《The Kitty Litter (LitRPG)》Annihilation (Chapter 24)


"Leader! A huge battleship is flying over the Lyscendian Forest! The Staller Squad is already fighting to hold the invaders off!" Shouted a scout as he ran into the meeting room, waving his arms frantically.

"Elite Squad, assemble!" Shouted Atteus a split second after the scout announced his message. (He's a quick thinker)

"Buuuutt Atters, we arrrree alreeeaaady asseeembleeed..." Mumbled the half asleep Reyna.

"Shut up!" Atteus turned his head to shout at Reyna. "Now get going!" He turned back to the other elite members.

"Yes sir!" Roared the squad in union (save for a few people like Reyna)

They readied their weapons and equipment, charging out of the room with Atteus who led the charge flying mid-air. He could have moved many times faster, but he didn't want to leave most of the guild members in the dust.


Atteus and Reyna were first to arrive at the scene of the fighting. It seemed that Atteus got impatient of slowing down for the sake of the elite squad.

"The guild leader!" "Thank goodness!" "Finally!" (etc...)

Cries of excitement sounded from the battered Staller Squad. Granted, they weren't even close to death since they focused on the DEF and HP stat, but being cut and bruised by buff Lycrans was pretty much torture. Ideally (since they were all of a taming guild), the squad members should have been healing and support classes using pets with powerful defence. But unfortunately, most talented healers oped to join the Khantas' Divine Paladins guild. As such, Atteus had to settle for the next best thing: the Tanky Battlers & Support Pets build (aka TBSP).

Now that the leader arrived, they would get some proper firepower to wipe out the pesky foes who tortured them! But all of a sudden, the guild leader hopped right over the army of Stallers, right into the frontlines to the shock of the Stallers.


"Aggro!" Yelled Atteus.

Immediately all the Lycrans stopped attacking their original targets and fixed their hollow eye-sockets upon him. The army of hundreds charged towards the lone mage.

"Ahhh!" The warriors at the side yelped. They quickly rushed before Atteus to form a protective wall to protect him. How could they let the guild leader get hurt or even killed?

"Idiots!" He shouted. With a swing of his hand, his own subordinates were flung to the side by a powerful gust of wind. As the Lycran prepared to swing its axe at him, the wizard looked in contempt.



With a single attack, the great Lycran army was gone (at least, the Lycrans that were in range). All that was left was a great blackened crater where there used to be lush vegetation. Standing before the smoking hole, Atteus turned around and smirked, tipping his hat.

"Piece of cake." He said.

"Bravo!" "Holy crap you're awesome!" "Amazing!" "Uwaahhhh!"

The army of Stallers cheered for him, showering him with praise. They had no idea the guild master was this powerful! (the guild master is rarely seen fighting)

"Show off." Said Reyna.

Atteus ignored her.

Annihilation. -5,000,000 MP.

123 Targets eliminated.

+9,240,192 EXP

Quest Complete! (x123)

F tier: Subdue 1 minor Lycran

Reward: 123 Raid Token

Quest Complete! (x12)

E tier: Subdue 10 minor Lycrans

Reward: 144 Raid Tokens

Quest Complete! (x6)

D: Subdue 20 minor Lycrans

Reward: 180 Raid Tokens

"Huh..." He muttered. "These were only minor Lycrans according to the quests."

"What! How can this be!" Shouted a nearly young man who was beaten black and blue and covered in gashes.

"As expected, a raid event personally announced by the system isn't going to be that easy." Atteus continued to mumble.


Patter patter patter!

The leader turned to the side, seeing that the elite squad had finally arrived.

The newly arrived squad stood before the crater, unfazed. They already knew of the prowess of the guild master since they fought with him often in tough quests. As a few more Lycrans landed, the elite squad realised that the Lycrans could be dispatched with a few attacks; they were nothing but weaklings.

"Pfft!" A white haired man holding a Bokken scoffed, digging his nose. "So the raid only amounted to this? Who'd want to tame monsters as junky as these?"

"Don't be cocky! These are just minor Lycrans!" Atteus said. (most people have disabled the blue boxes in combat so they didn't see the quest prompt)

"Good! I came here for the challenge!" The cocky man said.


As if to answer the call of the white haired man, dozens of Lycrans began to fall from above yet again. One of them fell before him. It was a brown skinned Lycran who was as tall as two men with a lone eye mounted on its featureless face where the nose would normally be at, a lot more intimidating than the previous white Lycrans.

"Swordman's Furry! Furious Slashes!" Sensing that the new Lycran that fell before it was no pushover, the man unleashed the most powerful skills he had in succession.

x2 DMG!

-1,991,624 HP!

"No, impossible!" The swordman yelled. The health bar that floated above the brown Lycran was only lowered by around a fifth; not to mention that more than half of his damage was negated by the sheer amount of defence the monster had!


The brown Lycran somehow managed to unleash a deathly scream despite the lack of a mouth, swinging its fist at full force toward the inflictor of its pain.

"Reflect!" Cast Atteus to defend the swordman who was frozen in fright.

Reflected! -50,000 MP.

Target HP -1,245,023.

"Stun!" He continued.

Foe stunned! -5000 MP

Without hesitation, the mage reached into his pocket and fished out a scan stone to gather more information about the beast.

Entry 10492: Cyclops Lycran

Level: 70

Species: Lycran

Element: None

HP: 6,763,353

MP: 0

STR: 10,000,000

MAG: 0

DEX: 300

AGI: 300

DEF: 300,000

INT: 80

Passive Skills:

Tough Skin, Tough Luck: Negates 50% of damage dealt to it. Status effect spells have a 50% chance to miss when cast on it.


Killer Punches: Every punch does as much DMG as its STR for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 1 min.

Atteus wasn't about a lot of things, but he was now sure about one thing. This raid was not going to be easy.

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