《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch 26: Parents


AN: Sorry for the long wait. Finally I have finished this chapter. It was really dificult. I might have underestimated writing, as there so much things to consider. Anyway, I can only apologize for the delay and hope that you still enjoy my story. In the last chapters Neurocarnium didn't appear much. Don't worry I have not forgotten him. The empire building arc won't be a long one. As I want to focus on Thorus's development. Strong enemies will soon appear. I don't intent him to become too op as it takes away the tension. Thanks for reading. Any critic that can help me develop my writing is appreciated, also any comment, may it be random or concerning the story. These help me a lot. As your input sparks some ideas and gives me feedback concerning the story.


It is been a few days since I ordered the elders to manage the state affairs. I am currently in the throne hall sitting on a chair writing the letter that will be sent to the other Kingdoms. Verrona is also by my side looking at me with passion.

After a short while of writing, the letter it looks like this.

Dear Kings,

You might have heard it already, we the dark elves have established a new Kingdom. The Kingdom is called Furor. I know that we weren't allowed to do such thing, as the dark elves worship the god of madness. But here we are, trying to take the fate in to our own hands. You might find it offending and will probably take counter measurement. Trust me, I can understand your stand point but listen well for I am going to tell what will happen in the future.

Let's be honest your faith counterdricts ours. It is only natural that we will have conflicts. Your view of us is probably that of savages, madmen that don't listen to reason. Rest assured, even thought many things you will find strange about us.

There is two ways we can go. Either we will live peacefully together or we try to destroy each other. I am more a fan of the first choice as it is giving me the least head aches. As strange at it may sound we dark elves, even if we are the followers of the mad god do not choose to go against you. We want to live in peace and in harmony. The Kingdom was build for the sake of letting its citizens to practice their faith in peace. Without fearing punishment.

So what do you say? Do you want to accept us and let us live or do you want to make our life painful. Don't misunderstand, I am only submissive as long as you won't threaten my people. Don't confuse kindness with weakness. I am more than willing to do whatever it takes to protect my people. This is the responsibility of a King and I will follow it.

I hope we can work together and built up a healthy relationship. We dark elves have a lot to offer. We can start with trading first and built up our trust.

I know that the church of Chadera will try to hinder us to build a relationship and will try to agitate against us. If you are really the true ruler of your Kingdom and if you are wise, then you will choose the right path. That is what I believe. Convince yourself and come to my Kingdom. We will welcome you with open arms. If you can't come personally than sent us someone who represents you. Please for the sake of convenience talk with the other Kingdoms and set a date were you will visit us.


Your sincerely

Thorus the madman

Reading my finished letter I can't help but smile. Since when have I become such a diplomat. I hope they will listen to reason. I can't imagine how it will turn out when they refuse our Kingdom. The thought that the whole continent could go against us makes me shiver.

Well, thinking further, it was a stupid thing to do. I should have just gone home.

The only thing that worries me is, that even thought I know that I am strong, I don't know how I compare to the true experts in this world.

Well there is no way out of this mess now. Might as well stick with it.

Worst thing that could happen is that I die. Having experienced death once, I no longer fear it as much. Nothing in life is for certain except death. Death can come in the most unexpected moments. There is no use in worrying your whole life and overlook the good things in life.

"What are you thinking about darling?"

"Just about some things. Anyway can you give that letter to the old man? He will know what to do with it."

"No problem."

"Thanks, when you come back I might be out somewhere, so just wait at your room or stroll around the city."

"Don't be late."

"I won't"

Verrona takes the letter and is going to the old man. I take a look at her lovely ass before the elevator doors shut.

After I freed her from the prison cell, I declared to the people that she is my woman and is not to be touched. If someone did something to her, I told them that I would make sure that they wished they were never born at all.

The people accepted it without much thoughts. After all I am the champion of the mad god. Also the wood elves are not much discriminated against since they let the dark elves live in the Forrest.

"Now what?"

Anyway, I should at least have some fresh air.

Should I take the elevator? Nah, I don't have the patience for it to go all the way up. How about I just jump off from the tower? While thinking I notice my black wings from the corner of my eyes.

"Ahh, I have wings now. Why should I bother doing things like normal people."

It still needs time to grow accustomed to having wings. Living the majority of my two lives as a human, has made me have human habits. In those years my mind would have never considered to fly off a huge ass tower. Nevertheless jump down from it.

Standing on top of the tower I got a feeling of awe. The view from up hear is much more breath taking. The vast endless Forrest paints a sea of green. A huge area of life, every living being underneath my foot looks like an ant to me. Ants that are destined to live to the orders to their true ruler, me.

Yet, as vast the Forrest might be, the huge gigantic mountain range reminds me that there are things bigger than me. Bigger, stronger and more clever. What can I, a person drunk from his powers can possibly do in the face of true experts.

I might be strong but what I lack is experiance. I am just an infant that wield a sharp sword. Shit now thinking like that, the future looks bleak indeed. Why do I always have to act on a whim. I consider myself to be a genius. An intelligent man who knows it all, yet I act without thinking about the consequences.


It is too late. The wheels of fate have started turning. I can only watch and see what it brings.

I look at my palm. This hand of mine. It can be used to do great things. The hand can be used to feed yet when making a fist can be used to kill.

"What should I do ? Have I gone too far? Did I bit off more than I could chew?"

Thinking of the many lives that depend on me a heavy burden is put upon me.


Since when have I become such a pussy? Am I not supposed to be the champion of the mad god? If he saw me acting like that, he would have regretted choosing me. This is not how I have to act.

I am a madman. This means I shouldn't be scared of anything. In the face of death, I should smile. Yes, that is right. The right thing to do. So what if I die along with my people? Death will come some day anyway, whether I turn the whole world against me or not.

I should step up my game. Much more than now. I need materials so I can set the world on fire, should I ever be cornered.

With new gained confidence I look down the tower.

"I should jump down, so I can strengthen my resolution."

I jump down the the tower and enter the free fall.

The wind blowing on my face, the earth comes closer fast.

The people on the ground point at me looking up. Some screams also can be heard.

A small hint of fear lingers in me but I quickly dispel it, refraining from using my wings.


A big cloud of dust forms around me and underneath me forms a carter about five meters.

It went better than I expected. I atleast tought I would be slightly injured. Even thought jumping down from the big tower that reaches till the heavens, my legs just feel a little bit numb.

The people where startled and gathered around. As the dust cleared and they saw me their surprised face faded.

Things like "as expected of our king" could be heard.

I patted the dust of me and walked a bit around.

When the people saw me they instantly greet me and bow in respect.

Walking around the city I see a commotion going on. A was screaming around he was injured

"Monsters! Quick send help."

I ran to the hunter to get a better picture.

"Tell me everything! Where is the monster."

"Your highness, the monster is about one kilometer to the north. I ran quickly as possible to get help. The others still might be fighting. Please help them, I came as fast as possible to get help. You must help them please your highness."

"Don't fret I will save the guys."

At least some action. Great.

Just as I was about to run off, Shael emerge from the crowd.

"Master, where are you going?"

"Oh, it is you Shael. I am going monster hunting."

"I tag along"

She insisted.

"No need. I can handle it myself."

"But, but it is safer that way. You could get harmed."

"Harmed? If I were to get killed by a random beast then I would be unfit as a king. You say that I should take you along? The people would think I am scared of a mere beast. If that were to happen, do you think that I could still walk around under the heavens with pride?"

"But -"

"No but, you have your duties. I am off."

Leaving Shael behind I dash off with great speed.

If people would see me running they would see just a blur passing by.

After running for a short while I hear people fighting. Right before a clearing I stop.

A fierce best of about 10 meters in high and 5 meters long can be seen. It looks like a wolf with two horns on its head. IT was of black color and had white stripes.

The wolf was fighting with a man and a woman. They were holding there ground but it looked like they didn't have much stamina left.

Looking closer I realized who these people were. They were my parents. What are they doing here?

I have to help them.

Rushing out of the bushes I dash towards the wolf. With immensurable speed you only can see a blur. The wolf noticed my approach but it could not react to my speed. I strike out with my fierce punch witch creates a shock wave.

My fist connects with the wolf's ass and the wolf is send flying in to a nearby tree.

"Wha- Who are you?"

Seeing such a shocking seen my parents where dumb founded. They looked at me and were not able to recognize me. Well I don't blame them, my appearance changed a lot.

"Leave the talk for later. I am going to kill that wolf, meanwhile just sit and watch."

The wolf even thought he was send flying in to a tree, looks only slightly injured.

"Yes, that is the way. Please entertain me Mr.wolf."

"Don't underestimate it, the wolf is really strong."

I grin at my concerned father and say:

"Don't worry, so am I."

Now how do I am going to enjoy this? Seeing that the wolf didn't died with one of my punch, it must be stronger than the average wolf.

Licking my licks I rush to the wolf who is still regaining its posture. The wolf seeing me rushing lets out a low growl before leaping towards me. It opens its big mouth to bite me.

"Watch out he has sharp theeths."

Without being concerned in the slightest I stretch my arms out. The wolf seeing that bits my right arm.

Its sharp theets try to bite through my arm but is unable to. Due to my enhancement my skin is durable. In front of such defense the wolfs bite is like that of an infant, who hasn't grown teeths yet.

"Hey that tickles and your breath is smelly."

"How can this be?"

My parents where shocked to see that my arm was not ripped apart.

"This can't be how strong is that youth? The horned wolf must be atleat an A rank monster. Does that mean he is at least S rank?"

Father's mouth was wide open.

I forgot to mention. Monsters and humans strength are divided. With E being the weakest till SSS being the strongest. Well without a magical device it is difficult to determine what rank one has. So I am excited to know that this wolf is a least A rank. That means that it is possible that my strength has reached S rank.

"Hey are you alright?" my father asks concerned since I was not moving and the wolf was still biting my arm.

"Ah? Yes, yes I am alright, it just tickles a bit. I was just lost in thought."

"I must be dreaming."

"Well we'll talk later, I just finish this wolf off."

The horned wolf seeing that I didn't even get the slightest injury grows worried.

I just grin and grab its tongue, putting a bit of strength I rip of the tongue of the horned wolf. A pain filled yelp comes from the wolf.

"Darling doen't he remind you of someone?"

"Now that you are saying, he looks like Thorus."

"Yes but no way it can be him right? I mean our son doesn't have wings. He also doesn't have this kind of dark aura leaking constantly."

Hearing my parents I just grin. The wolf is lying on the ground, its breath became weak.

I punch the wolf's head. My fist penetrates its head only to be stopped my the ground.

"Sorry for the wait, father... Mother."

"What?" My mother and father look at me dumbfounded.

"Can't you recognize your own son? It is me Thorus." I chuckle as I say.

"No way, our son doesn't have wings and this sinister aura." says my mother.

My father nods in agreement.

"Mother, I am kinda disappointed. I thought mothers would recognize their children no matter what. Even if they are turned in to a monster."

"I must admit you look like Thorus, even your voice resembles his. I just can't believe that our Thorus would like..."

"Look like what? A monster?"

"Noo, it is just I can't imagine it."

"Well if you are Thorus then you surly can prove it. Just tell us something only Thorus can know."

I sigh. "Fine, you should have received a letter from me, in that letter I wrote that I won't be coming home soon. The reason was, that I found a fine woman and wanted to conquer her."

Mother's and father's face changed, their suspicion vanished leaving them with a relived face.

"Thorus, it is really you?" My mother rejoices and runs to me. She hugs me and is weeping a little bit.

"I was so worried, never run off again, how could you do that to your mother?"

I also embrace her.

"I am sorry mother, a lot of things happened."

"It it is really you. How did you change so much ? How could you beat the horned wolf with such ease?"

"Father please not now. You both must be tired. Let's go to my home and there we will discuss everything."

"Fine. But you better explain everything to us. It is still inconceivable, thinking how you became so strong."

My mother looks at me and nods.

"Looks like I have no choice. Follow me."

Walking towards the city, my parents where discussing the tower.

"Thorus, who do you think build that tower?"

"Who else but me? I build it."


Shock shows on their face but they calm down again.

"Hahaha, that was a good joke, I almost believed it." says my father.

"Thorus, it is not good to lie in order to boast."

I just chuckle and say no more.

- - - -

Arriving at the city the dark elves look at my family with curious eyes. Some show even disdain but the moment they see me they stiffen up and do not dare to show any hostility.

"Darling, do you also feel the this strange vibe?"

"Yes, this feels strange. The dark elves usually holds some hostility against outsiders. Yet no one dares to offend us somehow."

People where bowing there head when I walk past them. Some even greeted me with your Highness. Walking through the marked I received a lot of gifts such as fruits. Since it is free it would be a shame not to receive it.

"Am I dreaming? Did someone call Thorus just your Highness?" asks my father.

"You must have misheard, haha, there is no way that can be the case right Thorus?"

I just laugh it off and keep walking towards the tower. The whole time we were walking my parents became more and more confused. It was a funny sight to behold.

On the way Shael saw us walking, she came and bowed in front of me.

"Master, if I may ask. Who are these people?"

"These people are just my parents."

She stiffens up a bit and bowed again.

"I am sorry, I didn't know excuse my rudeness master."

"Don't worry you didn't know, so there is nothing to excuse. They are our honored guests treat them with utmost care."

"Your wish is my command."

"Thorus how can you treat such a young girl like a servant?"

"But mom, she is my servant. Her life belongs to me." at this remark Shael blushed.

"What are you saying my son?"

"Milady, please don't worry. I resolved my self to become a disposable tool for master Thorus."

"Hey, you make it sound so evil, what do you think my mother will think?"

"I don't mind, I even would become your dog again."

"D-d-d dog? Thooorus what the hell did you do to that girl?"

My mother looked kind of angry. Well I think I might have disappointed her a bit. The way I treated her may not the way of the gentleman, even thought I self proclaimed myself as one. I am such a hypocrite.

"Well she used to be my dog. After some time she proved herself and got promoted to a servant. "

"Way to go son."


My mother slapped my father.

"Stop encouraging him. That is no way to treat a woman."

"But master treats me good."

Hearing that, my mother grabs Shael's shoulders.

"There is no way that is right, you don't have to serve him anymore. If he refutes I just put him in his place."

"Thank you for your concern milady, rest assured I am serving him on my own accord. He respects me and treats me well, there is nothing more I could wish. Such a graceful master, I would be blind not toserve such great master."

Mother's mouth was wide open as she couldn't believe what was just said. No wonder, if you consider that such a fine young lady would devote her life to five year old.

My mother sighs and says:

"I can't believe what is going on. I am surrounded by crazy people."

"Thank you for the compliment milady."

"That was no... Whatever I am tired. Thorus bring us to where you live."

"No problem."

"But don't think you will get away with this, we will have a talk."

"Yes, yes. Shael keep up your good job. For your loyal words you will receive some gift. Just come to me over the days."

"You are too good to me."

_ _ _ _

Continuing walking we are almost at the tower. If you could describe my parents expression, you could say it is a mix of confusion, disbelief, denial and astonishment. They walked with mouths wide open. My father even accidentally swallowed an insect.

It seemed like it dawned upon them, that I might be an important person to the dark elves. Given that they treat me like some god.

Arriving at the tower the old man bows and greets me.

"Your Highness you have returned? Oh? Who are these people."

"Yo, old man, these are my parents."

"Such a pleasure to meet you, milord, milady."

"Likewise. Thorus stop being rude to the ones older than you."

"Hoho, I don't mind at all."

My mother sighs again.

"Well looks like my son has somehow became important. You surely will tell us, what happened while you were away." says my father.

"For sure, let's go in then we'll talk."

The old man smiles and bows. We go in and take the elevator.

You should have seen their face. My father especially was scared when the elevator moved.

Arriving at the top we go in to the throne hall.

Inside, Verrona was sitting on the table and reading a book. Realizing that someone has arrived she closes her book and looks at us. Seeing me there was some delight in her eyes, looking further she looks at my parents.

"Thorus darling you are back." she smiles.

"Who are these people?"

"Verrona, these people are my parents."

"Really? It is a pleasure to meet you."

My father was all smiles. "Likewise, hehehe."

Hearing that my mother rams her elbow into my fathers sides.

"Ahh, that was unnecessary."

"Behave your self."

"Father, mother come sit down."

They nod and sit down. I went to Verrona's side and looked at her with passion.

As if she can feel my desire she says.

"Not in front of your parents, please."

"Mother, father close your eyes."

They look at each other. Not understanding the meaning, thus they don't close their eyes.

I with no care in the world or regarding any common sense grab Verrona's shoulders and kiss her.

Verrona was shocked that I would kiss her in front of my parents, so she was caught off guard. I didn't stop immediately and even stick my tongue in. Her face was on fire and you could see her embarrassment, yet she was strangely aroused.

After the kiss ended my parents were dumbfounded. Shock and disbelief all these feelings showed on their face. Also my father after recovering from the shock had a huge grin on his face. He was full of pride. My mother on the other hand was trying to say something but it seemed that her mind was stunned. She couldn't utter any word. Only some sounds could be heard.

Verrona was red like a ripe tomato. She couldn't look in to my eyes or in the eyes of my parents.

She just stood there, stunned.

"Darling ain't you going to sit down?"

"Wha-? Ah, yes."

She sits down and looks on the surface of the table.

"Way to go boy, I am so proud." says my father.

"Thanks father, as you can already see, she is my woman."

My mother regained her senses.

"Thorus. My son, is that the woman you wrote about in your letter?" she is trying to suppress some emotion.

"Ah, yes of course. Who else could she be."

"I can't believe it, you are just a five years old, you couldn't be interested in woman to such a degree."

"Mother, please don't lump me together with these foolish kids that annoy the girls. Pulling their hair, excluding them from their games. Woman are to be loved. As a man I know the things that are important. First is women and second is the strength to protect your woman. Third is booze. I would be a fool, If I don't seize the opportunity from young age."

"Booze? You... It seems that I did some mistake in your education." she cracks her fingers.

"Hahaha the last thing was just a joke."

"Your Highness."

Looking at the source of the voice I see the old man coming in with a trolley. There were servale jars and cups.

"Ah old man, nice serve us some drinks."

"Your Highness, I even brought you some wine. You said the other day that you wanted to taste some high quality wine of the wood elves."

Shit, this was out of my expectation. Old man you really have a nice timing.

"Thorus youuuu." my mother looks really angry.

"I thought I raised you to be a honest man, look how you are even lying to your parents."

"Mom, forgive me, I lied for your sake, so that you don't worry when I drink to much and end up in an alley buttnaked."

"Buahahaha, son you are funny. Darling let him be, a bit of wine won't harm him."

Mother calmed down and stared at me. After the drinks where served I ended the awkward silence.

"So shall I tell you what happened, when I was away?"

"Yes, also don't forget to tell me how you got your wings and this sinister aura of yours."

I sigh and begin to talk.

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