《Becoming a Hero (Portal Fantasy LitRPG)》Chapter 6
“I’ll go first then.” Laela steps forward. “Laela. Level 4. My main class is Dungeoneer, stock standard for an adventurer, I know. My subclass is Rogue. My class stats are strength and stamina. I’m the scout of our friendly little crew.”
Gorm’s deep bass voice follows, “Gorm. Level 4. Main class Dungeoneer. Subclass Warrior. Class stats are strength and constitution. I’m the muscle.”
Jaed speaks up at this point, her voice barely a whisper, “Hi I’m Jaed.” There is a long pause as Jaed brushes her long blonde hair off her face behind her ear before she continues. “Level 4. Main class Dungeoneer. Subclass Channeler. My class stats are wisdom and charisma. I’m the healer.”
“Graem.” He smiles at me. “Level 4 as well. Main class Tactician. Subclass Wizard. My class stats are intelligence and wisdom. I suppose if we are going like that then I’m the brains of the group.”
Suddenly I find Laela’s arm wrapped over my shoulders pulling me into her side. I turn and she winks at me. “Aren’t you glad to join a group with such a humble, genius tactician?”
“Ha ha ha,” Graem dryly responds to his sister. “You can see we are a pretty balanced party. It’s good for you Reed, we don’t need any roles filled so you have the freedom to pick whatever you want. I mean, you do regardless of course. I just mean that-”
“Yeah, I get it.” I interrupt Graem’s flustering and smile at him. “Glad to hear it.”
Laela’s hand slaps my shoulder again. “So, any idea what class and subclass you want to get Reed?”
“Nope, none at all.”
“Understandable,” Graem replies, “it’s a big decision and you need to balance your personal strengths and weaknesses with the choices you are given by the system. Anyway, it won’t be long before we make it to the dungeon. Any burning questions about our classes before I go through our hunting strategy with you?”
Questions, where do I start… “I do have a couple. You all talked about class stats. Could you remind me what that means and what stats do?”
Graem looks at me in disbelief while Laela’s hand reaches up and starts smushing my hair.
“You really have no common sense, do you rookie?” Laela’s laugh is crystalline as her arm flops off my body and she steps in front of me. “Strength effects how powerful you are, how fast you run, whether you can win an arm wrestle. It also determines how much damage you deal when hitting things as Gorm will be sure to remind you. That along the lines of what you wanted to know Reed?”
“Yeah.” This is so embarrassing but even still. “Could you explain all the other stats too please?”
Laela raises an eyebrow before continuing. “Right, well stamina is a lot simpler. It determines health point regeneration and how quickly you recover from physical exertion. Constitution determines your total health points, how long you can physically exert yourself before tiring, and your resistance to physical damage and pain. Charisma determines how much damage abilities do or the extent to which they cause some other effect. For instance, how powerful and durable the magical binding effect of an ability is.” Laela pauses. “You still with me Reed?”
I nod.
“Okay well, intelligence is easy too. It basically works like stamina except instead of determining health point regeneration it determines mana point regeneration and how quickly you recover from mental exertion. In the same way wisdom is similar to constitution except it determines total mana points and resistance to magical damage and mana overuse. Strength and charisma are also considered to be similar in this way, but the links aren’t as crystal clear.”
“Okay. I think I see the connection.” Physical stats vs magical stats. Seems simple enough.
“Class stats on the other hand are stats that get a certain boost due to your class. Class stats are twenty percent more effective than their actual numerical value. This makes investing in those stats a lot more worthwhile overall. Though, ultimately every class needs a reasonably balanced stat distribution because it’s no good for brains over here to max out wisdom and intelligence and then get bowled over in a single hit by an angry ogre.” Laela mimes swinging a club into Graems head.
“Have you fought any ogres?”
“No, we haven’t.” Graem sighs. “We’re having trouble with the second floor of the dungeon.” He turns away dispiritedly.
“What kinds of trouble?”
Laela, Jaed, and Graem grimace and ignore my question.
“Teamwork issues,” Gorm announces stoically.
Teamwork issues. I see. No wonder they picked me up as team cheerleader.
Graem points up ahead. “Tip of the fortress, won’t be long till we arrive. Any last questions before we reach the dungeon?”
I look up, the fortress walls loom over the tip of the hills crest. Won’t be long till I’m back in the gross, grimy goblin caves.
“No questions? Okay then.”
“Wait! I do have one last question if it’s alright.”
“Go for.”
“That adventurer Fraeya at the Guild Hall was part of a group. The Silver Ravens or something? Do we have one of those?”
“The Silver Crows.” Graem emphasizes the name. “She’s their leader. But to answer your question no, not yet we don’t. You can’t ask the Guild permission to officiate the naming of your Adventurer Group until every member successfully advances to D rank.” There is a fire in Graem’s eyes as he speaks, but it fades into wariness. I coax my locket open, the metal cool to touch. There nestled beside my leaf-haired visage the large letter F inscription prominently resides. D rank huh?
“Got it.” I nod before grinning. “In that case, let’s hear your goblin hunting strategy!”
“Yeah, take it away brains of the group!” Laela calls out her chipper voice dripping sarcasm.
My new adventuring group and I arrive atop the dungeon hill and swiftly make our way over to the dungeon fortress. The same two guards from yesterday stand there, Braed and the guard whose name I really need to learn.
“Back already? Would have thought it would take an entire week to wipe all that shit off!” The unknown guard bursts out laughing. On second thoughts, I don’t really care to learn the jester’s name.
With extreme force of will I keep my eyes from rolling back into my head. “No. Not an entire week.”
“Only joking, lad.”
The Jester has the decency to at least look a little embarrassed.
Braed speaks this time, “it’s good you are back here. I was worried you might give up after yesterday’s mess.”
I turn and look at my group, their eyes warm and encouraging. “No, of course not. If there’s one thing I am, it’s determined! I would never give up after a small set back like yesterday!” That sounded believable enough, right? Yep, there is the fire in Graem’s eyes again. Score one group cheerleader!
“That’s good.” Braed smiles, but his eyes betray his concern. “I’m glad you decided to find a group to work with too. But you are still not properly equipped.”
I shrug. “Whoever runs this world really doesn’t want me to have any decent clothes.” You know who you are.
“Why not buy new clothes?” Gorm asks.
“I would if I had the money Gorm.”
“You don’t have enough coin?” Gorm asks confused.
My entire chest deflates as I sigh. “No? Why would I still be wearing my tattered and grimy clothes from yesterday if I could afford new clothes?”
“I thought you just liked fighting like that. Flesh against flesh, like a wolf or bear,” Gorm growls.
“Gorm, Reed’s not a berserker.” Graem looks at me apologetically. “Don’t worry Reed, first order of business is saving enough money to get you some better clothes.”
“It’s fine, let’s just get adventuring so we can make some money.”
“Right!” Laela responds pulling out her daggers and twirling it around her palm. “Let’s hunt!”
Braed and the Jester move aside allowing our motley group entry. One by one we step inside the dungeon’s rocky crevice entrance. And one by one our lockets light up. Gorm starts pulling rope from a bag I hadn’t even noticed.
Graem passes Jaed a spear and then steps over to me. “You’re sure you don’t want to just watch us the first round?”
I smile back at him and yank the spear out of his hand. “Absolutely sure. I’ve already seen this plan in action. I’ve already fought the goblins, they don’t scare me. And trust me, I can’t wait for this.”
There it is, the soft pattering of feet. It’s time. I look at Jaed’s barely visible visage in the dark, she nods at me. My grip on the spear tightens. A dim light appears in the tunnel entrance. It’s getting brighter. The footsteps are louder now and are accompanied by the menacing grunts and growls of the goblins. The room brightens and from my perch I can faintly make out the lasso flying towards the midst of the goblin pack. It whistles as it flies. The whistling suddenly stops. Then, crash!
“Now!” Gorm yells. My heart explodes into action.
Instantly, Jaed is jumping out of our hiding spot and yanking me along with her. I’m running; then I’m there. Right before another of the disgusting green hellspawn goblins that plague this floor of the dungeon.
Jaed’s spear rips forward piercing the goblins chest and pinning it to the ground.
Critical Hit: Dealt 18 Health Points: Piercing damage. Severe Wound: Inflicted internal bleeding effect.
I blink, only now realizing my spear is firmly lodged in its chest too. The goblin, still alive, cries out in what I can only assume is pain. It spasms furiously and slams its arms against the spear’s shaft. I maintain my grip on the spear as though my life depends on it. Because, well, perhaps it does. Finally, the goblin stills.
Awarded 2 experience points for assisting in the defeat of a goblin.
“Status,” I exhale in between pants.
Reed Williams
Health Points:
Mana Points:
Strength: 6
Stamina: 7
Constitution: 9
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 9
Built for endurance:
Every 5 levels gain 1 bonus point to Stamina.
Linguistics Correction:
Innately understand the language of the first being you speak with (Language Designated: Lavraelian). Gain increased efficiency towards learning new languages (intelligence modifier)
Beside me Jaed rips her spear out of the goblin and says something to me. I rip my spear out and turn to her.
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you, I’m a bit unfocused. Could you repeat what you said?”
She looks at me exasperated then mutely growls at me, “you don’t have to say status, you can think it.”
I run my hand through my hair. “Yeah I know.”
“Also, you can just think experience,” she huffs.
“You don’t have to think status every time, you can just think experience.”
Just think ‘experience.’
Experience: 2/100.
“Oh damn. Thanks, Jaed.”
She gives me a small, toothless smile and looks as though she is about to say something. Unfortunately, before she gets the chance Graem steps out from behind the rocks where he was watching us and calls out. “Jaed, you ready?”
Jaed turns to Graem and nods then passes him the bloodied spear. She walks over to the cavern entrance where Laela appears. As they pass by each other Laela pats Jaed on the back before approaching Graem and I. She looks down at the mangled goblin corpse still bleeding green blood into a shallow puddle on the cavern floor then gives me a thumbs up. “Good job, rookie.”
“Sis, I’ve got to talk to Reed. Can you please deal with the body and then find a hiding spot where you can make it in time if there’s an emergency.”
“Sure thing, boss.” Laela pulls out her dagger and begins the grisly work.
Graem clasps my arm and begins walking me back to our previous hiding spot.
We crouch down and Graem shuffles closer to me. “Laela is right. You did really will.”
“You did make one mistake though.”
“You forget to pull out your locket. I know you could see with the light from Jaed’s, but it’s a terrible habit to forget about it down here.”
“Sorry, I didn’t even think about it.”
“Yeah, it’s okay. Trust me, I know it happens to the best of us. Was that your first kill?”
“Yeah.” I glance back at the corpse Laela is butchering.
“Thought so, you looked a bit out of it there. How are you feeling?”
How am I feeling? Not thinking about my feelings is the only thing keeping me sane since I got to this planet Graem. “Like I really hope the next goblin Gorm snags is the one who pushed me into the-” my words trail off.
“Into the shit?” I catch the faintest hint of Graem’s smirk through the darkness.
“Then lets both hope it’s that one. Let’s end its sorry life.”
“I don’t mean to interrupt your bromance, but I can hear Jaed’s footsteps.”
I spin around shocked. Since when did Laela get here?
I shut up and focus on listening, but even after a few seconds “I can’t hear anything.” I whisper.
“It’s a Rogue ability, Heightened Senses. Gives me better hearing, sight, smell, balance. Trust me rookie, she’ll be here soon.” I feel Laela pat me a couple of times on the back and then her presence in the area mysteriously vanishes.
Ignoring her, I crouch back down and clasp the spear again. I can hear the rapidly approaching footsteps now; just as Laela predicted. A second passes and I can hear the steady whistling of Gorm’s lasoo. Another second and the room is filled with light and shadows. Another second, the thump of goblin flailing to the ground. Another second, escaping footsteps, and then darkness, and then. Now!
Graem leaps out from behind the rock and I leap a split second later. His hand reaches beneath his shirt for his locket and following his lead I jerk mine out too.
Suddenly we are there, mere feet from the goblins flailing body. Its claws grasping and wrenching at the rope tightly wound beneath its jaw.
Graems spear bursts into my line of focus straight through the goblins stomach. “No hesitation, Reed!” he yells.
That’s all the reminder I need. I thrust with grim determination. My spear pierces through the goblin’s throat.
Critical Hit: Dealt 21 Health Points: Piercing damage. Awarded 2 experience points for assisting in the defeat of a goblin.
I rip my spear out. Graem’s spear follows a split second later. A gurgle of green blood spurt’s out continuously from the hole in the goblin’s throat.
Graem crouches down and removes the lasso from its corpse. As I watch the rope’s slow dragging ascent across the stone to Gorm’s hiding place, Laela suddenly appears behind me.
“Spear.” Laela barks.
I move to pass her my spear, but she brushes past me grabbing the spear out of Graem’s outstretched arm instead.
“Shouldn’t it be my turn to swap?”
“What? No? Of course no-” Graem’s hand grasps Laela’s shoulder and realization appears to dawn in her eyes.
Graem interjects. “This is my mistake. I forgot we have to explain everything to Reed. He doesn’t know you always boost the weakest member. Explain what that means while I’m runner.”
“Sure.” Laela nods. “Good luck out there.”
“Thanks.” Graem turns away and moves off to the tunnel entrance, “Keep up the good work Reed.”
I turn to Laela. “So… What’s this about boosting me?”
“Forgot you’re clueless Reed, sorry about that. Problem is you’re too weak. Adventuring groups always raise the lowest level member to the rest of the groups level. Otherwise, low levels members just end up as dead weight.”
“So, what? I’m just going to be stabbing goblins all day till I catch up to level four?”
“Pretty much yeah. Except getting to level four is going to take far longer than a single day.”
“You’re serious? You’re just going to feed me exp.”
“Feed you exp?” the words roll out of Laela’s mouth slowly. “A fitting way of putting it. But yes, of course I’m serious, your improvement benefits all of us. Especially at this low a level where you don’t even have a single ability.”
They are going to power level me!? Damn okay, cheerleading has its perks.
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