《omni-verse cleaning monster》1-1



Waking up feeling like shit. I open my eye and then close them as fast as a could.

-Nope still dreaming.

Still feeling pain all over that not normal yet what I saw ain't more normal either in fact the damn right opposite.

yo wake up

... what the hell I still have my eye closed.

Well if your still escaping reality allow me to present myself I am the Worlds Systems

I ignore the box in form of me like a politician ignore common sense.

alright kid glove off now

That sound bad


I open my eye again a scream

Just as the pain becomes unbearable it ceases.

-What the hell, the fuck

And then I take a moment to look around and see something a mortal mind should not look at. The Omniverse in all its glories and its many many horrors.

Finally and don't stare too much it might stare back at you

-Nietzsche really and where the fuck I am, Fuck I know it is the multiverse but how the heck I know that.

Well hello to you too and good fucking morning if I tell you that you have a job what comes to mind.

-A job???

Suddenly I remember I have a job to do and I must start as soon as I cant.

-What the hell?

-Why I am in the omniverse, that my Job is that and why do I know all that but don't remember anything as for why.

Well actually it all the same answer, one lazy bastard dumped his work on you gave you no choice but to do it and because of he the type of assholery he like he removed all your memory of him.

I take a deep inspiration and start thinking about everything. The task I was ordered to do pretty straightforward. My ¨Boss¨ is some kind Omniscient being that supposed to govern our little Conner of the Omniverse.The problem is that my earth is a high world what we imagine become a reality and we have a lot of imagination. So is easy job became troublesome and he is supposed to take care of all those new realities that keep popping up faster and faster.He did not want the trouble so he went to find someone to take of those, not managing them or anything close to that. He wants ME to go that new reality and destroy anything and everything and then move to the next.


-Ok I am calmed now so now what

Well, now I have to explain how you are supposed to destroy a reality. In each of those realities there a linchpin a catalyst a center a hero in most of them.

- A hero?

Yup lets take an easy one, take the Harry Potter universe, the catalyst is the young Harry and when he dies, his world loses his protection after a while and easily destroyed. But for as long there someone that can help him alive or any state sentient live form willing harry will suffer the hero curse of always having a way to come back from the dead. So you must kill his ally friend and enemy (trust me, there are more of a pain than the rest) if you want the linchpin to become vulnerable and obtainable.

-So I will need a lot of killing power for this task.

Yup that where I help you. In case you have not look at yourself you are a floating ball of light.

-!!!!!!! ok why I am so ok whit this

Spoilsport, I guess he must dump the info on that too. I will help you obtain a new body for the job you have to choose though but try something whit lot of power and adaptability there a lot of different universes out there and some have op stuff that you need to kill.

-A body that can kill universe, that can adapt to every situation and can go fight some of the most op characters in fiction?

Thinking about this a race form one of my favorite game.

-The zerg overmind

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