《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch: 24:Things to do


AN: Sorry for long wait I am currently on vacation and I managed to squeze out a chapter. I don't always have an internet connection. My next realease is uncertain. Thanks for reading.

Sitting on my throne I wait for my guests to arrive.

Enjoying the view of the vast Forest I feel as if I am on top of the world.

Who would have thought that I would get reincarnated in to a fantasy world with swords and magic.

Even if I have this amazing power of converting materials, I have to be careful not to get too cocky. I yet have to face a strong being. Establishing the Kingdom Furor whose people worship the mad god, is like declaring war. The other Kingdoms won't sit still.

World domination... Sounds nice at first but I mustn't rush things or my people and I will suffer. There is plenty of time left for me to conquer the world. First of all, I must get stronger to the point of feeling confident enough to put the world in flames.

There is a lot of things to do before thinking of expanding. I need to lay the foundation in order to let this young Kingdom prosper. Education, infrastructure, legal system, economy, military and such things are lacking. In order to make this Kingdom truly shine those things need to be worked on.

One more problem is that to be officially recognized will take much work. The fact that my people are only tolerated on the elven territory makes things difficult. Well, whatever for this is a thing of the future.

“My Lord, the elders have arrived should they be brought here?”

“Yes, do so. I'll be waiting.”

The old man took the elevator to guide my guests. I need the support of these dark elven elders or things will get much more difficult.

The elevator door opens and the old man and three elderly old men come out of the elevator.

Seeing the dark elven elders I sigh. I expected more, they look like your average old geezer. Their appearance were quite befitting those of an elder. Unfortunately no mature elder woman was in their row.

The elders had a face of excitement and surprise looking at the interior of the tower.

They came in front of me with the old man going to my side. The elders kneeled in front of me.

“We three elders are in your command my king, it is a honor to be near your presence.”

“Good, introduce yourselves.”

The one on the right began to speak.

“My name is Adrien Thalor. I am the elder of the Redwood village.”

This Adrien guy had white hair, tanned skin and white beard. His face was showing his age but his eyes shines with aspiration.

Continuing the introduction,the old geezer in the middle starts to talk.

“I am Alvin Blood. I am the elder of the Bloodwood village.”

Alvin Blood? As expected of a dark elves practicing dark magic and worshiping the mad god. His surname is sure befitting him with his blood shot dead black eyes with bags under it. His black hair and black short beard screams handler of sinister things.

I give him the thumbs up as of approving him.

In response a slight grin forms on this mad looking old man and he bows his head.

“My name is Eric Bonemill. I am the elder of the Bonevillage.”

I see, his surname ain't bad. This elder is the youngest of the three. He looks to be in his late forties. He has brown hair , brown eyes and no beard.


“I see you may stand up. My name is Thorus the madman the champion of the mad god. Today we have gathered to discuss the future of Furor.”

“Yes my King, thank you for involving us in to the creation of the kingdom we longed for.” said Adrien.

“My king, I have question, may I ask?”

“Go ahead Alvin.”

“How could you build such a big tower and walls out of nowhere? This is beyond me, I have never heard of a fortress to be build in a blink of an eye.”

“Good that you ask. The god of madness have given me the power to convert materials in to something I imagine. So I took a bunch of stuff and made the walls and tower.”

The elders eyes widen.

“Such god like power as expected of the champion of the mad god.”

“Well anyways let's get down to business.”

I raised my hand and formed a long table and chairs with my earth magic.

“Even voiceless chanting, such greatness.” said Alvin.

"You make me embarrassed if you say it like that."

"Even humble. This is a trait that not many have. I don't want to sound rude but may I know how old you are.You look quite young if I may say so."

"I am five years old,I know that this is not the age where someone creates a nation. Common sense dictates that I should play outside with kids or beat cute little puppies. The time I was born, I was not like the other kids. Rest assured, I might be five years old but I am not naive. With me being the champion of the mad god. I hold an immensurable amount of responsibility towards my followers. So please don't be put off by my age and let me prove myself to be worthy of your loyalty."

The three elders were dumbstruck with their jaws wide open. Their eyes widen in surprise, they looked like someone seeing a mirical. Not being able to explain, what they just heard. They close and open their mouth like they try to eat imaginary carrots in succession.

"Fi- fi-five years old?" Alvin is the first one to regain his senses.

"Yes, you heard right. Here I am. A humble five years old trying to free the followers of the mad god from the oppression of the enemies."

"Hahahahaha, that's so great surely the ways of he mad god are unpredictable. Five years old huh? A good age to start world domination. Even if you are only five years old, you have proven to be worthy of my loyalty. This huge tower and walls you build out of no where shows your might. I am thrilled to see, what is to come. Your sinister look of black wings. Also this dark aura leaking out of you, indeed an appearance worthy of the champion of the mad god. Even if you weren't such a big shot, with you being the champion of the mad god is surely enough to gain my favor. Right guys?."

"That is right, I am speechless of what you have accomplished thus far and. Your appearance can sure scare of your average Joe. With you on the top of the hierarchy the people will shudder in fear. You are nothing like a five year old that I can tell. The way you talk, the way you present your self and eventhought you have so much power itdoen't go in to your head. If only my grandson was so capable I would worry less." said Adrienter


"I agree with the two. Being so young and having achieved so much in terms of power and fellowship, only shows that you are born to rule. And to see the day were we begin to break , the shackles of oppression is magnificent. So young yet you hold such power, I can entrust my people to you without worries."

Eric punches his chest as a sign of his resolve.

It went better than expected. Telling them my true age was a gamble that paid off. I think the fact that I build a huge ass tower played a part in that.

"Great, to have such experienced wise man on my side, puts me at ease. I look forward to be working with you. Now first I will explain the future plans concerning our nation. There a lot of things to consider when one wants to create a nation. It won't build itself. We have to discuss certain topics to ensure that our young Kingdom will prosper. Let us proceed like this. I will say my thoughts on how we gonna manage to become a proper Kingdom. Then you'll voice your opinion and add suggestions."

"For you to consider our opinions, you are wise indeed." said Alvin.

God I love that guy. He is like a father whose attention you yearn for.

"First we need to mind the infrastructure."

"Infrastructure?" Alvin asked. Seems like the three never heard of it. They have a puzzled look.

"Infrastructure is things like roads, logistics, sewerage system you know stuff like that. We need to build roads that connect to the other villages to ensure fast traveling. Also we need to build high ways that connect to other kingdoms. I plan to trade with the others. The problem is though, that we need to establish the borders."

"This will be difficult as we are on the wood elves soil." said Eric

"I know, it won't be easy. I myself prefer the diplomatic way but don't worry if things won't work out. I have a fool poof method to get what we want."

"What kind of method can this be?" Alvin asked curiously.

"It is a underhanded method that will brainwash them. I just want to us it as a last resort, I don't like this way of doing things. It is much more fun to persuade them with words or actions."

"You know of a brainwashing magic?" the elders were surprised.

"With this kind of matter I don't want to resort to magic. It is much too unsafe, they could dispel the brainwashing magic. What I am talking about is science. With my power, I can create a machine that changes the wiring of the brain. Influencing their thoughts and actions."

"Science? Wiring of the brain, I have never heard of such things." said Alvin.

"I can't blame you because of magic people became lazy and didn't research deeper in the laws of the world. Science tries to explain the laws of nature trough observing and researching."

Well somehow the laws of nature I know of doesn't always apply in this world.

"Where did you learn this science?"

"That is a secret I can't expose."

"I see" Alvin looked a bit disappointed.

"Well anyway I think the other Kingdoms won't pose a problem. After the meeting ends we will send them a letter and invite them to our humble tower."

"Find some people that build the roads to the other dark elves villages. The high ways can be build later when we begin trading with the others. The roads to the dark elves villages takes top priority. With the roads we can dispatch the soldiers quicker to the villages in a case of an attack."

"Such insight, we will arrange some people. The problem is thought that we have not much gold." said Alvin.

Without saying a word I took a huge sack of gold from my ring of storage and threw it infront of the elders.

I didn't convert the gold thinking it would be useful someday.

"Woah, my King with this we won't have to worry about money." Eric said excited.

"Whe--- right you had the power of converting things... I still have to get used to it." said Alvin giving a sigh of astonishment.

"Also find some óne who can install a sewerage system. Lead the waste into the river in the north."

"Ehm... That river will be problematic?"


"The River of Life is important to the wood elves. It provides them with drinking water. They pride them selves to have the clearest drinking water."

"Hmm, this could be a problem. When we pump our shit in their drinking water. They could get pissed and diplomatic negotiations would get difficult. What ever just pump our shit in that lake in the north east."

"But th-"

"Just do it, I take full responsibility."

The elders hearing that had a mischievous smile. Looks like the lake is also important to the elves. Well whatever it won't be as bad as pumping shit into their drinking water. And if the lake floods, well like I care. With my power I can make a huge ass crater. I see this whole "creating a kingdom" thing as a hobby. It is like those strategy games were you build your economy and army to crush the enemies. This is just a game, yes a game with kick ass graphics.

"The next point is military. How much men do we have in the military?"

At my question the three elders frowned.

"We have non my king. Only some guards, if we put all guards together we would have about 100-130 guards." said Alvin

"That is fine, it is much better that way. Make some recruitment poster. Have the guards train the new recruits. Also find some capable strategist. We will build a military academy. As for the payment you should pay them as you see fit ."

"Leave the things concerning the military to me, I have some experience in that matter." said Eric.

"Please do so."

To be honest there were so much things left to consider but I grew bored. I thought it would be much more excited to plan the necessary things needed to create a kingdom. In those strategy games it was so much easier. I only needed to click here and there and a Kingdom would be build.

Now in the real life I see what I am lacking. A plan. The insight. Becoming a King of these dark elves was just something I did on a whim. As I did give the speech to the dark elves I only thought about how cool looked.

I sighed in my mind. I wanted to be free. A man who isn't bound to anything but now look at what have I done. I have bound myself to these people who are expecting great things from me. Drunken from the power I gained from the mad god, I became naive and didn't consider the consequences. I am quite confident in dealing with most of my enemies. But if an strong expert were to appear, I can't say for sure if I have the power to protect Furor.

It is much to late to turn back, the wood elves have probably seen the tower and are frantic already. Anyways, defensive measurements have top priority.

"My king Is everything alright?" Alvin asked concerned.

"Yes, yes, I just had something on my mind. Anyway,I have come to the conclusion that our defense takes top priority. As we are now we are to vulnerable, we need to have a mighty force as soon as possible. For that we need materials. Is there a mine somewhere near?"

"Yes at the mountain range there is one mine under our control. Because our need of ore is minute, there is much ore left. Currently no miners are working in the mines."

"Send as many miners you can, hire more people to do mining. Also, look for more ore veins and build more mines. We need materials, as soon as possible."

"I understand my King" said Alvin.

"Now coming to the economy, can you guys tell me what the villages so far can produce?"

"My King, we barley have an economy, most of us dark elves are either hunters or farmers. There are few blacksmith and tailors but nothing much." Eric said in a disappointed tone.

"I see, this isn't good. Is there anything special to the dark elves that might sell?"

"Hmm, we are quite adept at stone sculpturing, we also can carve anything out of bones."

Huuuh, stone sculpturing didn't expect that. Bone carving,? Well as expected from the dark elves.

Thinking about how to make profit from stone sculpturing suddenly I get an genius idea.


"My King?" Adrien asked confused.

"Sorry, sorry, I suddenly got an idea which will shake the whole continent. The people will be in an uproar as soon I realize my idea."

"What can this great idea of yours be? Please enlighten us my King." asked Alvin.

"Wait a moment."

I rip a piece of cloth from my shirt and turn it in to a piece of paper and a pencil.

The elders seeing that looked astonished. No wonder paper is quite expensive and the paper I created is of high quality.

"Truly magnificent, this converting power of yours." said Alivn.

Without paying Alvin's praise any mind, I start to draw a busty innocent looking girl. The girl is drawn like those in mangas in my former world. You know, big eyes, big tits,sailor uniform and a short skirt. The girl is posing lewdly on all fours with a bit of her panties showing.

While drawing I let out a perverted laugh that end up in grunting.

"My King?.."

"Finished. Behold for you are about to see a drawing rivaling those of grand masters."

I turn around the piece of paper and show my piece of art to the elders.

"This... This.."

"My God..."

"Wh- wh-"

The breathing of these elders became heavy and in their eyes shown a dangerous light.

Especially Adrien looks hilarious, with his beet red face he seems out of breath.

"My king I never knew you were a master painter. I have never seen such drawing. The girl rivals the beauty of goddesses. Also this pose... Truly dangerous." said Alvin.

"You are full of suspires, my heart skipped a beat when I saw the girl on the painting."said Adrien

"Damn, such a beauty, too bad that she isn't real, I would ditch my wife for her." said Eric

"Right? Right? Hahah, I knew you would understand. Now that you appreciate this kind of art, imagine when we turn this girl into life like sculptor. The world would be in uproar... Men would neglect their wives and pay more attention to their sculptors. We will build sculptors in life like size till the size of 14 cm."

"With this kind novelty. The people would abandon their bed ridden grandmas and rush to our Kingdom to buy one of these. Hahahaha" said Eric.

"Make these kind of sculptors our specialty and within a short period of time we will bath in gold coins. Now to the next topic."

"Yes my King."

"Now coming to education. Just build some schools teaching fighting and magic. Also teach things like math and religion. Of course we teach the ways of the mad god. Children are easy to influence. With our teachings we will make them faithful to our god and make them loathsome to the church of Chadera."

"Will be done."

"Well, I can't bother with all the small things. Just manage the things as you fit. You guys should have experience with stuff like.Wait a moment."

I take four gold coins and turn them into three medallions. With my converting power I engrave the new emblem of the Kingdom Furor. On the medallions, you can see a bunch of tentacles holding an innocent looking girls with tattered clothes.

Finishing the medallions I throw them to the elders. With them seeing the emblem a smile forms on these elders.

"Such sinister Emblem. With this we will make the others fear us." said Alvin.

"These coins are showing your authority. With these coins if you order someone it is like if were to order them."

"Such a great gift your humble servants won't disappoint you." said Alvin.

"Also there are few rules that must not be broken. Killing a fellow brother or sister is punished by death. If one kills some one of other faith, it is only acceptable if there was a valid reason to do so. If one kills one of the other faith meaninglessly he is to be punished but not killed. Raping a fellow brother or sister is forbidden and will be dealt with prison sentence up to five years. If one rapes one from another faith it is only allowed if the other party is willing. For thievery just cut their hands so they won't be able to steal. Well that's about it. The rest is up to you guys to handle."

"Yes my king but I have a question how can someone be willing to be raped?"

"If one wants to be raped than let them be raped, if one doesn't say no than it doesn't count as rape."

"So if one were to shut them up, then one could legally rape?" asked Eric.

"If their mouth are shut in the act, then the victim can still tap out. If the rapist doesn't stop when she is tapping out or saying no then it counts as rape."

"I understand." says Eric.

I know that this sounds stupid. I want that my people to have unlimited freedom but I can't help but look down on rapists. I don't care about the rape victims.

If one wants to enjoy a woman he should do so with her consent. Forcing your way in is just low, you should conquer the woman with your own power. Skipping the way of seduction and forcing yourself on weak woman is just something a man with no pride would do.

With these three rules the most basic foundation should have been layed.

Anyway I don't have the patience to set up laws, it is such a complicated matter and I am not a man of patience .

I am that kind of guy that dreams big but doesn't want to take all the small steps to reach that dream. That's is why I have chosen the converting power from the mad god. With the converting power, I still could live a comfortable life even if I were to become a hobo. If I were to take any other power. I still need to spent a lot of time to reach a certain level. With my converting power however, I can skip years of training and easily cheat my way to the top. In short, I am lazy,I even have neglect my training lately.

"I count on you guys to do the rest. Carry on my will and make our dreams come true."

"With greatest pleasure."


The elders stand up and bow.

Dismiss huh? Since when have I become so badass? Anyway the most troublesome part is finished. The elders will send letters to the other Kingdoms, inviting them to my humble tower. I hope they will be so kind to accept my new Kingdom. If not... Well.. .

"You can also leave old man I need some time for myself."

"Yes, your highness." he bowed and left the hall.

Hmm, what should I do now.

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