《The Lucky Clover》Chapter 10: “Luck” Strikes Again
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Chapter 10: “Luck” Strikes Again
After I got the answer from Emi, I decided upon preparing ourselves for the short journey. My father and Lisa wished to come but I thought better of it and decided that this would be the time to set off on our own, Emi and I. To see the world by ourselves and perhaps experience new things along the way.
So after talking to Emi about going together by ourselves and her subsequent agreement and a rather long conversation convincing the worrying family members to let us go alone, spouting things like, “We’re old enough to use common sense” and “Our fighting abilities are already good enough to defend ourselves” they relented.
The weeks before we set about preparing ourselves for the short day journey to Paolona and the tournament. The tournament was set for a month from now but I thought it would be best to go earlier and look around Paolona and get used to the surroundings before entering the tournament.
So we packed a day’s of supplies and enough money to last us until fighting in the tournament. Lisa came over and brought over Emi and with her a sword.
“Hi Clover, I just wanted to wish you and my sister luck in the tournament. I know you’ve trained hard these past few years so I wanted to give you this sword as a gift.”
“Thanks Lisa,” I was rather surprised as even on my birthdays she had never given me a present, “I’ll do my best in the tournament and do you proud.”
“I believe you will, remember all your practice and use your instincts to decide what is the right way to fight your opponent. There will be many more experienced people in the tournament so you must use your mind to beat them.”
“I will do, thanks for the advice.” Though I already expected the tournament we would be fighting in would be fairly challenging, using my wits would be the best way for me to win. I was neither the strongest not the most experience so I would have to use every bit of preparation to win.
My parents also came in while I was preparing the supplies and packing.
“Son, I’m proud of you and the work you’ve down to get up to this point. Do your best and that is all a mother can ask for.”
“Thanks mother I will do my best I think all this preparation that I’ve had all these years will pay off in the end.”
“Clover, I want you to keep this Magic Tag with you, not to remind you about not being unable to magic but rather to get past obstacles in your way. Magic is neither the be all or end all, it is not all powerful and with hard work it can be overcome.”
“Thanks mom, I’ll keep that in mind. When I face obstacles I’ll have this Magic Tag on me to remind me of that.”
Afterwards they began the whole parent bit about keeping safe. After my parents had left I set about finishing my preparation for tomorrow morning. I had already set up the rental of horses to use for both Emi and I so that we could travel there by horse otherwise the journey would take far longer.
The night before we were meant to leave there was an almighty storm and it rained down very heavily. Nevertheless Emi and I decided to start our journey anyway otherwise we would lose the deposit on the horses and cost our parents even more money.
So we set off in the rain with our parents and Emi’s sister waving us goodbye. I was in fairly good spirits as I had planned where would stay and budgeted how much we could use per day.
As we were walking down the road that connected Trinia to Paolona I noticed that trees had fallen in the night and that the road had been closed off. While I was trying to brainstorm ways to try and move the fallen trees, Emi suggested the idea of going through the forest as she and her sister frequented the forest to go hunting for the family.
Emi took the lead as she had more experience on these roads, as we traversed through the forest road to get to Paolona I noticed that the ground was getting rather more wet and muddy as we continued along. I suggested to Emi that we turn back but she refused,
“We’re doing it today otherwise we’ll lose another day and have to spend more of our parent’s money. We just need to be careful.”
The rain continued to pour down heavier and heavier I saw our horses struggling to get a foothold in the ground but we pressed on.
Emi was in front leading the way through the road, as she pointed and looked back to tell me which way would be going, her horse lost grip on the road and fell off the road’s edge
I panicked for a second as I saw Emi fall from view. I got a hold myself again and immediately decided to save Emi. I slid down the slope and tried to catch up to Emi as she was falling.
20 meters In front of her I saw a rather menacing large rock. I was 5 meters from her, I immediately sped up running down the hill even faster. Trying to close the gap. The rock kept coming closer and closer and Emi was unable to chang her direction.
Just as I she was about to hit the rock I jumped at her and launched her with me past the rock and we rolled down the hill. There were many rocks and stones and the world became rather a blur, I likened the feeling to being on the most terrifying merry-go-round. I caught glimpses of the edge of the cliff as we were approaching.
I braced us for going over the edge, praying to all the unknown gods and the god I knew personally to help us. We were two meters from the edge when suddenly we dropped down through a pile of leaves. I pushed my body in front of Emi and the ground to make sure that she would be okay and tried to relax my body as I remembered I had read before woman who was so relaxed after being kissed and she fell of a cliff she managed to survive so I calmed myself and tried to put the fear out of my mind.
We finally dropped down to the ground and luckily landed on some leaves that cushioned the fall a bit. I fell into the darkness upon impact and fainted. Just as I was about to lose consciousness I saw a blue box appear.
*Tring* New Stat Created: Heroic Stat+1
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The Curio Shoppe
Kellan Klein is an ordinary college student with an average, if traumatic and painful past. Everyone grows up grappling with depression and anxiety that seem to be genetic in a house with parents that, while loving, fight all the time and have weird ideas about what kids should and shouldn't do, right? Everyone deals with bullying, racism, judgement on their romantic inclinations and their family's economic status and just general shittiness, right? All of Kellan's friends sure did, and for all of them, entertaiment media were a welcome escape from their painful, dreary lives. After all, who wouldn't want to sail the seas with Monkey D. Luffy and the Strawhats, or help Meng Hao con increasingly powerful and influential people, or join Cecil Harvey and his friends on their weird journey to save the world, or make friends with Peter Parker while pretending to not know he was everyone's favorite wall-crawling superhero? Kellan certainly wanted to, and while he pursued college to seek out a career he saw himself enjoying, something felt inexplicably empty about his life. So when a decidely sinister force kidnaps him and the prettiest man he's ever seen saves his life and offers him his wildest dreams, Kellan becomes the shopkeeper of a mysterious, dimension hopping shop, complete with a system that helps him acquire items. abilities, materials, and other cool shit to stock it with, as well as some other neat perks. Will Kellan become a boring overpowered MC, like the kind from web fiction that he reads to sate his boredom? Will he keep his generally kind, sweet nature despite the shit he's gone through and will go through, or will he inexplicably become a scary, violent, irrational arrogant douchebag? Will he use his newfound abilities to explore the multiverse and improve the lives of himself and others, or will he become his own antithesis, a purely mercantile jerk obsessed with money and profit, with no concern for anything that doesn't help or hurt his business? Find out in The Curio Shoppe! Author's note: Please suggest possible setting he could visit in the comments. I'll gather ones i'm familiar with, and at the end of every arc, a poll will be held to decide the next location he visits. There will be polls for other purposes, and I might not always go with the poll winner if I feel one of the other options is more fun to read/write about. I will not use the settings of other RRL writers without their permission.Do not ask for that, unless the author in question gives permission. Most settings he visits will be slightly AU in some way or another, but please remind me if I drift too far from canon unintentionally or characterize a character wrongly. This work will eventually fit all tags I selected once he visits universes suited to those tags, so don't ask when or where a given tag is coming. I do not own the cover art, it belongs to Nicholas Belanger Thiel, and I will stop using it if he asks me to. Kellan doesn't look like the old man on the cover, though once he acquires a disguise-type ability he may occasionally use that appearance. The tapir, however, will be a thing, as despite looking like a failed attempt at an elephant, tapirs are cool and this dragon finds them to be kinda cute. The art, along with more of Nicholas's pieces, can be found at https://www.artstation.com/artwork/51bXz
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