《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch: 25 So it was like this ...


Verrona POV

I can’t believe what happened. What made Thorus change like that. When I first met him, I thought him to be a playful youth who likes to tease me. Just a young guy who has a crush on me. Thorus, the only one who knows my true self. My true self even my parents don‘t know about.

What made him turn this evil? Why? How? I refuse to believe that he was bad from the very beginning. When I think back at how he teased me. Tried to seduce me in a playful manner, makes it hard to believe that he turned evil.

Something must have happened. Right, it must be when he saw me with Garadon. It must have struck him hard. His face was full of pain and helplessness. Not even his angered face could hide his feelings. Like a person who is trapped in the pit of a well, unable to get out, cursing the world. Something must have happened when he left the village. I can‘t imagine what he might have gone thru. I believed him to be a strong person that is not fazed by this kind of thing. I thought he would get over me and live his life on.

I lived my life for the others. I lived the life of an elder. With the responsibility that comes from being an elder, I cast aside my feelings and desire. Everyday I lived with a void in my heart. I even accepted the arranged marriage with Garadon. Garadon a proud and arrogant noble. I didn‘t have a word in this matter. When my parents introduced Garadon and told me that he is my fiance, my world shattered in to pieces.

My parents are strict and threat me like a chess piece to gain political influence. There was no way out. Even if I objected there would be no use. With no choice Garadon became my fiance. He tried to sleep with me but luckily I could delay him by saying that we should wait until we are married.

My heart was deeply frozen in to a block of ice. I thought I would have to live my life in misery forever. I thought I would never feel joy in my life.

But everything changed with the fateful encounter with Thorus. A young handsome youth who was full of confidence. His unyielding gaze and jokes made me interested in him. He had the aura of a strong person yet he was not arrogant. When he told me that he was five years old I couldn't’ believe it. No five years old is that witted. He didn't speak like a five year old would.

Maybe because he said that he was five years old, I let my guard down around him and made him stay with me. I found him quite interesting, never in my life I met a person like him. I can‘t describe it but I felt that he was someone not of this era. He- he e- even sniffed me. Kyaa if I thing back I get flushed.

When I read the letter I found it rather amusing. The things he wrote where really funny. It sounded like it was a life death situation. I teased him a bit thinking it was just a child things. I didn't take it serious. It soon turned out to be a grave mistake.

The days he spend with me were my happiest days of my whole life. The void in my heart filled and the Ice block slowly melted. I only realized it after he left. If only Garadon weren’t there.


I could have waited for him to be old enough. My heart longs for him, I can’t deny it anymore. So what if he became evil? Why must I be good to the world that made me so miserable? I have no obligation to threat the world kindly. From now on I will live my life like I want to. So what if he is five years old, for him I gladly become a pervert.

I have to apologize to him. I hope it is not to late.

Looking around in my prison cell I look for a guard. I need to talk to Thorus before it is too late and I will be cast aside.

Is anyone here? I have a message for Thorus.“

No one awsered. Shouting for about about five minuets a guard came down with an annoyed look.

““Quite down, what do you want?””

““I need to speak with Thorus.””

““You mean your Highness you insolent fool.””

““Your Highness? ““

“You didn't knew? We dark elves have created a Kingdom with the champion of the mad god as the king.””

What? Thorus a champion of the mad god ? That might explain his appearance. This might be bad. No, I resolved myself no matter what kind of person Thorus is, I will follow my desire. So what if he is the champion of the mad god? I prayed every night to the goddess Chadera that I can be happy again. Every night I prayed, begged, lived according to the teachings of the church of Chadera.

Even though I did all that, not once did the goddess Chadera see it necessary to help me. Only Thorus granted me the wish I longed for a long time. Not even the goddess was able to it.

“Hello? Someone there?””

“Ah? Sorry, I spaced out a bit. Can you rely a message to your Highness? That I want speak with him.””

The guards patience ended and he said angrily.

“Who do you thing you are? For you to request your Highness.””

“We have a special relationship, do you think it will turn out good for you if you deny my request?””

“You inso-““

“Chill your horses.””

From behind a silver haired youth entered. With black eyes, silver hair and black angle like wings. Out of his body a sinister black aura is leaking constantly. It must be Thorus, although he changed much I still can recognize him.

“Who goes the- Y- your Highness? Sorry for my behavior, please punish this foolish one, I deserve it”.”

“Why does everyone want to be punished so badly? Just open the cell and get out.””

“Yes, your Highness you are too good to me.””

With fright that shows on his face the guard opens the cell and bows to Thours before leaving.

“If this isn't Verrona, I finished some business and thought I should check up on you.””

Cool your head, this is your opportunity to make things right.

“Hello Thorus, I am glad you came. I had a lot of time to think in the cell and I need to tell you something.””

Hearing what I just said a brow raised on that cold emotionless face.

“Say it.”” He says in a commanding voice.

“First off, I want to tell you how sorry I am. I have hurt you with my actions and words. I was foolish, I didn't consider your feelings. Believe me when I say that I regret it very much how things turned out.””


“Hmm?”” a little bit of warmth showed in his face but disappear as quickly as it came.

“I didn't take your feelings serious, I should have told you that I had a fiancé. Giving you hope and in the end taking that hope away from you, is unforgivable. You have to believe me, I didn't intended to hurt you. I never loved Garadon, it was something our parents decided. I lived my life with many constraints. Never perusing my own happiness, I accepted everything my parents decided. Living day by day with nothing to live for was very hard on me.””

Thorus face changed, it seemed he is thinking.

“Day by day passed, I thought that I was doomed to live in unhappiness. I long forgotten how to sincerely laugh, how to feel joy. Every day passed with me crying in to sleep. I was weak, I had no courage to go against my family. I thought of committing suicide before the marriage but I couldn't do it. I was afraid, I couldn't do it. Couldn't do it.””

I noticed that my eyes became teary. The scene became blurry and I touched my face where the tears where running down.

Looking at the face of Thorus a complicated face could be seen.

Silence, there was silence for a moment. Thorus looked like he wanted to say something but in the end he choose not to.

We stood there for while. With me calming down I wiped away the tears and gave a weak short laugh.

“But, everything changed. The day I met you were the happiest days in my whole life. You made me laugh, you made me forget all the worries. With you I felt happy. I thought with you by my side I could endure Garadon. Only if I knew that I would hurt you this much, would I have acted different. I thought of you to be a kid. That was a mistake, you are not a kid anymore. Your much more mature than even the adults. When you left, I noticed. You were the one that melted the ice in my heart. I can’t deny it anymore, I love you. I love you even if you are evil. I love you even if you are the champion of the mad god. I love you even if you are still five years old. I love you even if you kill. Even if you go against the goddess Chadera. From here on I will live my life like I want to.””

“So it was like this.”” A warm sincere smile appeared on his face. Even with his sinister look, he looked like an angle radiating warmth.

He took a few steps until he stood in front of me. He reach out his hands and embraced me.

“Eeh?”” I was a bit startled by how tight he pressed me to his muscular body.

“You endured enough. You did great. I am glad you told me everything. I am sorry for thinking of you as a mere bitch. I am sorry, I didn't’t knew you had such circumstances. Don’t worry any one that dares to make you unhappy, will pay his price accordingly. If it is alright with you let me make you the happiest person in this world.””

Words can‘t describe how I feel right now. A huge load came off from me and a wave of warmth hit my body. Tears of happiness begun forming on my already moist eyes.


*Pov Thours*

So it was like this. I am such a fool. What kind of madman am I to hurt such a fine lady. Such a poor woman, having to live a life of unhappiness. I even thought her to be a bitch. Even thought I did many things to hurt her she still believes in me. Even thought I am an evil person and the champion of the mad god, she still accepts me. Such unconditional love, where can you still find something like that.

With Verrona in my embrace a sweet fragrance hits my nostrils. With her crying I hold her tightly.

I let go of her and look in to her emerald green eyes. I wipe away the tears with my thumbs and hold her the back of her head with both my hands.

She looks at me with a smile. Darn, she is cute. Time to dig in.

My head is slowly approaching the face of Verrona.

Her breaths becomes faster, as if understanding what is about to happen.

Our lips connect and a sweet taste coats my lips. Tastes like strawberry… wait or is it peach? What the hell am I thinking this is my first kiss in both of my lifes. How can there be any sweet taste on her lips. My mind is playing tricks on me.

While kissing, Verrona embraces me tightly. What now? Right, I have to stick my tongue in. I slip my tongue past her defense of pink soft lips and penetrate her mouth with my predator like tongue.

Verrona lets out a surprised ““Eh?”, which is muffled due to my tongue swirling inside her mouth.

After a short while she becomes accustomed to it and our tongues dance around.

With the kiss coming to a end, our heads slowly distance themselves. Only a thread of salvia is forming a bridge between our lips.

Verrona with a red face wipes her salvia with her hands.

“Tha- that was amazing.”” She says with excitement and a hint of embarrassment.


POV Roland (Throrus’'s father)


I wonder what Thorus is doing. After I read the letter he send me I was like “way to go boy”. But I would be lying if I said that I was’t worried at all.

Sophie became restless in the last few days. I tried to calm her down saying that he would be alright.

““Roooland“” a shout emerges.

““Yes darling?””

““Pack your things we are going to look for Thorus.””

““Let‘s wait a bit more, he surely will send us a letter, saying everything is alright.””

““You irresponsible excuse of a father aren‘t you worried at all.””

““I am“”

““So what is there left to discuss?””

““Didn‘t you read the letter? He is picking up a chick.””

“Even more we must hurry. How can I wait and let my Thorus be taken away by a wench. He is only five years old Roland. Five years old. What if he is getting abused. What if the woman is a pedophile.””

“You are over thinking.””

“Over thinking? Oh my goddess what if he is being raped by that woman while we are talking?””

“Every man would be delighted to be raped by a stunning beauty.””

“ Roooland you-““

A fierce slap connects to my cheek. I think I went too far.

“I understand, let‘s look for him.””

“At last, you understand.“”

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