《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 11


Jin nodded to show that he understood.

He was higher ranked than the outer court but compared to the true top powers, he was nothing. Starting from the inner court was already far beyond whatever he expected. If the examination had been different, he might have failed it. At least if it had been about knowledge, he would have fucked it up hard.

It is unfortunate that he didn't have the stamina to fight further though. He could have probably beaten two or three more opponents but that wouldn't have granted him anything else so he stopped at five.

Not like five wasn't already good enough.

In any case, he was now officially an inner court disciple of the Twenty-two Suns Pavilion. Which was a great start.

And now, he was quite excited to know what were in those boxes. However, before he was allowed to know about those, the silver robed elder that brought him here took out a medal and gave it to him. It was a golden pin of sorts depicting a fist inside a sun.

The silver elder explained to him: "This is the proof that you entered through your battle capabilities and passed our battle examination. Not only is it a proof of strength in here, it will help you showcase your status and why you are in the inner court" to which another complemented by adding: "Makes it so you won't be bullied"

That was more direct.

It was obvious considering that he just joined and was already promoted here. He didn't know what was required to be promoted but considering the far lower number of inner court disciples, it was likely not easy. If this pin was enough to enable him to avoid being bullied, he would gladly take it. He wasn't stupid. He knew that his strength was basically nothing here. He wouldn't meet those second stage of body refinement in the inner court...


So, he pinned the golden sun fist on his left chest right away. To the chuckling of the elders. It was only then that they told him about the different boxes.

Five of them contained pills usable through the first stage to the tenth stage of spiritual accumulation and fifteen were related to the tenth to thirtieth stage of it. He had no idea what those meant but those elders didn't seem to be ready to explain it now. What he knew though was that he would be unable to use them right away. Unless he had a 'death wish' according to a witty elder at the side.

Finally, it was the turn of the cardboards. Those, he was told, he could use. Inside them were candles. He only needed to lit them and would be able to start his road of cultivation. Those candles were supposedly capable of turning the spiritual energy visible in a small radius making it easier to absorb them for the beginners. The elders gently told him that he could come for more whenever he finished those as they had a lot and it was very rare that someone needed them in the inner court. He was grateful for that though he still wasn't aware of how useful they could be. Still, since he was given those, they were probably good.

Finally, they gave him a key to which was added a number tag made of orange marble. It had the number "8536" on it. He was apparently the 8536th inner court disciple and had the rights to the house of said number.

The yellow belt elder who had accompanied him until now left at that moment after giving him his congratulations once more.

Jin had a very good impression of this gentle elder throughout the day.


Now that this one left, another took his place to guide Jin to his house. It was one of the witty elders who joked around previously. This one had an orange belt. He was humming throughout the entire journey. They crossed paths with many inner court residents who bowed as they met the elder who nodded back at them. It seemed like respecting elders was a must from here on out.

After a few minutes, they reached a simple house like any other around with the number 8536 on its door. There were no decorations around it to which Jin felt was a shame. It was a stark contrast to his right neighbor which had many different mural paintings and statues within the little garden at the front.

The elder told him: "Here is your new home, feel free to use it and decorate it however you want, you're likely to spend a few years here. So, now that you're here, let me drop the boxes for you"

The elder pointed his hand forward and the twenty boxes and two cardboard boxes appeared. Since he dropped them on his doorstep, it seemed like he would have to take them inside himself.


As he was getting ready to do the task, the elder stopped him and said: "Now, onto more serious matters. Take this"

Then, he handed Jin a book. There was no title so he was quite bewildered and looked at the elder who grinned before answering his unsaid question: "We hold lessons every day in all courts, you can have access to inner and outer ones but I recommend you go to the outer ones first since you are far from being at the level of inner lessons. This book holds the planning for this trimester. They are usually delivered to the doorsteps of everyone before the trimester starts but since you're joining now, here you go"

Now enlightened, Jin thanked the elder.

As he was once more turning around to finally go inside his new home, the elder began to leave. And as he did, he dropped a huge bomb behind: "By the way, you only have a year to get to at least the second stage of refinement if you don't want to be expelled. Battle sense is useful but we are cultivators after all"

Jin's expression instantly turned grim...

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