《omni-verse cleaning monster》chapter 3 It had to be rat


am may or may not have an enemy on this rock.(I lost 4 zergling this is pretty much confirmed). So the question is, how much I am screwed and do I am able to protect myself.

I mean if it is the Protoss they have the tech to burn planet little old me ain't at the stage I can boast about the infinite swarm I have exactly eight zergling and one queen (that is surprisingly good at her job of taking care of my base) to defend myself.

I need an expansion to gather more resource and multiplying my own network. But where should I send it I barely done any recon? What to do, What to do. I do have an Overlord that is flying lazily maybe he can scoot out for me.

But since I have only one I can't afford to lose it, yeah he kinda acts like a relay for my growing psionic power. I mean he been ordering my drone around since I got him and oversee my more excitable minion.

I could make more but I am running short on resource. I realized a few moments ago that the convenient blue crystal field named Mineral was kinda smaller that I remember. I mean zerg don't need it, to grow fast sure, but long term we can live with almost nothing. The creep will collect everything I need, at snail pace and recycle everything the zerg might produce as waste and make it available as resource to me. So bigger my creep field is the better.

After pondering at this I chose to send my zergling again, but as a group, to explore the edge of my creep field.

At the same time, I made one more overlord just in case.

3 Hour of scouting later.


Nothing there fucking nothing, No enemy, no tracks and no resource deposit that I may use to create an expansion. The only noteworthy thing that happened was my queen keep spreading the creep and made use of my excess resources to build an extractor.

At first, I was lost as for why build an extractor on just plain creep so I had to ask.

-Queen why did you build that extractor just now. It did not have any vespene gas deposits there?

The Queen did her equivalent of a scare jump.

(Zerg Queen) Hiiii


(Zerg Queen) pardon me, my lord, as for your question it is quite simple. While we do not have a geyser to draw the catalyst needed, an extractor have the ability to produce it at low level, but it needs a large field of creep to gather energy needed for it.

-Energy? Can you elaborate?

(zerg queen) yes, the creep collects any easy to use the energy it comes across to help our structure perform better. But as you see right now we can use this free to use energy to produce missing elements that are needed.

Wow first the zerg are a sneaky bastard, leave them alone and forgotten on a resourceless planet with a nearby star and they will be back. And second, the queen speak a lot better that before.

-Alright, I will leave you with it.

The queen seams happy to praise.

Alright, so there two things to look for now energy and my mystery enemies.

Time skip a day

Well, I lost a zergling to a cave in, apparently, there are tunnels here under the surface. They were also prone to collapse and that was all my missing zergling died. The tunnel is not that bad but the local not do much. It is filled to the brim of creepy rat-like creatures, the size of a dog, with no eyes that really like to scream like a banshee. Yup, my first quest will a rat extermination job, somewhere in the omniverse a mad god is laughing his ass out of my situation I just know it.


So I started exactly like predecessor would have done in my situation, hunt them to the last. It did not go as smoothly as I hoped, there a lot of them and few of mines. But like always zerg adapt to the problem. Turn out creep dissolve corpse like a champ, the more I killed them, the more I could make zergling and the faster the killing got.

Right now I had created my expansion next to the pit as I call it now. With it own queen governing it. At main primary hive, I had my evolution chamber created and made an upgrade at my forces. And since the battle raging right were underground I make sure that the burrow ability was made available to me.

While the combat was going on I began to look at the essence of those banshees rat. I was a complete noob at this, genetics manipulation was not encoded into me I needed an Abathur like creature to weave it for me, but they do not grow on a tree. If I remember his introduction in Starcraft 2 heart of the swarm he did say he was a brood of one. Honestly, that was stupid I would make a lot of them and make them compete, so each try something different to achieve the same goal. And take the best results at the end.

Still, I began to theorize that I could learn to do myself as my intelligence grow. I mean I am a zerg, it will come naturally. Oh, I do have some plan to add to my swarm Kaiju from pacific rim and Godzilla. The Gravemind of the flood form the Halo universe. The bioform of the Tyranid form 40k. And those only from sci-fi universe what about the magical creature like a dragon or absurd meta-human form DC or Marvel.

I would probably also collect my own infested royalty from those universes. People like Tanya von Degurechaff form Yōjo Senki she would be a good military advisor. Or Shepard from Mass effect he could be my special op, preparing the way for my swarm. Maybe even seven of nine from Star Trek Voyager as a scientific advisor, because the swarm may evolve to adapt they are some tech that I would need to acquire like that replicator of Star Trek and for my own fun Jaeger for shit and giggle.

Still, those rats were a bit of a mystery to me their little food on this planet to feed upon. There is some plant but they would never feed that large population of rat. I mean the pit, in turn, out to become a meat grinder. They keep coming to push us out of the tunnel.

Alright, I am sick of them if it is a tunnel war they want they gonna get roach.

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