《omni-verse cleaning monster》chapter 10 troll it had to be troll


---------------------change of pov to MC-----------------

Well, this little distraction has done its jobs. The crew of the bridge did not seem to remark that none of the transmission had any encoded frequency embedded into them.

Now my force would hit full force, this time I had a dedicated Broodmothers supervises the battle.

To be able to open wormhole at will make for some of the most bastard tactical moves I could think about. The city had been flooded with infested for a week before the admiral showed up.

And ordering an infested to make a cup of joe was just for laughs. But when that marine drank it well the cup was made by an infested I let you figure it out what kind of water he had used.

Now for the scene I made on the bridge it could be resumed to shit and giggles, and add a little touch of dread into their life.

As for the radio shenanigans. I had to thank the newest and the evilest creation of the Zerg swarm, the moderator.

This little bastard was my answer to information warfare. A couple of months ago I came across one particular breed of floating living bag of methane. They had the unusual ability to talk to each other via radio wave. The local considered them as a pest, messing with the music radio and such.

The moderator similar to the one that tends to the forum on the internet. They would check any radio wave communication and relay it to the command breed.

Now to keep this useful ability and to make it useful to me I had done extensive modifications to the breed. Form the size of a cat to the size of a pickup truck, extension of the radio wave manipulation organs. A new Brain to process more information at once.

Sadly the moderator as not inherently psionic and could not be made high in my command chain since they were below overlord.but they were had a lot of social intelligence. If you are wondering was it is, it is simply the ability to communicate well.

They were natural jamming devices.but it seems that the social intelligence I left them would cause problem, they are a chatterbox.

But on the other side, ever since they figured that stupid human were using radio wave to communicate. They developed troll personality, to be a more precise internet troll.

They would stay silent listening to the communication, learn the tone of voice, speech patterns, accent and then start communicating to other people radio. Telling them a comment, insult and being a total asshole. Just to watch people tearing at each other.


On a battlefield ever since they became the troll of zerg kind was being even more of a dick. The commander back on the planet just heard that he just gave the most rallying speeches to the defending section of his army to charge inside the enemy stronghold, while to the section that should have attacked was given one of the most desperate calls for help ordering them to come back to him. All sounded exactly like him.

Chaos and mayhem followed everywhere they went. And seeing the results of their action I was sure they were living of it.

But back to action now I had a fleet to destroy.

The first move done by my swarm was to open a wormhole right above the escort fleet. Sending all kind of flyers to fill the space next to them.

Scourge would be sent as kamikaze straight into their ship. Mutalisk targeted the anti-air and the fighter escort. Broodlord and Guardian keep throwing their attack at them. Leviathan and behemoth send the tentacles into the various ship.

And the Moderator, they we’re having a blast making all distress call, be put on hold and making them listen to elevator music. They could also interfere with inner ship communication, the only safe way to communicate was a landline if it was wireless it was free game for them.

And all of this happened while I was chatting with the poor admiral, who was about to be ram into by a leviathan. 40k tactics for the win and I plan to push it toward the surface, some scourge will hit atmospheric stabilizator soon.

If he survives that, well there a monster apocalypse going down there. It could use more actors.

10 Minute later.

Yup, it is going down, the Leviathan had been heavy wounded doing so I might need to re-enforce the head of my living ship for ramming purposes.

------------------Admiral pov--------------------

(Admiral) Open a channel! Where are my escort ?!!

The machine lets a silence going for a while and responded in a monotone voice.

(Moderator) I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.

The Admiral was horrified, whatever was out there had cut him off of his ability to coordinate his fleet, and the space around his ship was filled to the brims with hostile. Laser beams communication needs a clear line to work.

(Admiral) Keep trying to contact anyone and send an automated distress call on all channels.

This was all he could do in this situation, he only had one more order to give.

(Admiral) Open the intercom.

One of the crewmen did so and gave a salute to the admiral after realizing what will happen.


(Admiral) Gentlemen, it has been an honor serving with you, evacuate the ship and if any of you survive your order is to tell what happened here.

———————-Back to our MC —————

Oh well, the ship heading towards the hill near the colony.

Today space engineering of the Starcraft universe could allow a ship to make a rough landing (read as a crash) in multiple scenarios, survivors were to be expected.

The expected lifespan of any survivors in an infested planet, well let us said that infested don’t really need to eat much to live, but they like chewing on stuff it makes them stronger.

Basically, it was exactly like a zombies' movie for them, a few hundred versus around 4 500 000 (note this is half the population of New York) infested and they will not have the ammunition to outgun what was here. And that not counting my new infested marine who would offer cover fire. Nor any of the variant mutations in the infested population, after all, change were the spice of life.

————Changes to the Marine Commander ——-

The man looked at the sky and saw the flagship coming down. He was tired, his marine corps have been butchered only leaving him a hundred man and woman under his command.

It was impossible to coordinates any force here since any order he had given were intercepted and modified to cause the worst possible scenario to happen.

The only survivors had all cut off their radio since no one believed what was said there, or on some channels, it was the theme for from jaw. On a planet like this you will become paranoid fast and be listening to that music was asking for an accident to happen.

The officer looked at his men, they were weary, most of them had seen friends die in some horrible way, or the many who just turned into them.

Only ones alive were the ones who had kept the visor closed during the fight against them. Blood spatter and other fluids the infested were covered in was highly infectious.

They keep moving since holding any position was a death sentence.

And seeing the various shuttle and dropship leaving the ship had given them hope that one of them would come pick them up and leave this hellhole.

Behind them was a literal horror show following them. All of them speaking with two voices, one of them called out for help, begging, crying, asking someone to kill them.

And the other voice was at the same time both sinister and cheerful calling out for them to join, making comments on the lovely weather or promoting the benefits of being infested like the health plan that covers immortality with dental care.

Generally pure madness.

The commander was tired and hoped that whatever happened in space was going well enough for them to be able to flee. But seeing the ship coming down was not good for the morale.

The infested began to roar as the ship was coming down and the voice of the Overmind could be heard as millions of infested spoke as one.

(Overmind) Abandon all hopes, you lost your last ship so surrender to the swarm and your fate will be merciful.

As the voice came down one shuttle flew past the marine only to be hit by a scourge crushing all their hope left. Some of the marines dropped they weapons to the ground, other just keep running away.

The commander just dropped to his knees knowing full well there was no way to hide the horde nor fight it, they did not bring enough bullet.

As the infested caught up to him, the last thoughts of as the unpinned grenade blew up, was one to have as many kills as he could.

-----------------------------MC pov-------------------------------------

It took an hour to catch all the stragglers and survivors left in the colony, and a day to locate the distress beacon and reprogram it to blame an extremist faction of UED.

Who knows, someone stupid might fall for it but I won’t count on it.

During the time I transferred the infested to the maw I had acquired a lot of them. They are mostly civilians before joining my swarm but with the hive mind, they all knew how to use weapons and machines of the directorate. I only need to supply them with the good.

To make a fully complete infested marine it needed more mass that was available in a regular human so it needed for them to ingest food/creep or in a special case, a powerful psionic just pouring psi energy to make the difference.

Physic law gets weird when a lot of psionic energy is gathered at one place. This was a new field of research for me and had only my own experiences to guide myself, maybe I should visit the Protoss or Ulnar the xel'naga temple hidden in the Alterian Rift

It is great that the tech just lying there, I would need a Protoss to unlock haft of it, a few volunteers could be acquired

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