《The Kitty Litter (LitRPG)》How Loud Is It When A Dragon Falls Down? (Chapter 13)



The cage containing the golem was tossed without care into a corner of a dark room full of other cages by an unenthusiastic worker holding a lantern.

"Let me out! Let me out!" It yelled, but to no avail.

The cage promptly toppled over, but the worker already left, taking no notice. The room was then plunged back into eerie silence and darkness. Or if would have been, had Poopy not been smashing and yelling. Also, the Luminous Mushrooms growing on the golem was enough to offset the darkness from the room.

"Hey! Shut the hell up!" Poopy heard an angry voice. It turned its head to see a strange lizard-like creature with covered in bronze metallic scales. She had two wings protruding from her back, and horns on her scaly head, the tips looking sharp enough to pierce metal. It was a dragon. Well, a hatchling dragon to be exact. She wasn't very big yet.

"I just feel asleep after so long, and they had to throw in a new monster..." The dragon grumbled, propping herself from her lying pose; this revealed a huge bronze plate fused to her belly, a gong. Poopy couldn't help but wonder why anyone would want to have a piece of metal in such an awkward place. It was already annoying enough when weird plants or fungi grew on it.

The dragon then slipped, the gong crashing face-first into her cage.


The sound continued to echo for a few more seconds, causing almost every single sleeping creature to be awoken.

"Opps..." She mumbled.

Under the deathly glares of the startled monsters, the dragon curled up in embarrassment.

"Bad Dragong loud!" Shouted a weird blue monkey. No other monsters spoke, but they growled and snarled. Not all monsters were intelligent enough or able to talk after all. There was a fair lot of colourful cursing in a few non-english languages however. It was a good thing Dragong was unable to understand them or she would have been deeply hurt.


"Sorry..." She muttered. It was easy to hear since it was in an empty room however.

Almost none of the monsters understood her, but the more intelligent ones understood that she was sorry. Rounds of discussion in various languages started, frightening Dragong. Were they trying to come up with some kind of punishment for her? They shouldn't be able to attack her while she resided in the cage, right?

Poopy was still smashing at the cage without a care however. One would wonder how much stamina it had to keep attacking for such a long time. Dragong glared at it with a sinister look that screamed "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" but Poopy took no notice. The dragon was quite angry but she was afraid that the other monsters would get more angry if she made more noises by shouting at the dung monster. Speaking of which, why weren't they angry when Poopy kept smashing the cage? Such injustice! That damned thing was really smelly too!


She'll get revenge... eventually. Maybe she'll roast it with dragon breath- wait no, she can't breath fire! Dammit! She didn't want to touch that dung monster, but she couldn't think of a way to get revenge without attacking it melee style. For now, she could only keep glaring in hopes that it would eventually notice. Poor Dragong.

Soon, the monsters seem to have come to a conclusion of sorts. That only served to make Dragong more nervous. The ones with fur began to carefully gather the tuffs of fallen hair in the cages, then pluck out from more from their bodies to increase the amount. (This was unable to be done by the less nimble ones like wolves, etc however.) Once they gathered enough fur or hair, they stuffed the hair out of the cage. Poopy was perplexed to how they were able push the fur out. Its body couldn't get out between the bars in the slightest even after using Poop Control to shapeshift, so how did they do it?


The blue monkey then shut his eyes and lifted his palms in the air. The varying furs floated into the air, twisting and knotting together to form a... pillow. Ok, it wasn't very pillow like. It was more like a very scratchy bundle of hair and fur. It stunk as well since the monsters were unable to clean themselves while locked in a cage.

Dragong could only watch, horrified as the 'pillow' floated pass the bar of her cage and into it. She had already realised that they were making a cushion for her gong belly the moment she saw the blue monkey making it. They wanted her to silence the gong with such a uncomfortable and smelly pile of fur? No freaking way!


The dragon began smashing on the cage frantically in panic. She'd rather die than use that thing! The monsters screamed, covering their ears. It was ten times louder than the smashing from before! Dragong smirked. Why compromise when you can make the opposing party compromise instead?


The cage broke with a horrid twisting sound. (Even louder than the sounds she made smashing the cage.) Dragong was stunned. So easy? In truth, her situation was similar to an elephant tricked to believe a rope could tie it down. When Grimmer and his party caught her, they didn't have a cage strong enough on hand. To stop the cage from breaking when the dragon struggled, Reyna enchanted the cage, making the cage a thousand times stronger temporarily.

Dragong had no idea why the cage was so easy to break all of a sudden, but she was exhilarated! For the first time in a week, she had elbow space to move! She stretched in bliss, relishing the creak of her joints. The other monsters felt very excited too. Perhaps they could convince her to help them break out too?

"Me make angry you. You break out. Me save you indirect." Said the blue monkey.

A vein bulged on her head. How can anyone be so shameless? The monkey should know better than anyone that he had malicious intents all along! In anger, she punched his cage hard, sending it flying.

You have indirectly hurt your target. Target HP -524.

Target HP: 6798/8500

And now for that stupid pile of dung that caused all of her embarrassment! Dragong cracked her claw knuckles menacingly, grinning devilishly all the while. Poopy couldn't help but collapse in terror from the killing intent.

"Stupid poop! DIE!!!!"

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