《The Kitty Litter (LitRPG)》The Great Adventurers Order Pizza (Chapter 12)


As you would expect, the golem was easily subdued and stuffed into a cage. Poopy kept screaming to be let out, but to no avail. Why would they release such a Unique monster when they could capture it?

"Hey Reyna! I'll be heading back first!" Shouted Grimmer as he summoned his pet.

Pet Summoned!

Deathsting Hornet+++ (Legend)

LVL: 87

HP: 4580 (+10000/second)

AMR: 100 (+100/second)

DEF: 10000

MP: 0

ATK: 5500-13283 (50% to +800000 DMG)


SPD: 10000

INT: 100


EXP: 395,804/3.991,753

Skills: Show More?

The hornet's exoskeleton shone with a bright metallic yellow hue, wielding a stinger almost as big as the rest of its body. It hovered in mid air as it's wings cycled fast enough to be become a blur in the air. With a leap, Grimmer jumped into the air...

And landed on top of the hornet. And no, this was not a HUGE hornet. It was only the size of a thumb. It sufficed to say that this was a ridiculous sight. Not to mention, Grimmer accidentally landed on the wings rather than on the stinger like he usually did; he was reduced to a blur in the air by the sheer speed the wings cycled at!

(Normally, one would be flung off by such speed, but Grimmer had a pair of boots that let him stand with 100% stability on anything. Too bad it backfired on him now.)

"M-K-NJDJA-nJKDS-njNInOM-kSKDF!!!!" Screamed the blur in the air as the hornet took off into the skies with him.

Seeing such a sight, Reyna laughed hysterically for about five seconds, then stopped abruptly. It was as if she'd never laughed. She then stuffed Poopy's cage into her inventory, then summoned a huge red wolf that carried the rest of her entire party back into the Beginner's Town. Reyna decided to roam about, so Balda and Skalda followed.


"Hey, Skalda. You hungry?" Said Reyna as the party walked past a Pizzaria.

"Not really." Skalda shock his head. "It's pointless to eat such low levelled food, they don't even provide EXP anymore!"

"Aww, come up! Don't be such a downer!" Reyna grabbed his shoulder, pulling him lightly. "What's wrong with eating something tasty every now and then?"

"Fine!" Skalda found it rather pointless, but he'd rather not argue with someone as stubborn as her. At times like this, sometimes it was better to compromise rather than to stir up conflict. At worse, he'll just eat some Purity Fruits afterwards to cleanse the impurities that came with junk food.

Meanwhile, Poopy was still struggling in the cage in Reyna's inventory, smashing against the walls. It even tried squeezing past the bars, but a Monster Collector would never make such an amateurish mistake. The guild dealt with shapeshifting monsters from time to time after all.



Yowi was very content. The three weird monsters bought it into a huge house of some, then gave it a huge salmon to chow on! The fish even had some sort of yellow block on it that tasted kinda good. The only downer was that the joy of the hunt was missed, but hey, who would reject a free meal?

"So Reyna, what do type of quests do you often embark on?" Asked Balda. It was a rare chance for him to interact with the famed Reyna. He'd heard rumours, but had never thought she'd be this beautiful up close! He uttered a silent prayer to his deity that he was given a chance to 'date' her. Ignoring the third wheel Skalda who sat silently at the side, of course. And the men from random tables who peeked over once in a while to admire her too


"Quests? As a member of the top party, I embark on only the toughest quests to capture the strongest monster!" Reyna bragged as she munched a piece of pizza. Skalda could almost see the tip of her nose elongate.

"Wow! That's amazing!" Praised Balda.

"Of course! But obvious, I am always the MVP. The last time-"

As Reyna bragged about her 'deeds' to Balda, Skalda secretly put his portion bit by bit into his inventory when Reyna wasn't looking (Reyna still noticed anyway). He didn't like the thought of jamming the 'filth' into his storage, but it was better than eating it. As he watched the two, he couldn't help but take pity on Balda. Balda seemed to have taken Reyna's enthusiasm as a sign of interest, but she was just looking for a vessel to brag to. It should have been obvious to Balda, but as they say: infatuation clouds the mind.It felt like forever to Skalda before the two wrapped up. Why did they continue to talk for so long even after they finished the meal?

Finally, the trio headed to nearest Town Portal. With the quick payment of 100 Gold, the party was wrapped back to the guild instantly. As Skalda walked from the guild portal back to his quarters, he chanced upon Grimmer. The poor man was wobbling forward in a daze, his face chalk white.

"Uh... Are you alright?" Skalda asked.

"I feel like crap. My head feels like someone scrambled it like an egg. Tried to sleep but my head hurt too much. Went out to look for sleeping pills." Grimmer muttered.

"Ah. No need for that. I've got some of mine here." Skalda took out a bottle of pills from his inventory and pressed it into Grimmer's hand. Skalda always had a bottle of potent pills with him as he had insomnia.

"Thanks." Grimmer sent the bottle into his inventory and headed back towards his room. Meanwhile, Skalda heard the footsteps of Reyna. Seeing the mischievous look on her face, Skalda knew he had to stop her.

"Reyna, no! Give him a little rest, will you?" He plead. Grimmer was still one of his friends despite his volatile personality.

"Hmm..." Reyna pondered. It was true that now was an inappropriate time to disturb him. Didn't stop her from agitating him the last time something made him feel terrible however.

"Alright, but you send this smelly monster to the counter!" She said, tossing the cage containing the golem from her inventory to Skalda.

"Don't go back on your promise!" Skalda caught the cage.

"I won't!" Reyna grinned as Skalda headed off.

She broke her promise. What did you expect?

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