《Old: The Dark Inheritor》Chapter 15: Slaughter of Cromer


Deciding to find Morrin, I eye at the troopers... moving out of the city? Why were they moving out of the city? Looking for the demonic dark leader, I ask one of her soldiers, "Where's Abaddon Morrin?"

"She's outside." the knight replies, "We're preparing traps and other measures against the creatures tonight." Confused about this, I decide to look for the woman. Finding her point left and right of the forest, I approached her.

"What are you doing out here?" Morrin asks, "You should not be out here. At the very least, I want your group to protect that alchemist. You have that Fallen Angel that could easily fend off against the Night Menace. Besides, this is our fight we want to wage against the creatures. They literally asked for it once they missed with my soldiers."

"Aren't they going to go after the civilians? The city?" I asked, a bit worried about the creature's intent. I feel like they have not revealed any objective or something. It was obvious that they want the rose, but there has to be another reason than just threatening and targeting Elora.

"Not really. The thing is, the creatures will want a fight. If we were to prepare for them outside the castle, they will surely greet us with a bloody war. The city should be safe if we do not fight in the settlement. The creatures will attack the place if we do not hold them by nightfall though. Most likely to try and guilt the alchemist to work for them."

"Do you know that these beasts number around two hundred or so."

"Figured." Morrin stated, "They want an army with those benefits that the Onyx Rose can give. If we were to ignore these guys, they will grow by the day. We will need to kill them now. Kill them since they had gathered. We will not lose. I made some precaution and asked for reinforcements." Morrin rubs her chin, trying to figure out something.

"An army?" An army of those creatures will be too much Those beasts can easily shatter any city into a ghost town. They can massacre civilians by the thousands. One Night Menace alone can slaughter a good thirty to a hundred innocent bystanders. Hell, I think I can figure out what Morrin was thinking. She might be wondering, who is their leader? To form such a huge army under one command is an impressive feat.

"Milady." a red armored knight walks up to Morrin, interrupting both of us. We turn to the knight, waiting for whatever this individual has to say, "We have reports of... an orc and goblin army assembling somewhere in the woods." Morrin and I glance at one another. Orcs and goblins?

No, I need to think about this. Why are they assembling? Wait, don't they live in these parts? Are they afraid of these creatures? If they were to consume one of their kind, they could ask the orcs and goblins to serve them... under fear. Why would they have a useless army under their command though? Nothing is making sense when the Night Menace are ten times better than an orc or goblin.

"So that explains the absence of orcs and goblins from the reports. They are under the strict commands of these creatures. For what purpose do they have in serving these creatures? Orcs and goblins may..." Staring at me, "Change of plans. Most likely, my army and myself will be preoccupying these damn creatures. I do not know how many orcs and goblins they have, but they will surely attack Cromer."


"For what purpose?!" I find it hard to believe that a city of Cromer's statue will get attacked by mere orcs and goblins.

"History and reasons. Most orcs and goblins are separate tribes. Only reason why they would siege Cromer is to capture it for themselves. If you were promised your own city with its own loots you can make off of, would you take the chance to take it? Rather than die, why not serve under these beasts that can give you protection... Depending on these creatures keeping their word. Due to this other army, I will need you to watch over the settlement. I will have a squad of knights accompany you. I want you to keep the settlement safe. Although if you cannot influence them and they do not want your help, then just do what you can with what you have."

"The orcs and goblins could invade and kill the civilians already in their homes." I state, remembering what Morrin told everyone.

"I already made plans for them to evacuate out of Cromer." Abaddon Morrin says, "I sort of lied about the announcement. Made it a big deal so I can throw the Night Menace off if possible. They will most likely scheme up several plans to combat against each response to leave the city. As long as you guys can hold out, it will be our win. The reinforcements will help you guys first. Do not worry about me, I like having a rough time." This was all too sudden. Planning to ask her, "Are you sure you will be fine? Do you really want me to be the strategist of this city? I barely done..."

"Yes. I know you do not have much experience, but I rather entrust leadership to someone I trust. Or at least know that you can step up to the plate when things go for the worse. The king was stupid enough to ignore this issue and kept it hidden. This city is not allied to us. The king was an idiot to even have this secret safely hidden and bribed the guild. If people die, then blame their stupid king for not resolving this issue or giving us the task to clean it up before it got out of hand. Also, if things go for the worse, I will make sure my soldiers will escort your party safely out of Cromer. Now, if you excuse me, I have to oversee some of the traps." Abaddon Morrin leaves me behind, shouting out more commands.

"Me... overseeing the defense of this city? Ugh." Shaking my head, I decide to go back into Cromer. Approaching my party, they eye at me with concern. "Follow me. Apparently we got a lot of problems. We got other enemies to worry about." Leading the way to the very center of the city. I explained the situation to everyone.

"So Abaddon Morrin wants you to defend this city against the orc and goblin army?" the Skullclaw leader asked.

"Yes," I answered, "I do not think that the king and his advisers would be alright with me helping them." As we walk through the gates of the castle at the heart of the city, I eye at the civilians being escorted into some secret underground passage at the side of giant stone plaza. Rows and columns of silver knights were being ordered around, squads of knights rushing through the gates we just passed through. Despite the sudden urgency in all of this, I am somewhat amazed at how organized these guys were.

I would have told my party to go with the civilians, but that was if I was ignorant of the creature's abilities. It would be safer for my group to stay with me since I had the element of surprise. The creatures do not know that I can kill them that easily. Not only that, my rank will surely throw any suspicion away from me. I will curse myself for placing Esta and Lurie in danger anyways.


I face Morrin's soldiers, telling them, "Show me where the king and his advisers are."

Leading the way from the center plaza into the king's domain, they take me past the giant main hall of the stone building. Nobles, maids, and butlers are running around, trying their best to gather their goods. This was sickening, watching these people value such objects more than their lives. Well, I am guessing they are packing up most of the valuables because their king or nobles ordered them to. If those nobles had a blade against their throats, then they will start to care about their lives more than these things. Feeling slight sympathy for these servants, I started to reminiscence about my own family and past. Shaking this off, I follow the red knights. Turning towards one of the many doors around the main hall, we entered one of the rooms.

Many old and young advisers bearing expensive garments on them, argue and point all over the map. Eyeing at this, I start to question if this city's military can actually go to war. Recollecting on some of the basic information, a king usually serves an Emperor. Only a few cities have a king with no Emperor. There are always pros and cons to having this and that. The fact that you serve under an Emperor means you have to abide to what he/she says, and help the Emperor in his time of need. Even though the king has his own land and wealth, the king owes the Emperor for giving him/her such things. Now, a king with no Emperor means they have the liberty to do whatever he/she desires. However, when attacked, they will not have any help or allies. This will lie in their abilities to skillfully build up reputation and ties with other kingdoms.

Staring at this bunch, I hope that this king has allies. Doubt it. Their grim and frustrated expressions only led me to acknowledge their incompetence.

Wait, why are nobles running this? Nobles have no military experience, and they do not have any war experience. Staring at their faces, I can see fear more than courage or sternness. They have no resolve to protect the city, yet, here they are, shouting and saying gibberish.

"We should get that Abaddon to defend the city with her troopers! Why is she outside!?"

"Don't you know that these creatures are something of a different caliber?! Even with her, we're doomed."

"You fool! Accepting the Abaddon's help means we side with the forces of evil!"

"We should focus our defense around the city's walls, strengthened the place with archers, and hope that we can last the night."

"Focusing our troopers around the wall will leave us vulnerable! Those creatures were able to infiltrate our city today! There is no need to try and defend the outer walls of this place. We should focus our defense on the inner city!"

"No we should flee while we still have the chance!"

All these different conversations are pointless bickering. This will not solve anything. At the least, the soldiers know what to do compared to these nobles who would try to become strategists. With my experience, I know I have a better grasp of the situation. Well, compared to Len's technology, we only have paper maps and stone figures representing armies on the map. This does soothe my need for information. We are definitely lacking key information. Worse of all, I have no knowledge on how many orcs and goblins there are. With this much ignorance, there is no way of formulating any sort of strategy. We need information, badly. Eyeing at the knights Morrin gave me, I whisper to them, "How many are we fighting?"

"We have no actually number yet. Estimating from what we could sense, a good thirty thousand or more."

Thirty thousand?! This is just a guess, not the actually number. In this situation, that's bad. Despite the rank of these silver knights, they will not stand against the sheer numbers of such a horde. How many defenders do we have in this city? Five thousand silver knights? We're at odds. To defend the city for how many hours? Six? Seven? With limited resources, we have to hold for that long. This will be a tremendous issue. Knowing these nobles, I doubt that they will let me have control of these knights. Hell, me stepping in will only get me into their pointless bickering. They will argue at my attempt to command their forces. Also, even with Morrin's permission, they might start to argue about my help. If I help them, they will believe that they are aligning themselves with the evil forces. Later, this can pose as a huge issue. Crusades can be called onto their cities, ruining their reputation for neutrality and siding with one of these sides. As they continue their bickering among themselves, I skim through the war room. Was there anyone I can rely on? Or at least talk to to get information.

Obviously, the king stands at the very center of the table with the nobles. Their hands and fingers start to slam and draw all the maps displaying their city. Barking, shouting, exclaiming, words usher out of these idiots, trying to emphasize that their strategy was better than the others. Staring to my left, I can see a line of silver knights watching the people at the table. Deciding to go to them, I got a closer look at them.

Most of them still have their helmets on, but there are scars and marks all over their armor. One of them was a female, her helmet off her head. Staring at her, I was surprise to see a young woman like her actually serving. She is gorgeous as well. Her blonde hair is tied up in a bun, her light blue eyes staring right at the nobles talking among themselves. She just shakes her head slightly, whispering some stuff to her fellow comrades. Even though she bears armor, her figure was pretty slim. What weapon did she use? Compared to most knights, I could not see a sword sheathed around her belt. Feeling my presence, she turns to me, giving a slight smile and bow. The reason why I am somewhat amazed at this woman was also her age. I believe, height and beauty, that she was around the age of fifteen. There are dents and scratches on her armor, revealing that she has war experience.

"Sorry to intrude," I started, pretending that I was approaching them right now, "Can you guys answer a few of my questions?"

"Guessing by those soldiers behind you, you work for Abaddon Morrin."

"Something like that. I was given the task to order the city's army. Abaddon Morrin does not trust inexperienced people to handle such a job. Especially with a city that is not exposed to war that much." I comment. The woman glares at me slightly, turning her gaze back to the nobles. "We are always fighting.It does not matter if e are not at war, we are always fighting for our people."

"You won't get much help from us due to those idiots. Even if we were to obey you, we cannot agree to such. Agreeing for your help means we are siding with Morrin. The king does not want said alliance, so we shall follow these idiot rules. Unless they say otherwise, don't try to tell us otherwise. Well, this is just me stating my own piece of mind, try to get the others to obey you if you can." Somewhat stunned by this response, I just stand there dumbfounded. This sort of loyalty was rare, but it was stupid. Why would they blindly follow idiots like them?

No. This is how each individual define themselves as a person. Like Louise, she will devote herself to her own army or her sense of duties to the family. If she was present at the attack of our homeland, she will gladly fight to the death for mother and father. Everyone's sense of duty and fulfillment are different. This is something I should have learned. Well even if I respect their ideals and sense of duty, this does not solve the issue at hand. The problem of defending the city from the thirty thousand orcs and goblins. With the help of those creatures, their invasion will be organized. Without any good strategists, the city may fall. Standing there, I just gave the knight, "I see. Well, I shall try my luck with some other knight."

Before I left the room, one of the knights recognized me.

"Lassie, what you doing here?" I turned to see the same knight that I met in the tavern.

"You're a top knight?"

"I am Cromer's guard commander lass. I make sure that most of the roads are safe. What ya doing with here? Especially with the Abaddon's knights?"

"I am suppose to help out with the defense of the city from the Abaddon's command, but I doubt any of these people will listen to me or follow me." The knight eyes at me, rubbing his head and shaking it.

"And here ya are, getting stuck in this mess. Call me Forbes, I will help ya lass."

"You sure?" I asked, not like his group will help me make a change.

"Aye," he said, chuckling, "I got a feelin' in my gut that says, 'You're not normal.'"

"Well," I start, shaking my head lightly, "If you can get any others to follow my command, I'll be slightly happy I guess."

"I'll see what I can do."

"I'll meet you outside in front of the plaza. I doubt I can knock any sense to these nobles even with Abaddon Morrin's order." Leaving the war room, I regrouped with my own group. Twenty orcs, fifteen of them being rank ten warriors, four twelve rank warriors, and a single thirteen rank warrior. Along with these orcs, Elora with Demi-God rank, Lurie with eight-winged fallen angel rank, and Esta is a rank two mage. Obviously, everyone will need to pitch in on protecting and helping Esta since her rank is so low.

Then there's Morrin's elite soldiers guarding me. All seven of them are rank twelve.

Who knows what the ranks of those goblins and orcs are?

"Elora," I spoke up, wanting to know some information, "Do you know about the goblins and orcs nearby?"

"They're wimps. We haven't heard much about their reputation." one of the Skullclaw orcs said.

"Like the orc said," Elora said, "These orcs and goblins are not well known, and most of these creatures had their own small tribes. They only united due to the Night Menace. They range from rank three to thirteen. The orcs having the highest rank compared to the goblins."

"You Skullclaw orcs can handle a bunch of weaklings right?" I ask.

"Do you not recall our fights?" the orc leader spoke.

"Well, I want to make sure you can handle something... out of the ordinary."

"The Night Menace?" Lurie question, "You worry that they can disguise themselves as a goblin and orc?"

"Yes. Hell, leaving you guys with the sheltered civilians, I fear that one of those creatures would be in there. I will have to keep you guys close to me to make sure stuff that does not happen." Well, I hope Morrin was right. I do not want to engage against those Night Menace. Fighting more than two might be pushing my limit. I will only reveal my true powers if it comes to it. For now, I will just use my low skills.

Oh right, I have no other weapons to use other than my swords which are at a high level already. I will have to snag these other weapons from the field. Thinking about it, I will want to kill specific rank warriors to level up. Targeting warriors of my next level, I can enter the Pillars of Gluttony. Rank four warriors will be my main target. After that, rank five. Lastly, rank six. Well, even if I kill low rank enemies, I can stack up on affection points again. I will need them to level up certain skills when the situation calls for it.

Huh, something was off. Thinking about leveling, why did I not gain anything once I killed that Night Menace?

I technically defeated the creature, so why did I not receive any ability or perk. Scratching my head a this, I only wonder what prevented me from getting said benefits. Do those creatures have an ability that nullifies my own? Impossible, I do not think there is a way to counter one of Brynhild's special perk. There was no way. She has a reputation of a genius after all.

Stop being idiotic- there could be a way. Maybe it was something inside these creatures that allowed them to nullify my perk. But how?

"Elora, what do you know about the Night Menace? Other than the fact that they can snag abilities from others by devouring them, what else can they do? Or what special perks do they have? What is their Divine Art?"

"A very rare perk." Elora replies, "Destroyer. This perk allows the creatures to erase all forms of knowledge before death. I do not know why they have this, could be a perk they were born with. All I know, this perk aids the creature from getting their own abilities stolen by some other being. For example, if a Night Menace was to fight against another Night Menace, it will not be able to gain anything from killing the loser. No matter how powerful or weak the being was."

Huh, this was hinting at the fact that other beings are dangerous like me. They can hide their own true rank, and hide their strong abilities, skills, and perks. I should keep this in mind. Bumping into these individuals will create a huge issue. They can surely kill those in my party if I am not careful. Well, they could kill me easily if they played the right cards as well.

"We're here lass!" Disrupting my thoughts, I turn towards Forbes' voice. Staring behind the man, I can see a bunch of silver knights assembled behind him. Beside the strange accent male were two other head knight. One was a female, the other was a wider and larger knight. These guys are of rank ten. Well, the three in the front. The soldiers behind them consist of rank seven through nine. Some tens. Due to their formation, I can figure out how many troopers they have. Five rows, ten columns- fifty troopers. Guessing the higher ranks are in the front as the lower ranks are in the back. The knights wielded shields, spears, and swords sheathed on their back or belt. Some having two blades, others have one. A bit shocking to see most of these guys having a bow as well.

"These guys are archers too?" I asked, shocked by these warriors wide selection of weapons on them. To use melee and range, this was a tad impressive for regular guards. Well, maybe it was due to their peace times that they can train and enhance in their skills. Forbes chuckle, nudging the big fellow beside him.

"See Arnost, she's impressed."

"Please," the woman on Forbe's right started, "You ain't got nothing on my lassies. They can really impress the woman with their archery skills. Compared to your average guys, my people can aim at those armored foes easily." Forbes just scoffs, turning his attention back to me, "But we have fifty-three silver knights at your command. What you want us to do?"

This wasn't an army, but I can use it to my advantage. Scratching my head, I do not plan to use them just yet. The sun was slowly setting, darkness will arrive later. What could I do with fifty-three knights and twenty orcs? The civilians are safe, the nobles are planning out what to do for the city, and I have no actually battle plan without any information. What should I do with these soldiers? Eyeing at them, they are too valuable to get on the walls. We could guard one of the gateway. Well, how exactly will these orcs and goblins attack us?

"Just stick with me for now. We can relax for a bit. Lets just hit the tavern and get you guys a meal." All of the knights behind their leaders stare at one another. This was quite strange for me to say 'relax', but there was nothing for me to do. I will just let the others take care of the preparations. Forbes and Arnost nod to this, following right behind me. The female knight just sighs, leading the fifty knights. Deciding to hit the tavern, I let everyone do as they please. Deciding to stand outside and observe what was going on, I watch the other silver knights rush here and there. The streets start to fill with these armored knights, the amount of soldiers always presenting themselves before me.

A few minutes later, the orc leader and Lurie appears outside of the tavern. Obviously, they want to talk to me about something.

"What is it?" I asked them, turning to them, tuning out the sounds of knights marching behind me.

"Do you know about the rules of engagement when it comes to fighting?" Raising my eyebrow, this was rather new to me. With everything that happened, it was hard for me to acknowledge these rules of engagement. Grabbing my attention, I answered, "No."

Lurie and the leader look at one another. "So you were telling the truth? Does she now know about a lot of things?"

"She was a sheltered princess if I recalled." the orc leader said, "But this is rather important."

"I find it rather... hard to absorb this sort of notion," I said honestly, lifting my shoulders, "I mean that Death Knight annihilated an army so easily. I can hardly call that fair."

"This can be overlooked since it was during a Crusade. No rules when it comes to engagement. It's a free for all. No lower rank is safe from an upper rank. That is why a lot of civilians fear for their lives upon either the Crusade or the Hell Wraths. Either side can start a massacre and do a ton of unjust acts. Pillaging, raping, and any other sorts. Death included."

"If it was a regular fight, it would be deemed unjust. Although with what we saw, only certain individuals would have the power to stop that beast." the orc chimes in. Ignoring this, Lurie continues on, "Rules of engagement strictly forbids most Demi-God rank or above to fight wars having lower rank individuals. For example, this upcoming fight, I doubt I can hide my presence, and I cannot use my faith magic, or my powers to annihilate the orcs' numbers. Now, there are a few conditions to people stepping in. If I had my army, and me being the highest rank, I can only step in to confront the enemy leader and start a duel where the victor can dictate to continue the fight or not, or to stop my army from getting massacre and admit defeat."

Using this example, I decide to interpret what Lurie was telling me.

"You cannot help in this upcoming fight?"

"There are few times when I can, but in my self-interest or unknown factors kick in."

"You mean if those Night Menaces attack, you can engage them?" I said. Well, more like a statement with a questioning sort of tone.

"That is one reason for me to step in, but I can only engage those Night Menace. Orcs and goblins are still off limits. I doubt that they would have a high ranking orc or goblin to go up against my rank anyways. Or close to. Another reason for me to step in is to save you. Most high ranking individuals can save people they really like. Friend or family member to be precise. Now, there are certain factors to avoid misusing this. Like if I were to step in and protect you from death, you CANNOT engage anymore. If you engage after I save you, then I must not protect you for placing yourself in danger again."

"I would be fine with these rules if I did not hold you accountable for engaging me when I was a really low level." I tease.

Lurie blushes heavily, her serious demeanor getting riled up. "It was not my fault! Besides, it was a Crusade!"

"Right. I guess you can use that as an your cover up for now." Knowing I was poking fun at Lurie nonchalantly, I recalled the orcs engaging Louise's army. The rules of engagement were broken, weren't they? "Did you guys break that? The rules of engagement." I turned to the orc leader. He did not deny it, just nodding his head.

"We're orcs. We had a leader who wanted to fight. Technically we broke the rules of engagement, but rules of engagement can be broken depending on the numbers and motives behind it. Taking that battle, we were obeying our leader. In truth, it was fair for a small band of troopers to attack a huge army of rank ten warriors and up. Although I know there were lower ranks fighting as well, we were heavily outnumbered. It evens out until our Divine Art kicks in. Reason why a ton of orc factions hates us and team up against us."

"Just know that the rules of engagement can either help you or can be used against you." Lurie stated, "There are too many factors to talk about when it comes to engagement of armies or individuals. Just know if it wasn't a Crusade, the Death Knight would be in the wrong."

"What happens to those who break any rules of engagement?"

"If someone did something unfair and unjust while engaging an individual or a big army, the people nearby can target said individual for doing unjust actions." So this means that if someone deems another unjust due to their actions, they can be targeted for this reason. Thinking about it, did Valarie break the rules of engagement? I should be safe due to my rank.

"You idiot. Do not be so simple-minded." Jumping at the sound of Anathema's voice, I can hear it lecturing me. "Think about this carefully. This only means you are given an advantage for the while. Once a crowd of people realizes your tremendous power and level of your skills, they will catch on to the fact that you should be of a higher rank. Even if you take this as an advantage, it can be a downfall still."

Deciding to talk to Anathema, "Even with this advise, can I ask you why you are telling me this?"

"I can see you being a force of reckoning later. I wish to invest as much advice I can give you to become that better warrior. You will bloom into a deadly flower that can create oceans of blood later. I want to see you bring death and destruction using my power. My satisfaction will grow with you. Besides, I want to have a good relationship with you."

This weapon, I know I should be weary and not trust it, but at the moment, it has given me a good amount of advice and knowledge. Without it hinting the enemy's potential and abilities to disguise itself as a human, I was able to save Lurie and Esta. Hell, I fear that having this weapon will only give me weakness when the time comes. I will not know if this weapon will force me to undergo a frenzy state.

"I assure you," the weapon started, "I have no intentions of making you go berserk. With your stability and your control over your emotions, I can easily make you snap as you are now. Hell, I doubt you can withstand my temptation and hatred that can easily overwhelm your body. But like I said, I will only offer you my powers when you wholeheartedly agree with me. I have no use to shatter a relationship I wish to make. Despite the fact that you're still an idiot and a pathetic sheltered princess that has no value."

Ignoring this insult, I only focus back to reality. With this stated, I guess I will have to worry about this as I grow. For now, I should be fine as long as I keep my powers in check and do not reveal my stronger skills in public. Lurie and the orc started to talk about something else when I pondered deep in my thoughts. The restless sounds of troopers moving equipment in the background did not ease my thoughts. This city will be surrounded by sheer numbers. There will be no way to actually stop this assault easily nor can we win this engagement even with the help of some higher ranks like Lurie and Morrin. The only forces those two can touch are the Night Menaces. Heck, is there a rule about some other things.

"If the city fell to these orcs, what can they do exactly? If you were to step in, for example, can the survivors actually walk away from this mess?" Both of them turn to me, Lurie eyeing at the orc leader with an unsettling expression.

"Even if I were to stop this, I cannot actually grab those who are not affiliated with me. I can only save our party most likely, not all of the civilians or survivors who withstood the siege. Even if it was to lie, the orcs will find it fishy. Obviously, I can turn down such a thing and kill them all, but it will only crumble my reputation as a respectful being. Even though I am a fallen angel, I still have my merits. I will not lie for strangers."

"So the winning factor can massacre the survivors..."

"Or do whatever they want." the orc leader finishes, "Even if the rules of engagement are a thing, it is not heeded as much when it comes to war. We only brought it up, so you know there was something like this. Lurie is heavily up there in rank. Her presence in the fight will be a one-sided massacre. Even if it was to save lives, someone will record this, and it will lead to a bounty on Lurie."

"There are enforcers to these rules?"

"Yes," Lurie answers, "Decimators. That is their title. If a fight is a one-sided massacre, no matter the justifications or excuses, you shall be hunted by Decimators. They are an elite ranking individuals that hunt down those who break the rules of engagement and abuse their superior skills on the lesser beings. You can consider Valarie as a prime example of this. However, she defies everything and does what she wants. Not even the Decimators can kill her."

Hearing that name quickly spiked a hatred inside my heart, quickly tossing all thoughts about that bitch aside. The fact that there are enforcers to this seems a bit intriguing though. These two can literally tell me all about these rules of engagement, but I should get the chance to read it myself later.

The reason behind my question was to foreshadow the outcome of the defenders. Even though Morrin was right about the king being an idiot, the people and the knights should not pay for this event. This will strengthen my resolve to help these people as much as I can. Of course Lurie will not help out as much. Even if she were to hide her rank, the wings on her back will not cover her true appearance. Turning my attention to her wings, I question how they work. Earlier, she had them hidden, but maybe it was because she was being idle. Wanting to ponder on this, I only recollect my focus about the future battle to come.

This was a huge issue. Despite the inexperience nobles trying to be strategists, they lack information. They ordered the knights to fight, but due to their indecisive battle plans, the knights are just manning the walls. With so many enemies, holding the outer walls will be a waste of time. Not only will troopers be wasted, ammunition, and energy will be as well. The walls cover a great length of the city. The knights will be spreading their forces thin against the enemies. Even with their amount of training, stamina and strength will kick in against the knights. Most of these knights are humans, they do not have any special traits to give them a slight edge in combat. Orcs are known for their brutal stamina and tremendous strength. These little factors will become a key advantage in this fight.

Staring at the amount of weapons being hauled around, the knights should spread traps and use strategic skirmishing tactics. Orcs are not that smart. Their lust for battle will greatly blind them. Using the pathways, the streets, and certain choke points of the city, the silver knights can halt the orcs advancing into the city or stall greatly for time. Fighting on the wall is fine, but you will want to have more soldiers at the ready to halt their advance. If a section of the wall was getting overwhelmed, you'll want to secure it by sending more troopers. Now, due to the number of silver knights we have, we cannot spare that many soldiers on the walls. Once a wall is lost to the enemy, it will be hard to retake it, and that will mean committing a good amount of soldiers to take it back.

Frowning greatly at this, Lurie asks me, "Are you sure you want to be here? We can simply leave. This is not our fight."

"I would love to leave," I said, "But I will not allow something like this to happen before me. I will not see a massacre happen to this city. I blame the nobles, but the people should not pay the price for their idiocy with their lives." Scoffing at this, Lurie comments, "And you seem more of an angel than I was."

"I cannot help but analyze the strategy implemented." the orc leader stated, "I can only assume that you know of a better strategy than what I am seeing?"

"They plan to hold the walls and the gateway. This is a good logically response, but it's a dumb one." I stated, folding my arms across my chest, explaining what was in my head earlier. "Not only are you spreading your force thin, but you will be spending a good amount of effort defending a huge area and a weak position which will be lost. Once one section of the wall is taken, they will move onto the next one. Even if we are to reinforce the walls, they have more soldiers than us. We're just sending forces to their death. The objective is to hold out, not to fight back in a straightforward response. You will want to make use of the city's choke points, set ambushes, traps, do little things that the enemy will not suspect. Not only that, committing a large amount of troopers on the front lines will make them blind to unseen forces that can sneak in from the other entrances. Even if we are fighting against orcs and goblins, their general, their strategists, are the Night Menaces. They have higher and scary intelligence compared to most orcs and goblins."

"I fear that this fight will not be easy. Not without a good strong point to defend." says Lurie, staring at the soldiers hauling carts of giant arrows into the tower.

"We orcs should be fine. Just know if things look bad, we can retreat with Lurie's help."

As the three of us were talking about this, Esta and Elora appeared before us. Hearing Esta's cries, I quickly glare at Elora. She seems to be a bit drunk? It was hard to say. Her expression seems twisted when Esta leaps my arms. Jealousy was definitely there, but it was a bit mixed with an alluring gaze yearning with lust. Wrapping my arms around Esta and feeling her cuddle against my chest, I ask, "Is Elora trying to do naughty stuff to you?"

"You should control yourself with that alcohol." Lurie stated, getting defensive against this intoxicated elf.

"I was only whispering some stuff, do not get all defensive now." Elora replied with some sass and annoyance behind her tone, "Do keep in mind that I will give the perk if you allow me to do what I want with her."

"Excuse me." the orc leader re-enters the tavern, letting us girls talk among ourselves. There was obviously tension between Elora and Lurie. Esta is being cute and innocent, not trying to make that many enemies. I am a tad worried that due to Esta's irresistible cuteness, I will be dealing with unwanted and future issues. A lot of people will want to take her for themselves. Mean, they can try to, but I will surely beat the hell out of anyone trying to take Esta or Lurie from me. Although Esta is my favorite little elf. I will do whatever I can to protect her and keep her from harm's way. Savoring the cuddling elf in my arms, I decide to hear the two other girls bicker against one another.

"Please, whispering what? Are you trying to seduce Esta to fall in love with you?" Lurie asks.

"I would, but if she allowed me to woo her successfully?" Elora explains, "I was just stating a few things we could do together. She is way too cute to not do THAT to?" Lurie raise an eyebrow, folding her arms. "That?"

"What do you plan to do exactly?" I said, questioning Elora. Esta was muttering against my chest. I was unable to hear the words coming out of her mouth. "I cannot hear you dear." The blonde elf lifts her face up, so her eyes are the only things that I could stare at. She has her red cheeks puffed up. She seems embarrassed about whatever Elora whispered to her. Hearing a little remark escaping Esta's mouth, I can hear her say, "Why does everyone want to do THAT to me?" Deciding to give Elora a taste of her own medicine, I decide to speak up. Heck, I was being quite playful as well with what I said.

"If I were to sexually tease you with such mere images, use subtle movements against your body, and seductively please your hearing with an alluring voice, do you think you can keep quiet?" Deciding to move Esta out of the way, I approach Elora slowly. Surprising all three of them, Elora's expression seems to break from her previous gaze. Her cheeks start to glow red. She covers her lower face with one hand, trying to hide her expression. "Imagine my hands just traveling against your skin, slowly approaching your breasts or maybe your womanhood. Just that slight teasing feeling should be able to excite you right? I know you had plenty of experience doing this sort of thing. Trying to get my elf, do you really think I will just let you do as you please? I would not mind making you squirm. I bet I can make you quiver so gently against my touch. Like this..." Appearing before Elora, I decide to stroke against her clothed breast lightly as my other hand lightly grasp and have two of my fingers gently rub against her ear. "And maybe..." Leaning forward with a very sinister smile on my face, "I could do THAT to you as well."

Retreating back, Elora quickly turns around and re-enters the tavern. She did it a very fast pace as well. She literally retreated a good feet from me. Chuckling at this, I was rather amused at this sudden turn of events. I did want to enjoy myself a bit I guess. Lurie and Esta were somewhat stunned by my bold move. Turning to them, I can see their expression with blushes as well. Although Esta had a very conflicted look on her, shuffling a bit in her outfit. Deciding to break this awkwardness, I said, "I want you two to know that I will always be here for you."

"Just... the way you did that was... very seductive." Lurie said, hiding her own face with her hand, "You seriously are dangerous when it comes to doing your own verbal assaults."

"Oh? Do you want me to do the same to you as well?" I decide to tease the angel a bit, the woman blushing heavily despite the fact her hand was covering a majority of her face. "Although I was just giving Elora a taste of her own medicine. If you are to do said action on someone, expect it to be done to you as well. Besides, I do not like it when Esta is being targeted. She is precise to me." Esta decides to hug me again, my mind wondering what I should do exactly about this Onyx Rose process. I do not need the benefit as much, but I want Esta to get it. Most likely I will be using the information Anathema told me earlier, and woo Elora.

"Are you sure we can trust her though?" Lurie asks, her gaze turning towards the tavern, "This elf might be tricking us. How would we know that she will give you up to the Night Menace?"

"And yet you're doing what I did when I was questioning your motives the first time we met." I said, shooting down Lurie's doubts, "Do not worry. I do not see any deception in her motives. She truly wants to have sex with Esta, and keeping to her word, she will give us the Onyx Rose and conjure up something to give us the perk. Her eyes, her expressions, they are genuine. She really wants to fuck Esta." Even with me saying this, I doubt I actually have any experience about love, yet I can feel the emotions that Elora displays. She does have a huge crush on Esta.

"Still, I do not trust her."

"Just get some rest. There will be a lot of fighting later." I said, "We can talk about this later." Lurie nods to this, entering the tavern. I felt a bit bad for Lurie. I know I have not given her much admiration or love like Esta. Leaving Esta with me, I decide to ask Esta in private about something. Turning to Esta, I ask her, "We did have sex with one another right? Along with Lurie?" Blushing heavily, Esta's shy and reddened expression only confirmed that we did have sex. "Yeah... W-What about it master?" I am still furious about this. I have no collection of this scene still.Well, that confirms one thing. I need to know about something else though.

"Did you not receive any skills from it?"

"What skills?" Esta was puzzled by my question.

"Those who have sex with me should be able to gain the dark skills, abilities, and perks of your light counter part. I think Lurie have these abilities, but I do not know if you have them." Esta shook her head.

"I did not receive anything new." Before I showed some dissatisfaction with this response, "I did, however, got a strange message when I was sleeping. If I was to have sex with you a couple more times, I can evolve." My eyes widened at this information. Wait. For Esta to evolve, she needs to have sex with me? Even though I should be excited about this, does an evolution change one's entire well-being? Like appearance will change, but how about personality? Esta seems to be having a mixed expression as well. Obviously she has no knowledge about this, her body trembling a bit thinking about it.

"Let's not rush it." grabbing Esta's chin, I look into her eyes and gave her a comforting smile, "I do not want you to rush anything you are not prepared for. I shall ALWAYS love you and cherish you. Even if you change, I will not change my affection for you." Hearing this, Esta decides to pull me in for a kiss. Rather daring I might say. Pulling me down to her level to kiss me. She certainly surprised me when she did this. I decide to let this slide, savoring this moment, having my arms wrap around her. Pressing our lips against one another, we were together for a good minute before backing away from one another.

Staring behind Esta, group of soldiers were watching us. They quickly got back to their business, pretending to be busy. Esta was embarrassed at doing this in public. Changing her body expression, her body showing a very shy state. Her one hand covering her lower face as her other arm was wrapped underneath her breasts. Her shoulders raised high, the elf's eyes showing a mix of uneasiness, but a sense of beauty as well. Not only did she display such adorableness, her breasts were slightly elevated, capturing my attention.Chuckling lightly at the sight of Esta, I comment, "And you wonder why people cannot stop looking at you."

Snapping out of her pose, she puffs her cheeks and just playfully hits my chest, "D-Do not remind me!"

"What do you plan to do now? We still have a lot of time before nightfall arrives." Esta blinks several time before she reveals a calm smile.

"I will just stay by your side. I would like to spend a bit more time with you." Allowing this to happen, we decided to sit on the outside bench of the tavern. Having Esta lean her head against my shoulder, she slowly close her eyes. Even though we're not doing much, I like this. Who knows what will happen anyways. Deciding to close my eyes as well and have an arm wrapped around Esta, I entered a meditative state. I will need to store as much energy just in case. If I engage more than two Night Menaces on my own, I will need all the power I can use. Entering this state, I can feel the warmth of Esta against me. It was not a huge distraction. Rather, it was a pleasant smoothing feeling that enlighten my entire well-being. A warmth that soothes all of the things that had happened. I could use my time to hit the library, or oversee the preparations, but this was alright.

As night slowly approach, one of Morrin's knight went up to me. As he approach us, I exit out of my meditative state. Feeling his presence, I open my eyes before he actually came into my sight. He had a very strange aura when he entered my meditative radius. When one enters this meditation state, they can feel all living things entering in their circular vicinity. This was helpful for most martial art users when they need to regain a bit of their chi before they re-enter combat. Using this also provides information about their rank especially. This knight was of a Demi-God rank. Slowly waking Esta out of nap, I stood before the red knight.

"The orcs and goblins are stationed at the west and north sections of the city. We are stationed southwest of the city to fight off the Night Menaces with Abaddon Morrin. We will inform you if things go downhill." Thanking the knight for the information, I watch the knight leave. Coming out of the tavern, my party comes out. Staring at the two directions, I question which gateway we should guard. I have no clue how many silver knights are positioned at either gateway. We should station ourselves to the north though. Most of the fighting will happen there. I would suggest taking the east or south, but I assume Abaddon Morrin have the south gateway covered.

Thinking about it, who are our reinforcements? Guessing I will know when they arrive.

"We head to the north gateway. I will station myself on the walls and see what will happen." Nodding to this, we head out to the north gateway. Without any sense of what strategy is being implemented, I will have to accept this typical defensive response. Analyzing the silver knights, several battalions are stationed behind the walls and gateway. More knights are stationed on the walls, torches lighting away the darkness. The knights are not restless. In their formation, they remain still and vigilant. I can see rows of silver knights with shields and spears. Archers were already on the walls, waiting for the attack.

There was no silence. As we approach the gateway, I can hear a lot of noise coming past those walls. Deciding to see the giant horde of enemies besieging this city, I enter through the tower, rushing up the stairs. Exiting the doorway, I turn my eyes towards the front.

My jaw dropped at the sight of the army. How can these creatures control so many orcs and goblins?! Thousands of these beings stood throughout the forest, chanting and banging their weapons together. They let cries usher out of their mouth, most of them starting to chant together in unison. Armored or not, these orcs and goblins were organized. They were in rows and columns, a ton of rectangle battalions stand in these two directions. Siege towers can be spotted throughout the forest. Ladders are carried by both goblin and orcs. The battering rams stationed at the front of these giant armies. Staring at the ranks of these orcs and goblins, I can see armored trolls. These tall beasts wield iron maces and covered in heavy metal armor that make them look like machines. Even trolls?! Trolls?! This was another pressing issue.

This situation just proves how dangerous these Night Menaces are. They cannot be kept alive. Glad that Abaddon Morrin is taking care of their army. Ignoring any doubt in her abilities, I eye at the knights stationed on the wall. They did not show any fear, surprisingly. Despite their lack of combat, they were not scared. They were ready. None of these knights show any fear, standing fast. Staring for the head knight on the wall, the one with the red cape against his back, walks behind them. Staring at each of the soldiers, he starts to recite a speech. He did not even acknowledge my presence as he said his speech, raising the morale of these knights.

"Ready your bows, we shall not let them attack us first! These orcs and goblins are nothing! They only assembled due to fear. They are still unorganized beings that have no spines. Show the that we, Cromer's silver army, will kill every last one of them! They shall not take this city from us! Take from them, everything!" The knights bang against their shields, letting out a fierce unified war cry. Pulling their arrows from their quivers, the archers aim their bows to the sky. Eyeing at the knight commander, he quickly toss something in the air. A blast of red fire erupts in the air. At the same time, the clouds above us start to unleash its own response. Rainfall descends on this fight now. I did not notice the other walls tossing the same red light into the air as well, lighting the night sky.

Arrows, giant arrows, rocks, a ton of projectiles rain down on the enemies. The front of the massive army was quickly wiped out. I saw explosions and fire torch some of the armored orcs up front. Cursing at this move, the enemy armies quickly charge towards city. Rocks and arrows return fire, some magic returning fire. Despite their massive numbers, the arrows did not stop killing their goblins and orcs. Several groups of orcs were charging with ladders in their hands. Their siege towers slowly approach the walls. The rain is starting to make this battle even harder for both sides. Vision was being obscured. The rain pouring against their armored body, adding more weight to them. The ground beneath the orcs are becoming muddy. Their advance will be stalled for a bit. Giving the silver knights free kills, they continue to lay multiple volleys on them.

The wooden ballistas in the towers snipe at the catapults and towers, destroying them into pieces. I watch the arrows fly through the skies, landing on enemies and allies alike. I evade any arrows that approach me. Silver bodies collide against the ground, arrows piercing into their bodies. The silver knights at the front quickly drew out crossbows from their backs. Taking aim, they unleash their bolts into the incoming armored bodies. They were approaching the walls very slowly. Due to the rain, they have to struggle against the muddy terrain. Although a good amount of orcs and goblins took a painful death, the ones behind them used their bodies to advance against the muddy terrain. The crossbowmen did not ease their volley, chipping away at the incoming enemies. Watching the enemy approach the walls, I realize that these Night Menaces definitely planned this out. The formation, the assault, they are making these orcs and goblins seem smart. They are using their low ranking and less heavily armored troopers to lead the charge. This will shorten our ammunition. Even though we are killing them, they are wisely sending their cannon fodder out to the front.

Not only that, even with this weather, they are using the dead bodies to use against the muddy terrain. Did they know that the weather would be like this? Either way, the fact that they're making us waste ammo on weaklings is a very smart move.

"Prepare yourself, ladders are approaching!" the captain exclaim, still walking behind the column of silver knights at the front. Some of the orcs were close to the walls, pulling out their crossbows. Aiming them towards the knights, they returned fire. Bodies start to lay against the ground or fall forward into the massive hordes of enemies down below. The captain decides to squeeze his way towards the front, shouting out, "Take those guys out!" Prioritizing the orcs holding some ladders, the crossbowmen unleashed their bolts into their bodies. They quickly fall to the ground, failing to push the ladders up against the walls.

"Archers, suppress those fallen ladders!" A dedicated amount of archers, skillful ones, volley the area where those ladders are. Orcs and goblins try to pick the leader up, but they start to pile themselves on them. Those ladders were abandoned. Too many bodies were piled on top of them.

These orcs were failing to scale these walls. Impressed by the organization and execution of commands, I have to applaud the defenders for responding so calmly. This will change soon. The enemies will have to adapt to these responses.

There was another set of ladder being used. This surprised me. How many siege equipment do these armies have? Eyeing at the soldiers holding them, they had higher and better armored orcs holding them. These bunch were a lot better compared to the first wave of orcs and goblins. These orcs had so many different traits which troubled me. Several groups of armored orcs were following beside these new sets of ladders, the crossbow orcs rushing towards the walls. Running past the weaklings, the defenders did not cut down this group that quickly. Against the walls now, the orcs unleash their bolts. Compared to the first wave that came up against the walls, a bunch of silver knights took a heavy toil against these shots.

"Burn those assholes!" the captain said to some mages behind the knights. Nodding at this, they quickly muster up a fiery spell that torched the enemies against the walls. Diverting the attention to those orcs, the captain watch the new set of ladders land against the walls.

These new ladders have hinges at the top of them. They cannot be pushed down so easily. Heavily armored orcs landed onto the wall, spinning their huge axes around them. Clearing some space on the walls, more orcs start to storm the walls. The orcs quickly push the knights away, making more space for their brother-in-arms to cover more space. They start to engage the silver knights. Bodies stacking up on these stone walls. I could help out, but it wasn't my time and place to fight. I need to get an overall assessment on this defense.

The captain quickly rush his way to the front, quickly spinning himself into the orc crowd. He has pulled both of his blades out, cutting away at the invaders. Several knights quickly raise their big shields and start to stab at the orcs coming up the ladder. Deciding that I seen enough of this, I want to visit the other areas of the walls.

Forgetting that I had Morrin's knights following me, I quickly rush into the nearby tower. The troopers here are firing the ballistas. A few soldiers manning the giant crossbow. They continue to reload the bow, aiming, and releasing the huge arrow into the wooden siege equipment slowly approaching the walls. Exiting out of the tower, I am staring at a new section of the wall. I can see the knights handling most of the invaders. The archers still have space to fire their arrows into the air or into the orcs fighting on the walls. Hell, I can see a magician quickly unleashing a spell that rained fire down onto the orcs. The captain was in the front, dealing with the enemies on this wall like the previous one. Leading this charge, the silver knights quickly block and attack the orcs coming up the ladders. This group was handling themselves pretty well like the previous wall. Walking past this group, I head into the next tower to see another ballistas firing into the massive charging horde.

Arriving at the next wall, the siege towers are slowly approaching the walls. Two of them were in my sights and the silver knights of this region were locked in heavy melee combat. Even the archers were forced to fight. With some of these orcs having this section of the wall, the silver knights will surely lose this wall once those towers arrive. Three rank three orcs charge at me with axes. Deciding to face them head on, I quickly slip by the two that charged at me. Evading the last orc's attack, I quickly grasp around the orc's head and snap it. Tossing the body to the two orcs I slipped by, I pick up the ax the dead orc dropped. Swinging the the ax around me, I slash at the orcs I dodged earlier. Aiming for their necks, I successfully slash their flesh beneath their helmets. Eyeing for their ax, I decide to lean down and pick it up. I felt a sudden presence behind me. Rolling forward, I heard a thudding sound behind me. Turning around, I look up at the rank eight orc. My attention gaze past this figure to the walls again. Those siege towers finally reached the walls. The enemy's heavy reinforcements had arrived. Despite all of this rain, these orcs were not fazed by this weather.

Skills Gained: [Level 38 Crossbow]

[Level 36 Lances]

[Level 34 Bows]

[Level 39 Double-sided Spear]

[Level 31 Skinning]

[Level 32 Hunting]

[Level 37 Camping]

[Level 39 Refining]

[Level 32 Molding]

Skills Increased in: [Level 26 Axes] --> [Level 33 Axes]

[Level 33 Pickaxes] --> [Level 37 Pickaxes]

Affection Points 33

Deciding to let Morrin's knights handle the rank eight orc who tried to kill me, the red knights target the idiotic orc. They attack simultaneously, one chopping the head and the other knight slashing the body in two. This section of the walls will be taken by the invaders soon. Deciding to retreat back to my group, my party re-enters the tower. When we rush back into the tower, more allies were rushing to reinforce the walls. The captain leading her group headfirst. As we march back to my party, I can hear the rain bumping against my armor. The atmosphere was heavy with the mix of battle and screams, clashing of metal echoing everywhere. Despite the knights huddling around the ladders, they will surely lose strength to keep these vicious orcs at bay. For everyone one they kill, only a new fresh orc replaces the one they killed. With this rain adding weight onto the armor, it will not be pleasant.

The knights knew that we were going back. They did not need me to tell them that. They were just following me. One of them quickly cut an arrow in half. More siege towers start to approach the walls, more silver knights starting to pile on these walls. More dead bodies stacking up on fallen brothers and sisters. On the way to the second tower, the entire crew manning the ballistas were killed. Standing next to their corpses, masked murderers dawning red armor, capes, and hoods over their bodies. At first, I thought they were Morrin's knights, but the fact that they killed these knights told me otherwise. This group are enemies. They have bows and quivers on them, daggers in hand with a whole arsenal of weapons on their belts and behind their cape. Their green eyes locked onto us. This group are all female assassins of the thirteenth rank. With seven of my rank twelve knights, I doubt we can handle this engagement. I could kill them myself, but showing my powers now will be a bad move.

"Blood elves..." one of Morrin's knights muttered.

Blood elves? Here? Are they allying themselves with the Night Menace as well? So it's not just orcs and goblins?

"Do not mind us. We were hired to take care of the crew. We will not fight you, you are not our target." Hired? Strange. Why would the Night Menace hire assassins? If they wanted to, they could kill this crew themselves. This only reveals the creature's true intent. They had no joy in killing weaklings. Most likely, they are doing whatever. However, assassinating a ballista crew only reveals that they want this invasion to go smoothly. They do not want the orcs to halt their advance.

"Why are you here?"

"Despite our own wars and fight, we still need money for our own personal gains. If you wish to engage us, feel free to, but we will fight back. Take a few of you guys with us. Beside, we got our own vendetta against some of these people. They treated some of our people as sex slave." They all got into a fighting position. Their eyes letting out a faint glow that changed from their idle state. Holding the daggers in different stances, these assassins will surely take down a couple of my guys.

"If you plan to engage, we shall follow suite. Just know that we might not be able to protect you." the knight said behind me. The other knights quickly pull out their blades, spinning them around before they got into their fighting stance. Heavily covered, Morrin's knights seem to have an advantage if they were to engage these elves. Although the elves are not drenched in water. We are. This might lower down the knights ability to engage at their maximum speed. Even the slightest disadvantage can be an assassin's advantage.

If we fought, it will delay my urgency to regroup with my people. There is no benefit of killing them other than their abilities they might have, but my goal is aim for warriors close to the next rank. Rank thirteen warriors will only help later, but not now. I need to advance quickly to rank six, not prolong it. Besides, I do not need to engage all the time when I do not need to. It might help me later on. Making enemies will only add more problems in the future. This might come to bite me later.

"We shall leave." I said out loud. The elves lowering their guard along with my knights. Getting to follow me lead, the knights have their backs turned to the elves. Somewhat impressed, the leader just nods to her comrades. The assassins start to leave the tower, the leader planning hope out of the window where the ballista was aiming out of. Stopping herself, the head leader stares at me, asking, "Your name?"

There was no need to hide my name. I doubt Emperor Titus will spread his forces this far now, not with King Len and his allies as an enemy to him. Dissolving all other thoughts, I best start to give my name out.


"I will remember it." With that said, I left the tower with my the knights. Exiting to watch my own group standing behind the whole regiments of lined up silver knights, I can see my orcs, Lurie, Elora, and Esta watching the fight on the walls. What confused me was the attention of the silver knights under my command. They were turned towards the back of the city. Walking up to them, I ask them, "Why are your heads turned the wrong way?" Hell, I think I was shouting this due to the rain. It was a bit hard to communicate with this damn weather.

"When you left," Forbes started, "An orange flare was fired."

"Orange flare?"

"The flare was that shiny light you saw in the sky." said Arnost, showing a heavy accented low voice compared to Forbes.

"What does orange mean?"

"Red means attack," the woman head knight started, "Blue means retreat, green means stand ground, white meaning every man for themselves." Not stating what orange means, Forbes decided to finish the deciphering.

"Orange means the civilians are getting attacked."

What?! Hearing this, the rest of my group turned to them. We knew this was coming. It was a bit puzzling to why they would reveal themselves now. What was their plan? Elora was not with the civilians? A bit confused about this, I start to question the Night Menace motives? Why are they going through the hassle of making a huge army do all of this? Are they toying with us? Or are they trying to seek out worthy prey? There should be no reason for vicious creatures to resort to this sort of antics.

Something was odd. I know this. Wanting to ponder on this, I doubt that I have the time to do this.

"I want to check it out." the female silver knight said.

"Same with us lassie." Rubbing my chin, I know that this was always possible. The fact that the people are being targeted was a bit unexpected. I can see why Morrin wanted me to be in charge. With the chain of command though, there was no way for me to actually gain command of these knights. Why the civilians? I had a hard time grasping this. Wouldn't the creatures want them alive, so they can kill them in front of Elora? This was too bizarre. Only questions start to stack on one another.

"We will check it out. I do not think we will need to support the front lines. They have it under control." That was a lie, but there is nothing for us to do without disrupting whatever battle plan these knights already made. Leading my group forward, we rush towards the center. It was quiet. Too quiet. There should be a couple guards guarding the area. This was already giving us an indication that the orange flare was right. Without needing to warn my party, my troopers quickly draw out their weapons. The gateway to the central plaza is opened. The gate is not suppose to be open. It should be closed. Hell, even with this rain, shouldn't we be hearing the screams of the attacking civilians?

Their was an infiltration.

Running past that gateway, we were greeted with a lot of screams. This shocked me along with everyone in my party. Metal clashing against one another, men, orcs, and goblins are locked in heavy combat. Slamming their weapons against one another, I can watch the chaos and scattered fights all over the place. The knights are not bunched together, each one of them handling their own handful group of orcs and goblins. Due to their disorganized formation, the orcs are cutting these knights one by one. The civilians did not help ease the chaos. They are heading into the palace, the knights holding back against the hundred of orcs and goblins trying to kill them. My eyes analyzed this rather quickly. They were focused on something worse.

The Night Menaces. Two of them. These dark huge creatures were slaughtering the panicking civilians and the armored knights. The knights cannot stop these fearsome beasts. People were dying quickly to these creatures, rushing all over the area. Even with the numerous amount of orcs and goblins present, these two creatures are the main threat. Agitated by the stupidity of these nobles, my eyes were staring at the dead corpses and the large amount of blood that paint the very ground. The rain did not ease red stains that start to travel all across the plaza. Bodies lie all over the place as well, of all kinds. Planning to rush into the field, Lurie quickly steps in front of me.

Lurie glares at the creatures, quickly spreading her wings. Despite the rain and the other sounds in the atmosphere, I can distinctly hear those wings spread themselves out. The flapping sounds echoing in my ears as her wings spread beside her.

"I'll distract those creatures away from here. Clean this mess up! I fear that this will be our last strong defensive position against the incoming horde." Jumping into the air, Lurie quickly flies a bit towards the two creatures high above them. Shooting several arrows at the Night Menaces from the air, they quickly evaded the projectiles. Locking onto Lurie, they quickly let out a screech. Firing a bit more, Lurie dashes through the air away from the center plaza. My eyes watch those two Night Menace scurry hastily pursue Lurie, killing a bunch of their allies in the process.

My silver knights quickly pull out their bows, unleashing arrows at the orcs and goblins. This brought some of the nearby enemies' attention, charging at us.

"Shit!" Forbes and Arnost got in the front, quickly pulling out their medium size shields and axes, pushing away the incoming orcs from the stationary archers, "Those fucking gits didn't secure the damn pathway out of here!"

"No," the female knight captain started, drawing her bow out to aim at one of the orcs, "They must have prepared this! It was obvious that their was a path into the escape route. The stupid nobles always want to save their skin!"

"I doubt that the nobles actually left. And it would also mean information leaked about the damn escape route." Arnost said, hammering several orcs with his ax before sending a goblin through the air when he flings his shield, "Those Night Menaces might have known about all of this!"

"I don't want to picture what happened underground." Forbes started, slamming his head right into the middle of an orc's skull, "Now we need to find those damn nobles and asses the situation!" Analyzing the field, I can see a handful of knights protecting the very palace where the king would reside in. The orcs and goblins charging at those stationary knights, desperately trying to get into the palace. Most of the civilians are escaping into the damn building still. I can see some of them being killed though.

"Regroup at the palace!" I ordered, leading the way, "And save those civilians!"

"Alright! Lets go guys!" the knights exclaim, pulling out their melee weapons and charging into the fight. I stopped myself, turning to my orcs.

"You guys," turning to the rank ten orcs, "Help out these disorganized knights and wipe out these damn orcs and goblins. We need all of the soldiers I can get. Also, seal that damn entrance of the underground path! Orcs and goblins are swarming the place due to that entrance. It is the only explanation to this huge force appearing out of nowhere! We do not want anymore enemies storming in here! Do whatever you can to seal that damn entrance! Hold them back!" Nodding at this, the orcs let out a vicious cry that terrified the nearby enemies. The Skullclaw orcs quickly draw out their axes, slamming their weapons against the small goblin bodies. The five top Skullclaw orcs were to guard Esta, my silver knights rushing towards the entrance of the palace. They were quickly fending off the orcs and goblins trying to kill the civilians. Some taking position behind their allies to fire their bows. I lead the way evading most of the high leveled enemies. I must not reveal anything yet. Morrin's knights executed the enemies I pass by. We rush towards the entrance, regrouping with the troubled silver knights.

Slashing into one of the orcs, I toss the body aside to ask them, "What is going on?!" My company cut down most of the enemies engaging the defending forces, giving the tired knights some rest. One of them spoke up, answering my question, "The... The orcs and goblins found their way from their way into the underground path. The people were suppose to evacuate safely out of the passageway, but we found resistance and a swarm of these orcs and goblins. Not only that, due to this attack, a few orcs and goblins are heading to the other gateways to open them."

This was bound to happen.

"What happened down there?" I dare to ask. The knight's eyes behind his shoulder to the palace, then back at me.

"A massacre. We only had a few troopers guarding the escape. Those orcs and goblins charge in by the numbers. We watch them hack the people in the front. We could not fight in close quarters, and planned to regroup with the other guards in the plaza. Those two creatures, the Night Menace, were waiting for us when we came back here. We did what we could. We tried to fend off the attack, save as many as we could. We thought that we could stop the sudden orcs and goblins in the plaza, but only terror fell on us." His voice was trembling a bit. He was fighting the horror he saw. Guessing from the sound of it, he was part of the group guarding the civilians. I can only assume he saw the carnage. There was no shame in running away, at the least, he stood his ground to help the civilians escape into the palace. "We evacuated most of the civilians inside the palace." Planning to walk by them, the knights quickly said, "I think... our king and most of the nobles were killed as well. Those creatures were present when we arrived in the plaza. They must exited out of the palace."

"Stay with Forbes and the others," I said to them, "We need to protect this area until reinforcements arrive." They must fight on, and I need to step up, and save these people from death.

Entering the palace, I see a lot of civilians. Esta, Elora, the four rank twelve orcs, the orc leader, and Morrin's knights were accompanying me. Staring at the civilians, they were restless. Scared, panicked, shaken, these traits can be written on each one of them. They barely survive their onslaught with the Night Menace. Some of them were bloodied, others were injured. I can either man or woman holding their child or children in their arms, weeping. Most likely they just lost someone close to them. I can see some kids huddled among themselves, hugging one another as well. Some of the survivors even have missing limbs and terrible wounds that might not let them live for tonight. This was a sad sight to see. This sadness only gave me anger, frustrated at the idiocy. This could have been avoided! Damn king and his stupid notion of keeping this a secret till now!

The beautiful and clean building was filled with people, blood staining the carpets, walls, and floors. This could have been avoided if these nobles, if the king, were able to announce this issue and evacuate their people way before this happened.

Well, no point in thinking about it now. We are stuck in the mess they started.

Staring at some silver knights coming from the main stairs, I asked them, "Are they dead?" The knights eye at one another, not saying a word.

"The king is dead. Along with all of the nobles." Recalling this voice, I turn to eye at... Huh. Not what I expected.

Thought it was the female silver knight that didn't help me out. Staring at the second level of the palace, it was the blood elf I encountered earlier. Most of the knights quickly draw out their swords, but I said, "Stand down. Explain."

"I wasn't paid to keep quiet, so I shall tell you." The blood elf was playing with her dagger, tossing it in the air and catching it. She made the dagger spin, making sure to grasp it correctly, repeating the cycle. "The Night Menace, orcs, and goblins already knew about the entrances to get into the city. That underground passageway was certainly not that well hidden. The Night Menaces already had schemes to get into the city, but they would rather let the orcs and goblins do the dirty work. They had no desire to kill weaklings when weaklings could do it for them. They could also use the orcs and goblins to start getting the attention of bigger and huger armies of all sorts to claim this land as their own, only to fall for a huge trap set by the Night Menace. The creatures were wanted to kill everyone tonight and let the goblins and orcs rule, but that Abaddon grabbed their attention. The only reason why they had two of them here in the palace in the first place was to assassinate, more like murder, the key leaders of the defenders. Basically the kings and his advisers." To be honest, they did me a favor since I was going to personally kill those idiots.

Of course. In any battle, you will want to kill the head leaders to disrupt any commands. Without the leaders, morale will be lowered. The chain of commands will be broken, the people will have no one to rally them to fight back. This was also a key move to do against any large army. They didn't plan on one thing though. Revealing the true intention of the Night Menace's scheme, I am dumbfounded at their plans. I did not realize that they wanted to literally do all this just so they can lure more prey to them. It was obvious that they wanted to kill stuff, it is in their nature, but the amount of hunger these beasts have baffles me. They must be stopped. We cannot let them win.

"They think they killed the leaders. If I were to take command, the orcs and goblins will not win." I know that I have to step in now. There will be no victory if I do not. People will die if I turn a blind eye to this. The elf stop tossing her dagger, having it in her hand. She turns her head to me now, amused at my statement. Her green eyes revealing a slight glow brightening her pupils a bit.

"You? A rank three mage and warrior command those higher than you? And command one where defeat is imminent?"

"Under Abaddon Morrin's command," the red knight behind me said, "She has the right to command these idiots if they are to keep the people alive and city under control still." The blood elf just shakes her head and laughs. She has her free hand even slam against her head. Tossing the dagger right at me, I quickly caught the handle of the dagger before it pierce me right in the forehead. I knew something was up with her little act. Her gesture. The knights were unable to react. Obviously, this very act was very questionable. For me to have grasp a dagger at such speeds would be out of my rank three reputation. Although the elf's laughter distracted the eyes staring at me, she was clapping her hands together, applauding me?

"Ha ha ha! Figured something was odd about you. I like it." I did not like the fact that she figured something was odd about me. Not wanting to have eyes turning back on me, I decide to ask the damn elf a question.

"Why are you still around? Aren't you suppose to gone? You done your part right?"

"Well, I was to talk to the Night Menaces near this area, but they are pursuing someone right now. They are suppose to pay me kindly for our services."

Raising my eyebrow, I ask, "What do you need exactly?"

"Don't worry about it. Well, last tip. You might as well get ready to defend this very center. The orcs and goblins should be opening the other gateways now. If you aren't careful, most of the defending silver knights will get flanked."

"We'll warn the others now." Turning to Forbes and Arnost who just entered the palace now, "Grizel is commanding the knights to clear out the plaza and push the invaders back. We can quickly warn the other commanders about this issue at the other walls." three of the red knights decide to speak up.

"We will tell them that you have utter command over them. There should be no arguments since the nobles are dead, and that we trust in your abilities to actually help us live. Along with the king, the chain of command is not present."

Well, I had no issue with getting the chain of command now. Seeing the result of these attacks, I have to step up and protect whatever defense we have left. We should abandon the outer walls. Fighting for them will not help us. This will only prolong the enemy's advance, but there will be no spare troopers left to defend the city. I do not know how many soldiers are in the plaza. We could defend the walls around the palace and the central plaza. The orcs and goblins will have to fight their way through the one gateway as well, giving us an advantage to hold for a good while. Positioning most of our forces on the front lines does not help with unexpected factors like what just happened.

Moving our last defense closer to the center will make it easier for us. The orcs and goblins will not be able to drag their siege towers down here. They will also be forced to engage us through this one gateway. We can easily defend at this center area. However, this can be used against us if they have too many archers and catapults. With us being bunched up in here, they can easily hammer us with their projectiles and cut our numbers. Especially with catapults, they will deal a heavy blow against our clustered troopers and the walls. I do not want to deal with another opening. This will force us to split our forces to defend another choke point. At present, the center walls and the gateway are the main area we want to secure and fight for.

I will have to refine this plan though and see what I can work with. Time is of the essence.

"I'll stay around to watch the outcome of this fight. Best hurry and tell the main force to retreat, the orcs should pushing through the other openings now. No area is safe, they will have us surrounded soon! Go, tell the main force." I turn to Forbes and Arnost, "I will try to figure out what to do for our defense. I will clean up any remaining forces and rally our soldiers here." Turning to Esta and the others, "I want you lot to stay here and assists the people in here. Esta, I know you have healing magic. Heal whoever you can." Even though the blood elves were hired to take care of the crew, I need to make sure she will not target Elora when I am not present. My five orcs should be able to solve this issue. Also, Elora should be able to activate her realm if things go bad as well, and I will be able to detect it.

Exiting the palace, I can see my orcs hacking at the enemies coming out of the hidden underground path. The silver knights scattered around the plaza were slowly regrouping with one another, killing off the remaining orcs and goblins all around the place. Arrows fly through the air, stabbing into the enemies. Grizel approach me, saying, "Your orcs are holding off the remaining enemies, but they cannot seal the exit. We do not have anything big to seal the entrance." Rubbing my chin, I stare at the area my orcs were covering. Maybe I have something that can deal with this problem.

Pulling out a round object from my storage ring, I blink at the strange particular object. These are grenades? I remember these small objects on the belts of those armored gunners that tried to hunt me down in the forest some days ago. I should have bothered Len about using this object.

How do I use these things?! Deciding to rush over to my orcs, they quickly toss back the horde of enemies deeper into the underground exit. Pressing a button, to be honest I apparently pushed the button once I toss it to them since I was frustrated on how to activate it, I notice lights flashing around the circular device. It was also sending a beeping sound in the air. Puzzled by the sound and lighting, I tilt my head as the enemies were somewhat fascinated at the device. One of the goblins caught the device in their hands. Most of the enemies turn to the strange contraption now, wondering what it does. Hell, I was trying to figure out what it does? Shouldn't bullets erupt from the circular device? Or does it not work like that? Interrupting my thoughts, the device starts to beep faster, revealing that red light that synced up with the sound. Once it stops, an explosion filled the pathway. Surprising me, I shoved my orcs away from the blast and jumped away from the fire coming towards us. Looking behind me, the flame was gone and the path was blocked by the rocks from the ceiling. Well, I somehow solved the issue of the enemies entering into the plaza now.

"Clever." one of the orcs commented, getting up and rushing to help clear the plaza of any enemies. Huh, it was more of sheer luck that I clicked that button before I gave the grenade to the enemy. If I didn't click it, would have wasted a grenade. I can see why Len would have an entire army using these inventions. They are very, very strong, and helpful for certain situations. Ugh, enough about that guy though. Focus. I have to worry about some sort of strategy to set up.

Due to those kills, I was able to get a bunch of skills. Not only that, my affection points also increased.

Skills Gained in: [Level 35 Healing]

[Level 35 Firebombs]

[Level 32 Blind]

[Level 31 Poison]

[Level 36 Silence]

[Level 35 Steal]

[Level 34 Shaman Staff]

[Level 32 Disable]

[Level 39 Immobilize]

[Level 33 Curse]

[Level 36 Confuse]

[Level 100 Pillaging]

[Level 83 Worshiping]

Skills Increased in: [Level 29 Beast Taming] --> [Level 70 Beast Taming]

[Level 34 Beast Training] --> [Level 75 Beast Training]

[Level 33 Kidnapping] --> [Level 90 Kidnapping]

[Level 29 Bartering] --> [Level 39 Bartering]

[Level 29 Disarming Traps] --> [Level 39 Disarming Traps]

[Level 29 Spears] --> [Level 38 Spears]

[Level 28 Daggers] --> [Level 35 Daggers]

[Level 32 Enslavement] --> [Level 83 Enslavement]

[Level 29 Bondage] --> [Level 81 Bondage]

[Level 26 Axes] --> [Level 120 Axes]

[Level 33 Mining] --> [Level 45 Mining]

[Level 33 Enchant] --> [Level 42 Enchant]

[Level 25 Rearm] --> [Level 39 Rearm]

[Level 25 Cooking] --> [Level 35 Cooking]

Affections Points: 43

Congratulations! You are now a Rank 4 Warrior and Mage.

Please select one of the perk for Warrior, and one for Mage.

Great. I accidentally leveled a few skills I did not want to level in. This could have been avoided if I did not kill those enemies, but I had no clue this grenade was able to dish out a huge blast. Huh, I ranked up? I thought that I would not be able to since half of the abilities raised past level 30-39. This only means I have thirty skills in the 30-39 levels. Well, that sounds like a lot. These perks I receive upon a rank up usually aids me into the next rank eventually. Well, let's see what perks are available.

Chaos Knight of UsurpationDark Queen of the BetrayedAncient Black Knight of Old

Chaos Knight of UsurpationUsing chaos spells (combining light/holy and dark/cursed magic), your reputation will be noticeable to all of those who look at you. As you continue to fight, you will gain chaos force that can be used to dominate one's will to obey you. People weaker than you will look up to you. As you continue to fight, skills ranging from level 50-70 will automatically reach to level 100. Note that choosing this perk will make all of your followers/allies a chaos user(s), and lower your humanity as you fight.

Dark Queen of the BetrayedBy choosing this perk, you power yourself and your female allies from the strong feelings and relationship. With such a title, you can befriend anyone who has been betrayed. This perk will allow you to increase all of your skills ranging from level 40-49 to level 59. These effects will activate when you hit rank five. In addition this perk, itself, will evolve upon each rank up. Giving various benefits along the way, the final change will activate when you become a rank six warrior. As you continue to fight, each kill will give you double the affection points if you have Dark War Goddess. The affection points with your friends and lovers will also be doubled. Note: This perk can evolve certain perks and abilities that you have/gain. This perk can affect your well-being and sanity.

Ancient Black Knight of OldThe Black Knights are known for their fearsome history. Choosing this will strengthen your bonds with any black knight(s) you come across. Skills level 40-60 will stay/rank up according to if you have ranked up or not. The system will allow you to either wait till you rank up properly or you can allow the skip. Just note that skipping proper rank ups will not great you the perk(s) available to you, however, you can get a bonus perk(s) of a greater and higher caliber. Your allies will become possible black knight trainees. Note: Choosing this perk will allow you to unlock hidden perks that you have gained. You will also become mortal enemies with the Death Knights.

Well, how about the mage perks?

There are three selections as well.

Chaos Goddess DefilerDamned Goddess of OblivionHoly Goddess of Grace

Chaos Goddess DefilerUsing chaos spells will ultimately increase your casting power and damage. Casting time, casting speed, mana consumption, the side effects for using chaos spells, all of these will be lowered. Also using chaos spells often will allow you to learn new ones along with abilities that you can tamper/make. Note: Chaos spells will start to destroy the very environment around you. Be weary upon using these spells. Other hidden benefit, but not stated in this said description.

Damned Goddess of OblivionUsing cursed and dark spells will ultimately increase your casting power and damage. Casting time, casting speed, mana consumption, the side effects for using cursed and dark spells, all of these will be lowered. Also using cursed and dark spells often will allow you to learn new ones along with abilities that you can tamper/make. Note: Those affiliated with the light will hate you. Your magic can poison and curse those around you. Also know that your light spells will be lowered upon selecting this perk.

Holy Goddess of GraceUsing holy and light spells will ultimately increase your casting power and damage. Casting time, casting speed, mana consumption, the side effects for using holy and light spells, all of these will be lowered. Also using holy and light spells often will allow you to learn new ones along with abilities that you can tamper/make. Note: Those affiliated with evil will hate you. Your magic can heal and buff those around you. Also know that your dark spells will be lowered upon selecting this perk.

I am slightly amazed at the change of all of this. The fact I have a bigger selection is great. What surprised me are the benefits that would help me greatly. What I did not like though are the penalties. Compared to my previous selection, I know what I want from the mage perk. The Chaos Goddess Defiler. It does not have that many downsides other than area of effect damage. The warriors perks, however, can benefit me, but I cannot grab all of them. I would love to grab all of them, honestly. It will be hard for me to choose one. Just one. The penalties for all of them were something to worry about other than the Black Knight of Old. The description of this perk only revealed something. I had a hidden perk? I could not even see this hidden perk, trying to open up some method to view my list. Unable to, my curiosity was getting the best of me. All of these warrior perks will help me rank up when the time comes, however, their benefits are just too good to ignore. Analyzing at all of them once again, they all hint at the relationship I can gain. The Chaos Knight perk seems to be great when it comes to gaining reputation, fame, and rule. Not only that, it can quickly level most of my skills right up to 100. Meaning I can become a rank eleven warrior and mage.

Yet I question the penalty for getting this perk. Losing my humanity? Does that mean I lose my feelings for humans? Or I just become something else? Thinking about my life, I enjoy being a human. I am cherishing the moments where I am actually receiving and giving love. Me giving up this sort of humane thing would surely turn me into a heartless, boring woman. And I do not want my allies, my comrades, my friends, to become chaos users if they do not want to. That's just forcing them to be my subjects.

The Ancient Black Knight of Old seems to benefit in skipping ranks and leveling up my skills quickly. I do like that idea, and the temptation of unlocking the hidden perk I have would make me want to get perk. Would make me- the key words here. The very fact that the description states my allies/friends could become black knight trainees. I mean, the Black Knights are sort of extinct, but I do not want to fore my loved ones to become Black Knights. I know it does not state "they are black knight trainees", the sheer fact that they COULD become black knights only gives the Death Knight a reason to hunt and kill them. I do not want to drag those I cherish into danger so needlessly.

The last perk, Dark Queen of the Betrayed, appeals to me greatly. It does not force my allies to become something, and it gives power due to our relationships and love. It seems like the leveling is controlled, and it will require me to actually get to rank five before I can rush quickly to rank six. Also, as I rank up, this perk itself will evolve. I am curious to the benefits that will add to this. And the fact that some abilities and perks could evolve also benefits me. What I was confused about is the note. It can affect my sanity and well-being? How exactly? No, I should not think hard about this. I doubt it can do such a thing. Right. I made my decision.

Selected the perks:

Dark Queen of the Betrayed

Chaos Goddess Defiler

Are you sure you want these perks?

Selecting them, message says:


Abilities Improved in: [Gentle Play] --> [Eternal Lullaby]

[Motherly Love] --> [Goddess Affection]

[Banshee Scream] --> [Cries of the Betrayed]

Perks Increased in:

[Female Seducer] --> [Goddess Image]

The very presence of a Goddess surrounds you. They will always see you

as a beauty.

[Queen Witch of Darkness] --> [Eternal Queen of the Abyss]

Upon slaying or defeating a light affiliated foe, they can submit to you and/or turn into a

powerful Fallen version of themselves. If they deny you, you can torture them into

endless eternal torment where they will eventually submit to you.

I did not feel different, but I guess I will test these new stuff later. I can celebrate this later. I will have to focus.

Eyeing around the plaza now, a good amount of the invaders lie dead. The knights are getting re-organized, forming their ranks again. Getting onto the walls, I survey the buildings in front of me. The enemies will be an issue bring in their battering rams, catapults, and ladders using the main paths to the center of the city. If there was a way to destroy these buildings and block the main paths to the center, we can easily stall their siege equipment. Well, we will have to stall their catapults at a further distance. Even if we block the roads close to the center, the catapult's range will still hit the walls. Setting up ambushes would not be a wise move anymore. We will need as many soldiers to defend the plaza, walls, and palace.

I am also lacking vital Intel. The positions on the enemies and my own allies. Without that helpful map King Len had, or something of that caliber, I will not be able to respond to the enemy's movements or see the specific units. Ammunition for our bows will also be an issue unless the knights stored more somewhere else. Earlier, they were moving a ton of supplies to the front. With all those supplies on the front lines, the enemies should be able to use them against us. Glancing at the skies, I doubt that this rain will ease our troubled visions. Hell, everything things to be going downhill.

"I need information." I muttered to myself, getting off of the walls. Grizel starts to order the troopers to defend the walls, getting some knights to head out and protect the gateway. She looks at me, rushing with great haste.

"A ton of green flares shot into the air. The units holding the incoming orcs appearing from the south and east gateway are being held back as we speak. It will be a matter of time before those orcs and goblins arrive here. I doubt that the few knights scattered in the east and south position of the city will hold the incoming forces." Cursing at this, I ask her, "How many soldiers do we have?"

"From what I gathered, we have two hundred knights here. With us, two hundred fifty." Making a tsk sound, I can only grab a portion of knights with me. "Stay here and man the defenses. If you see the incoming enemies, shoot them down. I doubt they can enter the center plaza without their siege equipment, but we will need to make sure we have the gateway entrance secured. We do not want the entrance to be blocked for our retreating forces."

"Fifty of you guys follow me!" I shouted. Raising my ax into the air, a bunch of knights start to follow behind me. The rank ten orcs decide to follow me as well, letting out fierce war cries into the air. Wait. These guys should have brutal strength to tear down building right? Exiting out of the gateway, I watch the west and north gates fill up with numerous blue lights. Good, they are planning to retreat back here. With this small group though, I will want to start making key moves against the advancing enemies.

"You guys can easily chop down buildings right?!" I asked the orcs. The orcs glance at the building, saying, "Somewhat. It will take us a while, but we shall chop them down. What do you have in mind?"

"I want to use some of these buildings to create barricades. The main streets need to be blocked. If the enemy orcs cannot move their catapults or siege equipment forward, then we can stall them for more time!" As we head down the main north street, we can see a bunch of knights rushing past us. I would love to have a map to figure out where we should place these barricades, but with this weather, it will destroy the map. Heck, its night time as well, so reading a map in such darkness will be utterly difficult. As my group starts to rush by the retreating allies, I quickly look around.

This will be a good spot to create one of the barricade. "You knights, tell the retreating allies to take the other routes! We will start barricading the main route!" Nodding at this, the knights quickly form a line halting all retreating soldiers from using the main path. They start to shout out orders, telling their fellow comrades to take the other streets.

"Get to work! Take out those four buildings and make sure to block this main street! I will see what I can do to the other roads! After you complete this, retreat back to the center! The rest of you knights, if the enemies start to advance on, STOP THEM! Twenty of you knights, follow me!" Separating from the group, I decide to head to the western region of the city. We need to block as many main routes to the center as possible. The biggest streets, at the least. It will be impossible to barricade all of the streets to the center plaza, but if we can block the main roads, the orcs will be unable to advance easily past the last set of walls and the gateway.

A sudden roar erupt through the buildings, the two Night Menace quickly flying through several buildings. One of them died after it slams into one last building, the western main street had buildings fall on top of the paved path. Lurie appears above the destruction she caused, her eyes quickly turning to the other Night Menace. Watching the fight up close, I can see Lurie using dark magic now. Showing a dark aura around her armored gauntlet, she picks the creature up and throws the beast through several buildings. Chanting an incantation, several dark and light spheres appear behind her, firing right into the creature. Evading the attacks, the creature starts to charge at Lurie again. Conjuring up a dark and light spear of pure energy, she hammers both of them towards the beasts. I can feel a slight shock wave that made the creature fall onto the ground. Lurie quickly close the gap, slamming her spears into the creature. Upon impact, a burst of light and darkness surge into the creature's body, the body exploding after a few seconds past. Blood also exploded from that, most of it covering Lurie.

Scoffing at this, the fallen angel turns her attention to me, bowing.

"I have to say you displayed quite a show." The soldiers that witness this scene start to usher out cheers, but they start to retreat back to the plaza. Well, with this path barricaded, I will just have to head back to the central plaza. Lurie approach me, wiping the blood off of her. Since it was raining, it washed away the stains in no time.

"Disgusting. I am rather surprised that these beasts are not that hard. Maybe it is because of my rank. I doubt they actually pose a threat to me." Lightly laughing, I said, "You are a rank eight-winged angel. I bet you can even beat the Abaddon."

"Not without a Souleater. She has several on her, if you have not noticed. And fallen angel now." Lurie commented. She raise her eyebrows at me. She noticed I leveled up. " Congrats. Although what are you doing here? I assume that the plaza is secured now."

"I am trying to block most of the main streets. If I was able to cut off the enemies ability to push in their siege equipment..."

"We can stall for time. I will destroy the main roads for you. However, even though this will save lives and stall for time, there is one thing you forget about." What was that? Hearing painful screams behind us, my eyes locked onto the towering creatures storming and rushing into this city.


These giant beasts are clad in heavy and sturdy armor. It was not the cheap kind. These beasts wore steel armor, their weapons bearing the same materials as well. Letting out vicious roars and stomping through the silver knights, they swing their giant weapons nonchalantly at the puny humans. There are five of them before me. Not only that, some orcs were following these giant creature's charge. Heavy armored ones. The knights are getting pinned out there. Turning to Lurie, I told her, "Take care of those barricades. I will do something about this mess."

"I would tell you not to engage them, but you are the master. Besides, you tend to go into danger a lot." Lurie said, flying into the sky and dashing to the other sections of the city. Somewhat insulted at that, I said, "I am learning not to do that. Although these guys are just fodder for me. I can handle them." Turning my attention to the trolls, I can watch these beasts trample through the knights.

"Knights! Unleash a volley at those beasts! The rest of you lot, let's save our allies!" They let out a vicious cry, charging alongside me. I did not exert most of my powers to sprinting head first. Like I said, I am limiting most of my powers for later. Bolts and arrows fly over our heads, slamming into the enemies charging at the retreating knights. Deciding to eye towards one of Morrin's knights, "Swing me into one of those beasts!" Of course, the knight questioned this, but I pressed on, "Do it NOW!"

Grabbing my left arm, he quickly swings me around him. I fly right into the air. Locking onto one of the trolls, distracted by the knights trying to slash his legs, the creature turns its body to me. Getting a perfect landing on his upper body, I silently infuse my chi into these axes. Even though I should be leveling some other skill, I might as well slam these axes into this tough rank thirteen troll. Slamming my weapons underneath their helmet, I realize that these creatures had a huge chain mail covering their flesh even with this heavy steel armor. The troll starts to go ballistic, letting out an usher cry as it tried to pull me off of it. Evading his free hand, I pulled one of the axes from it's body, jumping into the sky. The troll lets out a fierce roar, revealing it's naked ugly face at me. That part of it's body that is exposed. I just need to aim my ax right into the forehead. Hard.

I was slightly surprised at the troll's speed though. It aimed it's huge spiky mace at me. Unable to teleport, I will have to block this attack or take the blunt of this attack. Coming out of nowhere, one of Morrin's knights got in the way of the attack, slamming the troll's mace away from me. Directing my attention to the troll, I just let gravity take its toll and bring me right onto it's head. Feeling the blade enter into it's skull, the creature lets out a whelp before falling onto the orcs and goblins. The other trolls were enraged at this. Roaring at me, slamming their weapons into the ground, fellow allies, or the buildings.

Skill increased in: [Level 115 Maces] --> [Level 123 Maces]

Affection Points: 45

"Great." I said to myself, "Just pissed off the rest of the family."

"Fire!" a voice echoes in the rainy air, bolts raining onto the trolls. This stopped the trolls frenzy attempts to attack me, enraging them even more. I was surprised at the amount of bolts hammering into these giant creatures though. Wanting to turn my attention to that voice, the next few moments captivated me. Several silver captain knights charged right into the trolls, quickly piercing their swords into their heads. All four of the trolls lie dead as they captains ducked at the volley of bolts and arrows eliminating the incoming orcs and goblins.

"Continue the volley, give our soldiers time to retreat!" The young female captain was present behind us, "Get going you idiots! We do not want to stay here any longer!" Nodding at this, I screamed out, "Fall back!" The knights start to rush through the covering fire. The orcs were somewhat confused at this, retreating for the while. The female leader decides to run beside me, saying, "Rather bold of you to fly into a troll, wouldn't you say?"

"I tend to have crazy plans." I stated, "Wasn't my first time doing that."

"I heard what happened. Despite the fact that you are working under Morrin, I will be reluctantly letting you help us."

"By letting me be in command, you will be helping your people. I know that Morrin has no intentions of letting this city fall. You are not siding with the evil forces due to this decision, you are allowing this city to survive this onslaught." The woman just scoffs, "If you stated this in the beginning, we could have obeyed you."

"It has gotten to the point where I need to be in charge now." I stated, "I respected your wishes, and I rather earn the right to lead when I prove myself worthy to."

"I heard what happened at the plaza. The biggest problem will be holding the gateway for the night. Do you know how many trolls there are? Even if we have one gateway to defend, those massive beings can easily crumble through our lines." I figured that out when I watched them from a far. Heading to the center plaza, there are a bunch of orcs trying to push for the gateway. Appearing behind the west side, my group easily hacked their way into the backs of these orcs and goblins. Allowing us through, we quickly rush past the gateway. Rows of knights are formed throughout the plaza, several units holding multiple boxes of arrows and bolts into the towers. Pulling out a small gun, the young commander fires a purple shot in the air. In response to this purple light, several white flares light the rainy night.

"Shit. A good amount of our soldiers are stuck. None of them are able to retreat now."

"Catherine, we assembled most of our archers on the wall. The orcs have been returning fire though, somewhat cutting our soldiers."

"As long as we have those four ballistas in the towers, we are fine. They can easily kill massive groups enemies. They can even kill trolls if they're dumb enough to stay in one position. Tell our forces outside to fall inside now. We cannot wait for the others any longer. Get them to do the repeating volley."

"Repeating volley!" This command was echoed through the air, the archers and crossbowmen firing waves of projectiles. The knights engaging the orcs quickly backed off. At that same moment, the arrows and bolts rain themselves on to the attacking forces. They would have pursued the knights if the volley had not stopped them. Another wave of projectiles rain into them, halting their pursuit. Then another, and another. Amazed at this, this sort maneuver helped most of the knights outside retreat inside. Closing the gateway, the orcs and goblins start to storm around the entrance, bashing violently against the gates. Unable to pry the metal gates open with their weapons, they start to shout at us. The volley stopped, allowing the range units to fire into the horde freely.

"Let's go inside." Lurie lands close to us as we prepare to head inside the palace.

"The orcs have assembled a lot of trolls to push through here. It will be hard fighting to fend them off."

"I figured." I said, wiping the rain on my forehead, "This weather is not easing this battle."

Entering the palace, the civilians are still frightened. Huddling together still, I find Esta healing the wounded. Looking around the place, the captains noticed the blood elf leader. Catherine raised an eyebrow at me, knowing that this being was here because of me. Hopefully, this elf will behave herself in front of these knights. Also, she should not mention her assistance with the Night Menace. Sighing, one of the captains said, "We should have done something about this issue."

"Stop complaining about it," another one stated, "We need to hold out and protect these people. At the least, we have a good three thousand soldiers holding this center."

"Even with our knights, we will have to worry about those trolls. Their size will disrupt any of our formations. The only way to kill them off safely is to use our archers and crossbowmen. With this massive horde, they have a good hundred or so trolls. I doubt we will have enough time and ammunition to take them down fast and easy."

"Ah, Aisha you're back." Hearing this coming out of my orc leader, I turn to him. Recognizing the armor units behind him, my heart stopped for a bit.

King Len's elite soldiers. They do not even resemble the armored units that I bumped into the forest way back then.

Bearing armor out of this world, these unknown elites seem to be of a different level and caliber. I mean, their rank is five, but they were holding weapons I do not recognize. Even their armor, it was letting out a strange resonance. No, a glow. In between their arms and limbs, I can see tubes running through them. Is that mana? It was showing a light blue glow that resembled mana when its extracted into a liquid form. With their dark purple armor, the light blow glow seems to light away the shadows. Many eyes were locked onto these mysterious beings. The armor itself seems to show no skin, stacking many armor plates on top of each other. Especially on the shoulders. Their helmets are in a dome shape, a huge black area taking most of the helmet. Especially in the front, plating wrapped around the lower face and mouth. Gray circular designs are around the ear region, some gray tubes running underneath their chin.

There are too many lines and panels here and there, the very design of these suits exceeding anything I have ever seen. Their body armor just seems to be out of this world. Like any knights I seen, this armor seems to cover every inch of their body, but I have a feeling that no normal weapons can slash past the material. This was so bizarre. Their weapons also seem to be like Len's Souleaters. It seems to have a futuristic look using materials like their armor. I was slightly confused at the tubes running from their weapons into their backs.

"Who are you guys?" Feigning ignorance. I know who these guys are. They fit the bill from what I read. These are King Len's special forces, his elites? Rank five though. No. Are these new elite soldiers? It was hard to figure this part out, but I have to act like I do not know anything. I cannot give them the heads up that I knew about them. I fear that they might have a communicator in their helmets. They can easily inform King Len about something.

Speaking of the devil.

"Ah, Aisha, I was a bit sadden by the fact you left without saying goodbye." The soldier took out a small device that displayed the King. The red hair gun bullet hero, King Len. He was wearing his own black trench coat and hat. He just gives a smile to me. Returning a smile, as best as I can without thinking about the information I learned, I said, "I should have known you would send your forces here."

"Sadly," he started, "It is a small amount of them. However, you will be enjoying their prowess on the battlefield. Do not let their rank fool you now. I will be letting these ten guys accompany you on your journey for a bit. These are my elites. I gave them the latest technology I created. If you're interested in them, just let me know when you come back."

"I would hate to disturb you my lord," it was Catherine, "But we're in a very sticky situation."

"Apologies. I just wanted to see Aisha one last time. I doubt I will have time to chat with you. I have most of your family members in my city, and we are waging war against Emperor Titus. Rest assure, I will be able to take care of this little matter by the time you return and visit me in the flesh."

Ugh, that guy. Just bowing before the soldier push a button on his communicator, a knight rushes into the palace.

"They are ramming the gates!" Catherine quickly curse at this, the captains quickly dawning their helmets and charging out first.

"With your permission, allow us to engage those trolls once they rush inside." I turn towards the elite soldiers, watching them pull their strange weapons. Each one of them was linked to their armor.

"You have permission to engage." I said. It was strange for them to ask me this. They were sent to help out right, or are they literally under my command now? No. King Len wants to keep an eye on me as well. He already had this in his mind once I left. He is really attached to me. His lust to resurrect his fallen lover is up there. I cannot turn a blind eye to this 'act of kindness.'

Regardless, I will use them till they die.

"Lurie. Stay here." Leaning close to her, "Keep an eye on Elora, Esta, and the blood elf." Nodding to this command, I quickly dash out of the palace to stare at the amount of knights getting ready for the incoming enemies. The orcs and goblins cannot scale the walls, allowing our range units to shoot at the attackers, but bodies start to pile up on these walls. The metal gate was under attack by the trolls hammering their maces into it. Some crossbowmen fire at the small opening they made, killing some of them in the process.

"Get those mages to use protective magic and buff our troopers up! We need them to fend off the incoming arrows flying above the wall. We need everyone for this next engagement!" a captain yells out, "You lot, make sure to guard these mages with your life! Do not let them die while they give us support!"

The crossbow soldiers got away from the gateway, positioning themselves in the back. Archers and crossbowmen aim their sights onto the gateway.

"Hold your ground and give these bastards hell!" Catherine shouted. Letting out a hooray, the gateway exploded. Trolls start to storm past the gateway. The knights tried to stop these giant beasts' advance, but they were smacked aside. Armored goblins sneak their way past the giant beasts to jump and attack the silver knights. More trolls start to poor in, several of these giant beasts being shot down on sight. The knights were being forced out of their tight formation. The orcs start to rush into the gaps and engage the knights. Several captains flew into the air, slicing into the trolls' head. Most of the knights that broke out of formation tried to stop the orcs' advance, but with this much disruption due to the trolls, there was no way to stop their charge. A troll glares at me, charging right towards me.

A strange sound echoes in the air, a blue blast piercing- no, burnt away the troll's head. Even with their helmet, the head was gone. Only a crisp outline of the shot that fired into the head curves at the neck. Looking behind me, Len's elite soldiers start to engage the enemies. The shot that blast the troll was fired from the higher level of the palace. Another shot fired at another troll, instantly tearing his head off. Five of the soldiers aim their rifles, blue lasers leaving a huge hole in the enemies' chest. Or instantly decimating a goblin into ashes. One them had a huge gun, carrying the weapon with both hands. Flying into the air, he fires a huge volley of blue lasers into the gateway, wiping a good twenty or thirty enemies trying to enter. He lands on the ground for a bit to repeat the process. Two of the armored elites were in front of me, literally punching blasts of blue projectiles right into the enemies they punch. They were both female warriors, syncing with one another. A troll tries to smash them, both flying off the ground. Landing onto the ground, they turn their attention to that troll. One of them flies at the orc, unleashing bullets from her arms. Well, the blue strange projectiles made the troll step back against such a strong blast. The other elite warrior charge at the troll, blasting ton of rounds into the troll's legs. Roaring at the immense pain, the troll starts to fall onto the ground. Getting close to his head, the one that jumped on him aim both of her arms at the head. Combining her armored hands for a moment, weapon was formed together to unleash a huge blue blast that incinerate the troll's head.

These guys are definitely out of this world. They were killing these high leveled beings with such ease. The leader of the group did not use any range weapons. Having tubes run to the arms, the last elite soldier was using blue energy blades that easily tore through the armored foes. When a couple orcs try to stab at this warrior, the elite soldier quickly flies into the air, slashing their heads off. Landing onto the ground, the warrior stabs his blade into a body, turning around to use that dead body to block incoming bolts. Tossing the body at them, he literally flies into them, stabbing his blades against their bodies. I know I saw some flames coming out of their boots. Doing something, the warrior was able to make those energy blades turn into spears, tossing them towards the gateway. Like an arrow, it pierced into a body, but it literally tore through a whole row of enemies. And this warrior tossed two of these giant blue spears through the gateway.

Even with these guys, I notice that the enemies are charging towards the palace. They did not care about the knights. They wanted to kill the civilians?! Quickly rushing to a troll heading right to the palace, I jumped onto the troll's back, grabbing his head. Using my sheer strength, I snapped the creature's head. It was a bit hard to wrap my hands around such a huge head, but I killed the creature. Staring at the orcs charging forward, I power my hand with chi, punching the orcs right in the stomach. I ignored the feeling of my hands entering into their bodies. Flinging the dead bodies to the charging orcs, I quickly evaded several axes swinging at me.

I literally punched one of the orc's head right off their body. Morrin's knights start to help me, slashing their blades around their bodies to hack at the incoming orcs. Coming out of nowhere, my Skullclaw orcs start to hammer the weak enemies all over the place. Both sides unleashing vicious roars at one another. "Make sure these guys do not get past us..."

Skill Increased in: [Level 37 Shield] --> [Level 111 Shield]

Affection Points: 51

"Night Menaces!" screamed a knight.

What?! Turning my attention to the walls, seven of these dark creatures reaped the rows of ranged units clean off the wall. Letting out a terrifying roar, the creatures start to join in the fight. Why are they here?! And seven of them!?! Dark and light arrows fly past me to pierce into two of them. Lurie flies towards another one of them, slamming the creature into the ground with her empowered weapon. An explosion burst throughout the ground, disrupting the nearby soldiers within the vicinity. Planning to gang up on the angel, a laser ripped one of their heads apart.

The two gauntlet wielding elites decide to attack one of the Night Menace, enjoying their new enemy they can beat up. Letting out a screech, more Night Menaces appear through the battlefield. Some of these orcs were Night Menaces! The head leader of King Len's elite decides to rush into one of these beasts, violently stabbing the blades into the chest. I had my doubts about these guys, but the leader was violently stabbing into the creature's belly, blood erupting from its chest. Slicing it's head off, the leader quickly goes for another one. Staring at the numerous amount of Night Menaces appearing, two of them were rushing towards the palace. Shit. No one as stopping these guys!

"Toss me!" I ordered Morrin's knight, "Right at those two!"

"Are you nuts!?" The knight exclaimed, slamming his blades into two orcs, "You will die engaging those creatures!"

"Just do it!" one of my orcs grabbed me and toss me towards the beasts. Quickly empowering myself in chi, I used my hands to grab their massive bodies with me. Flying over the walls and into some buildings, I shake off the debris on top off of me. I was able to use my chi armor to cushion my fall. Angry at me, the creatures tried to tear me into bits. Evading their attacks, I quickly used my stamina I have been hiding to dash around the creatures. Puzzled by my speed, I quickly buffed myself with Devil's Embrace and Holy Grace. I also stacked Damnation Sorrow, Holy Embrace, Holy Charge, and Damnation Rite. Deciding to create two javelins of light and dark, I appear before the confused creatures. Combining the two javelins, I quickly made a gray javelin. Splitting it into two, one for each hand, I stabbed both of these energy made weapons into the creature's body. Not feeling a heavy toil take over, I watch the creatures fall onto the ground. Satisfied at their quick deaths, I allowed my buffs to disappear. I need to get back to the plaza...

A sudden force of power made me fly into the air!

What?! Something slashed against my armor. Flying through the rainy night sky, there was no enemy nearby! I could not sense them! About to hit the ground, a figure burst through a building. Ramming violently against my body, I crashed through a series of buildings. This creature was definitely fast! I have to... Unable to respond, the creature quickly toss me into the sky a bit before he slams me further into the air past the walls. Flying past multiple trees, I slam hard against the muddy earth. Upon impact, a crater formed. Shaking my head a bit, I can feel some blood running down my head. Hell, my body felt the sting of all those impacts. What the hell? Luckily I had my chi armor covering me. It would have been terrible if I took the actually damage.

"You are Princess Aisha? The one Valarie seeks? A bit shocked that you are not putting much of a fight." said a male voice, although it was distorted, and sounds more of a beast. Definitely, it was a beast speaking to me. As I get up from my crater, I notice a Night Menace on the edge of the destroyed ground. This being was certainly different from the rest of it's bunch. It still had it characteristics like all the others, but the presence of this creature left a huge impression in the air and on my body. It was certainly above the Demi-God rank. Hell, it seems to be in a rank I would not be able to describe. Staring at this creature closely, this Night Menace had a fearsome appearance than the others.

It has eight yellow eyes and eight arms on it's back. The mouth of this creature was a bit different. Having four separate mandibles attached to its face, the mandibles moving every time the creature breathes and talk. Past those mandibles hold the same thousand of sharp teeth that are use to consume flesh. Staring at it's size and shape, it was a slightly wider and taller than the others. It resembled no wolf like resemblance, standing upright. The very eyes start to turn red, the red color of its armor skin turning black. With no light, the creature seems to blend in the darkness. Compared to the others, I could see an outline of their figure. Now, I am struggling to see it. Using my enhanced perception, I was able to get a see the creature's outline and somewhat detailed appearance in my eyes.


"I devoured an agent of Valarie's. I learned a lot about you, and of Valarie's schemes. You are certainly worth my attention. You have Brynhild's special perk. I... WANT... IT!" Pulling out my blades, I stop the creature from slamming all eight of his sharp spears into my body. Chuckling lightly, I can feel my feet grinding against the Earth. This damn creature felt like a damn elephant! Well, it felt like Titan's giant sword attack on me one time. It feels like a ticking time bomb waiting to burst. "You cannot eat me, I certainly need this life to venture out in this world. You can try in another life..." Forcing me against the ground, he pushes me further into the forest, letting out a vicious roar. Slamming my defense away, I quickly hammer my blades against his extra sharp arm spears before they could stab me. Remembering the creature's main arms, I quickly backed away form the beast. Missing his initial attack, the beast lunges forward moving his eight spears in a wild manner. Trying to block all eight of these attacks is a pain in my ass. There was no way to, not with the way he was attacking. Frantic and unpredictable. It was best for me to observe and evade. This Night Menace has his spear joints attacking in every direction. My blades can only stop two of his attacks, the other eight I cannot stop.

Wait a second, it's tail-

Finding a sudden pain stabbing behind me, the creature rams me through some trees. This creature had a longer tail! It was able to sneak behind me. Getting up, I look down at my armor. It bears the scratch marks from those attacks. Great. Not even my armor can save me this time.

"You better get serious... Or you will die." The creature charge at me again. Sighing, I need to be serious. I did not want to. In any engagement, revealing one's power too quickly will only reveal the many tricks and advantages you might have. In this case though, if I prolonged this fight without using my powers, I will surely die. Quickly activating my Pressure Realm, I teleport behind the creature and slam both of my blades against his back. Surprised at this, the creature tries to stab me with all eight of his arms. He missed, my next location appearing in front of his head and unleashing some fire magic in his face. Screeching at this, it lets out a roar that should have fazed me. Deciding to counter his roar, I unleashed my Cries of the Betrayed, dazing the creature. No, it was puzzled, trying to regain its thoughts or something. Taking this moment, I appear before him, unleashing several Dual Strikes into his chest. I teleport away as the creature eyes at his state.

"It seems like this will certainly be a challenge. You scratched my armor and slightly burned my face. I will surely savor this, and savor your flesh as I consume it."

"Bring it." I said, knowing that this creature has no clue about my trump card, "I will certainly kill you."

The creature changed his form before me. Turning his size into a human's, the creature had several changes to his form. His arms on his back are gone. Instead of having ten arms in total, he has two. I find it hard that it was just two arms. He stands on the balls of his feet. His feet were armored up with three claws instead of toes. The skin resembles that of a knight in armor. His mouth was covered by his armor as well. His six eyes looking right at me. This change of appearance defied the normal looks of a Night Menace. It as more of a humanoid beast. It's domed helmet motion to the side, cracking his neck. This creature had a crimson color all over him. It seemed like it was still changing colors though if a shadow touched it. This form had no tail though. Motioning his arms to his back, he draws out something.

His own bones. No, it seems like the sharp pincers of his other arms can be used as swords, yet this creature was literally pulling stuff out of his own body. Watching the scene before me, the creature slowly pulls out two swords from his back. Slightly disgusted by this, the creature's voice sounded close to a man's now. Something was odd though. It sounded rough and hoarse as if something was making him sound sick. "You are certainly dead. I barely use this form. No one knows of it, and you will die."

Teleporting right at him, he quickly blocks it with ease. Our blades grinding against each other and our faces moving close to each other.

"Just know that if I win, you might become my pet." I stated. Advertisement Previous

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