《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 12


Jin still didn't know what cultivation was about nor how high and difficult it was to get to the so-called second stage of refinement. Yet now, he had to get there within a year? This might be tough. And so, it is with a grim expression that he turned the key in and opened the doors to his new home. His worries instantly disappeared. The place was great. There was only the basic furniture around such as tables, chairs, kitchen and so on but they were all luxurious goods. It was obvious from their appearances that this was good stuff.

He couldn't help but whistle a bit at the unexpected yet welcome surprise. It was even better upstairs where only a bed and a closet stood. But what a bed. It was incredibly large and cozy. Compared to his years sleeping in the forest outside, this was world-changing. Being awarded with luxury because of his strength, that was something he had always dreamt of. And now that it had truly happened, that he could feel it, that it sank in, he couldn't help a few tears from rolling down his cheeks.

Still, he wasn't one to be overcome by emotions so he quickly used his arm to wipe the water away and went back on the porch. He had some boxes to take in and that he did. He didn't notice how the surrounding neighbors sensed his arrival though...

After finishing putting the boxes in his bedroom, he sprawled on his new bed with the book the elder gave him. It was time to check what were his available options pertaining to lessons for tomorrow. Since he knew absolutely nothing, he would obviously go for outer court lessons. They would be at a lower level and that is what he needed. He was an inner court disciple but he was far from them, he was not their equal, far from it. He was aware of that fact. He wasn't sad about it since this was just his beginning, he was aware of his state. Nothing more.


And so, it was better for him not to try eating more than he could chew and instead go for something he could digest and would help. So, as he opened the book and checked the lessons available tomorrow, he made up his mind and picked one. It was probably available because of the new influx of disciples from today. A single lesson of a half-day duration on 'What is cultivation'. It's said that it was mandatory for new outer court disciples. He wasn't one but he was even lower than them when it came to levels of cultivation. Which meant that if this was mandatory for them, he better move his ass over there.


He woke up early the next morning and had to admit that sleeping in this bed had been heavenly. He was tempted to just remain in it. Of course, he didn't. Instead, he got dressed with the inner court robe and walked out. The lesson would start in two hours so he had time. But considering how long it took for him to get here from the sect entrance and adding on to the fact that he didn't know the place, it was better to move early on.

He decided to do a little run as he went there. Working on one's cardio was a must in his past life. Not only so that his endurance, reflexes and muscles were kept at work but also to live healthy and long. And at this very early hour of the morning, you could see an eleven-year-old kid running silently throughout the inner court towards its exit. He was running at a very slow pace but kept that pace steadily throughout. From a simple gaze, it was obvious that this was a practiced pace.

As he expected, it took him quite some time to get to the teaching ground. An hour and forty minutes something in fact. He asked a few fellow cultivators on the way and found the place this way. Honestly, he wished there was a map somewhere... As he entered the grounds, he saw that many disciples were already there, sitting on mats, waiting for the lesson to start.


He was looking for a mat to sit on and wait when he noticed there were none. A few more gazes and it became obvious that the disciples brought their own mats. He recalled not having been given any so, in the end, he decided to just find a place and sit on the ground. As he did so, he attracted a lot of attention. He was the only one with the orange belt here and he was a youth at that. Whispers were heard throughout the grounds. And they reached the ears of a petite girl who sat bored on a mat to the front.

Curious, she got up and walked to see who it was. What she saw truly bedazzled her. It was Jin, in his new orange robe, with horribly messy long hair, sitting on the ground like a hobo. What the flying fuck was he doing embarrassing the inner court?! Didn't he know not to sit on the ground with his robe lest he ended up with it sullied?! It was a white robe for fuck's sake!

She hurried over very angry at what he was doing. Meanwhile, Jin noticed her approaching. He recognized her as the weird kid who enjoyed being punched yesterday and had asked for more. Then, he noticed she was angry. And then, he noticed she was rushing his way. He thought maybe she would just pass him by...but nope. She stood right in front of him, with both hands on her waist and glaring at him.

He said: " Hi "

And she seemed to get irritated by his nonchalance as she screamed at him: " Hi my ass! What the fuck are you doing, an inner disciple, sitting on the damn ground?!"

The only thing in Jin's mind right now was that this girl wasn't just savage in fights but she also had one savage mouth as well!

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