《Old: The Dark Inheritor》Moving to a New Account, Revamping these Chapters, and Continuing this Story


I will be moving onto another account. I do not like the username I have for this account. If I was able to change my username easily, I'll stay on this account. However, I do not think I can change it *for free. So below will be the name of my new account.


Now the reason why I stopped typing this story was due to my intense rage at the long chapters I had stored in the saved drafts. I was away from this site for a long time due to real life. Not going into details about it, but let's say when I came back onto this site, I noticed that the stuff I saved disappeared. Went pewf, blew up into bits... And I will state this, I had like 4-5 long ass chapters typed up for a huge release for the next era of this series. Don't get my wrong, I like the changes to this site, but with these things kicking in and the lost of my hardwork being deleted, I just raged off royalroad and worked on other things. Looking at this though, I want to finish this story and definitely revamped it. Soooo this is what I plan to do (if anyone is still following me and waiting for more chatpers for this story)......

I doubt I will delete what I placed on this account for a few reasons. I will edit and remake the chapters for the Dark Inheritor on the new account. Since I changed my laptop, I do not have the saved files for these chapters, so this will be my point of reference. Not only that, this will also give insight for any newcomers who might be interested in my little story of mine. Now, if you reread this story, I highly suggest my new revamped version of this series. Most likely I will call it "New: The Dark inheritor."


I will be adding a bit more lore, changing some things here and there, add a bit more description, better diction, and etc. And by more lore, I mean more character development and history about Priness Aisha, other characters, and different point of views. I have not explained each knight under Aisha command thoroughly enough. These knights are Aisha's teachers, friends, comrades, but I have not shown that in the beginning. I mean, some of them got their spotlights when they separated or how Aisha reminisced about the past, yet I underline how close they are towards the princess. I will be adding new chapters in the very beginning, do some time skips, and paint Aisha's sheltered life. I also need to stress how dire Aisha's situation is with her parents. There is a reason why her parents are a huge reason for several major events later on. Especially the mother, but I will not spoil it. With this being said, expect some new chapters you WILL NOT see in this old "The Dark Inheritor."

Also more sex scenes or explicit and sexual things here and there. I was a bit lax when it came seuxally content, but I will change that.

And I doubt I will shorten the length of these chapters. If you read this story, the chapters will be long.

Once I am done revamping all of the chapters, I will upload the newest ones from where I last left off.

Hopefully, I will be starting around the beginning of March or the middle of March 2017. If you still support me, thanks for doing so. I will try my best to revive this old story of mine.

No promises if I suddenly poof again, but I do want to finish up this fun, random story I conjured up in my head. I have another story I want to start up, but one step at a time.

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