《Hunter x Hunter: Gon Freecs, The Multiverse Gamer.》Chapter 11: 287th Exam x Prelude to a legend Part 3


Third Person POV: Gon

287th Hunter Association Exam, Days Remaining: -0

Zaban City, Marlon Inn,


Gon lazily stretched in the bed as the alarm signaled for him to wake up.

Between the anticipation for the hunter exam and the excitement over the new skills he developed in the last week, his emotional state had influenced his meditative habits.

Even kite didn’t push him so hard. Thanks to that short but rigid regimen, his dark priest class jumped from level 4 to 5. Meditation offered him an outlet during boat trips, both to control his emotions and train some way other than just hunting sharks.

In the last two days, he also developed a new skill:


New skill acquired:

Dark Priest: Level 5

Class Skill:

Cleft Mind: Level 5

A power obtained by the user after multitasking. It allows the user to divide his attention between several tasks, especially spiritual ones. Practiced to a high level, this ability grants unrivaled adaptability and potency to even the dullest of souls.


Just after he left the pastry, he went to an open field outside the city and did some experiments to improve his weapon control.

The skill description didn’t lie. Now, Gon was able to divide his focus. Controlling his knives didn’t use all his attention. The advantage was that he could execute different tasks on the battlefield. His mind was almost wired like an octopus body now.

It made him happy but also greedy. Gon found out that knowledge was a double-edged sword. In the years he scrolled through the dimensional shop, he learned about psychic skills—telekinetic skills in particular.

Sadly those were expensive even for him. He had people he needed to take care of, so he couldn’t be too wasteful with money.

“I wonder how they’re doing back home, by the way…

“Uncle and auntie should have arrived by now.” He gaped as he opened the room windows before heading for the shower.



An hour later.

“Well, here I go.”

Gon looked at the gigantic building before turning his back.

In the opposite direction, his field of vision met the crude and harmless-looking meat restaurant.

In the last life, Kurapika and Leorio were dumbfounded when they learned it was the exam entrance.

“I wonder how those two are doing. I’m not too worried about Kurapika, but Leorio might fail that Kiriko beast test. Haha.”

Gon laughed and approached the restaurant. When he entered, he ordered a steak with rare cooking. The owner’s eyes flashed for a second before he ordered a girl to lead the kid to a VIP room in the back.

Third Person POV: ??

As Gon descended in the shallows of Zaban City,

Three hours left until the underground marathon,

Somewhere, a few miles away, high in the air.

Two humongous, lean yet muscular bipedal creatures were flapping their bat-like wings at a moderate pace.

The monsters were covered in light brown fur, which was thicker on their head, shoulders, chest, stomach, and pubic region. They had both anthropomorphic, fox-like traits and sharp claws.

Under those two wicked-looking creatures, two people were suspended, lifted to be more exact. Surprisingly enough, the latter were humans. One was a feminine looking blonde donning blue and yellow tribal robes.

The other was a middle-aged looking man. Overdressed for the wild and unrefined activity, the guy was trying to lit up a cigarette with difficulty.

“Aren’t you tired?!” The blonde who was gripping the other creature close by shouted. He was doing his best to let his voice reach his interlocutor, despite the strong midair wind.

“What did you say?!” The man in a suit asked back. His outburst even surprised and disturbed the two beasts. His voice was louder and reached everyone present with ease.

As the two men shook due to the unavoidable loss of balance, the one who spoke the latest continued with the ridiculous endeavor. Sadly, his lighter finally went out of gas.



In a fit of temper and humiliation, he threw the lighter as he glared in the direction of the person laughing.

“Dammit, I knew I should have taken a smoke before we left the pine forest!”

Third Person POV: Neutral

In a dark tunnel, somewhere underground.

An impressive number of people were gathered. Every one of them had white tags with numbers on their chests.

Among them, a group of four were talking in whispers—the first three shared similarities, both in clothing style and traits. Apart from the difference between caps and colors donned, they all had adjacents lines drawn on their eyes.

The last person was mature. His appearance made him seem to be between forty or fifty years old, at least. Small and fat, his eyes gave him a rascal and tricky look.

As the place filled, his smile kept growing for an obscure reason.

When the three young men at his side saw his sly smile, they looked at each other before murmuring something sinister.

The smallest of the three looked at the arrivals with pity, before sighing and nonchalantly raising his shoulders. The other two, however, giggled louder than ever.

However, their smiles, laughter, and sneering attitudes ceased after the entry of an eccentric person. They all backed away in agreement and let the intruder pass as he descended the elevator.

The man dressed like a clown, gel in his hair; the contrast between his neon pink hair and the white of his tunic did not seem to be the reason why the three suddenly acted so meekly.

The same thing happened in several other places as the man walked unimpeded. It was only after that person reached the wall, sat, and closed his eyes that the noise and the whispers regained a healthy volume.

“The monster has appeared again this year!” Several people susurrated simultaneously.

Each one of them did so silently, but it came from so many corners that the hissing sounded like a loud cry.

The tense atmosphere calmed down as several more people arrived. Some of them had expert or cheeky looking air to them, but it was nothing compared to the character from before.

A few minutes later, the elevator doors opened once more. This time, the trio and the fat looking guy's stares resembled wolves seeing the advent of a lamb in their lair.

The newcomer was a young and defenseless-looking boy dressed in night blue and black. As he looked around the place and examined the state of things, he seemed to be at a bit of a loss.

One of the individuals in the Quatuor smirked in a wicked way before taking a gentle appearance and walking in the kid's direction.

As he did so, he didn’t forget to grab a can of juice.

Third Person POV: Gon

Gon, who had just arrived in the tunnel, was looking impatiently for five people—his best friend on top of the list.

“He hasn’t arrived yet, I guess.” He thought a bit disappointedly.

He continued to search through the dim yet vast tube and eventually marked the presence of someone he wasn’t sure he wanted to face so soon.

As he probed that person’s details, he had a roguish thought in mind, but overall absolute astonishment at something stunning:


X Close

Name: Hisoka Morow

Strength: 39

Fitness: 28

Wisdom: 58

Dexterity: 92

Perception: 39

Versatility: 58

Composure: 65

Charisma: 59

Physical Potential: 198

Mental Potential: 240

Total Battle Potential: 438

Classes and Aptitudes:

Card Master, Gambler, Trickster, Nen, Nen Specialist, Bloodlust, Post Mortem Nen, Post Mortem Roulette, Bungee Gum, Texture Surprise



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