《Becoming a Hero (Portal Fantasy LitRPG)》Chapter 7
Thump. I love the sound of tripping goblins in the morning. Time for another delicious serving of experience. Up I leap, over the rocks and into the fray. One practiced hand on spear and one on locket.
Before me is a view I’ve never before seen in any of the dozens of previous rounds of lasso the goblin. This time the goblin is not prone, nor is it spasming, nor is it wrenching its claws against the rope caught under its throat. No, instead this goblin stands triumphant beside the cleanly shredded rope. And that’s not the only difference, this goblin is big! At least a foot taller than any other I’ve seen.
“Graem! What exactly am I looking at!?”
“Hobgoblin! Stay behind me Reed!”
I take a step back as Graem interposes himself between the hobgoblin and me. “Mana Bolt!” he yells as a fluorescent cyan bolt of energy shoots out the palm of his hand.
Holy hell that is cool! The bolt flies directly towards the hobgoblin, but at the last second it leaps past the bolt ending in a roll that breezes past Graem a goopy trail left in its path. It glares at me and growls. Shit! I’m the target!
I raise my spear in my best imitation of Graem’s defensive pose as the hobgoblin charges at me. It bounds forwards arms raised high above its head. Suddenly Laela is between us, dagger raised, slashing wildly at its exposed wrists. It lowers its arms and body skidding to a halt before her. Then snarling it twists away from me and scampers on all fours towards Laela.
“Berserk!” she yells, before dashing nimbly just out of range of a thrust from its needle-like claws.
It responds with a sudden twist away from her and once more leaps in my direction.
“Berserk!” Gorm roars from across the cavern. I catch a glimpse of his barrelling form rushing over.
“Watch out!” Laela calls.
My focus is forced back to the immediate threat before me. Needle-like claws approaching my throat. Neither Laela nor Graem are close enough to help. Instinct kicks in and grasping both ends of the spear I swing it upwards knocking the hobgoblins claws up and away.
Dealt 1 Health Point: Bludgeoning damage.
Not enough, it’s still coming for me. I twist the spear tip to face it. The spear creaks as it leans into my blow.
Dealt 8 Health Points: Piercing damage.
Its lips part baring spine chillingly sharp teeth.
Critical Hit Received: -27 Health Points: Piercing damage. -Bleeding condition: Wound haemorrhaged. -4 Health Points: Bleeding condition.
Pain like I’ve never experienced shoots up my arm. My grip on the spear weakens to nothing. With a clang metal strikes stone.
“Reed!” Graem’s voice pierces through the pain and light-headedness.
Suddenly he and Laela are once more in front of me.
-3 Health Points: Bleeding condition
“Arm!” Jaed cries out from behind me.
“Jaed!? What-”
“Arm!” she barks.
I raise my right arm, it’s a disgusting mess of missing flesh and torn skin fountaining out a never-ending stream of blood.
Jaed’s hand grips my wound eliciting a bullet of pain. “Lesser Heal!” she whispers. Immediately a vibrant warmth flows from her touch into my body.
+12 Health Points: Lesser Healing. Bleeding condition ended. +12 Health Points: Lesser Healing. +12 Health Points: Lesser Healing. +12 Health Points: Lesser Healing.
The pain relief is astonishing, I can actually think again. I look down at my arm in disbelief. There are no signs of scars or discolouration present, almost as though the gruesome scene from seconds before was all just my imagination.
“Thank you!” My voice comes out in raspy bursts. “Where did you come from?”
“The caves. I came back to swap with Graem.”
“Then.” Realisation hits me. “What about the goblins?”
She turns warily to the cavern entrance. “They’re coming.”
Heart pounding, I follow Jaed’s gaze to the cavern entrance. In the distance I can barely make out the tell-tale growls of goblins. I glance back to the fight. Gorm is there now wielding a small sledgehammer, he swings wide narrowly missing the hobgoblins skull. Graem fires off another Mana Bolt, it strikes true and a portion of hobgoblins flesh sizzles. The hobgoblin barely slows it. Laela waits by the side, seemingly looking for an opening. It’s not enough, they’re not going to kill it in time!
“What do we do?” Jaed says, her nails slightly digging into the skin of my still sore arm. She seems to have come to the same conclusion.
‘Health Points.’
Health Points: 90/90.
I pick up the fallen spear and push it into Jaed’s arms. “Take it, they need your help! I’ll distract the goblins!”
Jaed’s eyebrows furrow as she awkwardly takes hold of the spear. “You? But you’ve never been the runner.”
“I’ll figure it out. Besides, they need you here.”
There is a second of indecision then I see my grim determination mirrored in Jaed’s eyes. Finally, she nods and clasps my hand. “Then we’ll rely on you. Good luck Reed!” She turns to the rest of the group and I barely hear her exhale the words, “Second Wind.” Then she leaps to her feet and rushes into the fight.
I stand too, on shakier legs and turn away from the fight to the cavern entrance. The direction of the horde. At least I’ve had a lot of practise when it comes to fleeing.
“You hear that fantasy world Goddess!? They are relying on me. It’s finally my turn to be the hero!”
My feet pelt against the cold stone ground. Before I know it, I’m running full sprint through the dungeon caves. Guided entirely by my own screaming heart. In seconds I come across the scrambling goblin horde. I see them, and they see me too!
“Keep running!” I remind myself as I burst through the goblins’ midst; claws and teeth raking my flesh.
“Keep running!” I yell as my feet bleed cut by a thousand rocks.
“Keep running!” I scream as my vision blurs in and out of focus. My body is lead and my brain a burning white furnace. “It doesn’t fucking matter! Do not stop running!”
I hear a light ding and words fill my vision.
Awarded 5 experience points for assisting in the defeat of a hobgoblin.
Experience threshold reached.
Level Up!
+1 Statistics Point
+1 Ability Point
New Abilities available.
Class choices available.
My focus slips and I crash into a stalagmite. I twist around, but there is no one there. Nor are there any sounds of goblin death growls and grunts. They must be far behind me. I’m safe. I collapse to the ground in exhaustion and relief. My chest heaves in and out the musty dry cave air. My feet sting, having been cut open again and again by the sharp rocks which I had the misfortune of treading across in my flight. My pyjamas, having not been granted the same fantasy world benefit of regenerating over time, look even worse than I do. A mangled mess of cotton strips and shreds, where sharp teeth and claws ripped through the fabric.
“Great. I’m safe.” I scan the grey stone surrounding me. “Now, where the hell did I come from?”
Retracing my steps is an easier task than I expected. First of all, I didn’t exactly choose a complicated route in my mad dash to escape. No, I ran in as straight a line as is possible when travelling through a natural cave system. Not that I have any clue if this dungeon is natural or not, it just looks like it is. On top of that, there’s also the fact that most of my footsteps left behind literal prints of blood. Definitely wasn’t great at the time, and it still isn’t nice to be walking over a sea of jagged rocks barefoot on barely healed feet. But, I’m not about to complain about anything helping me not end up lost and trapped down here with the gross, ghastly goblins. No thanks fantasy world Goddess, I think you’ve put me through more than enough trauma for one week without that added nightmare.
So yeah, that’s great, but there is a second reason I’m glad that retracing my steps isn’t too hard. I don’t need to think too hard about where to go and can instead focus on way cooler things. Cooler things like the fact that I freaking levelled up! There is seriously nothing so reassuring as watching my health points refill to maximum while looking at the brand-new number two designating my level. Honestly, all the hardships I’ve experienced over the past couple of days might just be worth it for that little change. Well, that little change and the class choices, ability choices, and the extra stat point.
Speaking of, ‘increase constitution by one point.’
Are you sure you want to increase your Constitution value by 1?
Constitution value raised to 10.
Wow, everything feels different. Laela wasn’t kidding about constitution improving resistance to pain and physical harm. It’s like instead of walking over a sea of jagged rocks barefoot, I’m now walking over a sea of jagged rocks while wearing socks!
‘Health Points.’
Health Points: 100/100.
So, I was right. Constitution really does increase my max health by 10 per point. Which reminds me, I need to ask my group how stamina and intelligence points influence regeneration rates.
Whatever, time for juicier stuff, ‘Class Choices!’
Class Choices
Explorer: Increases experience gain by 20% when in an area you have not been to previously.
Unlock Requirements: Travel a grand distance without any knowledge of the upcoming lay of the land.
Jester: Every 10 levels gain 1 bonus statistic point to Charisma.
Unlock Requirements: Make a stranger laugh in your first interaction with them.
Dungeoneer: Increases experience gain by 10% within any dungeon.
Unlock Requirements: Enter any dungeon and fight any monster within.
Vagrant: Every 5 levels gain a bonus statistic point to a random statistic.
Unlock Requirements: Sleep outside of a home with no money.
Barbarian: Every 10 levels gain 1 bonus statistic point to Strength.
Unlock Requirements: Deal bludgeoning damage using a natural weapon found in combat.
Marathoner: Every 15 levels gain 2 bonus statistic points to Stamina.
Unlock Requirements: Continue running even past natural limits set by Stamina.
Vagrant? System you have a seriously messed up sense of humour. And why does it look like one of my best options!? Damn, this is complicated. I’d better speak to my companions before choosing anything.
For now though, what about the ‘Ability choices?’
Ability Choices:
Berserk – For 60 seconds grants 100% bonus to strength statistic and provides bonus to pain resistance dependant on strength statistic. Cost 30 mana. 120 second cooldown.
Second Wind – For 90 seconds grants 100% bonus to stamina statistic and 200% bonus to intelligence statistic. Cost 20 mana. 270 second cooldown.
Mana Bolt – Launch a projectile of pure mana at a target. Base damage equals 100% of Charisma statistic. Cost 6 mana. 20 second cooldown.
Lesser Heal – Channeling Spell. Heal a target by Charisma statistic each second, requires the wound to be held. Cost 5 mana per second. 10 second cooldown.
Okay. A lot of good options here. Lesser heal seems really useful, depending on how quickly mana regenerates. But, then again, for it to be useful I have to take damage. On second thoughts, no thanks. Second wind seems alright. I mean Jaed made good use of it, but considering the leveling strategy we’ve been employing so far hasn’t required ability use at all I’m better off choosing an ability I can use in any future hobgoblin emergencies, so that’s a no too. Mana Bolt is just flat out awesome, and no matter what it would be smart to have a ranged attack. However, from the looks of it doesn’t actually do that much damage compared with a regular old spear thrust. Berserk looks the most promising, it gives extra pain resistance which would be extremely useful in an emergency situation, and also gives extra strength meaning I can run faster and hit harder, a bonus that might have given me the speed I needed to dodge that bastard hobgoblin’s bite in the first place.
It’s not even a choice really. Mana Bolt is so damn cool, but coolness isn’t going to matter if every time I get hurt, I freeze from the pain and find myself unable to think straight enough to use it or any other ability anyway.
‘I choose Berserk.’
Are you sure you want to use 1 ability point to learn the Berserk ability?
Am I? Mana Bolt is so tempting! No, there’s plenty more levels to learn cool abilities in the future if I can live long enough. Think about how much that bite hurt. Focus on surviving.
‘Yes, I want to learn Berserk.’
Learned Berserk ability.
Reed Williams
Health Points:
Mana Points:
Strength: 6
Stamina: 7
Constitution: 10
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 9
Built for endurance:
Every 5 levels gain 1 bonus point to Stamina.
Linguistics Correction:
Innately understand the language of the first being you speak with (Language Designated: Lavraelian). Gain increased efficiency towards learning new languages (intelligence modifier)
Berserk: Level 1
For 60 seconds grants 100% bonus to strength statistic and provides bonus to pain resistance dependant on strength statistic. Cost 30 mana. 120 second cooldown.
Great, there it is. Hopefully, I can still get Mana Bolt next level. Should be possible right since Jaed had Lesser Heal and Second Wind?
A large rock slams into me interrupting my chain of thoughts.
-1 Health Points: Bludgeoning damage.
“Ahh! Freaking hell!” I turn around and see a bastard goblin grinning at me.
I bend down and pick up the rock it threw at me.
My fingers brush over the shape of the rock, feeling its weight on my hand. “It can’t be.” My fingers cross over the familiar sharp point wet with my blood.
The goblin stays grinning at me menacingly. Our standoff continues, each watching the other until it finally scampers away from me.
“Berserk!” I yell, bounding after it.
Berserk activated: 60 seconds remaining.
“You bastard! It’s payback time!”
My limbs feel light as feathers and with ease I close the distance. Before I know it, I’ve even overtaken it. My right arm springs around as I attempt to catch the critter as it rushes past. To my surprise, the rock connects.
Dealt 16 Points: Bludgeoning damage.
It slams to the ground its nose jarringly slanted. I lunge at it and grab its wrist; in defiance its claws rake into my arm.
-5 Health Points: Slashing damage. -4 Health Points: Slashing damage.
My left hand now covered in the goblin’s disgusting, slimy residue and bleeding incessantly barely maintains its grip.
“Fuck you!” I scream as I swing the pointy rock down towards it’s screaming face.
Critical Hit: Dealt 22 Health Points: Bludgeoning damage.
Green blood sprays everywhere as it’s forehead caves in an inch.
I raise my pointy rock up a second time intent on ending this now.
-2 Health Points: Slashing damage.
I barely even feel the claws cutting through my skin. Bless you System for granting me the Berserk ability.
Critical Hit: Dealt 20 Health Points: Bludgeoning damage.
Its skull explodes like a watermelon crushed under a hydraulic press.
Awarded 5 experience points for the defeat of a goblin.
I stand and stare at it. Its head is a gruesome mess. Good that’s payback for last time.
Berserk ability exhausted.
As Berserk wears off I find myself assaulted by the wet sticky feeling of goblin blood and goop all over me. My stomach heaves, I force the bile back down my throat.
“On second thoughts, I really should have taken Mana Bolt.”
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