《Old: The Dark Inheritor》Chapter 14: Cromer's Secret Scent
With my usually morning routine, ignoring the two girls now sleeping with me, I got up real early to make sure the orcs are ready to head out. All twenty of them were there, the other team was able to gather most of the materials I will need to craft some beginning level weapons, armor, and other sorts. They did not tell me how they acquire their storage rings, but I can only assume it did not go against the previous order I assigned them.
Telling them their next assignment, I order them to find a merchant that we can protect along our way to Cromer. Since this was a tavern, there should be one resting here and planning to move out soon.
Deciding to wake Esta and Lurie up, I gather most of my belonging and dawn my armor. Not afraid of bumping into Imperial soldiers from Emperor Titus, I did not need to cover up with the red color. Knowing that I might lose Gallant's ring, I decide to shove his ring into my own storage ring. The unique Souleater, despite its usage and craziness, will needs to be secured. Coming out of the room, I was informed by one of the orcs that we found a merchant who plans to hire us.
I forgot to teach Lurie and these orcs about hiding their ranks, slapping my face due to my stupidity. Well, this makes our job alot easier since no bandits or other raider groups will attack us now. As my orcs help the merchant pack up, I ended up speaking to the humble old man. I was hoping that the orc leader would do this for me, but I am technical the leader of him though.
"Thank you so much for guarding us milady." the old man states, wearing a brown vest, green button shirt, brown pants, and boots. He had a big nose and a wide figure. Looks like he is in his fifties. Surprisingly, I can hear kids and eyed an adult female with an average shape. Wasn't like a models, but wasn't that fat either. She seems to be in her forties though. A boy and girl came up to the man I was speaking with, hugging his leg, telling him that they want to play.
"Now, now, it's rude to disturb me when I'm speaking to someone." The kids eye at me, awing a bit. "She a warrior?"
"Yep." the father said, giving a very warm, kind smile, patting their heads, "Run back to your mom and get ready. Just sit in the back of the wagon." Giggling and being kids, I watch them rush over to their mom. "Sorry about that ma'am..."
"It's fine." I replied, laughing a bit. "I won't be asking much. Just a few gold coins. We'll accompany you to Cromer. I doubt anyone will attack you on the way there with us around." This man was somewhat surprised, but he took the offer I gave. Not being too greedy or desperate, he bows his head lightly, thanking me once more.
"I am glad I was able to hire you. I don't know what will happen to my family if things go wrong." I was slightly puzzled at something. Shouldn't there be adventurers offering their protection to these merchants right now? Deciding to clear up my inquiries, I asked, "Aren't there suppose to be more guards or mercenaries for hire?" The old man scratch his round head, trying to figure out why there wasn't a lot of mercenaries for hire as well.
"I have no clue ma'am." Without anymore questions, I let him continue packing up his wares onto the wagon. I ordered some orcs to help out with any other things the man needs to speed up the process. I can see more merchants getting ready to go, packing up their wooden crates onto their wagons, and venturing out on the road. Esta and Lurie both arrive outside, the old man somewhat astonished at Lurie being one of the guards.
"I forget to ask you how to hide my rank Aisha..." the angel whispers, shaking her head, "You seriously need to teach me later. I got a feeling that things will be a bit harder for you if I scare everything away."
"Don't worry about it for now." I replied, "I want to get to Cromer. I forget to inform you two about some pressing issues that might arise though." Making my companions end up in a curious state, we start to head off to Cromer with our merchant. For twenty minutes, it was quiet and calm. The old man was enjoying his time as his kids tend to move around a lot. They hop onto the driver seat with their dad, bothering him with a ton of questions. Most of the orcs were vigilant, eyeing at the surroundings to make sure nothing would attack us.
The three of us, Esta, Lurie, and I, were catching glimpses og the kids playing with their dad. Their mom chiming in to get the kids into the back again. Worried a bit, I eye at Esta to see if she was thinking about her family. Lurie caught on as well, but Esta seems utterly fine. Her smile upon her face did not show any hint of sadness. Her eyes twinkle though, watching the merchant family.
"Something's going on up there." Eyeing at the mess, there was a bunch of merchants talking to someone. Deciding to stop my group, I walk forward. I can easily recognize the figure, but I was questioning why this person was here? Well, then again, with the Holy Crusade over, most of these figures should be going back to their original post or doing something else.
Rushing ahead, I slip by the merchants to usher the person's name.
"Abaddon Morrin?" The hooded woman turns to me, somewhat letting out a sexy, "Oh? Aisha? That is you, isn't it? Glad to see you alive and well. Thought you would be in Zezrious- really tried to find you in that large city before I left." Walking up to her, I said, "So you guys won?"
"Of course. Now Zezrious is in league with us, but now some stupid stuff is going on between Titus and Alfred. Sort of stupid for these guys to fight one another under our religion, but it's whatever. Titus is an idiot, and wouldn't mind having Len and his allies instead." Trying to figure out why this woman here, she slowly approach me, whispering, "Do you know about the Night Menace?"
Instead of giving a reply, I nod my head slightly, "There have been a lot of those creatures spotted around here. Due to this issue growing out of hand, I was given the task to deal with them. They seem to be coordinated and organized. Since I am heading to Cromer, it will be in your best interest to stick with me. Something isn't right. Night Menaces are not suppose to be in this area. SOMETHING made them come here." Hearing this, I let out a shiver.
They're already attacking now?! I did not want to deal with them now.
"Don't worry, my company will be travelling with you until we get to Cromer." I responded, "But you might want to make up a lie for these merchants. I doubt they know much about the situation."
Abaddon Morrin eyes at the merchants slightly confused. Before I came, these merchants were asking a ton of questions about her presence and what was going on. It was either a sign that she was heading to battle nearby, or something else is going to happen. And usually, if its the something else happening, it was never a good sign. Morrin lets out a sigh and says, "Yeah, might as well."
Separating, I decide to tell our merchant about travelling with Abaddon Morrin's army. Not questioning the army guarding him now, we tag along with the Morrin's company, travelling down the road. Along with our merchant, several other caravans were with us. I only brought up the Night Menace's existence to the orcs since they will have to do most of the heavy work if we encounter them. Esta and Lurie do not know about these creatures. Bringing them up now will only trouble them, and the information I leak out might be heard by the merchants. Eyeing at the empty fields, there was no way a Night Menace would attack a huge army lead by an Abaddon rank right?
Also with an open field like this, a sneak attack is impossible to do.
Travelling down this road for thirty minutes, bored out of my mind really, we finally approach the entrance of Cromer. There seems to be a lot of people throughout the city. Thanking us for our services, our merchant pays me the twenty gold coins. I watch as they departed with the other merchants, heading deeer into the city. Placing it away in my ring, I turn to see Abaddon Morrin talking to several of Cromer's knights. Moving towards them, a knight stops me in my path.
"Ma'am, you do not have any business with them. Please move along-"
"How rude of you to stop a dear friend of mine." Morrin said, her voice appearing behind the silver knight, "She has helped King Len defend against the Crusade called upon Zezrious. She was the strategist who aided us when we were backed against the wall. Do not belittle those with foresight and gifts that can help in this situation." Understanding my importance, the knight bows to me.
"Sorry about that milady." Dashing off, Abaddon Morrin just scoffs and says, "This is a very pressing issue. How much do you know about this incident?"
"A good amount. Reports of the attacks and the fact that this issue has been going on for months. I am surprised that you are here though. Is there any reason why you are here?" Motioning her head a bit to gesture "follow me", I walked beside the armored woman. Several Cromer knights and Abaddon's own knights tagged along behind us.
As we walked down the streets, I can see that Abaddon's red armored knights stroll all over the streets, moving to certain areas. Are they planning to reinforce this city?
"The issue is that these reports have been growing. Death rates have increased drastically. The reason why I am here is due to these damn creatures killing off our forces left and right. This wouldn't be an issue for us if we were not that desperate or concerned with the numbers of troopers. With the death of some of our comrades and one of the armies getting under attacked en route to Zezrious, we have to intervene."
What? Was there something going on somewhere that required their large armies? Why were they concerned about the numbers unless something big was happening somewhere else. Unable to figure this out, Abaddon Morrin continues on, "There is something odd about these creatures though. They are not suppose to be sighted around here. They are suppose to be located further west where they prey on higher ranked foes compared to the regular rank beings here."
Deciding to answer insecurities and inquiries I might have, I ask, "You're saying that these Night Menace are here due to something they want? What could they want in Cromer? This city doesn't hold anything valuable, right?"
Obviously, Morrin knows a lot more about these creatures compared to that knight. Eyeing at me for a moment, she turns her gaze back in front of her. Motioning her hand over her storage ring, she reveals it to me, "They are seeking knowledge. They are looking for the Alchemist in this city that can tamper with this black rose. This unique colored rose is hard to manipulate with due to its high resistance to magic. Night Menaces tend to gain knowledge, power, unique skills, or other traits from those they devour. They want to obtain knowledge by all means. They will not stop if they desperately want to know something. The question now will be who is this Alchemist they are seeking. And why?"
Unable to contain my shock, I yelled, "These creatures gain knowledge from those they kill?!" So these creatures are like me? Killing in order to gain whatever power they can obtain?
"Not kill. They have to devour." stated Morrin, "And from the reports, they know that the knowledge they seek is in this city. From the first report, only a few Night Menace creatures were spotted. Due to them gaining knowledge about this Alchemist, they called in more forces to help out. They might attack the city. I wouldn't be surprise if they do. Either the Alchemist will continue to reside here in Cromer, or plan to head out somewhere. If they plan to leave, most likely it will be in a large bunch. The creatures did not attack us when we were entering due to the fact that we're coming from Zezrious. These creatures have a high intelligence that can make themselves fearsome generals of a very high caliber."
Learning this, it does not answer something about the item I was holding. This black rose. Why are the creatures wanting to find an Alchemist to tamper with this? Was it hard to find Alchemists that can tamper with these roses? Deciding to use Inspect on it, I can see a ton of benefits listed for using it. It can act as a substitute for pills like Len and Brynhhild. This flower can make the Night Menace, despite the description the knight gave, 2x worse.
"Do you have any leads to who this Alchemist is?" I asked. Knowing me, I can try to find that knight who informed me about these creatures. I will have to force the man to tell me. To deal with this situation and get rid of these creatures, I will need Morrin's help. Especially with her army, I hope we can force them back.
"None. It will be hard to find an Alchemist with such skills so easily. And even if I was to ask and beg for them to reveal themselves, they will not. A lot of people, believe it or not, will want said skill. Some might even kill people of said unique skills due to how nobles or other people can pay for their services. If you were to learn that your most hated enemy can get a ton of abilities you can't compete with, you will want to kill said person who can gift people said benefits."
I didn't realize this was a huge deal. This could explain why so many with gifted abilities tend to hide or mask their presence. They will want a low profile due to bounty hunters, thieves, or assassins. No, I should have realized this with Brynhild's presence at my mansion back then. She was going through that exact same issue. Compared to an Alchemist, she has the skills to defend herself even against an Emperor and his army.
It's settled, I will need to find this knight and interrogate him.
Depends though. If what Morrin said is true, the possibility of them attacking right now is nigh. Most likely, they will attack at nighttime. It will happen somewhere this week. If I do not head out soon, they will be a good chance that we'll be stuck in the creature's attack. The other issue will be if the Alchemist will head out with a huge crowd. Due to my urgency to get to the Pillars of Gluttony, this Alchemist could be tagging along with us as well.
There are a ton of people too. It will be hard to find this Alchemist.
Where were we going? I never asked, or never thought to ask, Abaddon Morrin about our destination. Deciding to ask her now, "Where are we heading off to? If we were to find out who this Alchemist is, shouldn't be searching high and low?" The woman eyes at me, shaking her head.
"Time is of the essence. If you want to find someone in particular, the best way to figure this out is with knowledge about how finding particular people with said skills." Blinking several times, I am guessing we're heading to the library? Not asking anymore question, we arrive at the entrance of the city's library. It seems to be two stories high. Rectangular in shape, the marble building being patrolled and guarded by a lot of guards. Clad in silver and red, they patrol periodically around this public facility.
Glancing at the area, this would obviously hint something was up. Are they guarding the library to make sure the creatures don't come in? Was is possible for these creatures to even read- no, they should be able to once they devour a human. Tossing this aside, I just walked up the steps with Abaddon Morrin.
Following Morrin into the marble library, we counted the number of people using this public building. Or was it locked down due to this situation? Staring at the people inside the library, most of them were above the average citizens of this city, bearing silk or fashionable outfits that is expensive. Leading the way, Abaddon Morrin went all the way to the back. "I will need your help finding information about this Alchemist. There is always a book that describes about past events and Night Menaces. Only issue would be finding the book, or books."
"The reason why so many guards are around here is due to the creature's ability to read, right?" I whisper.
"We don't exactly know this, but it is possible for the creature to read. It might take hours for it to look for the book we need. If a creature was in the library, I doubt that the big thing can keep hidden with its shape. Anyways, let's search for the book we'll need. It's bound to be here somewhere in these sections." Morrin points to the six aisles, "Most of the librarians placed the significant books back here. No ordinary person can come back here. Good luck in finding the book. I will start over there." Leaving me there, I watch the warrior head into an aisle.
"This is troublesome...." I muttered under my breathe. Which method should I choose?
If we decide to look for the information, it might take days- weeks. I need to resolve this issue fast. Most likely, I could interrogate the knight from before. He seems to be an eye witness and knows the Alchemist we might be looking for. The fact he dodged my question could hint that he was working for the Alchemist. Yeah... I can try to find this knight and question him.
"Are you that dumb. Think bitch." That voice sounded very familiar.
It was Anathema.
Blinking several times, I question the weapon. Why is it talking now- thought that it only speaks to me in my dreams.
"Idiot. I can speak whenever I want. You are too dumb to even figure out something really important."
What was so important? Couldn't finding this knight be a good move?
"How do you know that he is alive after telling you something that crucial. He might have died on his way back to wherever. Not only that, the fact that these creatures can obtain skills and abilities should trigger a shocking realizing- if you can fucking figure it out."
Thinking long and hard, I cannot figure out what my own weapon was trying to tell me. Hearing a sigh from Anathema's voice, "If the possibility of these creatures can obtain skills and abilities by devouring people, most likely they can devour something that can morph into humans, that can shapeshift."
My eyes burst wide open, piecing the rest together.
The creatures have already obtained the information that we seek for. Not only that, if they can morph into a human being, they can easily infiltrate Cromer without any issues. Trying to figure out what to do, the weapon continues on, "It will be pointless to try and find information when they already have a head start. The key thing, know this, when it comes to disguises or fooling everyone is how they'll keep to one's everyday agenda."
Deciding to continue the rest of this statement, I can assume that if a Night Menace was to devour a knight, he'll be able to shapeshift into said person, then stick with their schedule, and act as if they are that person. Now, I have no clue how these night Menace beings gained the ability to shapeshift, but these creatures can easily enter the city. Maybe they already have? What I am slightly confused at was how my weapon figured this out. That the creature have such a handy ability.
"I told you, dumb ass, I am a very old weapon. This is not the first time I seen such creatures with a handy abilities LIKE YOURS." This weapon knows too much, then again, it is linked to me. There was no way to hide anything from a unique weapon like Anathema. And this was convenient, I do not need to explain most of the strange weirdness of my perks and how I got these high leveled abilities. "Now tell me, unless you need my fucking help again, what will you do?"
With this new Intel, I can guess that these creatures should have taken said books with them or somewhere else. Tracking down this individual, hoping its only one, I can see if this is the creature that infiltrated the city. Although the biggest question and concern will be this- How will I deal with the creature? Fighting against some giant figure might be an issue. If it reveals itself, I will have to fight its gruesome form. Do I have to fight this creature? Especially in this city?
"You're so fucking stupid." the weapon states, "You DO NOT have to be fucking single-minded with every fucking problem. THERE ARE OTHER WAYS to a simple issue like this." Other ways? I like how I am standing in the library, talking in my own head with my weapon. What other way is there?
"Answer me this, is there one way to kill someone on the battlefield?" the weapon posed a question against my own. What the hell? There are many ways to kill someone on the battlefield. "Use that brain of yours, and take a non-direct approach. If you were to assassinate someone- do you think a direct confrontation will work? Maybe, but you're risking your reputation, your well-being, and your life. You stalk your prey, you track them down, you get to know them- do I have to spell everything out or can you piece the rest?"
Answering, I can piece the rest myself, I can figure out what to do. Instead of doing my previous approach, I should just stalk this creature to the individual. Most likely, they can easily take me to the Alchemist. This doesn't avoid the issue that might arise like how I will need to engage the being, but this method can help me find the Alchemist and tell Morrin their identity. Well, asking my weapon anyways, how do I deal with a Night Menace?
"Use perfume." Hearing this, I raised an eyebrow and questioned this severely. Perfume? On a creature that can easily devour things- use fucking perfume? The weapon says, "Do you believe me or not?" Not going to doubt it, I will have to buy perfume later. "With your level and skills, technically, you can kill the creature with your own principle you have. Even if you have a high leveled dual swords, martial arts, or magic, these creatures are known for withstanding devastating normal attacks. The Principle of Harmony and Chaos you obtained will be able to kill these beasts in one hit or two. They do not have resistance to hybrid magic. Especially to a unique combination like yours."
Oh, this surprised me. Due to the fact that I created this, the creatures have no knowledge on defending against it. Somewhat surprised that Anathema complimented me for a bit. Hell, I did not even suspect these creatures to be vulnerable to this dark and light magic of mine.
Enough with the chit-chat, time to get to work. Eyeing through the aisles, I try to find the missing books off of the shelves. Out of the thousand of books, there is only one book missing.
Heading to a librarian, I asked her if she knew the person that took the book. Well, name of the book first, then the person who took it. Stating a title that talked about the Black Roses, it was a knight named Xeno. He borrowed the book a few weeks ago, stating that he was interested in the lore of the mysterious flower. Taking this information, I will have to ask the local knights about this individual. I will leave Morrin behind to take care of this problem. Oh, right, I need to talk to Lurie and Esta. When we arrived in the city, I told my group to go into a tavern and wait for me.
Walking out of the library, I look all over the streets.
On my way to the tavern, I stopped several silver knights to see if I can gain any information about this man. None of them knew this Xeno individual. When they ask why they're wondering, I just told them that I need to give him something. They did not press on with any questions or told me that they'll give me a heads up if they met the person. As I reach the tavern, I can see Esta and Lurie outside talking to someone. Wait...
Taking the initiative, I eye around the place to see any suspicious soldiers. Only one know slowly approach my two companions and the stranger. Without doubting who this person is, this was the fake Xeno. A Night Menace in disguise. When a lot of people were not looking, I quickly teleport between my companions and the soldier. Quickly manifesting two arrows and combining it into one, I throw the attack right at the knight.
Without a delay, the knight quickly flies against the ground, letting out a screech- a screech that wasn't human. The form took the shot of my arrow head on, but it still lived. A huge gap was there in his upper chest though- where his heart should be. Unable to keep his human form, it shapes itself into its true form.
It was like a wolf humanoid lobster, but the creature was standing on the arch of its feet bearing three-pronged toes. Their size was equivalent to a whole 1st floor building. Four yellow eyes were locked onto me, its mouth opening wide to reveal teeth of a hundred or so. It's roar shook the very air, everyone around the vicinity eyed at this huge beast. It has two arms and those six fearsome sharp spears on his back, moving around in a furious movement. Every ounce of this beast can scream out terror. And like the knight said, the shadows dawning over it quickly change the creature into a dark demonic shade that even a Templar should fear. The eyes change from yellow to a glowing red color.
Growling at the damage I done to it, the creature decides to swing all of its sharp spears right at me. Taking out both of my blades, I held most of its spear like arms at bay. What I did not notice was the two free arms slamming against my right side. Slamming me hard against he building,the creature diverted its attention to my companions and the Alchemist.
Assessing the situation, Lurie knew that this creature was trouble. Moving in front of Esta and the Alchemist, the fallen angel unleashes a hell storm of dark arrows with a wisp of her hand. The creature quickly springs backwards, the ground where it once stood was decimated by the numerous arrows that tried to target him. Letting out a low growl, it eyes at its surrounding area. People nearby were terrified at the sight of the creature. Not even moving away from it, the creature has its spear joints impale their bodies, letting out a roar. This creature had a speed equivalent to my own when I do not teleport.
Halting the creature's charge, several knives were thrown at the creatures. Four Crimson Knights, Morrin's soldiers, arrived at the scene. Pulling out various weapons, they charge at the Night Menace. Irritated by the reinforcements, the creature reveals its mouth, a powerful roar ringing out of its throat. The blast from this screech force the four knights into a defensive stance.
Taking advantage of their poses, the creature charges at them. Striking like a scorpion, the trident tail has struck into the body of one of the knights. Making the other three snap out of their defensive stance, the creature stretches its neck towards one of the knights, devouring the entire upper body of the female armored knight. Swinging its tail around quickly, the two other knights were forced through the wall of the nearby building. That building collapse upon impact.
There was no way for regular soldiers to stop this creature. As I watch the four knights try to stop this creature, I start to buff myself with Devil's Embrace and Holy Grace. Using the theory I tested out yesterday, I should be able to create a single target attack if I am to fuse two elements together. Deciding to try a high level skills, I quickly muster out a light ball in my left, and in right, a dark ball hovering in my hands. Divine Burst and Hell's Burst. As the creature finish off the knights, it locks onto Esta and Lurie.
Slamming both of the spells together, I stare at the new fused ball between my hands. Forming a ball of a mixed color of white and black, the ball flies right towards the creature. Turning towards me at the last second, the ball touches its armored body, entering past the dense plating. Blinking several times, the creature just stood there confused.
What came next were screeches and cries that echoes in the air. The pitch was so loud, I thought my ears would bleed from it! The creature starts to twitch violently, landing on the ground, every inch of its body moving about frantically. Whatever I did seemed to cause this creature to cry in utter agony. This sound caught the attention of Abaddon's soldiers, watching from afar. The people nearby were covering their eyes, terrified at the creature's demise. After a few more frantic movements and cries, it lies there motionless.
It was dead.
Feeling a tremendous toil on my body, I grasp my chest, coughing slightly. My head is woozy, my sight shaking violently. With these buffs, I shouldn't have this sort of recoil. Why am I having these effects on me?
"You did not buff yourself thoroughly. With higher skill levels on certain spells, you will need to buff yourself a lot more compared to using two. Fusing two high leveled spells like that will demand a lot from you. Also, you're lucky to engage against one of them- what would happen if there were more of them? Use your energy wisely, dumb ass." Anathema explains.
Slightly taking note of this, the people nearby were in utter panic. More people arrive at the scene, eyeing the giant creature that now lies on the ground. Cromer's knights arrive at the scene, gasping and shivering at the sight of the Night Menace. Even though they knew about the situation, staring at the dead corpse still installs fear into their hearts.
Abaddon Morrin arrives, eyeing at the mess. She eyed at the four knights that were killed, sighing. Ordering several of her knights to clean up their bodies, she turns to the creature, then to the crowd of people.
"We are dealing with a crisis now. Tonight, I will advise all noncombatants to lock yourself in your homes before nightfall arrives. Do not leave your house until sunrise. If you want to live, I assure you that this situation will be solved by tomorrow morning. Now go on and take care of your business!" After stating this, the people move away from the scene. Most of them were still scared about the event that transpired, but they were pushed away back to their usually routine.
Lurie walks up to me, whispering, "Was this the issue you wanted to address to us? You know, you should really tell us about these things instead of shouldering it yourself. You're quite lucky that we were informed by the orcs, and I was able to tell that this was the beast you wanted us to avoid." Letting a loose chuckle, I guess I should have told them. Unable to see these sort of events unfold, I will have to tell Esta and Lurie the problems that will arise before it actually happens. I should just tell them, good or bad info. It is better to be prepared.
Abaddon Morrin turns to me, knowing that I was a witness to all of this.
Luckily for me, she did not ask the nearby people who took care of the beast. She assumes that Lurie took care of it. Even though Morrin knows that I have Brynhild's abilities, she doesn't know the full extent of my power. Wanting to hide this, Lurie obviously conjured up a lie.
"I was able to take care of the creature using some of my spells." Lurie stated. Abaddon Morrin was going to ask me what happened, but with Lurie answering her question, she changed it. "So the Alchemist is the girl beside you and the elf? Wait a second..." Surprised at the presence of this Alchemist, she was very unique- especially her race.
An Azure Elf.
The woman that stands beside Esta has white hair. Some strands of hair cover her forehead, but her ponytail was a bit odd. A wild ponytail I will call it. Not being a regular one where its one long strand that runs down your back, the end of her hair is sticking out in a messy manner. With very pale skin that hints a shade of light blue, the woman stands there in a dignified and well-mannered pose. With her hands in front of her, she does a slight bow towards our gaze, her gown designed with intricate and complicated patterns. She was wearing all black, her gown being some Gothic Lolita outfit. Having a long skirt running down to her ankles, I can see flower designs embedded at the side. From her waist up, she wears a button sweater that tightens around her entire figure. Despite the uneasiness of it, one can see the woman's curvy figure.
The ends of her sweater where her hands are seems to reveal a very loose and ruffle sleeves, revealing another article of clothing underneath the woman's dark buttoned sweater. The Azure elf's neck was covered by something- a black turtleneck sweater underneath her buttoned up one. None the less, her attires literally reminded me of Charlotte, but this Alchemist had a very, very refined posture and atmosphere. Looking at her pointy ears, there was some earrings dangling off of them.
Her eyes seem to be like a sapphire that can resonate the ocean waves and colors in them. They did not glow, but when she lowers her eyelids or squints, they let out a shine that was like staring at twinkling gems in a mine. Speaking up, Morrin says, "We will need to talk."
Taking precaution, most of Abaddon's troopers start to patrol around the tavern. A good ten troopers are watching over the dead Menace's body, telling people coming by them to lock up for tonight. I ordered my own orcs to patrol around the tavern with two of my rank twelve orcs stand at the door to keep people out. Taking a room in the tavern to talk to this Alchemist, Morrin, Esta, Lurie, and myself plan to ask this Alchemist many questions.
We know that the Night Menace are here because of her. The easiest, and inhumane, solution would be to give the creatures this elf to stop their onslaught, but Morrin clearly wants to kill these creatures for killing her dead comrades. Although we all want to know why she was here and her importance? Why this woman out of all the Alchemists in the city? There should be other Alchemists that can toy with the black rose. Eyeing at this Azure Elf, she was not intimated by us or frightened. Like the time I met Lurie, she has a calm and, in my opinion, slightly bored expression written all over her face.
Another thing to note, despite my sheltered life, Azure elves are really rare to see here. Most of them are far, far west, or they reside in a different plane than our own. It is a huge surprise to see her kind here. Not only that, I never asked Esta and Lurie how they got her to come to them. Or what were the three of them doing together?
Well, we'll hear all of this eventually.
"Why are you here in Cromer? Did you know that these creatures need you?" The Alchemist just sat there, not answering. Her gaze was somewhere else. Waiting for a while, Morrin folded her arms and wait for the response she desired. A few seconds later, she says, "Yes." All of us blink in confusion. Okay, she knows why? How?
"The creatures offers me whatever I wanted if I was to get them the Onyx Rose that is to spawn every hundred of years. Be giving them the Onyx Rose and buffing them with it. Although it seems like they were going to do a dangerous assault because they assumed this elf was a relative of mine... When we're clearly not. She is a different elf compared to me." Staring at Esta, this was obvious.
"You're telling me that they plan to attack the city to force you to get the item?" Morrin asks, confused.
"Apparently." the Alchemist said, "The creatures want to make me feel despair when no one in this city is close to me. Even if they kill a thousand of citizens, I will not be fazed or persuaded to help them still. They do not have anything interesting for me to sway me with."
"Why don't they kill you."
"The requirements to obtain the Onyx Rose requires someone of a high level alchemy skill and a being that isn't a beast or a human. I fit the bill. Killing me will not solve their disappearance, killing me will most likely piss them off and create havoc all over this area." Abaddon Morrin scratch her head trying to figure out something.
Wait a second, what was so important about this Onyx Rose.
"The Onyx Rose is an item that can buff one with high speed regeneration. As long as your core stays intact- which will be fused with your heart. If your limbs were sliced off or you have many wounds- they will be healed at incredible speed." Anathema answers.
"Why would these creatures be interested in this rose? Due to their appearance and their abilities to gain other powers from devouring, isn't it enough to make an entire army tremble?" I questioned out loud.
"The creatures hate using other abilities and skills that are not their own. They only use them if they want to. The shapeshifter, for example, only did it to keep a close eye on me. The creature was quite happy once it revealed its true form. Like warriors, they have pride in what they do. Using other people's abilities tend to piss them off."
"So you're telling us that this unique black rose- the Onyx Rose- is the reason why these creatures are here?"
"Yes." the Alchemist replies, "The creatures desire something that does not ruin their pride. Gaining this ability, the will not have to relay on skills that they gain through their prey. With such pride, they want to get an ability that can heal them even if they were to be damaged heavily. For example, the creature you dented earlier had a huge gap in its chest. Usually, if it was to regroup with the others, one of them will heal that wound with a skill they obtained from a healer they devoured. They hate using this method though because its not their own. These creatures are really prideful."
Summarizing what we learned, Cromer's huge secret is this Onyx flower. With this information, this elf came here to collect it for what reason? Making all of us eye at one another in the room, the fallen angel decides to step forward to ask the question we all had in our heads.
"Then why do you plan to collect this Onyx Rose?" Lurie asks, "Do you plan to use it for your own gain?"
"Just to advance myself in the next rank." the Azure elf replies. Thinking about it, I do not know what her rank is. Examining her, I was surprised that she was a Demi-God rank. Who would have thought an Alchemist could be this high. So if she was to craft something with that rose, she'll level into a God rank?
"To advance?" Esta asks.
The Azure elf turns to Esta, saying, "Yes. Compared to warriors who gain rank through mastering their skills through fighting, we alchemists level our rank and skill through making formulas and crafting a wide array of products. Using this Onyx Rose, I can easily make it into a substance where someone can drink it and obtained its high speed regeneration. I already have most of the materials to get it ready. All I need is the rose."
"You know that they won't just let you pick up the rose?" Lurie state.
"Since their informant is dead, do they know that I can lie to them about getting the rose for them?"
"You're a sneaky and tricky one," Morrin comments, "But this will not avoid the creatures onslaught tonight. I will take care of this mess- I am going to leave you guys to protect and watch over the Alchemist. With this, I will take my leave. I will have to make a lot of preparations against these creatures." Turning to the door, Morrin leaves the room.
"What is your name?" I asked her. Once again, I keep on asking this later. I should really, really, start my conversation off by asking for their names.
"Elora Urixina." she answers. Her eyes were staring at Esta... The entire time. It was odd. Throughout our conversation, Elora was just staring straight ahead. She was not eyeing at us, or even showing a bit of acknowledgement to Lurie, Morrin, and me. The only one she turned her attention to was Esta. Which was really weird. There was something that she wanted, and Esta was the key. I might as well ask her what she desired. If the creatures could not offer her anything she wanted, what did she want now? And how did she meet with my two companions?
"Why did you approach my companions? And what do you want exactly?"
Turning her gaze towards me, she lets out a sly smile, "Oh? Now you want to know what I want exactly? Well, the Night Menace could offer me something, but I doubt they'll stay true to their words. Unlike you, maybe, you could let me do something that I always fantasize about." Hearing this, I was somewhat shocked to hear... something dirty? No, this woman didn't seem like the type to do such things!
Making sure I wan't right, I asked her, "Are you telling me that my companions are your targets?"
"Your elf." Elora stated, "I want to do things with her." Lurie and I glared at the woman. Esta blushed, trying hard to hide it. She quickly fidgets, turning her body away from the Elora. The Azure elf was staring at the fidgeting Esta, blushing slightly and giving an intoxicating expression that... pissed me off. Despite my calm nature, my mind ushers out, why Esta?! My body starts to heat up, my body unable to control a slight rage? Jealousy? Maybe irritation of how this alchemist just came out of nowhere, wanting to fuck my elf! MY ESTA!
Lurie was not happy about this as well. Even though they got on the wrong foot, Lurie now sees Esta like a little sister, or maybe a close friend now. Due to their time together in the tavern, they bonded pretty well. Now, like me, she was uneasy at the thought of having some stranger coming in and wanting to do things to her. I can see the hands balled up into a fists.
"I did not reveal another crucial part when it comes to getting the rose." Eyeing at the elf, she licks her lips saying, "I will need to have sex prior to retrieving the rose. Particularly, a female of my choosing."
Utterly dumbfounded at this, I can see my expression being flabbergast.
She wants to fuck Esta? Okay, I thought it was something like... I don't know, dressing her up, or maybe teasing her? But fucking her!? She wants to have sex with Esta- My elf! Why the hell am I saying my a lot! My face turns slightly red, agitated by this. Why!?
"Stop denying your love for the damn elf. You know you love her, and I do not think you want to give her up to anyone that's not acquainted with her or yourself. I bet you wouldn't mind Lurie fucking her?" Anathema stated.
Shut up. Damn it Anathema, you are not helping.
"Why Esta?" I demanded, my voice showing utter hostility. I even stepped up and eye down at the seated Elora.
"Oh... So you slightly offended by this request? How about this... I can allow you girls in it too. In return of giving me such a good time, I will gift you three with the Onyx Rose ability." Blushing in utmost surprise, mixed rage, and confusion, I just let out a humph sound. With that being said as well, I was able to lock eyes with the woman. Until she stated her renewed condition, I couldn't eye at the beauty anymore.
Beauty? Well, there was no denying it. I have a hint of jealousy to elves. Most female elves were very beautiful- this one being very rare to even see. She seems relatively young as well. Oh god... Why am I thinking about this?! Aren't I suppose to be focused on becoming a better warrior and what not!?
"Why are you interested in girls? Don't you have some pretty handsome elf man to go back home to?" Lurie scoffs, showing an insulting and rude question at Elora. The Azure elf was not offended by this, closing her eyes, saying, "Men are rather dull and boring in my opinion. I have an interest when it comes to making love with another female."
"So you 're telling me that you're a whore? You just come on in, stating you want to make love with our friend?!" Lurie comments.
"Rather rude for an angel who turned." Elora retort, making a very fierce expression, "I WANT to know that elf a lot more."
Before anything escalated, Esta pulls on my arm. Ignoring Elora and Esta, I turn to my elf. Esta, being rather red in the face, asks me, "Isn't it a good thing to have her give us the benefits from Onyx Rose?' Of course it is! Although I do not want to fulfill her request. It seems a bit... dead. There was no way I'll let Esta fuck some stranger. Thinking about it, I am guessing I am a strong advocate for true love. Then again, anyone can twist said definition of true love in their own way and shape.
"Yes." I answered, thinking about this in my head.
"I-I don't mind if she fucks me then..." Esta whispers. Hearing this, I quickly said, whispering back, "No way! Do-"
"I know it's not right, but I don't mind! Really. You'll need all of the benefits you can get for the future." Esta said. Somewhat shocked, I felt touched by how Esta would think about me. Slightly moved by this, I cannot, and will not, let Esta get fucked by this stranger. No way in hell.
"I mind!" I replied, "I... I just can't let you get fucked by some stranger?! I rather make it myself then, or figure out some other way to get these abilities! I will not give you up so easily!" Hugging Esta, the elf starts to bury her face into my chest. She also gives me a hug in return.
"S-Sorry." Esta said.
"Don't worry about it." I said, enjoying the cuddling warmth of Esta's hug.
"Then I'll make you guys trust me!" Elora shouted. Surprised at how Esta and I ignored the heated conversation behind me, we turn to eye at the alchemist. The woman has stood up from her seat, her hands balled into a fists. What was she so angry about? Cowering behind me, Esta just peeks from the side of my body. Staring at Elora now, she seems like she was utterly desperate to get something.
What was her problem?
"Azure Elves... have a strange characteristic about them." Anathema started, "One of them would be their traits where they can easily fall in love with another elf that quick. Doesn't matter if they're in the same clan, race- if they're an elf, they can become an easy love interest. If one was to watch an elf not become theirs, they will become desperate and jealous..." Oh.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Slightly chuckling at what just happened, Elora watched me hug Esta. She got super jealous- Eh, this is not something to brag about. Trying to suppress my own boasting, I just eye at Elora's expression. She was trying very hard not to show a displeasing face, yet her body was showing an expression of jealousy- getting out of her calm and refined state.
"Secondly... If you force an Azure elf to like you, you might become a love interest as well." Anathema chimes in. This made my head unlock the meaning of this message.
Wait. Elora could fall in love with me? WHOA!!!! Hold on, rewind, NO! WHAT?! HOW?!
"You're an idiot," the weapon says, "Azure Elf are very prideful as well. They will do anything to get what they want. You own Esta, so she will have to gain your favor. In doing this, she will see how 'great' of a person you are, and will fall in love with you as well. It's not that fucking hard."
She cannot fall in love with me- I already have two girls in love with me?! Three is going to be...
"A mess, one you'll love."
Shut up.
"Think about it like this, the more people who join you, the better. You want to get revenge on Valarie right? It will be on your agenda later on." That name almost clicked, but I didn't let it get the best of me. This was true.... I want to get back at Valarie for all the things she has done. She has killed two of my knights already. "The more skillful people you can get, the better."
I doubt that this elf can like me. Most likely, she'll hate my guts for making this scene and having Esta owned by me.
"One's hate can transform into love. Either way, I feel like she will follow you. No doubt about it."
I doubt you're a fortune teller Anathema.
"I am not, but this is not my first time seeing people fall in love. Watch, I'll be right, and when you have sex... I'll be grinning when we talk again in the dreamworld."
Ending our conversation with that, Lurie just scoffs, asking, "And how do you plan to gain our trust? I doubt you can do it!"
"I will help you guys clear most of the creatures tonight!" This surprised us.
"You can fight?" Esta asks.
"As a proud Azure elf, I have more skills at Demi-God rank. Not just alchemy, I will prove my usefulness on the battlefield! Once I prove my worth, will you trust me?" Elora asks.
I decide to reply with, "Maybe. How many creatures will attack tonight?"
"A lot."
"Give us something to work with." Lurie said.
"Around two hundred through five hundred. Give or take they got more of their kind tonight."
This was bad...
- In Serial71 Chapters
Charles the Greatest
Carl Hart, a terminally ill 17yo pro gamer whose career had just been derailed, living in a 22nd century world that is falling apart at the seams, finds a golden opportunity when full-dive technology finally hits the market and takes it by storm. The hotly anticipated fantasy adventure that comes with it, Immortal Frontier, promises to change people's dismal lives forever. Restricted to mature audience, this wondrous realm hides myriad deadly challenges that make the hearts of seasoned warriors palpitate. Undeterred by the obstacles of callous fate, Carl resolves to take them all on as his real body crumbles. But will he make it in time?
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Patroclus & Achilles (AU) (completed)
"I didn't meant for it to happen."A/N: Probs are the story is better than this introduction, sorry, I just can't really find the right words for this part. Also, the watermark on the cover is me, I changed my @ a long while ago
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Forbidden Touches
"Bend over," he growls, the corner of his mouth turning upward. "No," I say lower lip quivering. I wanted to say yes, but what would that do to my scholarship. If anyone finds out I slept with him in his house let alone here at school we would both be in jeopardy. He moves back and runs his hand through his hair. "I won't make you do anything you don't want to. You can walk out right now if you don't want me to f*CK you." I part my lips and widen my eyes.He runs his knuckle down my arm and I shiver in pleasure. "If you don't want me to f*CK you like I did Friday night and Saturday morning." my face flushes and I look away from him. He moves closer and slides his hand through my arm. He grips my hip possessively and lowers his head to my ear. "Tell me you don't want me to get you off with my mouth. Tell me and I'll leave you alone." His Husky voice whispers in my ear. "Professor Sawyer" I make a strangulated noise. "You bend me over." his eyes light up and in no time I'm bent over his desk...Join Evelyn on this Erotic Adventure trying to resist Aiden Sawyer's Temptation![Mature Content🌶🌶🌶]Copyright ©️ 2021 ThekayX8.All Rights Reserved.
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benny rodriguez imagines
just some imagines ab luis or benny or mike !
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Larry Stylison oneshots
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There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)
"We can't do this." I whisper as our lips re-connect, a tingling fire surging through my body as his hands ravage unexplored lands; my innocence dissipating away with every peck he trails down my neck."I know we can't. That's why it's so exciting." He replies through kisses. His effortless charm intoxicates me; drowning me; hunting me; devouring me."What if my brother finds out?" The perpetuated patter of the rain unable to subdue my groan as he digs his nails deeper into my skin."Who cares."**********Welcome to my story, where an innocent boy finds a not so innocent boy in his bed; where they do not so innocent things.- YOP
8 80