《Bugs》Chapter 24
The cool morning air was really refreshing.
Thinking about what to do, I turn to the road and head to town. I needed to figure out what I could do with those claws and so on.
The gates were much emptier than before probably due to being night or dawn. There still was a good number of people but the number was much lower. The main reason was because the rabbits in the field had dropped 2 levels and no longer ran in large groups of up to 5 and instead the max was 3 now.
The difficulty had reduced to a degree that now parties of 3-4 could hunt them whereas before it needed 4-6.
Losing a smart leader figure had made things rather hard for them now and their numbers were now put under control and they were probably being pushed out whereas rats were now a pain in the ass as shown by the request on the notice board.
Rat monster infestation
Due to the recent subjection of the rabbit threat other animals have begun to expand and rats especially have become a danger. In the sewers of the town the population is astronomical and these disease riddled beasts have begun to leave the sewers and are moving into the forest and farmlands. Request to push them back and reduce their numbers.
Rat fang required as proof.
Money depending on how many are killed
More than 30
Rat meat is inedible but it is to be collected and not left behind due to dangers of another bug infestation or the risk of diseases spreading.
Seeing this new quest I could only chuckle at how this world balances out the power. If one creature loses strength then another will start overflowing making more quests. I can see that the wolf population may be hurt by the rats since they are invading into the forest but there is a chance they may leave the woods and go to the fields to hunt rabbits. I also don’t know if this region has foxes or other hunter type animals or prey.
After looking through the notice board I also notice something else.
Location of rabbit based dungeon discovered!! Place was where the madman Traveller had slaughtered over 150 rabbits and a hidden boss. Dungeon size is unknown but contains rabbitman. Level 17 and above recommended.
It’s kind of annoying to be called a madman but that is what i was at the time so i can’t complain much. Besides that there were requests to hunt wolves, or aid with field work and so on.
As I entered the town, the guard that was at the gate walked over and stopped me for a moment.
“Need something?” I asked.
The guard simply pulled out a bag and tossed it to me.
“This is for the help with the rabbits.” He said.
Inside was an amazing 10 gold coins. They seem rather generous to people that fix a problem at the root.
After that I walked into the town that was waking up and looking at the map I found an alchemist shop. I doubt the more expensive ones near the center of town would want all this excess rabbit crap so I head to one that was inside the slums. The shop was small and had a small hanging sign with a potion bottle on it as well as some herbs in the background.
I opened the shop and instantly the smell of potion fumes and herbal extracts hit me full on. I barely flinched but the few people that were near me cringed from the sudden assault on their sense of smell.
Still, someone that has been around rotting corpses to find bug larva has obviously been around people who used a lot of herbs and not to mention the kind that used them in medicine.
I will probably need to learn alchemy to obtain the pheromone traps like in the real world to gather lots of bugs in an area.
“Hello!” I call out. Suddenly an old man’s head pops out of the door near the back.
“Oh a customer, don’t get many of those these days.” The man said.
“I think the strong smell of potions and herbs is to blame.” I tell him.
“Fair enough, now what do you need, kid?”
I pulled out a few of the items I had. Rabbit buck teeth, rabbit fang, foot, tail, ears and so on.
“I got a large surplus of these items and want to sell.” I tell him.
He takes one by one and examines.
“Well, the ears, tails, foot I got no use for, find a tailor or a sorceress. Tailors make accessories and sorceresses make charms from these things. As for the fangs and teeth, they are somewhat shitty quality from a horrible butcher.” He said.
“Yeah yeah, i haven’t butchered properly but the price?” I asked.
“Hmm, the buck teeth are more expensive where medium quality is around 20 c but low quality i will pay you 10c each pair, as for the fangs, a single medium quality would be around 15 c but low quality would be 8c.” The man says.
“That’s too low, buy both for 10 c and i will sell.” I tell him.
“Hmm… fine, been needing fangs anyway.” He says.
I put away the other stuff and pull out all the fangs and buck teeth. Over 200 of each, since the buck teeth come in pairs from butchering over 150 from those I killed before then the large number I gathered in the dungeon plus drops made a lot of items.
The exact number after butchering was 346 Buck teeth, 173 pairs and 387 fangs, in total I got 56 s exactly. The man was shocked by the sheer amount but it seems he was happy to get materials he could process even if they were shitty quality.
Even though i wanted alchemy i let it go since i can have Flor teach me personally and with much better quality.
I gained some exp in my haggling skill from this exchange which was good.
Now wondering what i should do i start walking around town. I noticed how there was a large number of paladins walking around in groups.
It wasn’t one or two types but nearly all the church types. They moved in groups of 5-10 paladins at one time.
Still confused about the large number I shrug it off and continue walking around.
Taking notice of a tavern up ahead because of some old man that was shouting, but laughing, at the younger men at the door I approached until I heard the elder’s hoarse voice. He was old looking, around 50 years old with some old ragged clothes and a short black and grey beard. I would call him a beggar but it wasn’t to that level and he gave the feeling of someone a bit stronger than normal people.
“Basted Youngins! Don’t believe a word an experienced adventurer says!” He says and laughs.
“Why should we old man!? You’re just a storyteller. The dream of entering a wolf's dungeon run all the way to the boss room then bring the boss to the first room and trap him inside after using sleeping poison then steal the treasure before killing the boss is too idiotic.” A muscular man said as he downed a mug of alcohol.
I was rather taken aback by what the man said.
“Oh bloody coward! That trick is easy enough to do if ya’ spike some meat and spread it around the dungeon or even before that! Put several large carcasses in front of the dungeon that were spiked and let them eat it.” the man said.
It was easy to imagine yet hard to execute. The sheer size of the dungeons population wasn’t a joke, I could have achieved that but after one or two wolves fell asleep they would notice and get rid of the poisoned food.
It was then that the elder noticed me and after a moment he gestured over to me.
“AH! Now this is a youngling after meh own heart! Someone that can actually believe me!” He shouted and I was creeped out as he walked over and put an arm around my shoulder. “This boy here knows one of meh feats I just did! You all heard of the madman that slaughtered all the rabbits right and even the hidden boss.” He said looking at the others.
“Yep, that was my greatness in all its gl… OWCH!” he shouted.
He shouted and let go of my shoulder and bend down. His right foot was buried deep under my heel that was digging into his foot.
“Shove it old man, I was the one that did that.” I tell him before removing my foot.
“Aye, i know that! Wanted to make sure you were the guy!” The old man said while removing his boot and frowning at his foot that had been hurt.
He took a quick swig of an alcohol flask and his strangely bent fingers were straightened up. He stuffed it back in his boots and he got up as if nothing happened. Then he stuck his hand out to shake mine.
“Ulfred Lore, nice to meet you boy.” The man said with a grin.
“Droso…” I said and warily shook his hand. “How did you know about what i did?” I asked.
“It’s my class boy, I’m a storyteller and one of my skills is called [Achievement reading] I can look at some achievements that someone has done but only those that i am capable of performing and in my head it rapidly replays as if i was the one doing the action so to me, when i said i did the deed, to me, it was true.” He explained.
“So the other things you talked about with them…” i started.
“WERE LIES!” One of the drunkards said.
“No man would willingly shove a stick up a rat man's ass then kick it deeper simply to kill a ratman like that. Not to mention 182 of them.” he said in a tipsy manner.
I looked at the man and he was grinning. “Let’s go inside.” He gestured and dragged me into the tavern.
We took a table in the far back and i ordered some food, a medium rare steak with rice and bean special accompanied by a natural fruit juice. Never been a drinker and never will be, in or out of a game.
“Now then, just so you know, I’m a player but i choose to create a surname so that i can blend in easier with the NPC. You would be surprised how they hold back a lot when around players.” He said.
I already guessed as much, anyway his manner of speaking changed completely after we began talking seriously.
“So what did you want?” I asked.
“The skill I told you about was real, I did see what you did. I’m a type of player called Achievement Hunters. We go around trying to kill monsters in different ways or achieve something in a strange manner.” He said.
“What’s that got to do with me?” I asked.
“What? You’re one too aren’t you?” he asked.
“Of course not, if you saw what i did, you should also know i was simply venting. Not going after some achievement or trying to accomplish some random event like summoning a hidden boss.” I tell him.
At that time my food arrived and I began to eat the heavenly soft and succulent meat.
“Wait! You’re not an achievement hunter? Seriously you were just venting?!” The older man was shocked beyond belief. Not everyone would go that far to vent some anger but it was understandable.
“Want to become one? It can get interesting at times.” He asked
“No thanks, not interested.” I replied while I kept eating, wondering how the cook made the meat so soft.
“Come on, it’s not bad. After three or four really fun achievements you get some titles like [Thrill Seeker] and [Madman]. Show titles [Thrill Seeker] and [Madman] to Droso.
A title that shows the owner is completely mad. A madman isn’t only a crazy deranged man but also something that does things outside of common sense like randomly tricking powerful beasts or herds of them.
+5 to all stats when performing a stunt of madness.
Thrill Seeker
Thrill Seekers are men that can’t be satisfied with the common fighting and hunting and instead must spice up their hunt by doing completely random things with the monsters or location they are in. Thrillseekers will look for what gives the most adrenaline and possibly poke it in the ass just for the rush.
+10 to all stats from the adrenaline rush of a thrill seeker.
As i eat, i read the two titles and can’t help but laugh at the stupid titles made for a true idiot.
“No thanks, i already got a title with Madman in it and i don’t want more of them.” I tell him.
“You got a madman title! Really let me see!” The man said very intensely. The glare was so intense that I couldn't help but show him so he would stop.
Madman Murderer
For allowing yourself to be controlled by all your darkest emotions and causing the death of over 150 creatures while you relieved your own stress you have gained this title.
+20 to all stats when in the state of madness.
From now on anyone that has seen your state of madness shall either fear or admire you depending on your actions during the time you were controlled.
This title will automatically be equipped when you enter the state of madness.
The silence between us two was rather hard not to notice. It was an impossible title for people that didn’t have enough madness stored up so that when it is released it would take over.
“It’s something that rarely occurs. Need to be REALLY stressed.” I tell him.
He just nods. “So, want to be an achievement hunter. You already fit the bill.” He asked.
“Want to be”
“Want to…”
“You ask one more time and I will shove my Glaive up your ass.” I tell him and then pull out the coin for my part of the food and get up.
He pays for his own drink and runs after me.
I walked out really pissed.
“Come on, a young man like you should live life.” He said but the end result was a fist to the face, or at least I hoped for it but he nimbly sidestepped it probably already used to that attack.
“Heh, as if i didn’t see that com… UFF!” he said as he bent over with tears in his eyes and grabbed his very injured manhood that I had just kicked full force.
“Such an annoying fellow.” I muttered and looked at him with some anger before I started leaving.
After I was a good distance away I pulled up a list of all the bugs that are only up to Tier 1.
Tier 1
Bullet Ant
Glitter Wing Dragonfly
Bombardier Beetle
Flare Fly
Ice Flare Fly
Looking at the list I froze as I saw the last entry. I quickly connected to Levi…
[Levi, did a variant Flare fly appear?]
[Yep daddy, the 22 that we saw before were variants and turned into Ice Flare Flies. They are like Flare Flies but their color is dark blue and they flash a blue green light, light blue light and navy blue when attacking. They have a spit attack like Flare Flies but this one is nasty because it freezes the area around where it lands and doesn’t let the target feel it’s getting burned.] Levi explained.
I cringe hearing the painful acid attack they have.
[How do they eat?] I asked.
[It’s easier than the Flare flies, if they remain in the freezer they will naturally feed off the ice mana that the crystals spread through the cold. If daddy can find a Lesser fire magic crystal we can do the same with the flare flies.] She explained.
I nod figuring it was a good idea.
Since it was something that would inevitably cause an improvement in the palace and maybe the hive as a whole I should get some.
Now where would I get something like that?
Yeah totally a magic item shop. Looking at the minimap I tried to find one and only found it near the inner areas of the town. I looked for the poorest and found it so I ran that way.
About 15 minutes and I reached it. The building was two stories with a sign on the front that showed a wand, a staff and a magic gem in the back.
Walking inside I found lots of stands with staves, shelves of wands and glass cases with magic amulets and rings.
As I looked around a young woman that was maybe around 20 with bright orange hair, walked up to me.
“Greetings sir, how may i help you today?” She asked.
“Yes, I am looking for magic crystals.” I asked.
She looked confused for a moment but suddenly a much older woman with a much more refined aura walked up.
“You may go, I will attend to this one.” The woman told the young girl.
This woman looked to be in her early forties with dark brown hair that showed some white strings but they were expertly hidden. She had a long green dress with a lighter green shirt that showed some refined taste for the medieval time.
“Now what would a gentleman such as yourself need magic crystals for?” She asked.
“Can I leave it as personal reasons?” I tell her.
“Well not like I can make you talk anyway, we have Lesser crystals of, water, ice, fire, lightning, wind, earth and dark crystals. As for regular class magic crystals we have for, Light, ice and fire. And for higher grade ones you should go and find another shop.” She explained
“How much for the lesser crystals?” I asked.
“It depends on the element. Water, Fire, Wind and Earth crystals all go for 50 silver coins a piece that is about the size of your thumb. Ice, Lightning and dark crystals go for 1 gold coin at the same size. Regular class ones of that size, Fire would cost 5 gold coins while the Light and Ice would cost 10 gold.” She explained.
It was much more costly than I expected. Still I was wondering what the difference between light and sun crystals were.
“Before that, what is the difference between light and sun crystals?” I asked.
“Light crystals release light magic, but sun crystals not only work to light a place up and release light magic but also holy magic which is why it’s the favorite crystal for the priests.” She said.
“Then I will take one lesser crystal of all but ice type from the lesser crystals and a light crystal.”
“27 gold and 50 silver coins.” She said in a smug look as she looked down on me.
I open my inventory and separate the quantity and I feel it drop in my money pouch.
I take out the coins. “Here.” I handed it to her, making her a bit shocked. She checks the money making sure it’s real then turns with a nod after fixing her dress since she mistook me for a poor traveller.
“One moment sir.” She said changing her demeanor to one that showed respect to those with money.
After several minutes she returned carrying in her hand a thumb sized crystals of all types.
I made sure to identify all of them and make sure they were the proper quality and thanked her after I saw it was.
“Thank you for your help ma’am.” I tell her.
“It’s my pleasure sir and please come again.” She said with a curtsy bow.
I store the crystals in my inventory for a moment then leave.
I walked around trying to find a nice quiet spot and soon I found one in an empty alleyway and walked in but five steps in…
“SO buddy what are you going to do now!?” An old hoarse voice said while his arm fell around my head.
At once my right arm went forward and back as if arming a gun hitting Ulfred in the gut making him stumble then with a quick turn I connected another kick in between his legs.
He dropped to the ground panting with a lot of HP having been drained.
I walked quickly and took a turn in between two buildings and luckily it was also empty so I quickly opened a portal and jumped in but for some reason I felt the need to turn around and punch around my own head’s height. I follow my instinct and turn while throwing a punch. I realized what had happened as I felt a heavy resistance on my fists.
That idiot, what is he, a masochist to be able to get up so quickly?
As the portal starts closing I pull my hand inside but not before I hear a voice from the outside.
“I’LL BE BACK!!!” Ulfred shouted as the portal closed.
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