《Bugs》Chapter 25
I slump down with a sigh as I finally get rid of the greatest nuisance I have met since my college years. Seriously! What kind of old man is that? It was like talking to a 12 year old that had been spoiled to no end.
I open my inventory and look inside. I saw I had very few mana potions and for what I wanted I would need much more so I opened a private chat with Flor who had logged on some time ago.
[Hey Debby, do you have any mana potions?] I asked her.
[Yeah, i got some in stack, i got lesser ones and had just made my first full powered type that is on par with NPC shops.] She replied.
[That’s nice, remember how i added lights with the sun crystal to Levi’s palace?]
[Yeah, you had to continuously drink mana potions to not let the upgrade sap your strength.]
[Yeah, well i bought other magic crystals and want to see how they would upgrade the palace when given to it but i lack potions to survive through that.]
[I see, well I’m not a charity so…]
[I recently butchered all the rabbits and have Tails, feet and ears. I heard those can turn into accessories and charms.]
[Yep, i recently learned Tailoring to combine with blacksmithing since Scale armor needs tailoring. Making those rabbit accessories would be really good help and would definitely be more than enough for the potions and I would even have to make more depending on the number of items you have.]
[Thanks, I can’t really go and meet you because of a… problem.] I tell her.
[Oh? What kind?] she asked.
I go on to explain what had recently happened after I passed the tavern.
[Yeah, i know.]
[If he is around when i enter then he might get in at that time.] She said.
[I can close the portal prematurely also so I can make it appear below you in a small size instead of as a gate so come and we will deal with it.]
With that dealt with I sent a party request and looked at the minimap and found her. She was near the slums on the east side of town and using the map she was moving through the main street heading my way.
I push myself up and as I do that I hear the door of Levi’s room open up and she flies into the room and comes over to me.
“What happened daddy? I felt someone enter with you but suddenly leave?” She asked.
“Just a nuisance. Drone!” I shout, making the drone appear next to me like an illusion.
“You called me master?”
“Yes, you saw the man that almost entered correct?” I asked.
“Yes, I am linked to the master's mind so I know of which man you are speaking of.”
“Good, if he by chance sneaks in without me noticing, expel him even if force is required. Only allow him in if, and only if, i say he can enter.” I tell her.
“Yes master, I shall watch out for that man and keep him outside of the hive.” She said and vanished.
“Now then, let’s wait for Flor so we can see what the magic crystals will change.” I tell her and she nods.
I called a single Ice Flare Fly to check it out since I was curious.
The size seemed to be smaller than the other ones but it was because they had recently turned adults and were now feeding on the mana but they absorbed the mana slower. But they had constant growth when compared to the regular ones since they had an environment that helped.
I took a look at the locations I had and found that a new one had appeared called Ice cove and was apparently a habit for the Ice Flare flies. I wondered why it appeared but then put the dots that it had to do with the Lesser Ice Magic Crystals.
After several minutes Flor finally arrived at the spot the portal had closed.
[I’m here!] She said through the pm.
[Anyone around?] I asked carefully.
[Only some old hobo beggar at the end of the alleyway.] She said.
I frowned when I heard that since it was probably the idiot.
[I’m going to open the portal under you out of precaution.] I tell her and she gives the green light.
The small opening appears below her feet while the one in here rises up to the ceiling.
I get the feeling she will drop in so i get ready to catch her and then open the portal.
Moments later she falls in and I close the portal but before that I start seeing another pair of legs just before the drone appeared in mid air already halfway into an upward kick with her pointy shoes going at a frightening speed right into the idiot. I did hear him say something stupid before he was kicked out though.
“HERE’S ULFERD!… URG!!” and the drone connected sending him flying out of the portal.
“Invader repelled.”
It closed and returned to its spot at ground level while I caught Debbie in my arms.
“Well! That was fun!” She says with a laugh as she pushes her hair out from in front.
“Yeah, also if it wasn’t for the drone we would have uninvited guests.” I tell her as I put her down on the ground.
“Yeah, seriously that hobo was fast. He covered 10 meters in a second. He must be really skilled and high leveled.” She said.
“And shameless.” I tell her, making her nod.
“Anyway, got the potions?” I asked.
“AH! First the accessory ingredients.” She says while a request came.
The player ‘Florista’ has requested a trade
I pressed yes and a screen with a 100 boxes in a 10x10 format appeared. Over one of them it said “Droso’s trade offer” and the other “Florista trade offer”.
I pulled all the ears, feet and tails of the rabbits I had, 458 ears, 356 feet and 234 tails.
She gasped seeing the number I had obtained.
“Damn, to butcher all of them and get so much, to repay I need around 200 MP potions.” She said.
“Give me all the mp potions you have, plus some health potions for when I hunt." I tell her.
After a few seconds they appeared. 40 Beginner Health Potion (Strawberry), 10 Health Potion (Peach), 40 Beginner Mana Potion (Grape), 10 Mana Potions (Blueberry).
I chuckled seeing her efforts to give the otherwise bitter tasting hp and mp potions flavors. It's a reason why her potions have sold so well and for a bit more then the same items of the same quality.
I have told her to be careful of competition since people who are successful tend to attract unwanted attention.
I press accept to the trade and the items transfer to her.
"Alright, let's see the effect of these crystals." I say and pull out the lesser fire crystal and call the drone.
"Here, integrate this into the hive." I told her.
"Master possess many more, would you like to integrate them at the same time." she asked.
"No, one at a time and only if I can support the creation process." I say.
"If that is so then I can put them on slow integration after the master runs out of potions and your mana reaches zero. From there your regeneration of mana would be reduced and redirected to the production of crystals during the integration process." she explains.
"If it’s like that then it’s fine." I said and pulled out all the crystals and handed it to her. they all vanish and I feel the drain on my mana.
I sit down and take the lesser potions our first. I already knew the strength so I waited until it's empty and then I drank it filling half my mana, at least I thought. Instead it filled 25%. The cause was because my mana capacity rose more so the potions were less effective.
I drink another then another and leave my mana on 75% and let it drain.
I repeat this over and over and all the while Flor was making more potions that she owed me for the rabbit parts.
The regular type were able to fill my mana to 100% showing they were strong.
When I reached the last potion I gained from the trade I took one on the ground that was made just now and drank it. There were five made and after ten minutes another was made but at what was wasted compared to what was produced I finally ran out and the mana stopped draining but my regeneration dropped.
I lay on the ground tired and mentally exhausted by having my mana drained so much over and over.
"Drone." I called in an exhausted voice.
She appeared next to me.
"How much was complete, the integration?" I asked.
"Not counting the wilderness zone that will slowing develop and grow its own magic crystals after the integration of some, master has completed 23% of integration and taking into account how the Flare Flies and Stealth Spiders are the current ones that need the natural mana most for their growth, dark and fire magic crystals were integrated to 100% first. The result caused the Dark forest to because purely the habit of the stealth spiders and the others that lived there were moved to the forest. Also a habit known as Heat Cavern has appeared which Flare flies and Bombardier beetles moved into." she said without pause.
"Which is the current most integrated that is highest in priority?"
"Lightning, master. Due to the existence of the Electric Cove the lightning crystals were integrated to 73% before your potions ended." the drone maid explained.
"Good." i said with a huff.
"That's enough, I just need to rest now and it will be all better." I said.
"A room was made for master." the drone said and helped me up. She took me just across the hall where we found a master bedroom with a queen sized bed and a lot more stuff. The drone helped me on my weak feet and sat me on the bed.
"Flor if you need to exit, ask Levi, as for the creep, keep him out." I tell the drone as I unequip my armor and put on the beginner clothes so I could sleep more comfortable.
Activating the game's mechanism I logged out when I had fallen asleep.
Levi PoV
After Daddy laid down and fell asleep, cow tits told me we should go do something productive and asked me if we had an alchemy room here.
“We don’t possess such advanced rooms due to the lack of equipment to model it off from and due to the lack of need for such. Once our hive has begun to turn more complex than our people would slowly begin making their own tools for these tasks.” The drone maid suddenly explained.
“I see…” cow tits said.
I was frowning as I flew out with her behind me. It was like she was provoking me because with each step those things would jiggle and bounce. It feels almost unnatural.
“Shame, I was hoping to get a place to work but I guess I can do it anywhere really. Oh right! Is the Wilderness zone filled with vegetation already?” She asked me.
“Yes but it all needs to evolve into lots of herbs as we capture more animals and monsters inside.” I mutter a bit annoyed with her following me around.
“Really? Didn’t you gather seeds from all the plants and herbs we gathered yet?” She asked.
This made me freeze in my place and look at her a bit annoyed but with a look at the Drone she vanished to do just that.
“Yes, we did that already.” I tell her with a shaky voice.
“Ah so cute trying to keep up the big girl act.” She told me making me blush but angry since she pulled my cheeks.
Hitting her hands away, I frowned at her as I flew away from her.
“Don’t touch me! I’m just not calling you a cow because daddy will punish me. But this great one will not let a hussy like you take my daddy away!” I shout her way.
She was wide eyed for a moment before a cat-like smile spread on her face. Her demeanor completely changed as she realized what I wanted.
“Oh? So that's why you're so grumpy. You're a little daddy’s girl.” She said with a cat-like smile.
I blushed violently and turned before flying off to my room leaving her behind.
I run into my room and shove my face into my bed hiding my face.
I wanted to get to sleep and not look at the hussy but I couldn’t sleep. I then remember something.
“Drone!” I shout.
She appears the next moment.
“You called me your highness?” She said.
“Can I donate my mana like daddy to integrate the crystals?” I asked.
“Yes, your highness.” She replied with a blank face.
“Then do so, focus just on the lightning crystal since it’s almost done.” I tell her.
“Yes your highness.” She said.
At once I felt my mana start draining and I felt drowsy so I let my body drop on the bed and as my mana reached zero and my mind felt muddy I just let myself go to sleep but not before i heard something.
“...tning cry...al … r...ched 100%.”
Flor PoV
When I saw the little queen fly away blushing, I couldn't help giggling and imagining what would happen in the future with her and Leon.
It was going to be too entertaining to be around these two later on.
I was sure she would force herself to sleep somehow so it meant i was stuck in here.
It would be nice to see the outside areas though but i don’t have the skills to open the portals and I doubt the drone would abide by my orders. Still…
“Um… drone?” I say and out of nowhere she walks forward from behind me.
“Yes guest?” She said.
“I was wondering if i can go to the wilderness zone or one of the places the other bugs stay?” I asked.
“Of course.”
What region would you like to go to?
Wilderness Zone
Misty Lake
Dark forest
Ant Hill (undeveloped)
Vampiric Mosquito Nest (undeveloped)
Brown Spider Palace (undeveloped)
Striped Guard Spider Palace (undeveloped)
Electric Cove (undeveloped)
Ice Cove (undeveloped)
Exit Hive
The sudden table appeared caught me off guard but once I calmed down I remembered that Leon had told me about this window. I was shocked to see an [Exit Hive] option. That means i can leave as i please which is good to know.
I already knew the undeveloped areas were too small for people so I ignored those and looked at the three options I had besides the Wilderness Zone.
I haven’t been to any of them, and I doubt Leon has either, so I press the first one, Misty Lake.
The screen vanishes and a portal appears in front of me and I walk through.
What I saw before me was a light foggy area in a forest area and in front of me was a lake that had some of Dragonfly nymphs swimming inside and dragonflies on the Reed plants that sprouted from inside the lake.
There was grass under my feet but the ground was still a bit muddy and the air was damp.
“A misty lake is a place that could easily become a swamp when it gained size and developed. More water growing breeds would probably cause that change, maybe the magic crystals as well.” I mutter as I look around.
There wasn’t really much, I found that if i leave the area of the lake and enter the fog it just makes me walk in a circle and appear back at the lake area. This was an open space so it caused a loop so nothing would enter.
“Drone can I go to the forest now?” I called out and a new portal opened.
Walking through I found myself in a forest. The ground was covered in either moss or grass and there were lots of trees around. It seemed to spread out several hundred meters in all directions around me and all around I could see lots of bugs that I didn't know Leon had gathered.
This must be the most common habitat to hold those that haven’t evolved enough or the conditions for their own habitat wasn’t achieved.
I looked around more but there wasn’t anything useful like herbs or anything here.
Since it was like that I asked to go to the Dark forest.
It kept to its name, the tree’s were dark colored bark with the trees being a bit more tightly packed and blocking a lot of the sunlight making the inside really dark and perfect for ambush predators.
Inside I had stumbled against a stone and found it was a Lesser Dark crystal that had been integrated. It must be an outcropping so that the bugs that live here can feed off the mana and grow stronger.
Since I had checked all of them I asked to go to the wilderness but I got an unexpected answer.
“You can only enter the Wilderness zone with her highness or master.” The drone said.
“Really?! Too bad, well then can you make me an exit then?” I asked her and she appeared next to me as she opened the portal and sent a roundhouse kick to the portal causing a “GAUF!” sound from someone getting kicked in the chest.
Probably already knowing who it was, I jumped out and watched the portal close.
Then I looked back and saw the hobo I had seen before rubbing his chest and grumbling about being so mean.
Before he could see my face I started walking to the streets.
I already knew what I would do if he tried to come over.
As I was two steps away from the main road I heard his voice.
“MISS! You're a friend of Droso right?! Mind telling me how he does that teleportation skill?!” He asked.
“Leave me alone you creep.” I say in a voice like a beaten woman running from an assailant.
“Wait! I just want to know how to find Droso to talk with him.” He said and grabbed my arm. A smile momentarily crossed my face before I took a deep breath.
“KYAA! RAPIST!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!” I shout at the top of my lungs.
Suddenly the full streets filled with armored players turned our way in unison and saw him holding my arm holding me as if he was starting to drag me into the alleyway.
A wave of killing intent fell over the area as all the men were filled with rage and the women even more.
The man was ghostly pale and sweating buckets as he looked at the crowd while I made fake tears come out.
“SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!!” I fake submission. I already knew he was a higher level player and his grip really was strong and in his shock he had held on firm so I pulled a bit and he held firm making it even better.
As soon as the first one pulled their weapon the man that was pestering Leon let go of my arm and bolted down the alleyway.
I ‘fell’ out of the alleyway and saw how several of the fastest people ran in after him. I let my hair cover my face while I sniffled a fake sob and a few women came up.
“Are you okay?” They asked.
I whipped my ‘tears’ away and slowly got up.
“Yeah… I’ll live. Trash like that who level up just to take advantage of weaker people are the worst. Not to mention old men.” I said with disgust in my voice.
As one they all start berating men like that as trash who hide using beggar like clothes and kidnap good hardworking women for their pleasures. After I got over this ‘shock’ gaining several people on my friends list I kept to the main road as I headed to get more ingredients for more potions and to get materials to make the accessories from all the rabbit parts I got from Droso.
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