foot on his body, the creature groaned at my stomp. The ground underneath him cracked. Tying my agility to my attacks, I heaved the creature's body into the air and unleash a frenzy of jabs and punches. I can hear the creature grunt at each of my successful attacks. Planning to defend, the creature starts to move his arms against my punches and jabs. Powering my knee, I slam it hard against his side. Making him flinch, I quickly lift my leg to give him a roundhouse to his face. Following this attack, I deliver several fast side-kicks to his body. Pulling one of my arms back, I allowed a good fourth of my chi to power this fist. Swinging it forward at the damn creature, I watch the beast blast through the air. Even the air and rain dispersed from the strong punch. The creature's body pave against the muddy ground, slamming hard into a rock. The rock shattered behind the beast. Shaking off the punches, the creature eyes at his arm. The bastard used his own arm to block the full impact of my attack. I know that my attack would ruin his arm though. Staring at his arm, then at me, the creature intensifies his gaze on me. Disappearing, I can feel the creature trying to punch me again. Turning around and using my arm to counter his vicious punch, the air let out a huge shock wave that shattered the air and rain once again. Examining his right arm, it was alright, but the armor covering it is broken. Wait, something is moving behind it. Trying to punch the creature away, his hands grasp my punches to a halt. Another set of arms reveal themselves behind his first set of arms. Holding his hands together with the new set, the creature rams his hands against my head.
Focusing most of my chi to protect my head, I feel my body slamming into the muddy ground. It took a few seconds before the ground cracked under me. The creature chuckles a bit, cracking his knuckles on all of his hands. That was a cheap shot! No, he was reserving his other arms for later. Ugh, I would have a broken skull if I did not protect my head. Shaking my throbbing head for a bit, I glare at the creature. Quickly sending a kick right under his chin, I force the creature into the air before I power my left foot for a big kick. As the creature descends into my range, I spin into the air and deliver a strong powered kick right into the creature. He blocks it with all four arms, spreading the damage to the rest of his body instead of taking the full blunt of the attack in one area. Taking out a grenade, I toss it to the damn beast. After sliding against the ground for a while, the creature grasp the strange contraption. After the few seconds of fast beeping, the ball explodes.
"Jackass." I said, trying to shake off the beating I got. I need to press my attacks before he gets back up. I need to stay consistent in this engagement. Buffing myself with Holy Grace, Holy Charge, and Holy Embrace, I quickly used Grand Heal, Regeneration, Protection, and Wall. Appearing before the smoke, I conjure up two Holy Arrows in my hands. Multiple light arrows appeared all around me. Brushing the smoke away, the creature watch me slam both arrows into him. The arrows around me locks onto the creature. If he tries to escape, they will pursue him. Taking the arrows I conjured up in my hands, the creature tries to sprint away from me. He realizes the other arrows floating around me. The light arrows pursue the Night Menace through the forest, landing a successful hits or missed entirely. These arrows were entering him, but they were not leaving a huge wound on his body. I continue to have light arrows come forth, letting them go loose. This was only the first phase of my assault. Activating the dark abilities, I buffed myself with Damnation Sorrow, Devil's Embrace, and Evil Embrace. Powering my blades with a mix of chi, dark energy, I appear before the Night Menace.
"Triple Damnation Slash!" Stuck between the pursuing light arrows and my dark manifested energy slashes appearing from my sword, an explosion erupts once the attacks fused together. The very area quickly took a beating. The trees getting torn apart along with the ground breaking. The very nature near the vicinity was drained of all life. This attack would still damage me. Quickly teleporting away from my attack, I quickly fired a dark ball into the sky. I dare not underestimate this creature any longer. He has prolonged this fight to the point that I received too much damage, and surely, this beast will have many more tricks up his sleeve. The pain I had earlier is getting healed by my regeneration. Surely, this will come to bite me in the butt afterwards, but I need damage this beast as best as I can. I will need to prepare this attack just in case. Spinning around, I activate Piercing Tornado that combined itself with Cursed and Holy Slash. The creature hiss at his failed sneak attack. Fending off the creature, I quickly toss another ball, this time of light, into the air. Retreating a bit, I decide to give him an offensive push. My body quickly darts towards the creature and unleash a frenzy of rapid attacks. With my empowered blades, I force the creature to defend. Or so I thought. The creature seems to be enjoying this. In his eyes, it was resonating with utter excitement. This felt very wrong. The creature had more tricks up his sleeve. Without saying anything, he quickly unleashed a huge channel of mana that forced me back. He appears before me, ramming his blades against me. Four of them. He must have picked up the previous two blades somewhere. Empowering his blades with red energy, I know what the what attack he will deliver. When our blades collide, a burst of bright red energy engulf me. Or should have. Teleporting away, I eye at the powered beast.
He was holding back some of his powers. Figured.
Several arrows came towards me, the Night Menace conjuring up his own homing arrows. Summoning my light and dark arrows around me, I had them counter his arrows. Both of us charged at one another, slamming our empowered weapons. This time I decided to retaliate with both Cursed and Holy Slash that literally combined at that very moment into a new force of energy once I unleashed it. A Chaos Slash. We both could not see each other when we release energy out of blades. Our vision was engulfed by the intense brightness from our attacks, but I know, I did not take a heavy toil from his blast. My combined chaos energy was able to force the creature back. It destroyed his energy blast. His armor shows signs of steam, the creature puzzled at the power I just unleashed. I know that his magic should be above my own, but my own magic exceeds even his. Chaos energy, chaos magic, something that was extremely rare. I have no clue if there are other individuals with this, but I know I can win this engagement. Enraged by this, the creature amplifies the God's Realm and let his mana flow out of him.
"What the...?!" He could do this?!
"Fool, he's coming! Prepare yourself!" Anathema warned. Quickly teleporting from his attack, I watch the very ground break, the earth rising from its normal elevation. A surging blast of red energy came from the side, blasting me across the ground. The creature did not teleport. He used his insane speed to appear before me. I can see the extreme happiness and anger within his eyes as I got back on my feet. Deciding to faze the creature, I unleash Cries of the Betrayed again, unleashing another Chaos Slash with both of my blades. Hoping that it forced him away, the creature stands right in front of me, taking the full blast of the attack. Eyeing at the ground, his feet literally stabbed themselves into the earth so he did not get blown away. He was ready to unleash his counter assault. Ramming his blades at me, I try to block the attack. When our blades collide, my hands was forced to loosen their grip on the handles. I dropped my weapons. I flinched at the extreme pain that resonates in my hands. They were shaking. "AISHA! DEFEND!" Letting out a the Cries of the Betrayed again, the creature raise his arms to protect himself. The powerful screech of mine would have damaged him a bit. Powering my right fist, I slam a heavy punch against the beast. He budge a few feet away from me, but that was enough time for me to pick up my weapons. I grab my blades, powering them heavily with just dark and light energy. A grey color turning dark purple, or white, coated my blades. The creature starts to dish out a frenzy of attacks. I had to double my speed just to block all of his attacks. If there was a bystander watching, it would seem that our attacks were going at the speed of light. My eyes were darting all over the place, keeping watch of his four blades. Red, white, dark purple, grey streams of energy fly around us. The very air seems to be trembling at our engagement.
Letting out a fierce war cry, the creature increased his swings to force my blades away from him. Every time the creature does this, it was a giant slam with his blades. He has already done this trick, my body preparing to response. Powering my foot, I took the power of his strong slamming attack to spin me around. As he tries to hammer his four blades into me, I spin high into the air and deliver a kick into his face. Getting fazed by this attack, I ready my blades. Using the same momentum I was in, I swing both of my blades parallel to one another. Aiming for his sides, the creature have his two arms react. His blades intercept my attack. The other two arms tried to deliver a finishing blow to me. Sprinting behind him, we resume our previous frenzies of blocks and attacks. Realizing this, the creature was not moving around a lot. I have depleted a good amount of my chi already, but I need to damage this beast a lot more. Powering my feet, I quickly increased my speed, running all over the Night Menace. Slashing, and stabbing, the creature tries to keep up with my movement. Trying to lock onto me, I speed to the next blind spot. A vicious howl shakes the air, the creature using his four swords to cover every spot of his body. Cursing at this, I rush into the air, spinning another Piercing Tornado with Cursed and Holy Slash. The Chaos Slash explodes all over the Menace. Unable to see the creature's blades, I can see his swords slashing an giant X across my chest. A burst of his energy sends me into the rainy air. Falling face down on the ground. That last attack did a massive blow to me. His blades pierced past my armor and stabbed into my flesh. I can feel the blood flowing underneath my protection. Unable to resume my assault, I cringed and winced at the terrible pain. Crying here will not help me, I have to focus! Forcing myself to stand, I eye at the creature. My eyes tremble at the sight of his next attack.
When I was taking a short break, the creature starts to prepare for his next, and maybe final, attack. Revealing his mouth underneath his armor, streams of dark crimson energy flow into a condensed ball. My eyes analyzed the vicinity, trying to figure out what to do. This move will unleash a laser that will destroy everything in front of him. Teleporting away will not stop this attack. He will reappear in front of meof me. I will have to counter his high spell with something of my own! The arrows are okay, but they are not that strong to counter this beast. It already took several arrows head on, and it still stands. I doubt that the arrows actually faze him. I will have to use the strongest version of my dark and light attacks. Well, the ones I can quickly summon. That beast will fire his laser at any moment. I need to counter soon! Summoning the Holy Light Javelin and Damned Dark Javelin, I slowly combined them together to make the Defile Chaos Javelin. Recalling my little test project before, if I were to combine these moves together slowly, they will definitely create more destruction. Before the creature fires his beam, I decide to toss the javelin into that ball. He cannot teleport away. Doubt he will do that. Even though we are a few feet away from one another, the power of these two massive attacks colliding against one another will produce devastating results. Buffing myself with all the spells and protections I have, I watch a giant blast of light blind me. Hearing nothing for a few seconds, a great blast of wind erupts throughout the air. The impact of both of these spells shot me across the woods. Hell, this explosion will definitely hurt me.
Slamming against a tree, I found out that my mana armor has dispersed. The chi armor was losing most of its effects, but it was still there. A sharp pain flows throughout my body against this damn tree. Well, the tree snapped in two, but I was still flying across the air. Bouncing hard off the ground, I can feel the pain starting stack on top of one another. My mouth letting out screams and grunts. Closing my eyes, I tried to block off the feeling. Even though seconds pass from this collision, I felt like the pain registering throughout my body was from an hour long engagement of some sort. The light starts to dim down, revealing the collateral damage to the very forest. If one was to look at it from an aerial view, they would see a huge empty circle within the forest. After all the smashing, rolling, and bouncing, I found myself against a rock. I should have destroyed this rock from my impact, but it had the opposite effect. After slamming through numerous trees and the very ground, my speed was lowered. Speed from the aftershock of the explosion. Now with this lowered speed, I finally stopped at a rock. What I did not expect was an unbearable pain that might as well kill me. I even let out a vicious scream, grunting and grinding my teeth. I know my back cracked a bit from the awkward slam against this rock. Hell, if you were to describe this pain, imagine a troll slamming some human against a round rock on their back. The damn troll tries to kill the human by breaking their spine, but fails miserably by breaking their bony back instead. Yeah, that's what happened with me. Once again, if my chi armor was not active, this could have killed me. It could have snapped my spine, killing me. Panting heavily, I can see rain, blood, and mud over my face. My entire appearance was ruined. Blood ooze out of the armor, the dirt and scratches ruining my protection that safeguarded me for many years. Now I know that my armor is not invincible.
Letting out a sad chuckle, I muttered, "And I fucking fought against another dangerous enemy. What the hell is wrong with me? I said I was going to avoid this bullshit." Trying to stand up, I can feel my legs shake under me. My arms felt heavy, struggling to even grasp the rock behind me. This fight was not over. I have no clue if the damn Night Menace was dead from all that. My head was throbbing, registering every pain that messaged my brain. My wounds, my limbs, every ounce of my body is screaming at me. Screaming at the miserable state they are in. My hands, they still hold my blades, but they ache from the relentless duel I had with this creature. They tremble, struggling to even grasp these blades. I doubt I won against this fiendish creature. Breathing heavily, I try to get stand up, my legs falling forward a bit. Leaning my body against the rock, I can hear something approach me. Damn. I was hoping that the beast would not be able to walk.
"Fucking Aisha." The creature was before me, wounded as well. His left arm seems broken. I can see his bare red flesh from the shattered crimson armor that covered him. His helmet was cracked, some eyes closed. We were both in a sorry mess. The creature was struggling to even talk, coughing violently. It grasps its chest with his free hand. Falling onto its knees, it violently coughs for a few seconds. It slowly stands back up after his coughs go away. "I will kill you!" He was holding two blades out of the four he wielded. The arm I damaged earlier with my first devastating punch seems to be out of commission. Standing upright, the creature was obviously able to walk. Meaning that if I tried to run now, he will certainly kill me. Yeah, I figured that this creature would be able to withstand such attacks.
"You sure?" I decide to ask, "I think you will want to retreat. It would be smart to... We are both in a sorry state." Standing up a bit, I try to move around the rock. I can feel the annoying pain registering at my ankles. I think I twisted it. Shit, that blast really did a number on me. Eyeing at the creature, I can see that... the bastard was healing himself. How?! Unable to comprehend this, the creature says, "You fool. Even with your hidden powers and high skills of magic, you never had a damn chance against me!" It lets out a roar echoing through the rainy night, the red strands of mana slowly coming to him. Wait, I thought he wasted all of his mana on that attack? Was he able to store a good portion of it for this? Trying to escape was impossible. Shit. I might end up dying. Deciding to give up, I just lie against the rock, laughing. Give up? No, I know that I might die to my own attack that will arrive soon. The creature was a bit confused at this. I can see the red energy gracefully wrapping around his body. "Why are you laughing?"
He lets out a low growl, glaring at me with such intense hatred. Although it changed into a sneer, the creature loosening his tight pose. "Or are you just laughing at how futile it was?"
"Nah," I chuckled, shaking my head and just standing against the rock behind me, "Sort of used a move that might kill us both." Earlier, I tossed two balls into the sky. I know that this spell would not reveal itself right away. Heck, I was worried about the tremendous damage that might befall on these woods. In a few moments, there might be anything left of this area. What did I do exactly? I was trying to activate Holy Rain of Wrath and Dark Rain of Wrath. I remember these skills that I acquired from defeating Lurie. I know I should have asked her what they did exactly, but I can guess that these spells would take a long ass time before they kick in. Now, I tossed them into the sky. Both types. I am going to expect that these two spells will mix with one another to create Chaos Rain of Wrath. If the Chaos Javelin did this much collateral damage to the environment and me, I bet that this one will be destroying the damn woods. Obviously the creature could not understand this. It walks up to me, picking me by the collar.
"Stop stalling. No one is going to save you! I will kill you eat, and consume you." Just looking down at the creature, I just let out my own triumphant response, "Yeah. You wish." A blast of light exploded near us. Sending us both onto the muddy floor, I glance at the clouds. The rain stopped, but now it will rain explosions of chaos energy. It seems like some high entity was sending down a beam of light that exploded upon impact. Unable to believe my words, the creature quickly turn to me.
"You fool! When did you do this!?"
"Before you used your magic." A burning desire to kill me resides in his eyes. Letting an ear piercing cry, he raise his swords into the air. I could try to conjure up one last javelin and await death. Before I could do anything, a sudden javelin of darkness slams into the Night Menace. He flies across the woods, a sudden blast from the skies landed on the beast. Wait a second. Turning my head, I saw Lurie swoop me up, flying through the dangerous rain back into the city. Feeling a slight sting from her hands carrying me, I looked at Lurie. The red hair angel looks down at me with an utter frown.
"What did you do now? Why did you fight that savage fiend?! Look at you! I am glad I decided to investigate the blast!" scolding me, I just looked away from her gaze. I felt rather bad for placing my life in danger... again. Especially when I have lovers now. I know Lurie was hiding such disappointment. Her voice was trying to sound stern, but the shakiness behind it was showing her discomfort. If I did not had her come out of nowhere and save me, I would have been dead. I am guessing that keeping her around literally saved my skin this time. I guess I will have to repay this favor greatly. Deciding to kiss Lurie on the lips, I said, "Thanks and sorry... I really did not mean to engage such a dangerous foe." I had to use almost everything against the creature. Thinking about it, I could have used Anathema, but I know, I will never use such a weapon. I do not want to be blinded by my hatred and rage to gain power. Lurie was conflicted by my response. She was not blushing, knowing full well that she cannot excuse this matter. I was about to die.
"You are getting it later." Lurie said, flying right above the city's walls. Helping me against the very edge of the wall, we both stood there. Glancing over my shoulders, I see orcs and goblins fleeing for their lives.Guessing that the reinforcements have arrived, clearing up the mess that was at the plaza. I wonder if Abaddon Morrin took care of the damn army. Watching the destruction of the forest, we watched the fireworks on the wall. Well light show than fireworks. I am hoping that I do not need to fight that special Night Menace again. That was a good experience... and terrifying one. Such powers, such abilities, that fiend had a lot more tricks than I thought. Fuck! I forget to tame it! Groaning a bit, I slap my forehead. Staring at the strange magic, Lurie had a hard time deciphering something.
"What did you do exactly? I have never seen such a spell being used." she asked. Staring at the distant light and explosions devastating the forest, I responded with this.
"I mixed Holy Rain of Wrath and Dark Rain of Wrath together to create a Chaos version of it."
"Chaos? Chaos magic?!" Lurie turns to me, "Are you telling me that the thing you used on me was chaos magic?!" Huh. Why was Lurie in disbelief. No, I am rather confused at her astonishment. No, no, I am a bit puzzled to her tone. It was mixed. Mixed with a lot of emotions I did not think Lurie would actually reveal. Or use. Well, she is human though... well, technical a human fallen angel. She does have these emotions- just rare to see. Forgetting this side-tracked thought, I decide to answer her question.
"Yeah. I used Chaos magic. Technically I mixed the spells of light and dark, but the spells that formed from the two is chaos magic. Why? Is chaos magic forbidden?"
"Chaos magic was lost long ago. No one should be able to use said magic today. Many mages, scholars, researchers, a bunch of people, tried to find history or a way to use chaos magic. All the books, all knowledge of this magic was lost. No one in the history of this world used such magic. Not for five thousand years. A lot of people speculate at why it was so hard to use this magic. Chaos magic was gifted to those who are worthy of using it. The magic is only for a genius..." Lurie registered something about me. She was awfully quiet as her eyes were locked onto me. In a fixated way. No, a dumbstruck expression. Her eyes were wide as a golf ball. This... was getting weird for me and uncomfortable. Turning away from her gaze, I continue to watch the light show. I did not hear another word coming from Lurie. A few seconds past, she was still standing there dumbfounded. Awestruck? I do not know! I feel like she turned into a zombie! Why is she standing there like a stiff statue?! This was scaring me.
A sudden voice exclaims in the air behind us. Slowly turning around, ignoring all the pain in my body, a figure literally jumps onto me. Letting out a huge, "Ouch!" I can see Esta crying on my chest, muttering stuff my chest plate. Elora was hovering in the air as well. She should have an expression of utter jealousy, but the Azure elf had a face of sadness. Ugh, was I a mess to look at? Ouch, damn it Esta. Grunting and groaning, I said, "You might hurt me a lot more than that damn beast." Esta glares at me with her teary eyes, saying, "We were worried about you! I was glad to tell Lurie to check that light out! You're bleeding!" Attending to my wounds, Esta starts to have her hands over my chest. Green light glows in the dark, my eyes staring at my small elf.
"I blame that creature for engaging me. It was his fault." I said, trying to defend myself, "I did not try to fight him in the first place. Believe me..." My sentence was silenced when Esta's magic touched against my open wounds. Looking past my elf, Elora was confused at Lurie's stunned pose. Lurie was still standing there like a statue, trying to absorb what she just stated. Elora decides to stand before the angel, trying to grab her attention. Elora waves at Lurie, said her names a couple times, and even poked her. Deciding to touch her wings, Lurie snaps out of it. She quickly turns to me saying, "Are you a genius!?"
"A genius?" Elora and Esta asked. I did not know if I should be worried about this. Geniuses are renowned for their intelligence, and people, the big shots especially, will come flocking to me if they know I was a genius. I might want this to be kept a secret. Having a lot of people bother me, yeah, I will not be comfortable about it. The very idea seems to irritate me. Returning to reality, both Esta and Elora had a hard time grasping this notion. Well, Elora most likely. I do not think Esta knows much about geniuses? Does she? Would ask, but the Azure elf starts to move her mouth. Examining me a bit more, Elora said, "That is impossible. With her rank and her age, Aisha does not have such requirements to fit said criteria." Another voice chimes in, "She used chaos magic. An extinct magic that was long lost."
The blood elf appears before us, uncovering her hood and mask revealing her beautiful- damn it. I hate it when I have to get sidetracked by such Elven beauty. Although I was not straying from the truth. Uncovering her face and hood, the woman had flawless olive skin. Her facial structure had a mix of rough features, but round as well. Thinking that she is close to a young adult, she stands there with her hands on her hips. I was a bit fascinated by the elf's hairstyle. Her ponytail was not that long. It stops behind the middle of her head.. This elf's perception was dangerously high. She knew that I was special. Her smile seemed to be confident and prideful. "I knew you were something else. No one can easily catch my dagger like that." Uh. This will surely upset Esta and Lurie.
"You tried to kill Aisha!?" Lurie and Esta got up, angered by this. Esta steps on my damaged leg. Letting out a yelp, Esta quickly lift her foot off of me, panicking a bit. Her emotions got the best of her. Mean, I am savoring the fact that I am being loved now. Yet I do not need it to be painful. "S-Sorry master..." Esta stuttered, feeling bad. I chuckled lightly, "Do not worry. That did not hurt." I lied. I tried to think of something else to say, but in my situation, I doubt I want to worry my party with crude jokes. Deciding to ask the damn blood elf, "You were watching, weren't you."
"I noticed a few things. You had powers that exceed that of a regular three warrior and mage. Well... Four now, but you were able to drag two giant Night Menaces with you past the wall. Of course, no one was paying attention to this due to the heavy fighting, but I noticed. Deciding to follow you, I saw you dispatch those two creatures with such ease. And the magic you used, it is not normal. I have never seen such magic. I never seen such colors either. I tailed you from the start, watching you fight with the leader." My body froze at the last couple of words. I figured it was special, but the leader? Wanting to say something, I just silence myself. Lurie turns to the blood elf saying, "The leader?"
"The leader of the assault is that Night Menace in particular. He is obviously different and has a lot more knowledge of all sorts. He was the mastermind behind this assault. He countered every possibility to losing this fight. He would have personally won this entire engagement if Aisha did not grab his attention. He, too, knew that your magic was extremely rare. Obviously, he did not know what it was. Even with all the skills and abilities he devoured, your chaos magic can easily overpower him. Although you were obviously putting up a hard fight though since he is a leader of his own invasion force." Wanting to get up from the ground, I cringed at the slight pain that kicked in. It was not that bad though. Earlier was worse. As we talked among ourselves, I can hear a roar in the distance. The same roar that echoes into my head. The damn Night Menace leader. He still lives. Moving Esta aside, I decided to use whatever energy I have left to teleport into the woods.
Appearing in the area before Lurie picks up me, I look around the forest. Well, the destroyed forest. The very ground was now barren of life. It reveals no luscious green color that exemplifies nature. Death and decay covers these woods. The spell was done, the damage showing such collateral damage. With the perk I gain, I will need to be very careful on using chaos magic. Coughing into the air, I can hear the Night Menace against a lone tree. Lurie and the others appear behind me, staring at the leader. The creature was still standing, but he was in a devastated state. He notices me, standing tall against the truck of the tree.
"You win Aisha." the creature said, "Kill me." Approaching the creature, I stare at him. I could kill him. Yet... I do not have a pet of my own. And this creature, this fiend, whatever I called it previously, did put up a great fight. He would be an excellent pet... no. A great ally to my cause. He also holds information about Valarie. He knew my name, and about my perk. The others behind me just watch me stare at this creature. The creature was staring at me, not flinching, not turning his gaze. He was ready to accept whatever punishment I wish to dish out. I question how this will work. It has been a while since I tried to tame something. Motioning my hand in front of me, I closed my eyes and start to use whatever energy of chi and mana to feel this creature. Entering a meditative state as well, I was able to read the creature's presence. I can feel his mana, his essence, his existence in this state. Concentrating very hard, I decide to have my own energy wrap around the creature's presence. Linking him to me. I can feel my energy being rejected, a burst of red energy destroying my own, but I continue to use whatever power I have left to wrap it around the creature. Eventually, I can literally see my gray energy surround and engulf the creature. There was no rejection this time. No burst of red energy. Did I succeed? Opening my eyes a bit, I eye at the Night Menace peacefully lying against the truck of the tree with its eyes close. Thinking that I did a successful taming, I backed away from him. What I did not notice was a figure jumping in between us. Pushing an arm against me, I landed next to my companions.
"Filthy low lives!" Surrounded by hundred of Night Menaces, they roar, growl, and hiss at us. Surprised at their massive numbers, several of the Night Menaces got in front of their leader. Lurie was already ready for combat along with Elora. Elora has summoned out several orbs hovering around us and two troll size ice golems. The blood elf did not move, eyeing at the creatures. I quickly went to Esta, trying to get into my fighting stance. A quick pain registers into my body, making me fall on my right knee. "Aisha!" Esta starts to heal me. The creatures quickly figured out who killed their leader, or severely wounded him. "We must kill that silver hair girl! She did this! We need to get revenge!" The creatures start to agree in unison, shouting out, "Revenge!"
"Try to you damn scums!" Lurie says, summoning multiple arrows into the air and conjuring up a light and dark javelin, "I will certainly take you all on!"
"Pathetic angel! We will kill you like the rest of your pathetic allies!" a Night Menace mocks.
"Get ready my brothers and sisters!" All of the creatures got into their fighting stance. Some ready to pounce on us, others revealing their multiple arms. I was going to say something, but Lurie says, "We are not going to leave you. We will certainly die with you or fight protecting you."
"I do not think we will have to worry much." We turn to the blood elf who seems to be watching something behind the Night Menace. All of the creatures were confused at that sound. Some odd sound was in the air. All of the creatures looked in the skies, looked around them, but could not detect the sound. What the hell does that sound like. It sounds gross. Utterly confused by this, everyone was trying to find the source of this sound. A voice rings in the air, grabbing everyone's attention.
"I am not your leader anymore. Instead, I will destroy you all here and now, former brothers and sisters." Four blades pierce the group of Night Menaces standing between us and the leader's corpse. Or thought to be dead. Tossing the four bodies aside, the leader stands there bloodied and... renewed. Eyeing past him, there were three creatures with their heads chewed off. All of the creatures turn to their former leader. He has changed. Color wise. He has a dark grayish tone to his body now. His eyes revealing a red or orange glow. He still seems the same. Still has the dome armored head, the armor like plating, same characteristics from before, but it feels like... me and him are connected.
"S-Surely you jest! Y-You... Fell to a low life?! You are not thinking straight! We can win if you were-"
"Shut up." Slamming his blades into the ground, the leader unleashed a terrifying blast of chaos energy that rippled past us and tore through the entire ranks of his former allies. My body trembled at the powerful move he unleashed. Did he have this? No, earlier, both Lurie and the blood elf stated that I this was an extinct magic. They have not seen it in thousands of years. Yet, how did this leader used chaos magic? With the enemies wiped out, the leader turns to us, kneeling before me.
"I am Night Menace Destroyer Aba'sax. I serve you alone Princess Aisha. Your powers and my powers are as one. I will do as you say, and will always, protect you." Astounded by this, I can quickly relax. I thought we were going to die. The entire party also lowered their weapons. He just said that his powers are mine, and my powers are his. Well, not exactly like that, but yeah. This will explain how he used my chaos magic. I will need to understand this concept a lot more. Aba'sax turns to the elf saying, "About the payment..."
"Do not worry about it. I will tell my sisters to loot whatever they want back at the camp. Most likely, they can snatch everything before the orcs and goblins take it. Hell, they might fight among themselves, and let us snatch it away easily." This was puzzling. I am a bit curious to why the blood elf did not say, "we."
"You plan to accompany the master?" Aba'sax asked.
"Yeah." What? "She definitely got my interests. Besides, I do not think you have a rogue in your party yet anyways."
"Whoa, do you know where we are going?"
"Pillars of Gluttony." the elf replied, "Valarie had agents tailing you. With the help of Aba'sax, we were able to obtain a lot of information about you princess. Especially the time you encountered with Brynhild." Stating that name made my other members stare at me in disbelief. Yeah... I did not mention that part about me meeting Brynhild. Was hoping to keep that a secret. If they were to learn about our first encounter as well... yeah, things won't go well.
"Wait. So you're telling me," Lurie said, utterly astounded by all of this information, "You met Brynhild? You bumped into Valarie? And you also know how to use chaos magic?! And yet you did not tell us you were a genius!" Yes, yes, yes, and no. The last part, I would definitely deny. Me being a genius?! No way!
"No, I am not a genius. Everything else is true, but I am no genius!"
"You bumped into two famous geniuses? What did you do with Brynhild exactly?" Elora asks, her curiosity kicking in.
"Brynhild visited Princess Aisha's manor a few days ago. Due to her visit, the genius was apparently seen talking to a certain individual. Agitating Emperor Titus, he sent his own army to capture and find Brynhild. During this time, Valarie was trying to seek and capture Brynhild herself, but she bumped into Aisha instead. You might want to come clean with your lovers, and tell them. Like how you have such strong powers." Esta, Elora, and Lurie turn to me. They want answers. They definitely had these questions on their mind. They never asked, but now, it is becoming noticeable. I did want to tell the group, but not now. Although I will have to tell them today I guess. With their stern gaze, they wanted answers. Well, except Aba'sax and this blood elf. They should know everything. Scratching my head and letting out a sigh, I said, "Fine. I will explain..."
Reciting everything from day one, the group listens to my story of how this all happened. Well I stopped to the point where we got to Zezrious. The others should know the rest. Except Elora. She just joined our party? I wonder if she plans to travel with us as well.
"So Valarie wants you? And Brynhild gave you her special ability 'Defeat Inheritor.' And this perk allows you to gain abilities of those you kill or defeat. Like how you defeat me, you gained the abilities I have?" Lurie asks. Nodding, Lurie was unable to say much, "But... this chaos magic. You were able to unlock it through this perk." I nod my head again.
"I hate Valarie." Esta said, her hands balled up into a fist. This was a bit surprising to see Esta in a sour state, "How could she just curse you like that? And not only that, why does she want to enslave you, and kill those close to you?!"
"Valarie has a huge reputation. She is known for being stubborn and demanding. She will get whatever she wants. No matter the costs. Princess Aisha just happened to be on her list after their first encounter. Hell, that mark you made, she shows off a bit." Abaddon Morrin arrives, surprising me greatly. "Do not worry. Your secret is safe with me. I decided to check the blast on my own accord. I was also wondering where the Night Menaces went off to, but I see that you took care of them. I already knew you were special Aisha, just did not know why exactly." Staring at the Abaddon, she seems alright. No blood on her outfit. The only thing covered in blood are her weapons.Especially the Souleater around her right hand. Could I really trust Morrin? I should be weary of her, but to be honest, she has been helping me from the beginning. Or ever since we met. I do not want to make needless enemies. I already have a bunch of them. If I can get Morrin to like me even more, I will do so. "That will explain why Valarie is so fascinated with you. It will also explain a lot of other factors I noticed. For example, your knights, they're Black Knights right? The fight in the forest... Did one of your knights fought against whatever monstrosity was pursuing you?"
"A Death Knight." I did not need to hide it. And my body was boiling at the very thought of Gallant dying to that damn knight. "That same Death Knight disrupted the strategy and allowed the forces to attack Zezrious as well." Frowning at this, Morrin just scratch her chin. Trying to piece everything together. Without my knowledge, Morrin knows why Valarie would help the light side. The damn vixen wanted to cut their forces down even more. Fighting against Valarie in the Underworld was a huge pain already. With such forces scattered in this realm and down there, it will be impossible to maintain much of the Underworld against Valarie's soldiers.
"Valarie... was involved with that certain incident." Snapping, my body found renewed strength, my voice exclaiming, "What!?"
Explaining herself, Morrin says, "After the explosions died off, and the fight in that forest started to cease. Valarie appeared in the vicinity. We all know that Valarie rarely leaves the Underworld, but she went into that forest for some odd reason. Most likely..."
"The Death Knight was working for Valarie..." My teeth grind against each other, my mind wanting to find that damn Death Knight and challenge her. Yet. Here I am, losing my temper again. Obviously, I cannot ignore this. Valarie is still using me. She is toying with me and forcing me to play her game. I know, I KNOW, I have to ignore this for now. She is not my target for now. But rest assure, I will repay the agony that bitch has brought onto me. I will make sure she can suffer the same pain she put me through. Taking deep breathes, I start to push these thoughts aside. There are too many things to worry about. Valarie will be a later priority. I can feel Aba'sax feeling... restless. When I was angered by this news, I heard a low growl coming from him. Even though he is my pet, I have a lot to learn about him and this connection I created. It was not noticeable on the wolves since I could not communicate with them. Not only that, I only controlled them so I could sell them. I have no plans to sell Aba'sax.
"Anyways. If you plan to head to the Pillars of Gluttony, we shall depart in two days. I want you to rest up. You earned it. My reinforcements came and cleaned up the mess. I am glad you were able to save the many lives of this city. Even though they aren't aligned with us, it does not mean I did not care about their well-being. I only wish they have a better ruler next time who can easily deal with such issues in a better manner. I will have to attend to my own problems for now. Till then." Departing from our sights, I decided to hug Esta and Lurie, sighing heavily. This surprised them, both jumping at my touch. The sun was slowly rising. I felt like utter crap. Injuries, marks, my image, every part of me was a mess. I want to ask a lot of questions to Aba'sax, but staying up all night and exhausting my strength greatly, I need a sleep and rest.
"Let's just rest. I think I will need help cleaning up as well." I chuckled, "We can talk later if you lot have questions."
"Oi... Aisha!" I can faintly hear Esta's and Lurie's voices calling out to me. I needed to rest. The sandman definitely started to pour his magic on me. My body was shutting down all over the place. My eyes slowly closing themselves, not opening them till tomorrow morning. Maybe. The last thing I heard before my conscious fell asleep.
"Your mother is still alive."
- In Serial12 Chapters
The Dungeon Mayor
Hop on into the journey of a young man, talented in management, politicking, and strategy. Born a noble, he is sold into slavery and learns much about the world on his journey. Though one lucky stroke frees him of his lifelong captivity and puts him where he was always meant to be. Now as the Mayor of a small village he has a bright future before him if it wasn’t for a rogue dungeon. What to Expect:Epic battles, unexpected schemes, genius tactics, efficient production cycles, management of a city, and how to handle a rogue dungeon core. I hope you enjoy the fiction and what I wrote. If so a rating, review, or feedback is always welcome. Update Schedule:2-4 times a week -Tuesday, Thursday, and on weekends. About 1000 words Other works I published: The First Dungeon Core - A fiction about the first-ever dungeon core and its journey in a world, that just like itself just began. The Librarian - Coming soon!! - The adventures and stories of a librarian in a fantasy world. Cards of Creation - Continued soon!! - The rise to power of a genius card player on a planet ruled by the game he played his whole life. Guinness book of RR Records - A collection of absurd and mind-boggling records on RR, become a part just by submitting a record you saw or broke yourself!! Currently searching for a cover!!!!!
8 160 - In Serial20 Chapters
M.O.T.H.E.R. Reborn
In a cyberpunk vision of the future, a military cyberoid goes AWOL, stealing an advanced Space Defense android along the way and attracting the attention of a hard boiled investigator who is forced to track her down as she hides in the seedy sprawls of Cronus City. If you're looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077 whet your appetite with this. M.O.T.H.E.R. Reborn – is the first installment of the Cronus City Chronicles and takes place in the Once Giants Sci-Fi universe (Available on Amazon). A must read for old school players of Cyberpunk 2020, fans of Appleseed and lovers of Ghost in the Shell, Bubblegum Crisis and Blade Runner.
8 291 - In Serial40 Chapters
We'll Protect You (Slappy X Reader X Chucky) {COMPLETED}
Y/n is 17, her parents do not care about her very much and decide to go out on a business trip to make her become more independent. Y/n likes rock music and is referred to as an emo, due to her alternative style. With her parents away and bullies prevail, will she find safe or comfort in the junk bros squad? Or will something/Someone find safe and comfort being with her? As evil rises what will happen as she goes into an adventure of a lifetime...First Fanfic and First Story!Will have a Happy ending!(I do not own any characters from Goosebumps or Childs play only the actual story with them. )Warnings: -cuss words-Slight gore-Heavy smut -Lemons (smut) and Limes (Heavy teasing/Flirting)Also, angelariadnaf13 will be uploading a Spanish Translation! :)
8 303 - In Serial24 Chapters
Fighting Back The Tide
My first attempt at writing a novel so please go easy on me and constructive criticism and ideas are welcome. This is a story about how the world get turned into an RPG like world and how the MC fights back and explores the new/merged world. There are many like this so apologies if it sounds similar to any others but I have read MANY, MANY fantasy and RPG stories as they are my favourite but stick with me and I promise one heck of a unique ride
8 51 - In Serial5 Chapters
Good Start♡
Fight is what we have to do, not with our emotions but with our demons.Everything will be alright in the end.[The cover does not belong to me]
8 164 - In Serial10 Chapters
Y/n smut shots (Discontinued)
Y/n smutshots! Y/c means your choice name enjoy!
8 106