《The Kitty Litter (LitRPG)》I Attacked You For Your Own Good So Stop Screaming! (Chapter 23)


The creature charged at our protagonist.

"AIEEEEE!" Poopy screamed, turning away to run.


The loud sound of two things being violently smashed together could be heard.

Minor Lycran Slain by (Please select a name)'s Horn Stab!

+1000 EXP (+4000 EXP to (Please select a name))

Level Up!

Congratulations, you are now level 6!

+50 Stat Points.

+50 Max HP.

+50 Max MP.

Pet Level Up!

Congratulations, it is now level 31!

+1000 Max HP

+1000 Max MP

+100 STR

+10 MAG

+1 DEX

+10 AGI

+100 DEF

Quest Complete!

F tier: Subdue 1 minor Lycran

Reward: 1 Raid Token

Quest Progress...

E tier: 1/10 minor Lycrans

Quest Progress...

D: 1/20 minor Lycrans

Poopy turned back, only too see the monster speared on the dung beetle's horn. It was shocked. The scarab was that strong? Apparently, the golem merely skimmed through the stats of its pet, only looking at the skills. It didn't even realise the beetle was level 30.

The minor Lycran disintegrated, covering the beetle in white powder. Apparently, pets have the innate instinct to protect their master. The insect was filled with satisfaction by its level. That is, until it realised that the its tasty dung ball was still on its horn before it attacked. The dung was now spattered all over the insect and the ground, also covered in white powder. It starred at Poopy pitifully, doing its closest imitation of Puppy Eyes. (Yes, that is a skill.)

After the golem calmed down from the fright, it used Poop Control to reform the splattered dung into a proper ball for its pet. Poopy was delighted. Who'd have though the random kitten sized insect it decided to tame was so strong? Perhaps it should try to tame everything it met? Silly golem. It would be beat to death by enraged proud beasts. Who would want to be the slave of a talking, walking pile of poop? (except for the dung beetle, cough cough)


The golem looked up in excitement towards the silhouette in the sky, almost as if waiting for more 'treasures' to fall from the sky.


Another white Lycran hit the ground, creating a small crater. This one was a lot more burly and was holding a long spear.

'Go! Kill it!' Poopy mentally instructed its pet.

The beetle rushed over, preparing to swipe its horn at the Lycran. The Lycran tried to block the attack with its spear, but was not fast enough.

Your pet has attacked your target without a skill. Seriously, ask it to use Horn Stab! Target HP -1364

In anger, the monster tried to stomp on the much smaller dung beetle. Unfortunately, this Lycran was a Tank class without a lot of AGI and DEX, so the insect was able to weave aside with ease. It seemed like it would be a one sided fight, with the nimble insect dodging all its stomps with the help of superior AGI.

'Buggy! Use Horn Stab!' Commanded Poopy.

Swiftly, the bug stopped its playful weaving and jabbed its horn at the monster at full speed.

You have named your pet Buggy!

Your pet used Horn Stab on your target! Target HP -6200, -1000 Pet MP

'Hey! Who said I wanted to name it Buggy!' Poopy mentally yelled at the system.

I did. Deal with it.

Fuming, the golem started shouting (mentally) at the system to let it change its pet's name. Who names a bug buggy?

I'm sorry (not). You need a Name Changer Tag to change the name of pets.

'Bastard! Bad! Meanie! Stupid! Uh... Bully!' Poopy started to mentally recite every insult it could think of as it swung its fists at the incorporeal box! Meanwhile, the beetle got distracted. Apparently, a druid's mental link with a pet allows the pet to hear every thought of their master. Confused about who its master was yelling and punching at, the beetle finally got stomped on.


Your pet has been hit by the target's Stomp! -9874 Pet HP! 21126 left.

'What?!' Poopy snapped out of its daze, shocked. When were minor Lycrans this strong?


Spear Lycran

LVL: 30

Species: Lycran

Type: Melee Tank

HP: 92,436/100,000

MP: 0

EXP upon kill: 50,000

Drops: ???

Skill is too low levelled to excess more info.

Holy crap, this Lycran is no pushover! (at least for the low levelled Poopy) In fright, the golem started running, leaving the slightly squished (and in pain) beetle to fend for itself.


Abuse Metre: 1/10

Hitting 10 will cause the pet to to no longer be a pet.

The insect was indignified and hurt. Why was its master so heartless? The beetle bolted away in Poopy's direction, forcefully spearing up the golem since Poopy wasn't as fast and could use a boost.

You pet has picked you up with its horn! -192 HP

"OW! OW! OW! STOP!" Yelled Poopy. The beetle did not comply. Honestly though, the spearing was a better alternative to getting killed. That golem should really be more appreciative. As it struggled on the horn of the running beetle as the Lycran chased, Poopy decided that today was not the best day ever, but the worse day ever.

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