《Bugs》Chapter 23


As the lamps of Sun Crystal get brighter I get up as well.

My big bed was made from non-sticky spider silk. Spiders have several types of silk and one of them is a specific type that spiders use to walk on. You may notice how the spider that makes a web can easily walk on it but an invading spider will get stuck even though it’s a spider. The reason is because of this specific web type. It’s not sticky like the capture webs and it’s this type of web silk that my cover was made of, though obviously it was made by ‘The Power’.

As I sit up I notice the drone walking over.

“Greetings Your highness. I wish to inform you that during your sleep and master's absence, the Stealth spiders requested substance to aid in their breeding. I took into account Master’s desire for them to breed and allowed them 10 rabbit corpses.” She says.

“It’s fine, tell daddy when he returns as well.” I reply.

“As you wish.” She says.

It was then that I felt my stomach grumble.

“Oh right, I wanted to go eat but ended up gathering animals in the Wilderness zone.” I mutter with tears in my eye.

“Your highness…” The drone said, sticking her head back in the room. “With the help of the Vampiric Mosquitoes’ and Blood Suckers I have bleed and dried all the rabbit meat chunks. Also the bodies of the rabbits have yet to be cleaned so if you wish, please don’t refrain from eating as they were part of miss’s hunt with the master.” She said.

I quickly jumped out of bed and flew out the room.

Drool was coming out the corner of my mouth as I shouted “FOOD!!!!”

As I barge into the freezer my eyes instantly fly to the humanoid rabbitman and I fly to the strongest one that master killed but before I touched it I stopped.

“This is daddy’s prey.” I mutter and my head flies to the Grand Elder Rabbitman.

A glint crossed my eye as I flew to it, grabbed onto it and began biting into it, eating everything. And by everything I mean everything. When my teeth hit bone I put strength behind my jaws and crunched into them and ate them too.

When I reach the gut areas I eat off the meat in front of the chest and let organs fall out.

The heart and liver were eatable and so only those I ate and left the rest on the ground and continued eating the rest of the body.

When I finished my belly was bulging and I felt satisfied.

By eating a higher leveled humanoid monster you have gained 2 levels, 5 Agi, 4 Str, 6 End, and 3 Dex

I smile seeing that this guy gave me so much. To get as strong as daddy I need to get stronger.

I looked down at the remaining stuff and I had some information flow into my head.

To make monsters grow towards humanoid form feed them humanoids.

It was like a whisper in my head or a natural feeling I got just like how I knew I had a stinger in my hand.

I look up all the bugs that daddy categorized as Tier 3. It’s a really nice way to categorize them since Tier 3 is already monsters.

Vampiric Mosquito Queen

Vampiric Mosquito Royal Guard

Vampiric Mosquito

Thunderbolt Darter Queen

Thunderbolt Darter Royal Guard

Thunderbolt Darter

Topaz Hive Spider Queen

Topaz Hive Spider Royal Guard

Topaz Hive Spider Soldier


Golden Strip Hive Spider Queen

Golden Strip Hive Spider Royal Guard

Golden Strip Hive Spider Soldier

Four races, these four would most benefit from humanoid monsters. The mosquitos have already felt the transforming effect through the rats. So let’s see the effect on Thunderbolt darters.

I call the queen and the Royal Guard and tell them they can eat the remaining parts of the body.

They land on top and begin eating slowly swelling and after several minutes they each took flight making lots of noise. They began to glow and grow like when they had eaten the lightning. They developed a large abdomen that held a unique organ that was like a sponge material but it conducted electricity much more easily and it stored more. Not only that, the queen developed a larger body built for breeding and a set of antenna that was as good at conducting electricity as simply discharging from the entire body that could cause self damage.

The Royal Guard on the other hand developed a slightly thicker antenna and the same large sponge organ. The wings grew more and with the wings following the growth.

As they finished growing small electric arcs began to run along the Thunderbolt darter’s antennas. The queen then flew closer and began doing the same.

[Thank you Great one!]

My jaw dropped when I felt that message come from those little antennas. They had developed electric pulse communication.

Not only that, now I can access that ability as is the great privilege of the Queen race. All form communications that the bugs of Daddy's hive possess I can do.

Looking up at the two small antennas on my head a small electric arc formed and slowly moved up and finally pulsed out.

[It is my duty to make my subjects strong!]

The queen let out lots of Pheromones uncommon to bugs but unique to ones that have begun to think for themselves. She let out pheromones of joy and turning to her Royal Guard she let out a pulse and opened a portal.

[We shall go Great one] The queen said and I nodded.

The Thunderbolt Darters entered the portal and left after I gave them permission.

After they left I thought of how daddy raised his bugs. Isolating a single stat then carefully breeding the bugs with the best potential getting the best of each bug. It worked but it was slow growth.

It showed to be the best method to breed and the Thunderbolt Darters and Lightning Striders proved it with their power in their lightning strikes.

I walked over to the other rabbits and took a small bone dagger I had from the stuff I got from the hunt.

I cut the bellies of all these beings letting the innards drop down. I order the drone to store them in a clear space in this room.

Daddy hasn’t focused on elemental bugs so I will do his job for him while he is away.

Helping me make a pile of rabbit innards was the drone maid. I opened 30 regular rabbits and gathered them in a pile before tossing them in my inventory and heading to the smoking room.

I drop the meat in a pile on the floor.

“Gather a lot of firewood and set it up around the pile.” I order her.

The next instant a lot of dried firewood appeared next to me and the drone maid began to cover the pile with firewood.

I then summoned all the Flare Flies and Bombardier Beetle.

After thinking about the feeding method of these two bugs I found Flare flies ate fire mana that is expelled from a large fire. Fire mana is mana that has gained the elemental property for fire. This room is extremely good at containing that type of mana just like the freezer is good at keeping the water and ice mana.


As for the Bombardier Beetle after the whispering voice spoke more into my mind I found that the best conditions for their larva as well as the adults is to be ‘Inside’ the pile while eating and laying larva.

It seems they like burnt meat but they love BURNING meat.

I tell them to eat mostly since it would improve them as a race.

They crawl onto the meat and find ways into it and soon the drone uses daddy’s Ember spell to light a fire on several spots.

Slowly the fire begins to rise up the pile but with the help of the drone, the burning logs were grabbed and put where there wasn’t fire.

Soon enough the fire had almost completely covered the pile and the meat had begun to catch fire themselves.

The flare flies were happily flying all around and every so often they would swoop down and in their wake a small wisp of flames followed them as they left the flames when they passed through.

The process they absorb the fire mana was rather strange from what we have seen.

They light up a green light and pass through the flames and when they pass through and it comes out a deep red. They then assimilate it into their bodies slowly growing stronger and slowly getting bigger. The lights normally take around 20 seconds to return to green and they dive back in.

I sat down in the warm room watching the dance as very slowly the pile of meat and burning logs shrank as the beetles inside slowly ate both the burning meat and flames.

All the mana went to improving their bodies and growing. After a few hours the fire finally died and the flare flies had eaten all the fire mana while the beetles had eaten all the innards.

The previously 3 cm fireflies were now 5 cm and were flashing brightly looking for mates.

I rapidly look through them and find all the potentials for each and every one of the flare flies and pair up the ones with similar levels of potential in the specific stat. That also meant the strongest were paired up.

I felt numbers would be needed soon though I doubt daddy would think the same but it was instincts telling me and I feel it was better to get ready.

As for the Bombardier Beetles I do the same. They all pair up with bugs of similar potential. I had already set the drone to prepare more meat for the larva.

As for the flare flies, I was going to try and make a surprise for daddy. I really hope he likes it.

Droso PoV

Waking up in the morning I am happy to have a good rest. No I didn’t over do it on research because of a rule I impose on myself. Research is left for the lab and sleep is done at home. A simple rule that was made to let me rest my brain and not over exert it.

I do my morning routine and add a bit more to it by doing stretching exercises for my sore back that has been hurting from staying in bed while in VLO.

It is just 10 minutes but it’s enough to loosen my muscles before I jump in bed and I log in.

Appearing in the same place as before I instantly feel Levi’s happiness from me logging in.

It was still dawn and no one was around so I opened a portal and entered the palace before walking to where Levi was. I found her in the freezer and saw her in front of a small pile of rabbit innards. All of which had lots of larva inside. Lots of the larva were dead from the cold and after sensing which bugs these were I found they were Flare Flies. The number had also increased. Did they breed?

“Hi daddy.” Levi said walking over happily.

“Hi Levi, did something happen, the Flare Flies are in large numbers and feel stronger.” I said.

“Yeah, while you were gone I fed the Flare Flies and Bombardier Beetles. I then put them to breed to increase their number and then using the Flare Flies with the weakest potential I put them in the freezer to see if I can get a variant Flare fly.” She said with a smile.

I couldn’t help smiling at her and I pet her head. She seemed to enjoy that.

“Thank you for the help. So did you succeed?” I asked.

“Hmm, I used 190 larva of the lowest potential but 168 have died while the rest are moving slowly but still moving and growing by eating the other larva.” She said.

“So 22 survived huh. Let’s check them out.” I said.

I identify each of them. The Flare Fly larva has yellow stripes along its body to hide itself in glowing ashes and flames from what I can guess. The yellow on most of these were dull but looking at the dead ones I found that those had the regular yellow stripes.

These must have gained some resistance due to the fat or something else.

“Seems they gained some resistance to the cold, maybe with a few generations we can get the proper race.” I tell her.

She nods understanding but I still pat her and thank her for her hard work.

She tells me about the Thunderbolt Darters as well and told me she heard that Tier 3 monster bugs grow faster by eating humanoid bodies. It does explain how the Vampiric Mosquito suddenly grew stronger.

If it was like that then it would be good to feed them more of them but I still wonder about monster type bugs like mounts so I think it’s best to not feed it to races or parts of the race. It all depends on experiments really. Feeding monsters and feeding humanoids, this is a good experiment to test out then testing out feeding both.

“Well, for now we should work slowly huh. Anyway you gutted the bodies and fed those parts right.” I asked her

She nodded and I saw she wasn’t wasting useful parts. They may not be edible to us but bugs are decomposers their job is eating the inedible.

I looked away from the pile and then with a thought summoned all the Vampiric Mosquitos and told them to drain the blood of all the corpses.

The numbers have grown nicely and lots of young Mosquitos flocked into the room rapidly landing on bodies to drain its blood.

The older mosquito sought out the rabbit man and the queen landed on Lance.

About 55 other mosquitoes landed on rabbitman and continued to drain them until they were full. Any one of them that wasn’t more evolved turned similar to the queen and Royal guard but I noticed about 35 were smaller than both. What I found was that they were Soldier types and the remaining 20 were worker type. I noticed that the front paws of the workers had thicker front legs and the claws at the end were the most advanced. Looking at their stats I saw Dex was at 15 while the rest was at 7. They were meant to be workers in all ways. In other words workers were good with their hands. Soldiers were similar to Royal Guards but they were at 8 in physical stats and had the same amount of Int and Wis.

It was a good sign that showed what Levi said was true. Seems anything that is humanoids would cause some form of evolution in the bugs. That said the queen and Royal guard didn’t change even though they each took on one rabbitman themselves which are all several times stronger than ratman so I think they need much more conditions to achieve the next form or higher levels or stats.

The current queen and royal knights are level 34 but their stats are only at human strength which is a huge achievement for bugs.

I think it only in future generations will anything new happen.

Now for the meat, I split the rabbit man meat between the three remaining tier 3 races so they can advance further and the remaining rabbits I begin a large butchering process that takes a few hours and rewards me 4 levels in butchery.

Separating claws, teeth, feet, tail and ears that I put in the inventory to find out what I can do with them, then the meat which I have dried. I leave the bones and innards for the remaining bugs to feed from. The flesh hunter wasps and other flesh eating bugs were allowed to swarm the remains of the meat storage that had been scavenged.

With my work in here I tell Levi I would be heading out and not to come out unless I tell her.

She replies with a nod and says she would try to keep working with the bugs but will ask for permission from now on.

With a pat on her head I leave and get ready for the free time I have in this game.

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