《The Kitty Litter (LitRPG)》Escaping Down The Toilet (Chapter 14)



You have been indirectly attacked by your target. -80 HP.


The cage was sent flying, crashing against the wall violently. It was a good thing Poopy had a soft and squishy body or it would have died on impact. Dragong who saw how low the health of the golem was shocked. Who'd have thought she'd nearly kill it when she was just trying to discipline it? Didn't the humans only catch rare and powerful monsters?

"Hey!" Dragong heard the shout of a man and footsteps. "What's with the ruckus?"

The same man who just bought Poopy in minutes ago charged in. The monsters had always been quiet (spare for the occasional gong noises), so why did they have to be so noisy of all days? He was about to enjoy a meal during his well deserved lunch break, and now he'll have to shut the monsters up before people complain! His food was definitely going cold by the time he went back.

He ran into the cage room, seeing Dragong standing before two twisted and battered cages, grinning ferociously. He gasped. How did the Dragong get free? She was specially given an enchanted cage of Epic quality due her immense strength! He quickly whipped out the Emergency Ball™ and squeezed on it, sounding the alarm.

Dragong turned her head to face the man who charged in, alarmed. She knew someone was about to come at any moment, but seeing a caretaker charge in was quite alarming. And it was Henry of all of them! Henry was one of the nicer caretakers and actually spent the food budget on fresh food for the monsters' meals rather than purchase awful tasting dry monster food and pocketing the change.

With the limited expression that a dragon's face was capable of, her conflicted face looked ferocious instead. As Henry looked her in the eyes, he was terrified. He'd never thought there would be a day where he would be so frightened of that cute little dragon.


"P-please don't hurt me!" He plead.

"Hurt?" Dragong was confused. "Why would I hurt you?" She realised her mistake, reverting her agitated look.

Henry heaved a sigh of relief. He felt ashamed for doubting her. Dragong hopped forward, behind Henry who was in thought.

"Wait!" He called out in panic. Dragong looked back, perplexed.

"Wait?" She tilted her head.

"Uh... I... If you run away, I'll.. I'll lose my job! I still need to support my family. We.. We're friends right? I beg you to stay!" Henry stammered. It was not out of fear however, but shame. To ask a friend to suffer for his sake... It felt immoral and selfish to him!

Dragong was feeling conflicted as well. She wanted to escape from the confines of the filthy room, but she didn't want to ruin the 'lifeblood' of her friend.




Screams of pain simultaneously erupted from the two.


Level up!

Congratulations, you are now level 9!

+24 Stat Points.

+20 Max HP.

+20 Max MP.

Level up!

Congratulations, you are now level 10!

+24 Stat Points.

+20 Max HP.

+20 Max MP.

You have hit the level limit for your species and can choose to evolve!

As it turned out, Dragong's unreserved punch managed to break the inferior Common cage. (Reyna cut costs after she realised Poopy was so weak despite being Unique) Poopy then seized its chance when it realised the two threats were distracted, then attack. The golem watched in satisfaction as the two fell to the ground gripping their bums. It'd never thought the dung would provide so much experience!

Poopy quickly charged out of the room, running up the sloped passage as fast as it could. Which was not very fast. Serves it right for not working on AGI.


"Bastard! How dare you!" A roar of anger echoed from the room. As Poopy heard the footstep (clawsteps?) of the dragon, it panicked. If only there was some way to run faster!

TG: TG here! Just a friendly reminder that AGI increases speed!

In a hurry, Poopy assigned all of its new stat points into AGI. Its AGI reached a whooping 149. With its new-found speed, the golem was now 49% faster than Dragong who focused on a tank build! Discovering the joys of being able to move at an effective speed, Poopy now realised than STR was not everything.

The dung monster charged out of the dark passage into the office. It was a good thing Henry forgot to close the door in his hurry or Poopy would have been trapped in a dead end only because of not knowing how to use a doorknob. But now it was trapped in the office! The glass doors that led outside were shut, and the golem could still heard the sounds of footsteps from Henry and Dragong.

In panic, Poopy quickly looked around the room. It then spotted another passage and ran in, arriving to a smaller room with an open door. The golem was about to panic, but realised there was a heavenly smell coming from something inside the room. It ran in, realising the smell came from a weird white chair with a hole in the centre. As it turned out, Poopy ended up in the toilet room. It quickly jumped down the hole, shapeshifting to fit down the pipes and into the sewers.

Seconds later, Dragong and Henry charged into the bathroom. They were able to follow the 'dungprints' left by Poopy and followed, only to realise the golem had flushed itself.

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