《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch 27: Under one condition


AN: Sorry for the wait. Today's chapter is more on the feels side. Man, I hate those but I saw it necessary. Anyway now these kind of chapters are out of the way, it is time for some bad ass time. Thanks for reading.

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"Okay, listen for what I am going to tell you is the whole truth. If not my name shall not be Thorus. The things I will tell you might shock you, make you afraid of me, despise me and so on. So please I at least ask you not to disturb me while speaking. Of course making weird noises because of the shock is fine. Are you ready for this?"

"Speak darling, don't worry tell us everything, leave nothing out. There is no way that we would despise you."

I nod.

"I make it short, the day where I left my home was because I wanted to check out the Forrest-"

"The Forrest? Didn't I tell you not t-"

"Mother please."

"Ah, right. I keep my mouth shut."

"As I was walking around in the Forrest, I got bored and decided to visit the elves. Then I had some trouble with some guards, which lead me to Verrona."

My parents had concerned face hearing that.

"Of course I beat some respect in to them. Don't worry. You should have seen them, they were pissing their pants."

"Thorus, watch your tongue." my mother rebukes.

This time I didn't say anything for disturbing me, as she is in the right. Who wants their children to talk like some dipshit. I give a meaningful look, my mother only sighs, while my father for some reason grins.

"Well, you know the rest as you have read my letter. After some time I left Verrona's village. Strolling around the Forrest I met Shael. You know that devoted woman that you met on the way here. She was naked and bathing in a lake. There was a misunderstanding and she thought I was peeping on her. Well to be honest I looked longer than necessary."

"I am so envious, what happened next ?" my father asked.

However before I could answer my mother smacked my fathers head.

*Smack *

"Aah, was that really necessary?"

"If you keep lusting after other woman don't blame me for divorcing you." said my mother angrily.

"Darling, please it was just a joke. Forgive the foolish me. Think of Thorus's feeling, so don't talk about divorcing so lightly. Thorus you would be sad, right?"

I sigh. This idiot is really annoying

"Dad behave yourself, it is really embarrassing, it is like you have a dick for a brain."

"See, even Thorus thinks so... What did you say?" my mother couldn't believe what I just said.

"Yes Thorus this hurts my feelings."

"So I have to consider your feelings but not considering mother's is alright? Don't give me that bullshit."

My father at that remark couldn't rebuke. He was put in his place.

Verrona and my parents looked at me with eyes that couldn't believe what I just said. Don't underestimate me. I might be five years old in this body but my experience reaches far beyond as I am reincarnated.

"Father. You need to restrain yourself. You married the one of the most beautiful woman and still go after others? The heavens were too good to you. As long as I am concerned you don't even deserve her."


"What?" My father was dumbfounded.

"Someone that got hold of the most beautiful flower, yet wants to pick those that pale in comparison, is not worthy of that flower."

Even thought I say that, If I were to see a field of flowers to be picked I would pick every flower.

"Thorus since when did you became this mature?" my mother asks.

My father however looks down with shame. Thinking for a while he looks at my mother.

"I am really ashamed that I have to be lectured by my son. I was truly foolish. I will cherish you more."

"Oh, Roland"


"Ehem. Can I continue?"

They nod and I continue.

"Ahem, after I made Shael my dog, she lead me to this village. Of course arriving here with Shael on the leash invited some trouble. For me it was of course no problem. After we exchanged some "greetings", there was a point were I showed my awesome power and everyone got down on there knees."

"Why would they do that ?" My parents couldn't understand why I was treated like a king by the dark elves.

"Ah right, how silly of me. I forgot to tell you that I am the champion of the mad god."

"WHAAAT?" My parents screamed in unison.

Mouth wide open, eyes almost popping out, their shock couldn't be more obvious to see.

"S-s-since when?" my mother asks regaining her senses.

"I have deceived you for too long, so I will tell you guys, since I am in debt to you. I Thorus was from the start was the champion of the mad god. Ever since I was born, I was self conscious. My purpose is yet to be known. Now you know it, I can understand if you want to cast me aside, forget me or even kill me. I can understand, you must be scared, must hate me. I am prepared for this, it will be much easier if you abandon me. I know that you guys are gentle people. You wouldn't harm the innocent. I however will walk down the path of the evil. I will crush the church of life and every one that opposes me is an enemy."

The expression on my parents faces was unsightly to see. It even effected me, seeing their pained expression makes me feel miserable. But there is no way around this situation, they would have found out sooner or later.

"Thorus" my mother stands up.

"You want to oppose me mother?"

She says nothing and is slowly walking towards me.

I stand up and watch her coming closer.

"Don't force me... Leave me alone."

There is no response. My father looks at this scene with a serious face. Verrona on the other hand looks worried yet decides not to interfere.

What will she do? Is she trying to kill me? No that can't be possible.

Now standing in front of me my mother is looking deeply in to my eyes. She raises her hand and slaps me.

*slap *

Holding her hand in pain her eyes get teary, but not because of her hand.

"You fool, who do you think I am ?"

After the slap followed a hug filled with love and gentleness, which caught me off guard.

Ahh, I am such a fool thinking she wanted to kill me. How could I doubt such a fine woman, which is also my mother.A mother, a bond beyond anything else in the world.


I remember the day where I punched my father out of his socks. That day she said something that made me feel loved. She said that no matter what I turn in to, that she would be by my side, even if I were to become a demo lord.

To be loved, a feeling I never felt in my former life. I must thank the god of madness, for giving me this chance to experience. Else I would rot in hell never to have experienced this divine feeling. But more the reason to repay my debt. I can't turn down this path. For I worship the mad god and for the mad god gave me this opportunity.

"Mother I am sorry for lying to you. It would have been better if you cast me aside. For the days to come will surely hurt you."

A strange feeling over comes me. I am having a lump in my throat and my vision gets blurry.

Ah? What is this... I am crying. Me? Thorus the madman is crying. If people would see me like that it would be over with my badass image. Yet I didn't concern myself with it. I showed my vurnable side to my loved ones. So it didn't bother me a bit.

My mother let me go and looked at me with loving eyes. She wiped my tears away with her thumbs and holds my head with both her hands.

She drew closer and kisses me on my forehead.

"My foolish son. I would never abandon you. No matter what. You are my love, my life. I live for your sake. You will one day understand me if you have children yourself."

This scene was out of the ordinary. It was out of my expectation. I always believed that people would always think for themselves. Yet the foolish me was lectured in familiar love.

My father nodded and also come to my side. He patted my shoulder.

"Don't worry. We will always be by your side. But please don't destroy the planet."

"I will try my best to be a good evil."

"Can't you spare the innocent at least?" my mother asks worried.

"Hmm, what kind of evil would I be if I spare the innocent, mom."

"A great one."

What would the mad god think?

"Under one condition." I say.


"Bear a child and let me have some of your milk."

"Whaaat?" my mother face went red.

"Hahahaha, I have never heard something like that. Thorus it seems like you are still a kid that want to suck on mommy's tities. Too bad you had your share. Only me and your future siblings are allowed to suck on these."

"So what? I admit it, I want breast milk. Ever since the supply ended I had restless sleep. It even happens now days. I dream of drinking milk but no matter how much I drink it tastes like old socks.

It is embarrassing to say, I wake up sweating and my hands tremble like an alcohol addict."

Verrona and my parents look at me strangely. My father tries not to laugh.

"Your man is truly pathetic right Verrona."

"Eh? Ahh... No, I think it is kind of cute. Every man has a weakness I guess..."

I looked at her and said.

"When we have children let me have a taste of your milk."

"EH? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?" Verrona blushed and looked at the ground in embracement.

"Woah you are really bold son. I like it." said my father.

"Anyway, if you don't want to, I am totally fine with it."

I force myself to smile and I begin to sweat.

My mother noticing my forced smile begins to smile.

"I don't mind..."

A creepy smile forms on my lips. Considering that I look like a monster it is truly unsightly. But no people present seemed to be bothered a bit.

"Well lets continue to talk."

We sat down and talked for near an hour. I told them what I plan to do as the king of furor. I told them that I don't plan to take over the world and just want to create a safe heaven, where everyone could practice their religion, without fearing punishment.

Of course world domination is part of my plans but I didn't told them, so I don't worry them too much. After talking longer and longer my parents became more at ease. They were still worried though because I would invite trouble by creating a Kingdom.

I explained them that I would be careful not to provoke the other Kingdoms. They started to believe in me and let me do what I have to do.

Later Verrona and mother talked about something in private. I don't know what they talked about but probably about some girl things.

Father tried to engage in men's talk but I ignored it.

We are currently waiting for mother and Verrona to come back.

_ _ _

"We are back" says my mother as she sits down with Verrona.

They seem to be on good terms witch makes me happy.

"So what did you talk about."

"It's a secret." says Verrona and sticks a tongue out.

Such a delicate tongue.

"Okay, okay I don't care."

"Ehem, Thorus."

"Yes mother?"

"I approve of your relationship with Verrona."




"You are still young so don't over do it."

"You mean I can't stick it in right?"


"Putting my sword in to the sheath."

"EEH?" my mother is nearly at the point of fainting.

"EEEEH?" Verrona also realizing it blushed and looked at me for a short moment.

"Ahahahahaha, that's my son"

"Don't worry I don't think that I can get any pleasure in this body yet. I have to mature a bit. Also it would be bad if my woman would be seen as a pedophile. It is fine to kiss but I guess, putting my sausage in to the jar of ketchup goes to far."

"Youu, how could this happen? I don't remember raising such child. He comes after his father."

"Hehehe, he might have your look but he comes after me after all."

After things cooled down my parents stayed for a bit. After a day they decide to leave as my father still has his guard duties.

We were at the border of the city saying our good byes.

"Thorus if things get difficult come back to us."

"Yes, you can rely on us."

"I will."

"Ah right. Thorus you have to finish your business till you turn seven years old."


"Because of school of course." says my father.


"Okay don't worry."

My mother and father hugged me. They seemed reluctant to leave me.

"Don't worry. I have the power of a champion. If things go bad I change my appearance with my powers and come back."

They nodded and left.

Such understanding parents, I am truly blessed.

- - - - -

Going back to my tower some one comes screaming.

"Your Highness, your Highness."

"Yo, old man chill. Take a deep breath. What is it."

"A letter arrived."

"A letter? From whom?"

"From one of the Kingdoms."

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