《Becoming a Hero (Portal Fantasy LitRPG)》Chapter 5
“This is it then, the crossroads.” My stomach is tight.
I’m startled by a voice calling out from behind. “Kid, for fucks sake. You need to find a better place to meditate than the guild entrance.” It’s the tall knight with the eye scar. Seriously? What are the chances?
I sigh and step through the large oak door, and hold it open for him. He steps past brusquely.
The Guild Hall is nearly empty. Looking around I recognize a few familiar faces, including the adventurer group I met yesterday. Whatever, I won’t have to worry about them for long. I make my way to the front desk. Jenae sits behind it alongside another clerk who I am not familiar with. Both wear the same off-white blazer.
With heavy steps I make my way to the counter. “Good morning, Jenae.”
“Morning sir, how may I help you today?” Even now her voice is gentle.
“I had a tough day yesterday.”
“Oh?” She looks at me with interest.
“Adventuring in the dungeon was a nightmare.”
“Oh, that’s terrible.”
“You don’t know the half of it.” My eyes squeeze shut. I refuse to cry in here.
Jenae looks at me with care. “Was there some way the Guild could help ensure your delving experiences are better in the future?”
Eyes still shut I remember the pain, fury, despair, and worst of all the smell. “I can’t do this anymore.”
“Sorry sir, I’m afraid I didn’t hear you. Could you speak up a bit?”
I raise my head slowly from my feet to her eyes. “I can’t do this anymore. I quit.”
There is a pause as Jenae considers me. “There is nothing the Guild can do that would convince you to maintain your membership?” Her eyes implore me to reconsider my choice. I’m sorry Jenae, but it’s not that simple. I don’t want to be an adventurer.
“I’m just not cut out for being an adventurer. I can only quit.”
She nods gravely.
“Very well then, what was your name again sir?”
“Reed Williams.”
“Alright Reed, please wait here while I enter the storage room and collect your files. I should only be a few minutes. When I return, we can formalize your withdrawal from the guild.”
Jenae exits her seat and steps through a small door hidden between bookshelves. My arms slump against the countertop. Talk of levels, monsters, and abilities abounds around me. Despite my best efforts I find myself drawn into the conversations. It really is interesting, but listening is pointless. I couldn’t beat a single cornered goblin. I don’t have what it takes to be an adventurer. I’m not meant to be a hero. I should just go look for some space wizard to whisk me back to Earth.
“Reporting to the Guild.” The outburst of a young woman speaking to the next clerk over jostles me out of my rumination. Her gaze is resolute, like a heroic general overlooking a grand battlefield.
“Fraeya, leader of the Silver Crows. Welcome back. You are here to submit the guild job?”
Bright green eyes, prominent cheeks, delicate wavy brown hair, long slim legs.
“Indeed I am. We were successful in fully exploring the dungeon and as per the Guild’s requirement cleared the dungeon. I am here to finalise my application process to become an A rank adventurer.”
She’s stunning, gorgeous, out of this world beautiful. Wait, A rank adventurer? Hot damn that’s powerful, I think?
“Of course, please wait here Fraeya. I’ll just step into the storage room and collect your files so we can update them. Don’t worry we were expecting you, it won’t be long.” The clerk disappears into the storage room closing the door behind her.
It’s just the two of us now. She’s really something. Maybe I should make a move? But what do I say? I feel lightheaded, how do people come up with conversation starters in situations like this?
With grace and fluidity her body turns to mine and our eyes meet. My heart races. Her soft delicate lips move. “Is something the matter?”
“I thought perhaps, because you are staring at me.” Her voice trails off her and her eyes dart aside. So damn cute.
“What? Oh right I. Umm, sorry about that.” I guess there is no need to worry about starting the conversation then. Okay, think brain. Say something smart for once. “So, Fraeya was it? You come here often?”
She blinks a few times before responding. “I am about to qualify as an A rank adventurer, so yes?”
“Ahh, right, yeah.” Really brain? That is what you come up with!? “So, what’s-”
“Reed Williams.” Jenae’s pops through the door of the storage room, her loud voice interrupting me. “I’ve collected your files and the Guild resignation documents. If you are ready, we can get started with your withdrawal from the guild immediately.”
I turn back to Fraeya and see her staring at me with her beautiful lips pursed, her gorgeous eyes squinted, and her perfect eyebrows forming a sombre v-shape. Even disappointed she’s stunning. Jenae, you demoness, what have you done!?
“Mr. Reed, if you could please hand over your Adventurer Locket so we can get started.”
Right, I came here to quit the guild. To quit the guild. That’s why I’m here. I’m quitting.
“Sir, there is a line.”
I glance behind me. Indeed, a line has formed. That is, unfortunate.
“Your locket please sir.” Jenae calls.
I twist back to Jenae’s outstretched hand. “Hmm. Yes. My locket.”
“Yes Mr. Reed, your locket. You told me you were looking to quit the Adventurer’s Guild.” Jenae flourishes a stack of papers. “Once you hand it over, we can begin that process. I have the resignation sheets right here.”
Wonderful, the papers I need to sign. I glance back at Fraeya’s bewildered face. Damn it! What do I do!?
“Quit!?” My voice booms and I laugh uproariously. “Yes, I want to quit!”
“Right well your locket-”
“Is what I would say if I were a coward!” A loud bang follows my hand slamming down against the hardwood counter. Jenae looks at me dumbfounded one hand still flourishing paperwork. Of course, you wouldn’t understand demoness. It’s your fault I’m in this mess.
“I can’t quit now! The guild needs me! No! The world needs me! I’m going to be the best damn adventurer the world has ever seen!” With each sentence my shouts grow louder and more vigorous. Behind me I no longer hear the idle conversations of adventurers. The rest of the hall has gone completely silent.
“So,” Jenae pauses while looking at me in confusion. “You aren’t quitting?” Don’t worry Jenae, I’m just as confused as you are!
“Of course not! I may only be a new adventurer, but mark my words, I’ll make it to the top!” With every bit of false bravado I can muster, I raise my fist high above my head and point straight up to the sky, a goal far beyond the Guild’s high ceiling.
“I see. Well in that case, a reminder that if you are looking to rank up from F rank to E rank the instructions to do so are in the beginners’ guide at the pamphlet stand.” Jenae points to the pamphlet stand across the room. Seriously Jenae? After all the nice things I thought about you yesterday, this is how you choose to repay me. With betrayal? Give me back my thunder!
“Enough chit chat Jenae, I don’t have time for it. Now, it’s time for me and my rescue puppy,” I turn to Fraeya and point my thumb at my heart “that I rescued! To go into the dungeon and kill some goblins!”
I turn away from both of them and find myself facing the onlooking faces of every single other person in the hall. Face burning, I hastily stride to the exit. Yet, after only three steps Jenae’s soft voice catches up to my retreating figure. “Sorry sir, but you can’t bring pets into the dungeon. Guild policy. Otherwise, have an enjoyable day and good luck delving. As always, we at the Favel branch of the Adventurer’s Guild eagerly await your next visit.”
I’ve made it to the centre of the hall. It’s not far to the exit. I can just leave. No! I can’t let it end on that note! Jenae’s taunts must not be the final words! Not with Fraeya listening! With a wide flourish of my arms that demands attention I proudly exclaim “Not to worry fellow adventurers, I promise that I’ll leave a few goblins alive for the rest of you!”
The room is still eerily silent, my skin crawls as I stand arms outstretched above my head. Every pair of eyes transfixed on me. Slowly my arms lower. Hopefully no one can tell how sweaty I am. Maybe if I start picturing people naked, no it’s too late. But then again, I quickly glance behind me towards Fraeya. Wait, did I seriously say I was going to be the best damn adventurer the world has ever seen?
The guild storage door opens again and the other clerk’s head pops through. “Aela. Thank you for waiting. I’ve got your adventurer files ready. We can begin your advancement to A rank immediately.”
As her voice breaks the silence the people in the room finally turn away from me to consider her addition to the unfolding drama.
Wide-eyed the clerk looks around the room. “Did I do something?”
I hope my voice didn’t sound so frazzled.
“Do not worry about it. Please let us get started.” Fraeya responds. As if those words were the passcode to a return to normality one by one the other people within the hall return to their previous conversations and business. Thank goodness.
Seeing this I continue towards the exit, but at the doorway I stop. My eyes pass over the pamphlet stand. I make my way over as stealthily as possible and grab a beginner pamphlet. I turn to look back at Fraeya. Still speaking to the clerk. Phew, she didn’t notice.
“Hey, Reed was it?”
I recognize that voice. “Graem?” Twisting around I come face to face with the group of adventurers from yesterday.
“That was an amazing speech, Reed! We talked it over as a group and decided that anyone who can fall in a puddle of goblin shit on their first delve and the next day can stand in the middle of the Guild Hall and yell about becoming the best damn adventurer must be someone who really has the character needed to reach those heights.”
“Umm… What?”
“No need to be modest. We talked it over as a group and it was unanimous. We want to invite you to join our Adventuring Group! We need someone determined and single-minded like you who can remind us why we are doing this. Someone to keep us focused on becoming the best!”
I consider each of their faces in turn. They seem earnest? “You’re serious?”
“Indeed.” Graem nods and many of the rest of the group standing behind him nod too.
I turn and look at Fraeya. She is diligently signing her name across some important guild paperwork. Goodness, even her brush strokes are elegant.
“Well, it was bound to happen!” I shout while peering at the Guild’s front desk out of the corner of my eye. “I’m not at all surprised that capable, glory loving Adventurer groups can clearly see my talent and potential and are lining up to scout me into their ranks! Of course, I would be happy to join a group with as lofty aspirations as yours! We’ll rise to the top together!”
The room quietens again and… Damn it, she didn’t even glance my way.
“Great, then that settles it! We’ll head to the dungeon now!” Graem reaches out his hand to shake mine. I grasp it gingerly.
“Right now?” I quickly glance back at Fraeya, she is still scribbling away. I turn back to their expectant faces “Err. I mean if you insist then let’s head to the dungeon…”
The walk through the loud and busy city streets was undertaken in relative silence. It was peaceful, natural even. As the newcomer to their adventuring group, I did not want to break that peace. Even if it was giving me far too much time to contemplate all the stupid decisions that led me here.
But now walking beside the warm, quiet countryside I can’t take it anymore. I step over to Graem’s elder sister and break the silence. “I don’t think we ever properly met. I’m Reed.”
“Laela” she smiles back. “Great to be working with you Reed. So, if you don’t mind me prying, where are you from?”
Oh no… How could I forgot that initiating a conversation can lead to follow up questions? “Far away?” I splutter.
“Far away, like, outside Lavrael far away?”
“So where exactly?”
“You’ve probably never heard of it.” A laugh escapes my lips. Hopefully she will catch on that I don’t want to share.
Her eyes twinkle. “Try me!”
Okay, I guess not.
Graem interjects. “Sis, leave him alone if he doesn’t want to talk about his past.” Bless you Graem, I take back everything I thought about not wanting your help. You are absolutely the hero I want and need.
“He can speak for himself if he’s feeling uncomfortable.” Laela snaps back at Graem then steps up closer to me and gently inquiries “Are you feeling uncomfortable?”
“A little yeah, I’m not really comfortable talking about my origins.”
Graem gives Laela a pointed look, she just rolls her eyes.
“So, what’s your class and subclass then?” Laela asks stepping back a bit.
“My class? Umm, I don’t have one yet.”
Various gasps escape my new companions’ mouths. Almost as one they turn and stare at me.
“Is that so weird?”
“No, it’s not. In fact, it makes a lot of sense how you had so much trouble with the goblins then.” Laela replies.
“Then why are you all looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” Gorm asks his face the clear picture of judgmental confusion.
Before I can respond Graem speaks. “Because Reed, your goblin slayer speech in the Guild Hall was far too rousing for a level one.”
“How do you know I’m level one?”
Graem eyebrows reach the apex of his face. “Because everyone gets their main class at level two.” He pauses for a second before continuing. “That’s common knowledge, everyone knows that.”
“Not everyone… I didn’t…”
Graem’s face scrunches and his eyes flicker aimlessly, “Indeed. I suppose not. It must somehow not be common knowledge where you come from. Sorry about that.”
“No, it’s fine. Just, please don’t assume I’ll know something that all you high level adventurers know just because you think it’s common knowledge.”
“That we can do! After all we already do it for you right Gorm!?” Laela whimsically chimes in eliciting snorts from Graem and Jaed. Gorm huffs but ends up smiling too.
Graem forms a half-smile on his face. “We aren’t actually all that high level either. But considering you are level one and have nothing to share then why don’t we all go through our classes and roles with you? It can be a bit dry, but it’s important for each of us to know if we are going to be able to fight cohesively as a team.”
“Explain away. Please. You have no idea how happy it would make me.”
Finally! I’m going to learn the Goddess damned rules of this world.
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