《omni-verse cleaning monster》Chapter 2 Ever heard of small step


*The zerg overmind?

- Yup if i have to fight universe some will have sci-fi element like space fleet i can't think of a race that can destroy my future enemy and adapt to every situation as well that the zerg. And if i become the overmind i will have complete control over the swarm.

*Good choice i was afraid you would take an overpowered character as a model like Alucard or something plainly annoying like those cosmic prankster like a Q.


-Nope, nope never a Q really.

*It has been asked before.


*You ain't the first partner I had or will be the last.

-.... how many.

*You don't want to know.


That i did not know it seems that the old bastard (name pending) have done this before me. I wonder how did they fail did they took the most power ability they could think and hoped it would work or did were sent to a universe that it law negated those power.

-So how do we start this show.

*That my job since you want to be the overmind i will look the Starcraft universe to look for possibility.

-Quick question will i have to start in that universe to destroy or can i go to a new one immediately.

*Well you will have to take control of a feral brood first and it takes a year to change universe. If you don't succeed and it a good idea to leave this one for later since the linchpin is Sarah Kerrigan after she become a xel'naga.

-... wow you sure don't make it easy.

*Well i could send you to Warhammer 40k as an imperial guard if you complain too much.

-Dead threat received and understood on since we are that note who is the linchpin in 40k?

*All god-like being and those near unkillable existence that universe produce like there are cheap or something. There a lot of story in that universe and that make a lot linchpin.

-That a big shopping list and way too overpowered.

*Yeah it on the chopping block and you will have to deal with it but not now i ain't that evil.

-Thank you i guess.

Taking a moment for myself i feel somewhat afraid of going to the 40k universe. I mean there the literal god-emperor of mankind, the 4 chaos god that fuck with reality at least 100 time every day and i mean figuratively and literally. Plus there are the Primarch and every other Xenos empire i will have to deal with. Yeah happy not to have to go there for now.


-So let start this rodeo.

*Just waiting for you to get ready now i will send you just a couple of months before Raynor save infested Kerrigan in Starcraft 2 wings of liberty.Since you want to be the overmind i look at when he had control over the swarm i have find something interesting. In every zerg unit, building and in the creep even they are a living microbe size creature that is psionic. They power are so tiny that they are often forgotten and dismiss. But there is quite the ingenious trick that the old overmind used, this trick that would have him be every zerg of his swarm making him immortal (expect when he did that i want to manifest on aiur for someone or something to be able to kill him since he did not want to be Amon slave any longer). You will be send into those microbes and you will link yourself to each one of them, as the number increase so will your mental faculty return and power grow.

-Wait mental faculty, microbe.

*Yes have fun as the zerg version of an amoeba.


A flash of light engulfs me I have the sensation of being catapulted across a vast distance. Then I feel like I hit a wall, I Knew this particular wall was named Blizzard-starcraft universe section Koprulu sector time 2504/09/02. Just because someone, somewhere was feeling like a dick to me make sure I knew that I will remember where I was going, feel like a ton of brick in the face.

Then started my life as an amoeba,amoebalisk amoebaling? I will have to ask someone else for opinion on this. Let me honest with all of you since lacking mental faculty allow 4wall breaking. Being an amoeba ain't boring since i am currently too stupid to realize what being bored is.

It took a month for me to link those amoebas in a psi network that replaced my own brain neuron. Then I was as intelligent as a rock, a stupid rock by rock standard mind you. By the time I was me again Raynor was already collecting the artifact and Kerrigan was too distracted to notice little old me.

My network spread amongst a feral brood on some backwater, barren planet that I didn't know the name of.I gained enough psionic power to assume command of a hatchery, five drones, and an overlord.


As my drone gather mineral that i needed to begin my own brood. A single feral zergling was prowling on the edge of my awareness to far for me to possess and damn to near for me to relax.If i lose this Hatchery i got back to my dumb as rock phase. Not that i am a genius right now i am still stupid but i can form thought at the level of young child. I know i do not control this zergling and he could be an enemy.

Then the zergling left probably hunting something that runs there is more fun the play with. Crisis dodged and as a bonus, I was so distracted by that lone zerg I did not notice that my lovely drone did gather enough mineral to morph a spawning pool. I am happy I will have some zergling of my own soon, Yay happy dance no drone keep working stop dancing, still, they are cute when dancing Now you little one morph into a spawning pool and those little larvae into more drone to collect more mineral. Fun fact creep also collect mineral at a slower rate but under the creep, they have a root that digs into the earth looking for a trace amount of the stuff and collects it.

Time skip 30 min

Spawning pool complete

Great let make some zergling and a queen maybe she will be sentient and that it will also boost my own intelligence.

5 Minute, it all it took to make a couple of zergling. How the hell the Terran and the Protoss are still alive if it takes short of a time to make a zergling i wonder how much it takes to make a leviathan a week maybe. I will abuse this, i will so abuse this. As i begin my delusion for my own swarm the queen was birthed and without my instruction began to care at the hatchery and laying creep tumor around spreading the creep on a larger scale. This add the side effect of multiplying my connection at a much higher rate increasing my intelligence and my ability to think.

As my thought become clearer, my mind started making more decision faster like creating more drone and a lot more zergling if i wanted that brood i must make it. Oh i remember now the queen i wanted to see if she was sentient or not.

-Queen do you hear me?

The queen stopped petting the larva to they displeasure and lookup in general direction of the central node of my psi connection.

(zerg queen) Yeeees.

Alright, I get the feeling I should not ask something complicated. But let make kinda hard to I want to see her faculty to plan.

-Can you manage this hatchery and make it a primary hive cluster?

(zerg queen) At this time no, if I were to evolve to my next stage certainly but I would need an evolution chamber and a lair.

-Can you make an evolution chamber and a lair? (zerg queen)Yeeees.

-Do it.

Alright not bad i can delegate now a little. Thinking about delegating i should make Broodmother and cerebrate when i can. The Best kind of ruler are those that rule without ruling. I have now a dozen zergling i send them exploring in different direction around my base. And strangely there little sign of life other that plant like brush every 100m or so. Where are the zergling i saw earlier?

As I contemplate this one of zergling disappeared from my sight.

-OK, we are not alone everyone back to the base now.

I send my order via the psy emission and soon all my unit turn back by the time my troop was at my base I lost three more. I was agitated this was not good. I hope it not Dark Templar or something amongst those lines I have no real way to defend myself.

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