《Bugs》Chapter 20
We all looked at each other in an awkward silence as we were all too shocked by the sudden appearance of each other in the same room.
Though I wasn’t afraid of the boss a single term appeared in my head. “HE IS A FUCKING ROAMING BOSS MONSTER!!” I yelled in my mind.
As the boss slowly realized who we were, a sudden buzz should came from next to me and a sudden gust passed me. When I finally realized what it was the little queen had already covered the distance in an instant so quickly that not even the Grand Elder Rabbitman could react and in an instant the small metal lance was stabbed into the rabbit man's gut about 3 cm in before stopping.
The rabbitman was pushed back a step and he bent over in pain as the lance was pulled out of his stomach.
Levi was all smiles as she saw him fall to all fours.
To my despair she gave him her back but his life had only dropped to 86% which was a significant drop but much too little to keep her out of danger.
“YAY! This great one has taken down a big prey with one hit!” She said as she jumped up.
The next moment the rabbitman stood up, his eyes were filled with killing intent and seemed to glow red as they had turned bloodshot.
The spear in his hand suddenly flashed as it came down on the little queen.
The same instant I started running but I knew I wouldn’t make it so I spun the Glaive in my hand and threw it to Levi’s right. Her joyous cheer turned into a face of terror but the Glaive didn’t hit her and instead sank into the ground.
The sound of bone on wood resound in the room shocking the little queen as she looked back to see the rabbitman standing.
She spread her wings in an instant and jumped back and stopped with her shield raised in front of her.
I ran towards the rabbit and grabbed the Glaive and twisted my body as I jumped over it and drop kicked the rabbit who blocked it but was pushed back.
As I land on the ground I pull the Glaive out of the stone before jumping near Levi.
“This is a good lesson to you. Never give your back to an enemy until you are sure they are dead and you see their health reach 0%.” I tell Levi.
She looked down in shame.
“Rule two never look away from your enemy.” I tell her to correct her a second time.
“Stop with the daddy moment and kill him.” Flor said as she shot a poisoned arrow at the rabbitman who dodged the arrow before rushing at us.
His hate was highest towards Levi but there is an easy way to deal with that.
I jump to the left while he focuses on Levi and just as he is about to cross my path I jump towards him and stab at him only for him to deflect it and stop while looking at me.
“Heh, Grand Elder rabbitman huh. So you were that weakling Lance rabbit’s father or something. He was such an easy vermin to kill that it barely tired me out.” I said taunting him.
Instantly the rabbits' demeanor changed. The bloodshot eyes turned pure red, his grip of his spear tightened and it seemed he would split his own weapon in half.
He suddenly jumped at me and with a spin the spear came at me in a sweeping motion.
I planted my Glaive on the ground and blocked only to feel like a boulder hit me. I was pushed nearly four meters away only because my Glaive helped me maintain balance and stopped most of the momentum.
“He went berserk!” Flor shouted.
“HEYA!” A high pitched voice shouts from behind the boss. Levi comes and stabs him in the ribs from behind after building momentum.
His health dropped to 54% because she ambushed him since he focused solely on me.
Following that as he was stunned for a moment due to the ambush from behind just as he was about to turn to attack Levi I heard Flor.
[Double Shot]
The next moment two glowing light green streaks crossed the room and hit the boss on the chest and in the gut. Flor had used a skill that archers or people that train with the bow get after a certain level in archery.
In the already hurt state the two shots had also hit vital organs as well as poisoned. His health dropped to 36% from that attack and it had given time for Levi to pull her lance out and run. The lance had caused a bleeding effect from the large hole she left behind like a bee sting. Mixing the poison damage and the bleeding damage the health of the boss was dropping 1% every 3 seconds.
I ran forward and began spinning the Glaive but it was the blunt head that began glowing as the skill charged.
[Spin Crush]
I shout as I jump up and before letting the glaive slide and grabbing hold just above the blade and bringing the blunt head onto the head of the boss.
Spin Crush was an attack skill I learned during my slaughter of the rabbits.
The more I spin or the faster I spin it the more power charges up. It can only be used by the instrument side which is blunt damage which is why it is a ‘Crushing’ attack. There is a counterpart to this skill that I got at the same time which is Spin Slash.
Because I used it so much, it was already level 3 and it was really strong though it did eat up about 5% of my mana and 10% of my stamina in one attack so it’s a use with caution skill since I can over exert myself.
That said the attack is worth using because not only does a cracking sound come from the rabbit's head on impact I also slam his head right into the hard stone.
As soon as his head slammed into the ground it was done and over. One critical and vital shit after another was too much for even a boss to take.
You have killed Grand Elder Rabbitman BOSS
You have gained
1500 Exp
Ring of the Moon Rabbit [Rare]
Grand Elder Rabbit Treasure Box
Grand Elder Rabbits Bone Spear
You have leveled up
You have cleared the dungeon
Looking at the message while breathing a bit deeply I couldn’t help but sigh at the strange coincidence. Who would have known that the boss monster was a fucking Roaming boss.
Roaming boss monsters are monsters that don’t remain in one room in its dungeon.
Still since we beat him I did get a rare drop and a level as well as some equipment. Before checking out the drops I put the five extra points I gained to my low wisdom to help increase my mana capacity and regeneration. I have been needing it a lot recently so I need to focus on that.
Finally I take out the ring, box and Spear and identify them all.
Ring of the Moon Rabbit
The moon rabbit is a being of folklore that is the companion of the Moon goddess who is always pounding the elixir of life. This Ring was made as a representation of this hard working great mythical being who is always mixing the greatest magical concoction.
+10 stat to Int and Wis
Grand Elder Rabbit Treasure Box
A Unique box that is thought to be passed down through generations of Grand Elder Rabbitman. What is inside is unknown but it is definitely connected to the Elder who was in possession of it.
Only one of these boxes exists and can only be found in the first successful defeat of the Grand Elder Rabbitman.
Grand Elder Rabbit’s Spear
The Spear of the Grand Elder Rabbit, this Ivory spear has followed him since he had turned into a rabbitman and is made from the shaved teeth of a large beast found dead in the woods. The spear has an incomparable durability due to the bones being from a powerful beast.
Durability: 67/110
Attack: 40
Requirements: Level 20
A metal key that was made at an unknown time for an unknown chest or an unknown number of chests.
Durability 9/10
Seeing the locked information on the spear had me highly interested but when I saw Ivory the idea that this was from an elephant tusk came to mind. The length worked but an elephant wouldn’t give any unique ability unless the monster was some prehistoric monster which would be a mammoth and the spear would have ice magic abilities I can’t identify. What I was wondering was how these rabbits got their hands on it since this is a warm temperate region if it really was a mammoth tusk.
“Yay! We finally beat him!” Levi said exclaiming before letting herself fall on her but on the ground as she let out a sigh.
I smiled and walked over and bent overlooking her.
“Levi, I’m proud you tried to protect us before the monster attacked but remember what I told you. Don’t be reckless anymore like that and put yourself in a way that can get you really hurt by someone.” I tell her while petting her head.
She nods, “Okay Daddy! Here daddy I got this strange box and key and the old rabbits smelly foot.” She said as she took out her drops. It was funny to see her holding the rabbit’s foot at the tip of her fingers.
I couldn’t help laugh at her as did Flor who was behind me.
“I got the same box but there is no key.” Flor said.
“I got a key from the boss so let’s open these boxes. They seem to be a unique first come first come drop for the first party to kill the boss.” I say.
With that the three boxes were placed on the ground next to each other and I pulled the key out. It was a metal key with a rabbit head handle.
Sticking it into my box I turned the key that easily turned the locks making a “Click”.
Inside I found equipment...
Grand Elder Rabbit’s Helmet
A soft helmet made of Leather from Rabbit skin and covered in rabbit fur that can keep your head and ears warm in the cold. On top of the helmet are the ears of the Grand Elder Rabbit that lived several dozens of years and survived due to his keen hearing. With this helmet equipped you will gain the same super keen hearing that the rabbit possessed.
Durability: 35/35
Defense: 15
Requirements: Level 25 Male only
Special Effect:
Gives the user the keen hearing of the Grand Elder Rabbitman.
Grand Elder Rabbit’s Boots
Boots that hold the power of the Grand elders powerful legs. His strong legs that aided in keeping him alive for so many years have given this boot the power to jump with similar strength.
Durability: 45/45
Defense: 10
Requirement: Level 25
Special Effect:
+10 Agi
Grand Elder Rabbit’s Cloak
The fur of the Grand Elder Rabbitman has helped it survive in the cold of its own burrow and the cold of the winters. This fur made into a cloak would help the user in any cold place.
Durability 40/40
Defense 10
Requirement: Level 25
Special Effect:
Protection from the cold.
“It’s set equipment.” I said excitedly.
Levi just tilted her head not knowing or caring about it but Flor knew how good this was.
I went and opened her box next and like mine there was a boot, Cloak but this one didn’t have a helmet.
Grand Elder Rabbit’s Hairband
A hair band made of Leather from Rabbit skin and covered in rabbit fur. On top of the hair band are the ears of the Grand Elder Rabbit that lived several dozens of years and survived due to his keen hearing. With this hair band equip you will gain the same super keen hearing that the rabbit possessed.
Durability: 35/35
Defense: 15
Requirements: Level 25 Female only
Special Effect:
Gives the user the keen hearing of the Grand Elder Rabbitman
“Wow… it makes sense a bit since the helmet was ‘Male only’.” I say.
“Wait, why did I get the same type of equipment as you though?” She asked.
“Hmm? The set is only that.” Levi said nonchalantly.
We looked and kind of wondered why there was no chest armor and pants but then looking at the rabbit, his main points were the ears, the feet and the fur. Not to mention he was smaller than us so for more equipment to come from him would be strange.
“Well, if it’s like that I can’t complain. It is a low leveled set but for me I still can’t use it.” She said.
I looked at her level and noticed it had gone up to level 11. She had been level 4 when we started. This was a really good place to power level even though we only killed the bosses.
I then open Levi’s box and find the same gear Flor had but she outright denied them not wanting it so I keep them since I could see the stuff for a quick buck. A full set, even a three item set, was worth a lot more than a single magic item.
“Well, since we already beat the boss we don’t need to hold back then. Let's clean the floor.” I said with a grin.
I take the boss rabbit's body since I can still sell it or use it I think.
From there we began to travel through the dungeon finding rooms with Rabbitman and rabbits.
Levi and I were at the front while Flor was in the back. I told her not to use poison so she was using regular arrows.
The level range was 14-17 for rabbits and 17-20 for rabbitman.
It took us about 4 hours to clear the second floor and we found 3 treasure rooms and 2 food storage rooms.
We cleared the food, dumping it in Levi’s room, and on the walls there were ‘Lesser ice magic Crystals’ that released a cold aura that was useful for cooling.
These went in the room as well. It would take a long time to organize it but we will manage after some time.
After we had looked through the entire dungeon I made sure to release some Brown Hive spider workers to search the area and make sure we didn’t miss a tunnel or two.
Eventually we returned to the first floor and cleared it out as well and cleaned the food rooms and remaining treasure rooms.
When we finally reached the nursery I had already thought of what to do here.
First as soon as we reached the entrance the mother rabbits were already aggressively guarding their babies.
I told the others to back off a moment and then stood just behind the threshold of the room.
Having drunk a mana potion before I had a full bar.
I provoked them to attack and all eight of the mother rabbits rushed me and just as they all got within 2 meters of me a portal into the wilderness zone opened before them and they all rushed in.
I closed the portal soon after leaving only the rabbit babies behind.
“Well that was a successful capture.” I said.
“What did you do?” Flor asked.
“Tossed them into the wilderness zone. I need to trick monsters into it so that the bugs can have prey to hunt. Those adult rabbits were to take care of these brats now help me gather them in one bunch.” I said.
We take the several nests of rabbits and put them together and with a thought the portal opened under the nest.
It quickly dropped into the wilderness zone and as I tried to sense them out I found I couldn’t feel them but that was probably attributed to the wilderness being a place that I didn’t tame anything and the rabbits weren’t bugs or anything close to that.
“Guess that’s that, it would take a while for the dungeon to respawn enough rabbits but let’s get out of here before players find this place and want the items we got.” I said.
“Let’s leave and then once we catch our breath and eat something we can start dealing with the massive pile of items we gained.” I tell them.
We ran back to the place the room was and climbed out. We were careful when exiting but there wasn’t anyone near so I pulled myself up and let Levi fly out. Finally Flor climbed out and we untied the rope and pulled the metal stake out before we left the area.
Before we reach the gate I tell Levi to return to her room.
She goes back since she knows well enough she shouldn’t appear in front to many people.
There was the same commotion as always but as soon as we reached the wall of people some of the players recognized me and moved out of the way.
I could hear whispers from them but nonetheless it made it easier for me to walk through and enter the town.
The guards tried their best to ignore me but even then they still looked warily.
“Seems what you did had much more effect than you might have thought.” Flor said.
“Yeah…” I mutter as we walk into the town.
We wanted to go eat and relax so our destination was hopefully to get access to a spot near a fountain where people normally sell stuff.
As we got near the keep in the center of town we noticed a crowd and in front of the keep was a platform where several people I felt a small sense of familiarity to were standing.
“Whats going on?” I asked and then asked the question to someone in the wall of people.
“It’s an execution. It seems those are the sons of whores that were making the trouble with the bugs by breeding them and using them to kill.” The man spat.
“Execution.” I said surprised.
I looked at them and then at Flor.
With a nod we walk around the alleys and slowly make our way to the front side near the main roads. Here a large number of people were packed together but it was easier to see. Not to mention the buildings near here were two stories so a tavern or two at the very edge before the great plaza in front of the keep had people on the balconies.
We made our way up and paid for a spot, which was a steep 10 silver each person.
There weren’t that many people which was good and we took a spot facing directly towards the keep.
On the platform were the several people I had spread rumors about.
As we watched I noticed the clock in my view hit noon and a man dressed in a somewhat tight pompous nobleman-like dress, the kind that makes one question his sexuality, stuff from medieval times you normally see in games of this kind, walked up onto the platform.
On the platform as a large anvil like stone with an indent on it and in front of it was a large basket. On the side was a very bulky man with a black hood and no shirt sitting there with a massive great axe and a whetstone sharpening the axe's edge.
“They’re going to behead them.” I mutter.
Flor nodded and before I noticed, Levi was out here with the fur cloak covering her body.
I wanted to tell her to go back but since she was perfectly covering herself from head to toe I could let this pass.
“Before us are the criminals that have caused us strife for several months. With the expansion of our fair city they took the opportunity to cause pain and suffering through their actions. Heathens, by the crime of attempted mass murder of our fair people and our great royal family, and for being Demon cultist! You are hereby given the sentence of death by beheading.” The man says.
I was completely shocked when I heard the second accusations.
Suddenly the first man in light seemed to go mad.
“Yes yes YES!!! Fear us you mongrels! FEAR US! The cult of the great and powerful Demon lord Beelzebub! The lord of flies… no the lord of ALL! He shall come and purge this pathetic wasteland of life. We are simply pawns, not even officials of the cult! Our power runs deep into the bowels in this world!” He began shouting at the crowd making many of the NPC shutter.
He was pulled towards the pedestal and forced to kneel as his body was pushed into place and held there by the knights.
“No one can hide! He is the lord of flies, the lord of bugs and all manifestations! He shall come and then! ‘THE POWER’ SHALL BE HI…”
As his head fell my entire being felt a tremor. What he said, don’t tell me that this is related directly to my class.
I looked down at Levi and instantly my entire Hive was a buzz. Levi’s mind was working at full power. Rage and fear was present in her mind.
I grabbed control of the hive before trouble happened and slowly worked to calm her down. I take her in my arms and she hugs me tight and buries her face in my arms. I could feel her fear after having heard the name Beelzebub. If I had to guess, he was a direct enemy of the Arthromancer Tribe because both controlled all kinds of insects. I think he may have some of the Power as well because of his control or he is a demon fly that came from the power and now he wants it.
For now I can’t be certain but I need to get ready and build up my own forces fast. I just hope I don’t run into any ‘Official’ cult members or it would cause real trouble.
One by one the men went mad just as they died. Each of them spoke of similar stuff causing unrest and fear to spread.
When the final one died several priests walked forward. Each one had a different design on his clothes which showed that they were from several of this world’s churches. The strongest of them was the Church of light that was the church that directly confronted anything that had to do with demons.
The head priests of all the churches were here, those that had churches built in this town at least. The head Priest of the church of light walked forward and raised a large staff with a cross on the top before slamming it down making a heavy sound spread over the sounds of the crowds worried voices.
“Do not worry, humble citizens. Though these were despicable heathens of a demon cult they weren’t true members. They could only have small control of the cult's power and could not control a single demon. We have verified this since we could cast a spell to find demons within a 100 kilometer range around this city. If there was a single demon insect we would have found it. As for themselves…” He paused as he hit the staff on the ground and made the platform glow.
From the glow where all the people stood on only the corpses of the several men caught fire and were burned in white holy flames.
“Their bodies are purified and burned not leaving a single ash within these holy flames. To be safe and sure that there are no problems all of the churches have mobilized to search the city for any more people of this nature. We ask that you be careful and keep the city clean of filth that these despicable people can take advantage of. The city guard has done this several times but from now on we shall implement this every week, bodies found throughout the city should be taken to the circles that were drawn by the guards to be burned. Rotting bodies are best gotten rid of to prevent something like this from happening.” He said.
It felt like watching propaganda to fight several diseases spreading bugs we had on earth but are now extinct.
“This job of gathering bodies will be put as a repetitive job! Travelers and natives alike can do it for a pay that depends on how much is done. We ask you to cooperate and thank you all for the help to come.” The head priest said.
With his words him and all the other head priests left the platform and the crowd soon followed dispersing through the streets spreading the word.
“That was rather scary.” Flor said, a bit pale. She looked at me as I held onto Levi and showed a worried look.
“Levi… Are you alright?” I asked.
“Home…” She muttered and I knew she wanted to go back to the palace.
“Let’s find a place to eat then we can go back okay.” I tell her.
I felt her nod on my shoulder.
We leave the tavern and go through the alleyways until we leave through the gate.
We headed to a space that was far from the player activity and I started cooking the rabbit meat I got.
Levi only eats enough to fill herself up and then stops.
She had stuck to me or Flor and didn’t want to sit alone.
After we had finally eaten I took her in my arms and opened the portal to her room.
“Let’s see if you can relax in here okay.” I told her and with a nod we walked in.
What I had expected to see inside was a room filled with junk items and so on but what I found was a huge room clean and now with several doors. Finally the last thing I noticed was the Bug woman standing in front of me in a maid dress.
“Greetings master, I am a Drone maid. The items you have left here have been separated in different rooms and shelved. I have not identified anything as that is my Master's job.” The bug woman says with a bow.
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