《The Kitty Litter (LitRPG)》Breaking News: Feline Warrior Refuses Pets (Chapter 11)



An odd sight could be seen in the forest. A pile of dung was running at the fastest speed it could manage, making the sound of a eternally flushing toilet all the while. It was a pity that the dung golem barely had any points in AGI, making its speed rather unimpressive. It was still an unnerving sight for the local wildlife however, so most of the creatures steered clear.

Your Agility has been exercised!

+1 AGI.

However, since Poopy was sprinting without regard for how exhausted it felt, its AGI was trained up quite a few points, up to 10 in fact. Let's just hope this situation teaches it that it does need stats other than STR, so that it won't replace these much needed AGI points.


Meanwhile, the hunting group almost caught up with the Bat King. Yowi was not stuffed into the inventory yet however, as Reyna let the puppet engage the monster in battle. Normally, this would have worked out terribly. Scouting puppets have next to no fighting power, but this one was more than twice the level of the bat; that gave it enough durability to last for quite a while.

The Bat King grinned as it pinned down the puppet. This was a Lv80 foe! Imagine how many levels it would leap after it emptied the final 20% of its HP! He was quite frightened when he first realised the puppet was Lv80, but got quite excited after finding out how terrible its attack was. On the contrast, Reyna who was still watching the tablet as they chased was quite surprised by how low levelled the Epic was.

But suddenly, the monster felt a strong sense of danger. Without hesitating, he left the puppet behind and flew off. A real shame it was, but the bat knew how accurate his instincts were; surviving was more important that levelling up after all. As he flapped his wings hurriedly however, he was abruptly immobilised.


How would the group be able to call themselves part of the elite Monster Collector Guild if they even let a measly Lv30 get away? Balda was able to stun the bat easily with a basic spell, Kinetic Bindings.

"Cage him!" Shouted Reyna as she tossed a beast cage out of her inventory to Grimmer.

"Shut up! I already know what to do!" Grimmer reached out a hand to grab the squirming bat, stuffing it into the cage with ease. His physical prowess alone was enough to force the similarly sized beast to submit. The bat could only shriek loudly in protest as he struggled, but Reyna stuffed the cage in her inventory, effectively shutting him up. Now that the job was done, Reyna turned to the shivering little kitten, Yowi.

"Awww!" She bent over and pet the kitten with a smile. "Don't be scared little kitty, it's fine now!"

Grimmer was quite surprised. He didn't realise Reyna had such a soft side despite them having partied together for years. He did find the kitten extremely cute as well though, so he couldn't blame her. He knelt down and tried to pet the little feline, but Reyna picked up the kitten and cuddled it, keeping it from his reach.

"Hey! What's the problem with you?" Grimmer shouted.

"Aren't you a manly man? It's the girls that get to play with the cute animals!" Reyna pet the squirming kitten affectionately.

"Meroow..." Yowi wasn't sure what was going on, and was rather confused. One second he goes out to catch fish and gets attacked by a huge scary monster, and the next, a bunch of other weird looking talking monsters beat the first monster up and started to pet him! He tried his best to wriggle out of the monster's grasp but she was holding him too securely. It wasn't that he disliked it, but this went against his code as a proud feline warrior to be pet against his will!


"Hand the cat over!" The man shouted. Yowi was starting to feel scared from all the fighting. Were these monsters fighting over who got to eat him? He could try talking to them, but somehow, his instincts told him it would be a bad idea.

"You two... Can you please stop fighting all the time?" Sighed Skalda. This made both of the aggressors glare at him, making him shrink back. The two were about to shout at him when a strange hoarse gargle echoed in the air. Poopy had roared the whole while, making its throat dry.

"Ha-hands o-off maa-my mas-ter!" Squeaked the golem.

Reyna took out the Scan Stone at the sight of the strange creature. It was probably just a useless rare mon-

Entry 5893: Unknown monster

Level: 1

Species: Elemental+++++ Golem

Element: Unknown Element

Ability Talents:

Intelligence: A

Physical Power: S

Magical Power: S

Tanking Power: A

Overall Speed: C

Skills: Scan, Inventory, Basic Barehanded Combat, Unknown Skill

Rarity: Unique

The saliva in her mouth spurt out.

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