《Woke Up a Tree.》Chapter 29


I was working on the apartment when Galyn Boolt came back. He had another human with him. I directed Galyn to go to my new audience chamber. I really liked my talking head. I was working on the rest of it out of sight. The next time a big old monster snuck up on me; I was going to take direct action. None of this relying on Pinchy.

I wondered why I couldn’t see Pinchy. I caught glimpses of her from the memories of others. Mainly the others she killed. She was vicious. Most of the time though she was so quick, the person or animal wouldn’t even register they had been attacked. I thought she must have a high sneak skill level to be able to hide from me. How was she cloaking herself in my magic field? I really wanted to know.

Galyn brought the new guy inside. I was unimpressed with this dude. He was short. Maybe five foot one if he was an inch.

He was one of those short wiry fucks who could run all day. I always hated those fucks.


“So, you trying to steal my wood?” I asked him.

“Uh. Maybe.” The guy tried to avoid the question.

“So what’s your name anyways?” I asked him. “I wanna know the name of the dead man trying to steal my wood.”

“Sorry man.” The man said. “My name is Monte. Do you know how valuable this wood is? I could make all sorts of cool shit.”

“Yes, I do know how valuable it is.” I told him. “That’s why I am trying to not let any walk away.” I paused to think for a minute. “What would you make anyways?”

“Anything really.” Monte said. He was a little breathless with excitement. “This stuff has such a high durability, it won’t degrade as fast as other items.”


“Are you a crafter?” I asked him. “I haven’t seen too many crafters since the event. Everyone seems really discouraged by the mana wasting.”

“I haven’t been able to figure it out.” Monte explained. “I’ve been calling it durability. I can slow it down but I can’t stop it completely.”

“Hmm.” I murmured. “I’ve determined that anything without auras degrades in a mana environment.”

“Auras?” Monte asked. “What are those?”

“It is the life force that surrounds us.” I told him. “Everything living as it processes mana creates an aura.”

“How come rocks and the ground don’t degrade, then?” Monte asked.

“I am not entirely sure.” I replied. “I suspect there is an aura present. I know there are many little organisms living in the ground but I also suspect the world is alive on some level.”

“Are you talking about Gaia?” Monte asked.

“Maybe, I don’t know.” I replied. “I haven’t seen an aura around the ground. So far I have only seen the auras of creatures living in the ground. But what if the aura is so big I can’t see it? What if we are inside of it? Just because I can’t find it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.”

Monte nodded at that. He reached into his shirt and pulled out a length of wood. It looked like a splinter blown out by an explosion.

“I was trying to make a spear.” Monte explained. “I was stuck on the spearhead. I was planning on fire hardening the tip.”

“That might not work.” I told him. “I’ve been working on making my branches fire resistant. I’ve been working metal throughout my structure.”

“Why don’t you become a tree sworn?” I asked him. “If you were sworn to the tree I would be more amenable to helping you craft.”


“I don’t like the idea of swearing to another. It feels like an oath of fealty.” Monte said. “It feels wrong somehow.”

“I understand.” I told him. “But I need to be able to trust you. Also, I don’t want to help make anything that can be used against me in the future. Anything I make has the possibility of boomeranging back at me.”

“What if I change my mind later?” Monte asked. “What if you are a tyrant?”

“Well I would really be a tyrant.” I said. “I think I would be more along the lines of a treant or maybe a dictatortree. Queen Bitey would be your tyrant.”

Monte stood there for a bit. It looked like the punning was too much for him.

“I think I could find my way to swearing.” Monte said. “Please stop with the punning. It is a tree-ible punishment.”

“My man.” I told him. “Let me put some thought into a crafting room. I think there are a lot of things we can try. I think we need more ranged weapons and a way to attack the flying whales.”

“I thought those meowbies were meant for that.” Monte said.

“No.” I told him. “The meowbies were meant for something else. They are pretty cool aren’t they?”

“I will talk to Lorelai about this.” I told him. “There is a whole ceremony and everything. It will be great.”

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