《Woke Up a Tree.》Chapter 28


“Ezin, we have news.” Duraukh said as he entered the room. He waited for Ezen Khadny to wave him on before continuing. “We have captured some baga nogoon as they attempted to return home. We have some disturbing news.” Duraukh paused. He seemed nervous.

“Go one.” Khadny prodded him.

“We think there is a Delkhin mod on the world.” Duraukh said in a rush. “The baga noog don’t know what they have discovered. But they were covered in mana dust with the unmistakable aura signature of a delkhin.”

“A delkhin mod on a water world?” Khadny asked. “How has this happened? This hasn’t happened in cycles.”

“Uh, yes. It seems the Usny Tarkhi played a little fast and loose with the precepts.” Duraukh squeaked. “While it is a water world. There is a small but significant contingent of life that lives on the land.”

“And the water based designation?” Khadny asked.

“It seems the majority of life is predominantly made of water.” Duraukh said. “The analysts are beside themselves. Something like this hasn’t been studied before. Water is being used as a medium to conduct the processes of life. How it got onto and survived on the land is anyone's guess. Normally, land based life relies on mana to live. This world was completely mana starved until the mana engine was ignited.”

“How did anything survive?” Khadny asked.

“We don’t know.” Duraukh squeaked excitedly. “The avenues for research are endless. It is a very exciting time.”

“We have to tell the other delkhin about this.” Khadny said. “Have you notified them yet?”

“No, I came to you first for advice.” Duraukh said. “Did I do right?”

“Yes. But do not delay any longer.” Khadny replied. “The last thing I need are angry delkhin.”


“What is the mana density of the world?” Khadny asked. “Can we get our scouts in there yet?”

“The mana density isn’t high enough yet.” Duraukh explained. We can get some of our lesser scouts in. I think the Och Jiguur can probably make the translation. Things will get easier once the Delkhin can anchor portals but that isn’t likely to happen unless someone teaches the Delkhin.”

“Hmmmm.” Khadny thought. “Ask for volunteers. If we can get to the Delkhin before anyone else, we could steal a march on everyone.”

“As you wish Ezin.” Duraukh sqeaked. He bowed as he left the room.

Ezin Khadny stirred on his throne. He pulled his seeing stone out and once again began to stare into the swirling ether.”

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