《Bugs》Chapter 21
“Wh-who are you?” I said nervous.
“I am a drone as I have said master.” The bug woman maid replied emotionlessly.
“She is something made by ‘the power’ daddy.” Levi muttered quietly in my ear.
She pushes back and looks at my face and finally pokes me in between the brow making a window appear.
This is a unique type of humanoid bug. The look resembles the queen race but it is completely a different one. They are created by ‘The Power’ as maids or servants that take care of and look after the needs of the queen. They only appear certain conditions are met. Most of the time when a large number of items are left within the queen’s Palace new rooms are made to properly house the items. Drones are there to properly organize the items within these rooms but they completely lack the ability to identify items unless taught to do so directly by the Owner of ‘The Power’.
They are completely mindless beings even though they appear to think. They follow orders and speak human language but most of it is due to the knowledge from the owner of ‘The Power’.
It is impossible for them to exit the Hive like other bugs because they are pure magic beings that were given a simple shell. Their constitution is similar to the Fairy race as they are only magical beings that made a temporary body that is regularly shed. This habit is also incorporated into the drones and once a year the exoskeleton and wings fall off and new ones are made from the denser mana found in the Hive.
Reading the table of information after sharing with Flor we both slowly realized what this meant.
Looking at the new doors that had appeared in the Palace I connected the dots and muttered.
“The palace grew to accommodate the items…”
“Precisely master, would you like me to show you around?” The maid asked.
“Levi, have you looked around?” I asked.
She shook her head so after taking off the cloak and storing it away I kept her in my arms.
“Please lead the way then.” I tell the maid who bows.
Just so you know, the current bedroom has gained a bookcase that has some of the books we gathered and after passing close enough to see the name on the spine I saw most were child books.
We enter through the large double doors and walk a bit. After walking through the corridor that was lit with torches we reached a pair of large wooden double doors.
The maid pushed it open revealing a library like set up but it was rather dark inside since there were only a few torches and candles lighting up the place. All the other books we had gathered were here in bookshelves. I didn’t know the organisation method but eventually I would figure it out.
“This is the library, master. It currently holds 67 books, not counting the 23 child books the Great Queen has in her room. This room will grow larger the more books master collects and once the other races master breeds reaches a reasonable level of sentience they shall be allowed into the Royal Library and may use masters books.” The maid said.
“Is there a way to make the room brighter?” I asked.
“The danger of adding more torches would be suffocation and burning of the books so we can’t add more torches.” The maid replied.
I sigh in pity but nod.
“Then please come.” the maid said.
We followed her out of the library and down the corridor. After a bit in the dark scarcely lit I finally had to ask.
“Can’t windows be opened and light let in through them?”
“No. The palace is still separated from the Wilderness zone unlike the other habits because there are still insufficient defenses to guarantee the queen's safety.”
I nod realizing these facts. Soon we reached a new set of large doors and when they were opened my jaws dropped. Lining the walls were a few dozen weapon racks and in the middle of the room were mannequins with the armor I collected.
“These are the weapons the master has found and left with us. The items like carpets were among them and were put to good use.” The maid explains.
The number of weapons wasn’t really large but the room was built to house hundreds of weapons like an armory. There were 10 mannequins but only some pieces of gear and on the walls were around 10 weapons of different types.
“Do these rooms have anything that preserves the items within?” I asked.
“Unless it’s a magic master learns or an item we can integrate into the structure of the hive itself then no. They would slowly rust until they break.” The maid replied.
“Is there anymore?” I asked.
She nodded and walked out of the armory with use behind her. The final room was a small walk away. When we opened the room we found the room was colder than the normal typical warm feeling we got from outside.
Walking into the first room we found a large number of rabbits we had killed.
“This room is a fridge created because the master had gathered lesser Ice magic crystals so we were able to make this place. This specific room is made for butchering the beasts master hunts. If master allows, this maid would obtain butchering skill by using master’s own skill but master will not gain experience.” the maid said.
“You can use my skills?” I asked.
“Yes, I am made from master's power so if I am allowed I can use master's own skills up to the level the master has mastered the skill.” She said.
It was useful only after I had worked hard and mastered the skill.
The maid then guided us into another room that was much colder than the other. Inside was all the vegetables and food items we had gathered from the rabbits as well as the many magic crystals.
“How did you integrate the crystals into the walls?” I asked.
“As long as master gives the hive a magic crystal it would be integrated into the structure. If master doesn’t have enough of the magic crystal the mana in the air will be consumed and new crystals will be made by that mana.” She explains.
Looking around there were some torches in here as well but they were weakened by the cold aura here.
Seeing how it was like this I pulled out the Sun Crystal I had gotten from the Senior elder rabbits room.
“Does this work as well?” I asked.
“Yes, by giving this to the hive the palace’s torches will be replaced by lamps holding this crystal.” She explained.
“Then do it, I’m not fond of the dark even after killing my nightmare.” I said.
Instantly the crystal in my hand vanished. In the same instant the torches went out and I felt a large change in the palace. Looking at the ceiling I saw a small stream of mana turning into a small ball about the same size of the crystal that was in my hand. I noticed how something grabs it and the ball of mana crystallizes and forms a sun crystal that begins emitting light. I then see how a hanging lamp-like structure is holding it. The light was dim as four more crystals were formed. Then the surface of the lamp turned reflective making the light that was hitting it reflect stronger down at us. It gave us a weak lamp like light but it was much better than the torches.
Suddenly I felt dizzy and I saw my mana was empty and my stamina was being consumed.
“Master, it is best to drink mana potions until all the lamps are made within the palace since the mana is your own.” The maid said.
I quickly grab a mana potion and down it and watch my mana rapidly go up to 50% only for it to rapidly drop again. I took another one making it rise again but even then it was swallowed up.
I spent all my mana potions to pass this until all the lamps were made.
“Phew, that was a close one.” I say.
“Try and think a bit idiot.” Flor said after a bit.
“Is that all there is?” I asked.
“Yes, the palace will grow as master adds on and once more sentient beings begin to appear so it shall be awhile until it grows but even then this one shall await orders.” She says.
I looked at her a bit strangely but dismissed her.
“Well time to split the loot.” I said.
“I think it’s only fair for it to be a 1 to 5 thing, ⅔ are naturally yours and Levi and because I was just tagging along to get power leveled I think I only need what I got as drops, some of these herbs and the 3 weapons you promised for the sun crystal.” She said.
“Alright, let’s go identify them.” I said and pulled out my book on herb.
For the next hour we spent identifying the herbs and even then there were those neither of us got lucky enough to identify so we had to leave separated. Those we didn’t identify would stay with me while the rest would be split properly. The unidentified ones were counted as part of my share. Through the long process of identifying I got to level 4 herblore and to make the number of herbs we identify higher I even looked through the notes to find the herb. I got 3 Int and 2 Wis points because of this since it was grueling research type work.
We ended up finding lots of spices and healing herbs. I let her take the herbs that worked to make potions while keeping Herbs that can turn into Spices.
I then tell the maid how to dry and crush a few of the herbs and she gets to doing just that. I allowed her to use Ember to start a fire and it seems because of my request she tells me a room just in front of the freezer, a smoking and drying room, was made. It was made large so that I can put meat to dry. As for wood, she goes out into the wilderness zone that has filled with vegetation.
After Flor got her herbs we got up and left heading to the armory again. I do make sure to drop all the rabbit bodies I had in my inventory since they are taking up too much space.
In the armory we go through all the armor I have there. I also take the time to identify everything.
Unlike what we had expected to find, there were only regular weapons and armor with a few having level restrictions.
Still, after killing all the rabbits in the dungeon her level was at 13 now.
What she ended up taking was some leather armor that had a level 15 restriction. Leather chest, pants and boots.
“Guess this is fine enough. It was fun playing and thanks for powerleveling me it was a great help and I can now make some better gear for myself.” She says.
“No proble…” I started saying before I felt a call from the Topaz queen.
The next moment a small portal appeared next to my shoulder and the spider queen jumped onto my shoulder startling Flor a bit.
“Hmm… did you need something?” I asked her.
She began to let out a high pitched screech vocalizing as well as letting out pheromones to compliment what she wanted.
In short, she and the rest of the spiders of her tribe needed food so that they could produce more eggs and silk. The previous nest was small and was being remade to the size of the Topaz spiders but they were small in number and they needed to hunt and needed food.
“Hmm, go to the Drone maid and tell her to transfer two rabbitman and 5 rabbit corpses to your hive.” I tell her.
She jumps onto the wall and starts running off while letting out a screech and a pheromone to call the maid. It remained as a trail so that the maid could find her.
When I looked back at Flor she was looking at me with a wry smile.
“What?” I asked.
“Sometimes I wonder about your sanity but when I remember your class I force down that strangeness of you talking to bugs.” She says.
“Yeah… this class I feel like it was made for me. I can even understand the bugs through their pheromones.” I said.
“Heh, I hope this doesn’t transfer over to the real world.” Flor joked but a moment after she said that she noticed how I had frozen up. “Leon? Hello!” She said and snapped her finger in my face making me snap out of it.
“Uh! Oh! Sorry, when you said that I kind of thought about it?” I said.
“Don’t tell me you want to try talking with bugs in real life as well right.” She says seriously.
“Heh…” I said and diverted my eyes.
“Do you know if you do that you would be considered a quack right.” She said.
“My research is at a bottleneck so a project like this could occupy my time at work. Besides I spend most of the time doing stuff that would benefit me in the game so to get some work outside would be nice.” I tell her.
“No! If you do this I am sure you would be laughed at by your colleagues.” She tells me.
“Would you laugh at me?” I asked.
“No why?” She asked.
“Good enough for me.” I say and start walking past her in the corridor towards Levi’s room.
“Leon! Don’t do this! Seriously it was a joke!” she said.
“Lots of great inventions were a joke at the start and look at the society we live in today. It was built on the ideas of the so-called crazy. Besides, this is something just to satisfy my own curiosity to see if Earth bugs can be comprehended like those here.” I tell her in a resolute tone.
Levi was flying next to me confused.
“Okay, now Levi, if you get hungry you can go out to hunt but remember these rules. Okay.” I tell her. She nods and starts listening intently. “Rule 1: If you hunt make sure to set up other bugs to hunt to allow them to grow, let the spiders and other bugs with queens exit as they want. Rule 2: always stay away from animals and monsters that are too strong for you to fight the same rule applies to all the others as well.” She nods. “Rule 3: Never let your guard down. And last but most importantly, DON’T go near areas Travellers hunt because you will be seen as a monster and killed. Like all the others this rule applies for you AND all the bugs in my hive. Is that understood.” I said finishing.
“Yes, this great one shall follow mist…”
“Levi!” I said in a stern tone.
“Yes, Daddy, I understand and will enforce the rules on the others and myself.” She said in a meek tone after I corrected her own haughty tone.
“Now be careful, I will be going.” I said.
From there I opened the portal for Debby and then exited the portal and logged out.
It was about 2 hours before the normal time I would get out for work.
I do the normal routine and get most of the needs out of the way as well as the need to stretch my back that was getting stiff.
From there I went to the internet and began looking up a few things. I needed to know exactly the process that pheromones are released and read by bugs.
The amount of information was actually a bit larger than I was expecting. It wasn’t a field I had actually been greatly studied since what I did was more study of the basics of the bugs themselves. Poisons each bug carry, diseases they may carry, autonomy and so on.
“Fuck… this is going to be harder than I thought it would be.” I say after an hour of looking through several sites.
Seeing the time was passing faster than I wanted I copied the site addresses I had found and got ready to head to the lab and research this more extensively. I will probably be using the game to study it as well. I also need to take into account all forms of communications since spiders, besides using pheromone, also use vibrations on their webs to communicate, at least community spiders do.
Other bugs also have different ways to communicate and the hardest part of this is to recognize if something one bug does affects another one.
I doubt that I would develop the same communication level with the bugs in real life like I do in the game but by identifying these communication actions it would be possible to slowly try and manipulate them by starting to experiment with them using different methods.
Only time will tell if this is a stupid joke or something that can truly be used to communicate with them.
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