《Kill the Joker: Survival Game》Everything Moves in Real Time - V
???: ...rotag-chan...!
???: Protag-chan...!
I was suddenly awoken with a start to the sound of someone calling my name. King was hovering over me, already dressed for the day.
Protagonist: G-GAH-!
Wait a minute, how'd he get in here!?
King: Oh, did I surprise you? Good morning~.
He backed off of me, sitting at the edge of my bed, laughing to himself.
King: I found out whose door I can unlock.
Protagonist: W... whose?
Wait a minute.
He stared at me, disappointed.
Protagonist: Okay, give me a break. I just woke up.
So King can unlock my door. I guess it's better than someone like Collector or Romeo being able to do it, though I just hope he doesn't always plan on waking me up like this.
Protagonist: The alarm hasn't even gone off... what time is it?
King: Oh. It's kind of early, but I was too excited to watch you sleep. Also, that's fucking creepy and I'm not a stalker.
King: It's like, uhhh... 7:40...ish?
I lie back down in bed.
Protagonist: I'm going back to sleep.
King: No! You can't!
He suddenly grabs me by the shoulders and brings me up to shake me awake. Ugh.
King: I'm! So! Bored!
Protagonist: Then go back to sleep!
King: ...I don't want to.
Protagonist: That's fine, just let m-
King: I'll only sleep if you let me sleep here!
Protagonist: ...
I mean. That's kind of awkward, isn't it?
Protagonist: Isn't that kind of...
King: Sigh, I knew it wouldn't work but I still had to try.
He flops down across the bed on his stomach, lying over my legs. I try to kick him off, but he's stubborn and stays on.
Protagonist: You're a real nuisance, you know.
King: What happened to us being "friends" ?
He says that pretty spitefully.
Protagonist: We are. I keep saying it. Even if you're kind of a nuisance, you're a friend.
King suddenly sits up, and slides off the bed.
King: Well this was fun, Protag-chan. Au revoir.
Protagonist: Huh? Wh-...
Protagonist: Bye?
He turns and gives me a peace sign before leaving the room.
Maybe I should try to go back to sleep...
I have strange dreams when I do.
After what feels like a few seconds of sleep, I'm awoken by the alarm I've gotten used to.
Maid-chan: Hello sleepyheads! This is your morning wake-up call! It's now 10:00 AM! Wakey, wakey, or I'll be very sad at how lazy you are~.
Maid-chan: And please remember, today at 2:00 PM in the auditorium is the revelation ceremony. Attendance is mandatory! If you don't show up, I'll punish you! Kyahahaha! So, let's all have some fun~!
Oh. The revelation ceremony. Then that means...
At 2:00 PM today, we switch over into the Killy-Killy period of the week.
I lay in my bed, looking up at the ceiling for a while, not knowing what to do. At first I was so confident that no one would kill. Even yesterday after Maid-chan had issued the punishment announcement. I had told Bled we might be able to convince Maid-chan not to punish those who had been afflicted. But...
Was distrust starting to creep into my heart?
For some reason, I found myself wanting to talk to Valkyrie.
I knew she didn't like me, but... I felt like if I talked to someone who so openly distrusted the group, I could gain back my confidence.
I got out my ID, and began to type out a message to her.
Protagonist: [Valkyrie-san, how are you? Thank you for your help yesterday. Without you, we would've never been able to find out who had done it. I want to talk to you. Do you maybe want to get some breakfast?]
And now for the wait. I wasn't really expecting her to agree to it, but...
Valkyrie: [Oh, Protagonist-kun. Thank you for your kind words. I'm a bit hungry, so breakfast sounds lovely. Should I meet you there?]
She agreed. Huh. That's good, though.
Protagonist: [Yeah, I'll see you there!]
I started to get up and get dressed for the day. As soon as I was done with that, I began to head down to the kitchen.
I saw Valkyrie there, sitting on one of the stools at the counter. She kicked her legs idly, and hummed absent-mindedly as I entered. Opening one of her eyes, she waved, an impassable look on her face.
Valkyrie: Hello, Protagonist-kun.
She patted the stool next to her, inviting me to sit down.
Protagonist: Oh, hey, Valkyrie-san.
I sat down next to her, awkwardly watching her as she leaned back against the counter.
Valkyrie: So, you wanted to talk?
Protagonist: Uh. Yeah.
Valkyrie: Let's save that then. I don't really feel like talking right now. I know why you really called me down here, so... it's fine.
Protagonist: Wait, wh-... what?
Valkyrie: Don't play dumb now, Protagonist-kun. Grab a knife and end it already. No one would suspect it was you.
Does she think I called her here to MURDER her?!
Protagonist: NO, NO-!
Protagonist: You've got that wrong!
Protagonist: I'm not going to, I would NEVER-
Valkyrie: ...
She opened both her eyes, and laughed.
Valkyrie: I know. It's a joke.
Protagonist: ...That wasn't very funny.
Valkyrie: Maybe not to you.
Valkyrie: Though, we aren't on the best of terms, so the thought had crossed my mind. But you're too naive for something like that.
Protagonist: No one will kill anyone.
Valkyrie: We have a motive in place now. What makes you keep holding onto that belief?
Valkyrie: And King-kun is one of those that's been afflicted. Isn't he the shady type?
Protagonist: King-kun won't kill. He said so, and I have no reason not to trust h...
Well. I do have every reason not to trust him. He's a serial killer, and one of the worse ones here.
Valkyrie: Hmm... I see. But you know, Protagonist-kun... everyone is afflicted by this motive. Not just those in danger of losing their limbs.
Protagonist: What do you mean...?
Valkyrie: Those five... everyone in this mansion is somehow connected to at least one of them in one way or another. It's almost deliberate. Like it was a trap.
Valkyrie: Like Maid-chan planned this all along.
Valkyrie: Pray tell me, whose idea was it to swipe King-kun's and Bled-san's cards...?
Protagonist: ...
Protagonist: It was King-kun's...
Valkyrie: It was King-kun's idea to swipe Diamond-chan's card as well.
Protagonist: W... wait, when!?
Valkyrie: After you had left. King-kun came and accused Diamond-chan so, she swiped her card to shut him up.
Protagonist: ...
Protagonist: What are you saying?
Valkyrie: Nothing, really.
Valkyrie: I'm just musing to myself again.
Protagonist: If you're accusing him of being behind this... it couldn't be him.
Valkyrie: I'm not accusing him of directing this farce. I just think it's terribly strange.
Protagonist: I don't like that. I really don't.
Protagonist: We don't have any evidence that it's one of us behind this.
Valkyrie: Sigh. I guess you're right. But it's likely that there's someone working with Maid-chan, hm?
Valkyrie: A mole of sorts, if you will.
Protagonist: It's really too early to speculate things like this.
Valkyrie: ...Chapter one isn't quite a bad place to start you know. It might already be too late for me otherwise.
Protagonist: Huh?
I meant in the morning... What is she talking about?
Valkyrie: Hm... anyway, are you hungry? I can make us some breakfast.
Protagonist: ...I honestly thought you didn't like me.
Valkyrie: ...I normally wouldn't seek you out, but since you're here, I'm going to be polite.
Protagonist: Thanks for being civilized. And honest.
Valkyrie: If there's one thing I pride myself in, it's being a virtuous conversationalist.
Valkyrie sets to work, grabbing some eggs and other items from the fridge.
Valkyrie: If I make an omelette, you wouldn't mind if I put in mushrooms, right?
Protagonist: No. Mushrooms are fine.
There was silence as Valkyrie began to start on breakfast. I was gaining some of my confidence in the group back after talking to her. King wouldn't be connected to this place. And if he was, he'd tell me. Or he'd've let it slip by now. I don't think he can hide anything from me.
Valkyrie began to hum, as if wanting to fill the silence. I balanced my chin in my hand and watched as she cooked.
Protagonist: Yesterday... you said Diamond-san was a burden.
That was still weighing heavily on my mind.
Valkyrie: Did I say that?
She didn't pause in her cooking.
Protagonist: Yeah. You did.
Protagonist: Do you really feel that way? That's kind of rude, you know. Since she thinks so highly of you.
Valkyrie hummed.
Valkyrie: It's not really good to get attached to people here, is what I meant.
Protagonist: But it's human nature to form bonds with others.
Valkyrie: I know.
Valkyrie: I'm not human though.
She laughs lightly, not bothering to look my way.
Valkyrie: I'm a divine angel, you know.
Oh. A chuunibyou. I briefly think to Moth, but...
Protagonist: An angel, right. Okay.
Valkyrie: Ah, I can tell you're skeptical. No matter. I have faith in myself, and that's all that matters.
Protaognist: Alri-
Valkyrie: It's already ready~.
She said in sort of a sing-song tone, sliding a rather large omelette onto a plate besides the stove, before cutting it in half and delivering one half onto another plate.
Valkyrie: Do you have any preferences on which one you want?
Protagonist: No. Not really.
Valkyrie: Alright then.
She handed me and plate and a fork, and we began to eat in silence.
Protagonist: ...
Protagonist: It's good. Thank you.
Valkyrie: You're welcome.
There was more silence as we continued to eat. I finished and brought my plate to the dishwasher.
Protagonist: Thank you for coming, Valkyrie-san.
Valkyrie: It wasn't a bother.
Protagonist: Still. Thank you.
She smiled and said no more, waving to me as I exited the kitchen. A little further down, I heard a loud voice and familiar voice animatedly talking to someone. I smiled to myself and headed for the direction of Killer and whoever she was with.
Killer, Bled, and King were sitting on the stairs. Killer was gushing about something between taking swigs of a large water bottle, and Bled was listening to her closely, hands resting on her cheeks, which she occasionally took off to type something in reply to Killer. King was half laid-back across the stairs, draped across a few steps, and he looked up eagerly as I approached.
King: Shut it, Killcchan-!
He said, patting her lightly to get her to shut up. He waved enthusiastically at me.
King: Ohhhh, Protag-chaaaaaan!
Killer: I will beat you to death if you touch me again.
King: I'd like to see you try, shortie!
Killer raised her fist, and King flinched, which she laughed at. Seemingly satisfied with that reaction, she turned her attention to me. Bled waved too.
Killer: Ya-hiii, Protag-kun!
Protagonist: Hey, you guys. Water you up to?
Killer: ...
She looked down at the bottle of water in her hands.
Killer: Man. You're lucky I'm sitting down, otherwise you'd be so punched right now.
Bled: [Protagonist-kun, booo. That was bad.]
Bled: [You seem to be in a good mood though. Did something happen?]
Protagonist: Oh, uh, nothi-
King: Obviously it's from seeing his beloved King-chan's face.
Killer rolls her eyes and scoffs as King seems to fluff up his hair as though that will make me like him anymore.
Killer: Yeah, right. But you never make puns. So what's up?
Protagonist: I don't know what you're talking about. I was hanging out with Valkyrie-san before this.
I guess that did kind of make me happy. In a weird way.
Bled: [And another competitor for Protagonist-kun's heart enters the fray...]
King: Oh no she doesn't! No!
King: Nuh-uh. This isn't fair. Stop being so popular, Protag-chan!
Killer: Haha! Luckily for me, there's no competition for Spring-chan! Heehee. I'm so blessed!
Bled: [...]
Protagonist: You three are all so troublesome...
Bled: [If it's bothering you Protag-chan, we can talk about something else.]
Bled: [Are you a dog person or a cat person?]
Killer: Dog person! Definitely!
King: Tsk... I'm a cat person. Until werewolves are involved...
Killer: No one said anything of the sort. Weirdo.
Bled: [Myself... I'm a cat person. My sister has a fluffy persian named Princess at home. I hope our dad is feeding her well in our absence...]
Bled tried not to look downcast, but she couldn't help but give a melancholy smile.
King: Our absence?
Bled: [Did I say our...? Haha, I just meant my absence.]
King's smile grows a little wider as he reclines back. I don't trust that at all.
King: Figured that's what you meant.
Bled: [Anyway, Protagonist-kun, are you a cat person or a dog person?]
Protagonist: Uh...
Protagonist: I dunno. I think dog person. I have a shiba inu at home. So I technically have to be a dog person, right? But she's more of my brother's dog anyway.
Killer: You have a shiba!? Awww! What's her name? I love shibas!
Protagonist: Her name is Mameko. Like I said, she's more of my brother's dog, so he named her and whatnot...
Bled: [Mameko... that's so cute.]
Killer: Aw, you're lucky. I'm not allowed to have pets. My little sister is allergic to everything under the sun. I've always wanted to get a dog.
Killer puffs out a sigh and glugs down another sip of her water bottle, finishing it.
Killer: Fuck! I have to get back to practice soon! I told Spring-chan I'd be taking a fifteen minute break, and it's almost been fifteen minutes!
She jumps to her feet and weaves through Bled and King to get to the bottom of the stairs.
Killer: Seeya guys! Nice talking to you!
Bled: [Oh, bye, Killer-chan!]
King: Bye-bye, Brute~.
Protagonist: Bye Killer-chan!
Killer gives the finger to King and waves to Bled and I before dashing off towards the auditorium.
King: She didn't even get to hear about my pet. Sigh.
Bled: [What is it. A snake?]
King: Are you calling me a snake?
Bled: [Maybe.]
King: Well. Maybe it is a snake. Maybe it isn't.
It's totally a snake.
Bled: [Haha. What's your snake's name, Snake-kun?]
King: First off, I'm not a snake. That's Collector-chan. Second of all, her name is Circe, and she's a ball python.
Bled: [Aww, that's actually cute. Circe though... that's kind of funny. Don't you hate women?]
King: ...
...Oh, she called him right out on it. That's kind of brave, Bled. It's true that Lover Boy's victims are only beautiful women though, so that name seems... out of character for him.
Bled: [Circe turned men into animals. Yet, your Circe is an animal. The Goddess of magic who turned men into animals is an animal. Is that karma for you?]
King: ...
King: Heh.
King: You're really reading too much into this.
King: I never said anything about hating women.
King: You're really looking to pick a fight though, huh?
Bled: [Eh. Are you trying to scare me? Heehee. You give me the creeps, so it's kind of working.]
King: That's really rude. Keep your mouth shut.
Protagonist: ...
I should step in and say something.
But suddenly, before anyone can say anymore, King is tackled by a small blur.
???: Puppet-chan - no!
King: AGHK-
Puppet looks up from tackling King and grins widely at him. She gets up and sits beside him. Surprisingly, he doesn't react badly. He adjusts his sunglasses and pats her head softly.
King: Hello?
Puppet: Hiya.
Bled and I turn to look at an exasperated Flare, who is pinching the bridge of her nose softly.
Flare: Puppet-chan... you can't just tackle people like that. Sheesh.
Puppet: Well, yes I can! And I just did!
Flare: Puppet-chan...
King: It's alright. I don't mind.
Puppet cheers softly, hoisting her arms above her head for emphasis.
Puppet: Ya~hoo~. King-kun doesn't mind me tackling him so it's an invitation to tackle him whenever I want!
King: ...I guess I kind of asked for that, didn't I.
Bled: [Flare-chan... what's up?]
Flare: Something along the lines of babysitting Puppet-chan for Collector-kun while he takes a nap.
Puppet: I said, I don't need to be babysat! I'm fourteeeeeeen~. Or am I? Kyahaha! I'm just so full of mischief, who even knows!
Protagonist: Right. Babysitting.
Flare: It's troublesome. I'm not good with kids...
Puppet: But I'm not a -
Bled: [I don't mind taking her off your hands, Flare-chan.]
Flare: Really? You'd be a lifesaver, Bled-chan.
Puppet: Like I said, I don't need to be babysat!
She's pouting.
Protagonist: I think Puppet-san is capable of taking care of herself.
Puppet: ...
Puppet: Ehe. That's true. I can fend for myself you know.
Puppet: But... I don't mind all this extra attention in all honesty! Heehee! Maybe it's because I'm a mischief-prone, attention-seeking girl~!
And then I remember the conversation I had with Puppet the other day where she froze up when she spoke about her home life.
I look at her sideways for a moment, and she only grins eerily back at me.
Protagonist: Bled-chan, do you mind if I join you? I'll hang out with you and Puppet-san too.
Bled: Oh, of cou-
King: Siiiigh, looks like I have no choice but to join you too.
Flare: You three are lifesavers. Thank you so much.
Flare: I'll see you all at this "revelation ceremony" today, alright?
Protagonist: It's nothing, Flare-san. See you then.
Bled: [Bye!]
King: Ciao~.
Puppet: Byebye, Flare-nee-chaaaaaaaan~.
Flare briskly walks past us up the stairs, presumably to the library again, and the four of us begin to idly chatter again.
Puppet: Uwaaaaoh. You know. King-kun! Luna-kun's fun! He's a gamer, you know! Kyahaha! He said we'd visit each other's towns on Animal Crossing soon...
King: Did he say that now? Oh Luuuuna-kun, you should know that making a promise with someone in a game like this is the number one way to get yourself killed!
I think back to my promise with Diamond.
Protagonist: No, it's really not.
King: It totally is. It's dooming them to a pretty early death, you know.
Bled: [Sigh. Don't say things like that.]
Puppet: Yeah! No one's gonna die just yet! After all, we haven't had the revelation ceremony! Then people can start dropping like flies, kyaha!
Protagonist: No!
Puppet: Baaaah. With a motive in place though~. Hehe.
Puppet: You can't really think we're all safe, huh?
Puppet: After all, someone suspicious like me might get bored and kill someone~ kyaha~ stab stab~.
King: It's decided. I'm adopting you.
Puppet: Kyaha...ha?
King: You're too tiny and precious to leave running around. You remind me of a little goblin. I'm adopting you from now on.
Bled: [Hold on, I don't think it works like th-]
King: It totally works like that. Puppet-chan is now my daughter. Protag-chan is her other father. Bled-chan, you can be the estranged aunt.
Protagonist: Why did I get roped into this.
Bled: [Why am I estranged?]
Puppet: Do I get a say in this?
King: All valid questions, to which I will answer with another question. Who wants to bake cookies?
Bled: [Oh, that sounds like fun.]
Puppet: I wanna, I wanna!
King: Hah. I knew I could divert your attention.
He beamed and stood up. Puppet jumped to her feet as well, and twirled a bit.
King: Protag-chan, come on. You should come too.
Protagonist: ...Sigh, alright.
I stood up with Bled, as Puppet took the lead and began barreling to the kitchen with King close behind.
Puppet: We’re not gonna make some shitty raisin cookies, right?
King: Watch your language.
Puppet: I’m fourteen!
Bled turned to me as she watched the two walk ahead.
Bled: [He’s surprisingly good to kids. I guess that’s nice.]
Protagonist: Yeah. I guess he can be a good person.
Bled: [I wouldn’t go that far.]
As we entered the kitchen, Puppet was already twirling about while King was starting to get out ingredients for the cookies. I was reminded that I really had just eaten. I sighed.
Protagonist: I’ll stay with you guys to make the cookies, but I don’t think I’ll have any. I just ate.
King: Booo. Fine. That means more for Puppet-chan, though!
Puppet: Ehhh? Oh. Kyahaha! I guess that’s fine then, huhu?
Bled: [I want some too…]
King: Actually you can’t have any because you’re mean to me and you don’t respect me.
Puppet: Ooooooooh!
Bled: [...]
King: ...Do you have to type out the ellipses? Can’t you just stay quiet? I’m tired of fuc-fudging hearing Maid-chan’s voice saying ‘dot dot dot’ all the time.
He… looked at Puppet when he censored himself. If he wasn’t being such a douche, it’d actually be pretty cute.
Bled: [...................]
King: Enough! You’re definitely not getting any now!
Puppet and I couldn’t help but laughing. Cookie making really went off without a hitch for the most part, however, as we went to put them into the oven, King’s ID went off.
King: …
King: Oh, it’s Solcchan. Hmm. I have to go to him for a little bit, but ah…
King: Just don’t do anything funny. Or weird with the oven. Alright?
King: And make sure my daughter doesn’t play with knives! Or any sharp objects!
Puppet: I’m capable of handling myself!
Bled: [We won’t do anything.]
Protagonist: Right.
Bled sighed as she turned to me.
Bled: [Protag-kuuuuuun.]
She whined, in an exasperated tone.
Protagonist: Yes?
Bled: [Make sure I get a cookie, okay? Please. They looked really good. I love chocolate chip…]
Bled: [If need be… seduce him.]
Protagonist: I’m not doing that.
Bled: [Not even for me?]
Protagonist: Not even for you.
Bled: [The ultimate betrayal…]
Bled: [Wait… why does it… smell like it’s burning.]
We both turned and looked over to the oven, where Puppet, left unattended was punching in a MUCH HIGHER temperature than necessary.
Protagonist: PUPPET-SAN, NO.
Bled: [OH MY GOD.]
Puppet: What’s wrong?
Protagonist: C-Can’t you not smell it burning!? Turn it off!
Puppet: ...Oh!
She turned off the oven reluctantly and opened the door. A gush of thick smoke escaped out and Bled and I began to cough.
Puppet: I don’t have a good sense of smell, so I couldn’t tell something was off. Oops!
Protagonist: Hgkgk- hkk… Why were you changing the temperatures!
Puppet: I can do it at the recipe’s temperature for longer, or a higher temperature for shorter.
Puppet: It makes sense to me, honestly.
Suddenly the door to the kitchen slammed open.
Puppet: …
We looked at the smouldering tray of cookies in the oven. They looked like little pieces of coal.
Puppet: I’ll still eat them…
King: Siiiiiigh. No, it’s dangerous to eat food that burnt. Bled-chan, do you want one?
Bled: [...]
Puppet: I didn’t mean to ruin your cookies.
She actually seemed… pretty downcast about that.
King: I know. Don’t worry. We can try again. Maybe when Protag-chan’s hungry, so I can feed him, like a good husb-
Protagonist: Sigh.
Despite that, King was being… really understanding. I guess he really was good with kids. Or people he considered kids. Puppet really wasn’t even a kid after all. She was only three years younger than me.
Bled: [Sigh. I guess we have to clean this up now. Thank goodness there was no fire…]
Protagonist: I’ll say.
King grabbed some oven mitts and took the tray of burnt cookies out of the oven, running water over them to cool them down before throwing them into the trash with a sigh. Bled and I put everything into the dishwasher while Puppet sat idly on a stool, spinning around.
???: What’s that burning smell…?
We looked to the door, and Collector had entered the kitchen, folding his arms across his chest with a displeased look on his face.
Collector: You’re not trying to set the manor on fire as a statement, are you?
King: Maybe we are.
Bled: [We’re not. Puppet-chan just turned up the temperature on the oven while we were baking cookies… and…]
Collector: Sigh. I see. You really should keep a better watch over her.
Puppet: I’m not a little girl! Stop treating me like one!
King: ...Sigh, I guess I did kind of get carried away in treating you like a child, huh?
Puppet: Oh. I don’t really mind if you do it.
Collector: …
He narrowed his eyes.
King: Ohoho? Haha! Collector-kun’s probably just babying you ‘cause he’s seriously scared that you’re probably more capable than he is.
Puppet: Kyaha! You really think so?
King: I’ll bet my life on it!
Collector: Sigh. I can assure you that’s not the case. You’re certainly… annoyingly assured in this though, so I can see there’s really no point in bothering to change your mind.
Bled: [...]
Protagonist: Uh. I’m gonna go.
Without any further words from anyone, I left the kitchen. The mansion didn’t smell like smoke for the most part except for the concentrated areas over there, so I quickly escaped the stench and was able to breathe in fresh air.
Hah. Fresh.
Would I ever breathe in real, fresh air again?
Somehow, I didn’t know at this point.
???: Lost in thoughts again?
I looked up, only to find Moth and Syringe descending the stairs together. Moth seemed to have an uncanny habit of interrupting my thoughts, huh?
Protagonist: I guess.
Moth: Well, it’s nice to see you anyway.
Syringe: Hello, Protagonist-ue.
Protagonist: You two have been together a lot since yesterday, huh?
Moth: Have we been?
Syringe: No we haven’t.
Syringe narrowed his eyes.
Syringe: It’s rude to assume things just because two people are close, and together doesn’t mean anything.
Moth: R-right, right.
Syringe: After all, I’v-
Moth: Syringe-kun’s just named me his assistant here, so I’ve been following him around a bunch. I dunno what else I should do with my time.
Moth: Syringe-kun’s really nice at heart, hmm? Don’t let his prissiness fool you.
Syringe: You interrupted me. Hmph.
Moth: Sorry, sorry. I kind of have an uncanny knack for doing that, it seems…
Syringe: It’s fine.
Protagonist: Yeah.
I feel like I accidentally created a monster here. But in a good way.
A gay way.
Syringe: Anyway - this revelation ceremony. It’s in about two hours or so, but. I’m growing uneasy. I’ve asked Moth-kun to take any notes we might need for this meeting. Of course, I’ll be taking notes myself, and I suggest you do the same, Protagonist-kun.
Moth: Like I said…
Moth displayed a journal with a pen tucked into its binding with a smile.
Moth: You can depend on my notes, alright, Syringe-kun?
Syringe: I… I’ll take notes anyway.
Protagonist: What do you think is gonna happen there anyway?
Syringe: Exactly what the name implies. We’re going to learn a serial killer and detective’s identity.
Syringe: And I intend on bringing up every identity to gauge reactions. We’re high schoolers, not professional actors.
Protagonist: ...That’s a good idea.
Syringe: By the way, Protagonist-kun. How do you feel about Arata Shoto?
Protagonist: I-I mean, I-
Moth: Hey, now. Let’s save that for the meeting, alright?
Syringe grumbles, but pushes up his glasses and drops it.
Moth: Anyway… Spring-san, huh?
Protagonist: What about her?
Moth: Well, uh. Didn’t she say we could watch her practice dancing with Killer-san and Diamond-san? I kind of want to kill time like that.
Protagonist: Oh, that seems like a good idea. I wouldn’t mind watching them.
Syringe: Of course, I’ll accompany you, Moth-kun and Protagonist-ue.
Moth: I’m glad. I didn’t really peg you the sort to enjoy idol music though.
Syringe: ...Sigh, I’m not a fan.
Syringe: I prefer classical music.
Moth: That’s what I thought~.
Moth smiled his usual brilliant smile as we walked towards the auditorium. However, about halfway there, my ID buzzed. I got it out and saw that I had a message.
From Romeo.
God, what does he want?
Romeo: [Hey, Protagonist-shi - was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me in the library?]
I reaaally don’t.
Protagonist: [No thanks! I’m kind of busy.]
Romeo: [Pleeeeeease?]
If I don’t, will he just go and find Diamond? I look at Syringe and Moth, who are a few steps ahead of me.
Protagonist: [Fine.]
Protagonist: You two go on without me. I’m gonna go.
Syringe: Oh? Alright.
Moth: Oh! Bye.
Syringe: Goodbye.
I waved goodbye to them, and took off in the direction of the library. I was kind of secretly hoping that Romeo wouldn’t show, or that he was like, misleading me or something, but there he was, in all his fuckboy glory, sitting in one of the library chairs, leg folded over the other like an asshole.
Romeo: Protagonist-shi! Am I glad to see you.
Wish I could say that same.
Protagonist: Romeo-kun. Hello.
Romeo: Aaaaanyway, you must be wondering why I called you here. Sit, please. Make yourself comfortable, I don’t bite, I swear.
I sat in the chair opposite him, an uneasy feeling washing over me.
Romeo: Hmm, you smell kind of like…
Romeo: Terrible, no offense!
Protagonist: …
Romeo: Like smoke. Why is that?
Protagonist: Oh, that’s because Puppet-san nearly set the entire manor on fire when we were trying to bake c-
In the time I was speaking, he had stood up and made his way over to me, grabbing one of my arms and bringing my hand to his nose. And sniffing it.
Romeo: Sweet… like marzipan.
Protagonist: ...What the fuck.
Romeo: No homo, of course.
Romeo: You smell better underneath the smoke that’s settled into your clothes. I’d suggest changing them. It’s truly unpleasant.
Protagonist: …
Protagonist: Is this what you called me here for? To sniff me and tell me I smell bad?
Romeo: If you need a change of clothes… hmm, we’re not the same size, but I wouldn’t mind lending you some of mine.
Protagonist: No.
Romeo: Ah, that’s too bad. You could’ve been fashionable.
Help me.
Protagonist: Is. There. A. Reason. You. Called. Me. Here?
Romeo: Whoa, feisty. Nice.
Romeo: Haha.
Romeo: No homo.
Romeo: But yeah, there was.
There was silence. Is. Is he going to tell me what that reason is?
Romeo: Aren’t you going to guess?
Protagonist: No.
Romeo: Come on. Guess.
Protagonist: No.
Romeo: Fine. Okay, look at this.
Romeo turns on his heel and whips a book out from underneath a pile on the table.
Oh please god no.
Romeo: I’m going to start a book club and I need your help.
Protagonist: …
Oh. That’s…
Actually pretty harmless.
Protagonist: Alright.
Romeo: Please? I really need your help because for some reason you’re really popular. I think it’s ‘cause you’re kind of cute. No homo.
Protagonist: I said yes.
Romeo: Wait, really?
Romeo: I didn’t even have to like, promise to be your wingman or something?
Romeo as my wingman is a TERRIFYING thought.
Protagonist: Please don’t.
Protagonist: I think a book club every so often will really give everyone something to look forward to.
Protagonist: It’s actually a really good idea.
Romeo beamed and handed me the book in his hand.
It was a copy of Creek Blues. I sighed.
Romeo: And we can start by reading this!
Protagonist: I think when we get the club formed, we can vote on our first book.
Romeo scrunched up his face a bit, but shrugged.
Romeo: Fine.
Romeo: There are tons of copies of the same book in this library so even if everyone wanted in, it shouldn’t be a problem… probably.
Romeo: Oh and make King-shi provide refreshments.
Protagonist: I will.
Protagonist: I can spread the word in the group chat right now.
Romeo: Can you? That’d be great.
Somehow I don’t think Romeo sending the message would be so well-received, but…
I pull out my ID and begin to type.
Protagonist: [Everyone, if we were to start a book club, who would be interested?]
Flare: [I would be.]
Syringe: [Same here.]
Moth: [Oh, then I’ll go too.]
Diamond: [Who’s we…?]
Romeo: [Protagonist-shi and I.]
Diamond: [Hard pass.]
Syringe: [Count me out.]
King: [I’ll go! For Protag-chan!]
Moth: [I won’t go back on my word.]
Flare: [...I’m still interested.]
Glasses: [Me too.]
Sol: [Oh this is a wonderful idea!]
Collector: [At what time?]
I looked at Romeo and he shrugged.
Protagonist: [Maybe we could meet tomorrow at 2:30 and those interested could come to the library?]
Romeo: [Seconded.]
As the messages came into the group chat, Romeo suddenly patted my shoulder.
Romeo: Protagonist-shi… seriously. Thank you. No homo for what I’m about to do.
He began to lean in towards me. Wait. What. What the fuck. I put my hand on his face.
Protagonist: What the fuck are you doing.
Romeo: ...Giving you a reward kiss?
Protagonist: No. No. No thanks.
Romeo: Oh, okay. Suit yourself. All the girls love a reward kiss from me though.
Protagonist: Don’t push it.
Romeo pouted and I removed my hand from his face.
Protagonist: I’m gonna go.
Romeo: Alright. Bye then. I had fun hanging out with you.
Protagonist: Yeah. Okay.
Protagonist: Bye.
As I left, I briefly wondered whether I was in a dating sim or a killing game. I’d actually really prefer the dating sim at this point. I sighed as I made my way downstairs.
???: Protagonist-shi. Do you have time?
I turned my head towards Tailor as I descended the stairs to the second floor. I remembered what Spring had said about thanking Tailor as well.
Protagonist: I do. What’s up?
Tailor: Oh. Nothing much. I was just wondering what you were doing honestly. Maybe we could potentially spend some time together before this meeting. I’m a bit uneasy.
Tailor: Admittedly, you’ve made yourself known as the reliable sort, so I was already thinking about seeking you out.
Protagonist: Really..? Heh, that’s nice to hear, I guess.
Protagonist: What’s wrong?
Tailor: ...Besides the fact we’re switching into the period of the week where killing is not only allowed but encouraged, once we get out of this meeting…
Tailor: It’s likely that one of us will be publically known as a serial killer.
Protagonist: …
I honestly hadn’t thought about that.
Learning another serial killer’s identity… It’s scary.
Tailor: Right now, Glasses-shi seems to be our only killer. However he doesn’t seem to be much of a threat in all honesty.
Tailor: …
Tailor: Uhm…
Tailor: But…
Protagonist: Yeah?
Tailor: I don’t know. I’m just worried.
Tailor: I’m kind of a mess. I wonder what my girlfriend would say if she saw me like this…
Protagonist: Oh yeah, you have a girlfriend.
Tailor beamed at the chance to talk about his girlfriend.
Tailor: We were childhood friends. Her name is Honoka… the ka is written with the kanji for fire, actually!
Protagonist: Oh. That’s funny. Because your name is Umit-
Tailor gives me a suddenly harsh look and sighs.
Tailor: Honestly… that’s my fault for being fooled. But…
Tailor: Maid-chan hasn’t issued a punishment for it yet. I’m kind of worried.
Protagonist: Maybe she forgot about it.
Tailor: That’s highly unlikely.
Protagonist: You never know.
Tailor: Well… it keeps me on my toes.
He laughed slightly, covering up his mouth with one of his hands.
Protagonist: You don’t seem too worried.
Tailor: I’m just well put-together right now.
Protagonist: Oh, and Spring-san said you leant her your sewing scissors so she could make the charm for me.
Protagonist: Thanks for that.
Tailor: Oh, it’s no problem, really. I was lucky to find them here. They’re my mother’s actually, but she gifted them to me when I took up an interest in tailoring.
Protagonist: Oh, that’s really cool!
Tailor: I have to sharpen them a lot though… They get dull quickly, since they’re old.
Tailor: Maybe I’ll show them to you sometime?
Protagonist: …
Somehow I got a really ominous feeling from that.
Protagonist: Maybe.
Protagonist: For now, I’ll pass.
Tailor: That’s fair.
Tailor: Thank you for talking to me, even if for a little.
Tailor: It made me feel a bit more at ease.
Protagonist: Well, I’m glad that I could help you then.
Tailor: I think I’ll take a nap…
Tailor: Yawn…
Tailor: Thank you again.
Tailor: And see you later.
Tailor waved and made his way back to his room.
I honestly want to go see Spring, Killer and Diamond right now. I wonder if they’re still practicing.
There’s still a bit of time before the ceremony starts, so I head towards the auditorium finally.
Syringe and Moth are still there in the audience. They’re chatting with Rabbit, who seems to be less invested in the conversation and more interested in shouting out corrections in steps to Killer and Diamond.
Spring has a radio that she keeps attending to, and they don’t notice me right away, but soon Killer stops mid-step and waves to me
Diamond bumps into her because of this, and Rabbit makes a loud and angry sigh. Spring laughs and waves to me. Diamond waves at me also.
Syringe and Moth turn to acknowledge me too.
Protagonist: Hey! Don’t let me interrupt.
Spring: Well, why don’t we take a ten minute or so break… puwa?
Spring: Prooootaaaagoooonist-kun! Come here!
Spring called me over to the stage, and swung her legs over the edge so she was sitting down.
Spring: Isn’t this wonderful…?
Spring: It’s not bad at all…!
Spring: Everyone’s happy here…!
She grinned from ear to ear as if to prove her own point. I couldn’t help but smile back at her infectious smile.
Protagonist: I think it’s really thanks to you. You’re a big help here, Spring-chan. I don’t know what we’d do without you.
Spring giggled.
Spring: You flatter me… puwawawa.
Spring: I’m glad to see you carrying around that charm~.
She kicked her legs absent-mindedly, and looked up at the ceiling. I let my gaze follow hers. Two large metal lighting fixtures attached to some rafters hung warily above the stage.
Spring: We’re really lucky too. Maid-chan let Dia-chan work the lighting for now, so it’s going to be extra special once we’re done!
Protagonist: Well, I’m really looking forward to it.
Spring: Stick around, we’ll run through what we have from the top to show you!
Protagonist: I wasn’t planning on leaving, haha.
Spring: Alright-y then!
She jumps to her feet, and kicks the top of her radio as if to try and press a button.
Spring: Enough break! We’ll never get enough work done if we keep taking breaks! From the top! For Protagonist-kun!
Diamond: R-right!
Killer: ROGER!
The familiar cheery melody of the idol music Spring had played before started up, and the dance began. Though it was pretty rough around the edges, and Killer was out of step here and there, they had a pretty good start.
Diamond seemed to be really enjoying herself too.
I watched them practice for a while, chatting occasionally with Moth, Syringe and Rabbit before all of our IDs went off.
It was 1:55.
It was nearly time. I opened the announcements app, and Maid-chan’s familiar face, or rather, familiar lack of face, popped up on my screen.
Maid-chan: Everyone! Head to the auditorium for the revelation ceremony! Don’t be late, otherwise I just might puuuuunish you sooner rather than later. Teehee!
Maid-chan: We will start at 2:00 regardless of who is there. Sooooooo. Be there or be square!
Maid-chan: Maid-chan, out!
The announcement shut off. Spring kicked the radio to shut it off, and quickly moved it to the side of the stage. Killer singlehandedly moved the podium with the microphone over to the center of the stage again. The rest of us had begun to settle into the auditorium, one by one.
Bled was the last to arrive, at 1:59. She held her ID close to her chest, twiddling her red pigtail with her open hand absentmindedly. We all took our seats, sitting closer together and closer to the front of the stage rather than scattered in back.
When the our IDs collectively hit 2:00, a rather weak-sounding horn played a triumphant noise.
???: With that, it is now the Killy-Killy period of the chapter!
No one said a thing as the lights dimmed for the however-many-th and Maid-chan appeared as they were restored to their full brightness.
Maid-chan: Kyahaha! Why the long faces? This is positively, absolutely the best and most heart-wrenching part of the story. And your lives. Heehee. Just thinking about how close one of you is to the end of your life makes me so happy inside~.
Maid-chan: It really brings a big ol’ smile to my face. And isn’t that what Spring says? Smiling is so important?
Maid-chan: So I expect something SUPER gruesome. Make it horrifying.
I… Holy shit. She’s… this is…
Luna: You can’t smile. You don’t have a face.
Maid-chan: …
Maid-chan: Sigh. You really know how to ruin a girl’s fun, huh.
Collector: Just - Just get on with the ceremony. We don’t need to hear about this.
Syringe: Agreed.
Maid-chan: Ohoho. Saucy, talkin’ back to Maid-chan.
Maid-chan: Man, man, man, you guys are a buncha ingrates. Help run a mutual killing, they said. Voice a lovable maid, they said. They said nothing about they annoying fuckin’ twerps who’d talk back!
There was silence as Maid-chan paced around on stage.
Flare: ...Can we go? Is this ceremony just going to be you complaining?
Maid-chan: Uhhh. No.
Maid-chan: Onto the ceremony.
King: Fiiiiinally.
Maid-chan: I’m sure you’re all wondering about it. Everyone’s identities, that is~. I’ve given you all the profiles I worked so hard to lovingly craft. I stayed up hours, painstakingly scouring little details about you guys I could find anywhere to make them just as simultaneously vague and obvious as possible to help you all out.
Maid-chan: Well, I’m giving you a once in a chapter opportunity!
Luna: ...Isn’t the term usually, once in a lifetime?
Maid-chan: Is it? Who cares! I’m giving you the opportunity to discuss amongst yourselves and send a vote to me on one serial killer and one detective identity you’d wish to reveal!
Maid-chan: If you’re already caught up on all your Kill the Joker lore, please don’t spoil any of the others!
Diamond: W-what?
Maid-chan: Haha! In simpler terms - if you already know the identities of serial killers or detectives, you can’t use this opportunity to out them. You have to pretend you don’t know, like everyone else!
Syringe: … … …
Maid-chan: Oh, and by the way… one of you has already figured out who everyone here is! I’ve given them their advantage too.
Sol: What? Who!?
Protagonist: W...what?!
Valkyrie: ...What?
Spring: …
Maid-chan: That’s a secret, huhu!
Maid-chan: But for now, once everyone’s voted, I’ll tally up the votes, and reveal ‘em! Let’s start with the serial killers!
Syringe: We’re not voting for Lover Boy.
Diamond: Why? I think that’s precisely who we should vote for.
Killer: YEAH. Lover Boy’s a total creep. I wanna know who he is so I can fuckin’ deck him.
Killer glared at Romeo.
Romeo: It’s not me!
Syringe: Well, it would be a waste of a reveal.
King: I honestly think we should vote for Lover Boy as well.
King: In fact, Lover Boy is literally the most dangerous serial killer on that list currently. He’s unpredictable and remorseless. He feels nothing for his victims. If someone TORTURED women, I feel like I’d want to know who they were so I could avoid them. Wouldn’t you?
I’m gonna be sick. Sol and Luna are exchanging the most incredulous glances right now.
Flare: King-kun’s making a good point for once.
Collector: I’d hate to say it, but I’m going to vote with King-kun.
Rabbit: Tch… I guess. I’d want that creep as far away from Spring-chan as possible.
Syringe: I hate you. I fucking hate you.
Moth: ...
Spring: Honestly, I want to know who Guardian Ogre is so I can shake their hand…
Syringe: That’s a serial killer, you’re talking about.
Spring: Guardian Ogre - yes, they’re dangerous, but… it’s more of a vigilante thing, you know? Puwawawa…?
Killer: I-D-K man, I’m torn up between casting my vote for XYZ or Lover Boy. They’re both pretty creepy. I think I’m gonna vote Lover Boy, just ‘cuz King has a point.
Flare: My vote’s going to Lover Boy. I want to know want kind of creep we’re dealing with here.
Valkyrie: Voting for Enoh’s University Ripper would be a waste, right? So I’ll vote Lover Boy as well.
Syringe: I hate this. I’m not helping anymore. I give up.
Moth: I’m voting for… Jabberwocky.
Romeo: I mean, I guess that’s pretty valid. Jabberwocky does seem like a creep.
Rabbit: Methodical killing’s just fuckin’ weird. Just do whatever. Don’t be creepy about it.
Bled: [Forgive me for prying too far into the Jabberwocky thing but… Maid-chan left out important information on Jabberwocky.]
Bled: [About their victims.]
Bled: [I mean… it’s pretty important. It takes them from some sort of creepy maniac to a sort of… almost redeemable killer.]
Moth: …Really?
Maid-chan: Hmm, hmm~ did I leave out some information here and there? Oops. Must’ve slipped my mind. Bled-chan, won’t you be a dear and tell them what they’re missing?
Bled: [...]
Bled: [She totally did that on purpose.]
Bled: [Anyway! Jabberwocky’s victims were recently discovered to be only abusive parents.]
Moth: I didn’t know that.
Puppet: HUWAWAWA? Really? THAT’S kind of important information to leave out! ESPECIALLY in a redemption game!
Maid-chan: Don’t blame me! I work night shifts!
Syringe: Of course. Voting for Jabberwocky or Lover Boy is a waste of time.
Syringe: And Enoh’s University Ripper.
Glasses, who has been shrinking back this entire time, says nothing still.
Moth: I guess I’ll vote for XYZ then. Or I’ll just place my vote where Syringe votes. I’m not really good at this sort of thing, haha.
Syringe: We haven’t discussed Reaper Reaper.
Collector: We have not.
Syringe: One of these killers has killed 28.
Puppet: Yep! Stabbity-stabbity!
Sol: Puppet-chan, no!
Luna: Puppet-chan, yes.
Sol: Reaper Reaper is likely someone who likes books. A lot.
And then he stared pointedly at Romeo, who turned his head and pretended not to notice. Hmm. Interesting.
Sol: Seeing as their victims are all bookworms.
Syringe: Yes. It’s likely that’s correct.
Diamond: Wow, gee, I wonder who likes books a lot. Certainly not the romance author starting a book club.
Romeo: E-even Dia-chan is turning against me!?
Valkyrie: Don’t call her that.
Romeo pouted.
Romeo: I think it’s best if we vote for Lover Boy though.
Diamond: I’m gonna vote for Lover Boy too.
King: Me too! What a great idea guys!
If looks could kill, King would be dead and Syringe would be a murderer.
Syringe: No. It’s not.
King: Why don’t you want us to vote for Lover Boy so bad, ‘ringe-y-kun?
King: Is it because YOU’RE Lover Boy?
Syringe: I would literally rather let myself be gutted by ANY of the serial killers on this list than ever be Lover Boy.
King: Even Lover Boy?
Syringe: Except Lover Boy.
Maid-chan: Well, I have the majority of the votes now. Should I even bother for waiting for you stragglers to vote? It’s 12 for Lover Boy.
Syringe: UGH.
King: HAHA.
Oh. I didn’t vote. I don’t know who I’d vote for anyway… so…
But… King’s identity is about to be revealed.
I’m kind of nervous for him… but he’s just wearing a big smile.
Maid-chan: Anyway, Lover Boy… the infamous serial killer of 16 women…
Maid-chan: Is none other than our very own King!
There was silence as King laughed, stood up, and bowed.
Syringe: I’m gonna fucking murder you.
King: Please, please, hold your applause~.
Killer: Man. Why am I not surprised that a creep like you wanted to be revealed so bad.
Syringe: This was a waste of a reveal. You… I’m seething right now.
Syringe: We could’ve gotten someone like Bloody Mary… or XYZ. But instead, we got. This.
Syringe: Thanks for nothing, everyone. I really appreciate it.
Moth: If it matters, I voted for XYZ.
Syringe: Thank you, Moth-kun.
Collector: Is anyone really surprised King-kun is a serial killer.
There was a collective no throughout the group. At least we all agreed on this.
Syringe: God. Here’s to hoping we’re all a bit more competent next time around.
King: Hehe. It feels good not to have to hide it anymore. I can say it. I’m Lover B-HCK-!!
Killer had suddenly decked him in the face. His shades clattered to the ground, one of the lens fractured, and he clutched his face.
She punched him in the face again. No one stepped in or interfered.
...I mean. He deserved it. Sixteen women...
Killer stomped on his shades and they snapped with a magnificent clatter.
Killer: You are SO lucky there are witnesses.
Maid-chan clapped her hands.
Maid-chan: Why stop there? Come on! I know you’re just aching to deliver sweet, sweet justice on behalf of all the girlies he’s killed!
Killer: I am. But fuck it, I’m not playing into your hands.
She cracked her knuckles and sat down.
Man… Killer’s REALLY scary when she’s angry.
Maid-chan: Not paying any mind to King-kun or giving him any medical attention since it’s the Killy-Killy part of the week, let’s move onto the detectives!
Spring: Admittedly… Dolly is creepy.
Syringe: Dolly is NOT creepy. Dolly is a highly respected professional. Dolly has pioneered for so many doll-based detectives. Dolly is actually-
Luna: Sounds like someone likes Dolly~.
Syringe: I do not!
Moth: ...Dolly is creepy.
Syringe: Bad taste. Their dolls are incredibly charming. Sure, it’s weird that they utilize the dolls with real human hair bu-
Flare: REAL HUMAN HAIR? What the fuck!?
Collector: It’s actually a forgotten art. Dolls.
Syringe: I’d have to agree.
Spring: I’d still think it’s creepy.
Sol: You like stuffed animals, don’t you?
Spring: ...That’s different.
Killer: Yeah! Real human hair dolls are CREEPY. What the hell…
Luna: What about Masquerade Butterfly? Seems like a stone cold bitch to me.
Rabbit: A magical girl detective. Being a bitch. Yeah. Fuckin’ right.
Glasses: I think Masquerade Butterfly is kind of cool…
Killer: Me too!
Tailor: What if we voted for Arata Shoto?
Tailor: We’d get a free name, and a free identity.
Killer: Aw, sweet. I’m down.
Oh noooo.
Bled: [That actually sounds like a pretty good deal. Sorry Shoto-san, whoever you are.]
Sol: I think that’s smart.
Collector: I agree. It’s the best way to weed out who’s not qualified too.
Oh. He looked directly at me when he said that. Bitch. I quickly put in a vote for Masquerade Butterfly, remembering that conversation, to spite her.
Maid-chan: ...Wow, you guys vote fast!
Maid-chan: An almost unanimous vote for Arata Shoto. He alone voted for Masquerade Butterfly.
Maid-chan: Arata Shoto is none other than… Protagonist!
Puppet started slow clapping, but soon stopped after no one joined in. I just sat there awkwardly, all eyes on me.
King: HAH. I already knew that.
He sniffled, his face still looking pretty red and messed up.
Glasses: I did too.
Killer: Of course you two did.
Spring: Well, I uh… I guess this is great news! Now we all have someone to collectively trust… puwawa…
Collector: …
He looks pretty miffed. I guess his plan backfired.
Maid-chan: Aaaanyway… You’re all dismissed! Feel free to start killing as much as you want now! Haha! Even today! Hell, you can even start killing right now!
We all just ignored her and went on our way. Little had changed, even with a known serial killer in our group.
...I think.
Spring caught up with me as I was leaving the auditorium and tugged on my sleeve, dragging me towards the stairs. She’s actually stronger than she looks!
Protagonist: Spring-san, what’s up?
Spring: …
She looked nervous.
Spring: I wanted to apologize… puwa.
Spring: Can I be a bit serious here?
Protagonist: Oh, um, sure.
Spring: About the detectives chat.
Protagonist: ...Oh.
Is she…
Spring: I had Rabbit-kun type for me...puwa…
Spring: I felt like my typing style was too unique… and people would figure out it was me…
She looked really troubled.
Spring: I scolded him afterwards! I really think what you did was really honorable. You deserve to be here with the rest of us.
Protagonist: ...T… Thanks?
Spring: ...Wait, no. Let me rephrase that.
Spring: You don’t deserve that, sorry… I… Haha!
Spring: I meant, you deserve to be hailed as a hero like the rest of us. Even if you’re not really a conventional detective…
Spring: You’re still a hero to me.
Spring: And everyone else.
Spring: I really think that you can help us out of this.
Spring: I’m glad I met you.
Spring: Thank you. Honestly.
Protagonist: ...I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much Spring-san… I… I’m so glad you trust me like this.
Spring: You can call me ‘Spring-chan’, you know!
Protagonist: Spring-chan, right…
Protagonist: Anyway, you’re… Masqu-
Spring: Masquerade Butterfly. That’s right.
Spring: Sigh.
Spring: I trust you won’t tell anyone. And Rabbit-kun obviously knows, so.
Suddenly our IDs buzzed with a message from the group chat.
Sol: [King-kun is still on for making dinner tonight for whoever wants to come.]
Spring: ...Really, nothing has changed. I’m still at ease.
Spring: It isn’t too bad.
Spring: All my worries are melting away.
Spring: I’m glad. Let’s go eat.
Protagonist: Alright.
- In Serial71 Chapters
Construct Your Fate
What would you do if you could suddenly do anything? Lucas Creo finds himself alone and clueless when The Construct arrives. What he was before doesn't matter any longer. Talents, Skills, Perks, and Levels are how he will Construct his Fate, for better or for worse. Follow Lucas on his path with an atypical weapon choice, a penchant for crafting Talents, and a gratuitous amount of puns. The cover art for this story is done by my best friend https://bkalicky.artstation.com/ ! You should go check him out he makes lots of cool stuff! If you like it enough, he takes commissions! His contact info is on the site! A big thank you to the user Azorath1234, he helps me keep all my numbers straight in the story! :) This story wouldn't be as good, or accurate, without him!
8 223 - In Serial20 Chapters
Hero's Call
A young man gets a second chance after a life altering injury. A chance to be more than he was. A chance to answer the Hero's Call *I'm scheduling initial releases Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 6:00 pm PST; this will continue until I run out of chapters already written but will try and write far enough forward to keep up until the story is complete.
8 142 - In Serial6 Chapters
Tales of Heroes and Demons
Every great story begins in tragedy…A story of true heroes, forged through hardship…A story of a world thrown in turmoil…A story of heroes, battling the forces of evil…However, every great story has a humble beginning.In the Ancient Times, the world was in turmoil. Only through the efforts of a martial hero, wielding the Flaming Medallion and the Heavenly Sword, was the Dark Lord slain.Now, eight hundred thousand years have passed…Yang Jing, a disciple of the Order of Heaven, dies on a mission. However, he finds no rest after death. Reincarnating into the body of Cheng Yuan, a mere mortal, will he recover his martial prowess, or is there a deeper meaning to his reincarnation?Will he answer the call of a world thrown into turmoil? To follow in the footsteps of those before him, and defeat the Dark Lord once and for all? [Remake of my older story 'The Sage and the Sword' with a number of important changes and revisions.] Cover: From Pixabay, website for sharing copyright free images. Design: From Canva.
8 75 - In Serial14 Chapters
Our Own Forever
For some people, a soulmate is an escape, but for others, it's a prison. This newly transitioned eighth-grader never had a soulmate, so he had no opinion. Struggling with personal issues and now the sudden appearance of a new family in town, Casey Boyd has his work cut out for him and then some. Between the ever-growing issues for super-humans and trying to figure out his identity, this young teenager must learn to swim with the help of his best friend before he drowns.
8 69 - In Serial46 Chapters
Deep In The Woods
A young girl wakes up in cold darkness... And that's all you need to know. (Age: 18+) This is a dark story that makes your skin crawl and that causes you to peek an extra time over your shoulder.TRIGGER WARNING: Violence, mature, graphic+Written and completed in 2019Word count: 99.500
8 68 - In Serial22 Chapters
Cars: Next Generation- The Story of Alex
Alex was always a little...sour...with her race car dad, the racer that everyone has known and loved since what felt like forever--at least, according to Alex-- Lightning McQueen. For the past few years, she's never wanted anything more than for her charismatic (and over-enthusiastic) father to stop nagging about wanting her to join the racing leagues, but in a twist of fate, Alex decides to join secretly, going under the name "Storm Swift", racer number #22. The secret is kept between Sally, Alex, and the known next-gen. racer, Jackson Storm, who makes a deal with Alex to keep the secret, as long as she agrees to keep a relationship with him, if only as a way for Jackson to gain more publicity than he already has, as a new generation racer. What will happen? What if the secret gets out? Find out what happens in the story of the next generation, filled with your favorite characters, such as Lightning, Sally, Jackson, Cruz, and the new girl on the track! ---- Note- Though the events in this story deal around the plot of Cars 3, please remember that this is only a fanfiction that I created for your enjoyment! Happy Reading! -I.K.
8 191