《omni-verse cleaning monster》Chapter 11 Windows shopping


-----------MC POV--------------

(Overmind) Well, I had my fun.

I was currently on route to next stop.

The world of Grohothea, it was the military industrial production center which is provided around 40% of the Directorate weapon, armor, and vehicle.

I wanted to steal everything there. The industry on that world would be transfer into the Maw

were I would modify it for my need.

I had plenty of infested civilian, while a good old infested was terrifying to a regular human, they are not bulletproofed so with enough application of violence they would die.

So I planned to equip my infested with newly produced power armor, weapons, and munitions. The factory in this world was perfect for this purpose.

While all Zerg had a low opinion on technology since they would evolve if they needed to be. I know fang and claw will not cut it,

In certain universes, I plan to go exist creature, monster, demon, and god that the swarm alone with traditional methods will never be able to eliminate.

So I wanted my infested as an irregular army fully armed and stocked with anything I could come across.

Currently, my plan was for Sasha to be in command, my medical intervention had saved her and finally connected her to the swarm.

Her memory really did not need to be edited, we negotiated in her mind space when I mentioned the health care given to the infested, she really seems to have a moral dilemma. I do honestly not know as to why that seemed to be more effective in negotiation than all of my previous argument, it just health care.

I mean it is easy for me, to make sure that any infested body is as healthy as possible. Anything that could make a zerg sick would have to be made by something like Nurgle when he is making an effort, a minor one but he is the God Of Plague in 40K that alone make it far worse than any of is competitors.

And honestly, some part of me (the one living in Defiler and Infestor) can't wait to compare note with him. Lore-wise he seems like a helpful dude if only his help was not so infectious.

This time no cunning plan or taking the easy way.

This world is rather well fortified, plenty of defense station in orbit, a private defense fleet, fortified positions, with a population of billions and most of them working in an Arms factory of some kind or in private army employed by the owner of this world.

My side, the Maw.

Seem unfair, to them.

The wormhole opened letting the Maw get out of warp space (the travel method). We were located around 54.6 million kilometers (33.9 million miles it is the distance to Mars from Earth) on the astronomical scale in the neighborhood. As I left the wormhole my escort fleet soon followed. The Leviathan and Behemoth took their place around the living world, Mutalisk and other smaller flyer scatter filling the space around it.

Even at this distance, the local computer must have given the alert that a planet just existed the largest recorded wormhole in their history. If not, then, well destroying the directorate will be a joke.

As the Maw was getting closer to the intended world the mere presence of the world was already causing damage, with it gravity as of now not damped by psi energy.

Storms were already started and waves around the world ocean were getting bigger and bigger. Wild animals were scared and behave erratically so in a violent way. Other by hiding or simply fleeing. But what was more interesting was the magma under the world crust, just as the water in the ocean created a bigger wave so to the boiling lava, for now, it was only an increase in tectonic activity. But if it were to continue, volcano and earthquake will be a problem they have to worry about.


My swarm flew forward the defending fleet, faster breed going ahead of the massive wave of zerg unit.

Scourge as always was the first to meet the enemy, acting as living missile they targeted everything, their sacrifice allows my overseer to figure out where the weakness in the defensive net, to exploit and expand allowing more and more zerg to get in range.

Mutalisk followed soon behind. While one of my fastest flyers, compared to the propulsion given by an engine there it is slow but if we speak of maneuverability nothing can beat them, able to do turn and change its direction that would rip apart any man-made fighter.

And soon after the assortment of specialist breed began doing their job as support.

The UED never really fought the zerg and no one from the expedition came back to inform them. Against the Zerg swarm is the most dangerous thing about them is simply number.

The directorate uses the doctrine that big and powerful gun solves everything. Most of their defense is giant rail gun, great at keeping capital ship away but against a billion of flying zerg they don’t do shit.

Sure my Behemoth and Leviathan were in danger from them. But at the range they were, we could dodge. The Maw did take some hits but most of them just got deflected.

As the last defending space station got destroyed. The Maw got into close orbit with the world. The fleet simply ran away despite the efforts of my Broodmothers. The space surrounding the rather quick battle was filled with debris and corpse and many of them being pulled in by the Maw gravity.

The world below, well they were having a biblical level apocalypse from the new storms, volcanoes erupting everywhere, tsunami waves the size of skyscrapers and powerful earthquake.

But where was the capital and production center, the region was stable. Mostly because of my power was stabilizing the place. But I came here for the factory and the vast store of equipment that I needed to fit my irregular into a proper army. I did not want to damage the production line too much.

———————-Corporate Ceo(?) pov——————

As the planet size monster hovered over the world, covering the sky over the capital. By some miracle, the planet did not rip itself into piece yet.

But a report from a city on other continent was desperate. No invasion force came to destroy them but the weather was doing the job for them.

The abomination in the sky had begun to open it titanic mouth, the size of it large enough to swallow his city whole with a good portion of the countryside. Then in the back of his mind, he heard something impossible to hear, the planet roared in space, but no sound came out of it but he still heard it.

He had heard of those psionic power who could talk into one mind. But they were incredibly rare and could be only found in the koprulu sector.

As the psionic roaring continued the monster began to regurgitate an incredible amount of flesh pod towards his city.

What was once a heavy defended airspace was flooded by millions of drop pod. Anti-air tower roared and began to throw everything at them.

Some genius in the military compound had ordered to send every nuclear weapon towards the inside the mouth of the living planet.

The sky brightened with hundreds of nuclear explosions, none of them anywhere near the planet. All of them were intercepted before they even left the atmosphere. A vast amount of dead creature fell towards the ground caught by the premature explosion, like a rain of flesh spreading blood and inward all over.


As the battle continued, tube-like creature hit defensive positions by falling into them from orbit. Every time one hit the ground, he could feel it from the way small impact vibrations happen.

Bat-like creatures flew in the sky attacking anyone on the roof or trying to fly away. Sometimes one could be seen swooping low to the ground grabbing a poor fellow and eating him on some roof.

Flying crab and something similar but eyes everywhere were floating above his city. They were looking for something as the destruction continued.

Creatures looking like a dragonfly with incredible long tongue were grabbing people from high in the sky and letting them fall towards the ground, and each time a sound similar to a laugh could be heard every time it happened.

Around of his city, drop pod keeps falling in revealing new and monstrous creature.

A purple substance began spreading toward his city. Whenever the substance touches a corpse it began to dissolve at an insane pace.

On the edge of the city near the wall. A six-legged creature with a feminine torso could be seen surrounded by small beast looking like scorpions.

The feminine alien seems to order the scorpion looking one around. He had to look at one who attached itself to the wall, and it formed a cocoon around itself. This scene could be soon looked happened in every direction surrounding the city.

As this scene was happening millions of land alien began to rush into the city, killing everyone in the way.

Inside of the city shelter people who were exposed the alien blood began to convulse in mass. People were terrified to see their loved one dying when they believed to be safe.

But as the apparent sickness calm down, the infected began to mutate at an incredible pace and began to violently attack anyone, butchering the civilian hiding inside the shelter.

The last surviving members of the security forces were attacked from everywhere, alien flyer in the sky harassing them all the time, beast from outside the city pouring in untold numbers and from the back where the civilians had been hiding, monstrous parodies of human running towards them.

The battle was lost before he knew it, they had no chance from the start.

As time passed the thing the aliens that were working on the wall began to take shape as a membrane began to form covering the city, and from his seismic sensors the same was happening below ground.

The cocoon around his city was done, though wireless cameras outside the city he saw titanic living ships coming from orbit releasing tentacles to grab the cocooned city and pulling it towards space.

As the last of his camera ceased to function, the CEO of the richest and powerful weapons manufacturers began to hear claw against metal just outside of his emergency bunker.

The man took a moment to contemplate his life. Then he took a pistol from under his desk.he put the gun towards his head and pulled the trigger ending his life before what he had seen could be done to him.

——————-MC POV————

Well, that done. The city peacefully being towed into the maw. To his disappointment, the Maw wanted for a while to take a bite from a planet and it kinda pissing him that he have to spoon-feed him.

(Overmind) Alright, alright I will let you take a bite after the city is safe inside of you.

The maw while having a brain made of cerebrate essence was had a simple mind.

He was overjoyed to take a bite of a world but waited patiently for the Overmind price to be safe inside of him. While waiting, he looked through the full eyes of overseer to find be the best place to bite into.

As the city was placed inside the maw in a section open for it. the maw propelled itself towards the world taking a bite into an ocean coast, accidentally drinking million of liter of water.

This accident had the side effect of creating a huge pool, full of microbial organisms.

The result of this incident was me wanting to beat myself with a stick since I discovered that my own microbe was able to live inside of the pool.

A quick application of zergs biological warfare cleanse the pool of any non-Zerg living organisms. I began to mutate new organ inside of the maw turning the water into a rich and nutritious solution maximizing the living conditions for my own use.

The second thing, he was made aware of in this incident was the design flaw I have made creating the maw. Soon cocoon began to spread everywhere each the size of Americans states.

The process was slow but it will make impossible for something to flood the inside of the maw.

And finally a dedicated digestive track for the maw. With great acid lake. Maybe I may have overdone myself the acidity, it was so great that roach would be dissolved in mere moments.

After all of this, I had the infested horde move into the city cleaning it of debris and inspecting the facilities, it had taken some considerable damage. But with the numbers of engineer I had infested, I knew what to do to fix everything.

The bad news was that the CEO off himself with brain damage, I could not extract any information from it.

I received a report from my broodmothers that their campaign was progressing but their tactics were horrible. While I remember what Abathur told Kerrigan in heart of the swarm that broodmothers were made to serve the leader of the swarm but never threatened it. that means it will always easy for the leader of the swarm to deal with it subordinate.

Their strategy was always the same, send stuff till the thing you want dead, is dead.It worked because they had a lot of stuff to throw with.

While I had learned that I needed to delegate more, I might need more outside help if I am to ever have a good commander. Speaking of delegating the broodmothers had no problem managing their brood since their psionic control over them had been perfected by the flesh work of Abathur during their creation.

As all of this happen, somewhere inside the maw a chrysalis stir.

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