《Kill the Joker: Survival Game》Everything Moves in Real Time - IV
>Stay with King
I looked at King with a resigned sigh. Glasses could wait. He couldn't be in that much trouble, right? And besides, I had the rest of this mansion stay to talk to him about it, whereas with King... well, his feelings were a now thing.
Protagonist: I was going to find Glasses-kun, but... what's up?
King: ...
King: You chose me over Glasses-kun, huh?
King: That makes me really happy to hear. I wonder if it was the curry rice that did it...
Protagonist: H-hold up! I didn't choose anything! What!?
King: You totally did! You just made a really important decision just now! And you picked me!
Protagonist: I just decided to stay here because you said you were sad. Don't make me leave. I can still change my mind.
King: ...Sigh.
King: Whatever.
Protagonist: So...
Protagonist: What's up...? You said you were sad.
King: What do you care?
King: Hmph~.
...He's being difficult on purpose.
Protagonist: Sigh.
Protagonist: Because we're friends. Duh.
King: ...
He seems even more dejected than before. What did I do wrong?
I moved to sit down next to him, but he wouldn't look at me, only letting out an exaggerated sigh and reclining. In my pocket, my ID was buzzing with messages from the new group chat.
Protagonist: If you won't talk to me, then I'll be forced to leave.
King: ...
King: Noo...
He sighed and suddenly leaned his head on my shoulder. Like this, I could feel his steady breathing, and see that he had closed his eyes behind his shades.
Protagonist: ...I guess this is a thing now.
King: I just like being with you, you know?
King: I want you to take my feelings for you seriously.
Protagonist: Of course I do. Like I said, we're frien-...
King: Shut up for once, okay?
Protagonist: ...
Protagonist: Sigh.
I got out my ID to read through some of the messages in the detectives group chat. Like I had expected, it was pretty active.
Gallerian: [piss]
Gallerian: [v]
Galllerian: [o]
Gallerian: [r]
Well. I guess that was one way to use the detective chat.
Gallerian: [Stop that]
Dolly: [I'm banning piss from this chat]
Gallerian: [oh but not vore???? hoho? dolly confirmed for vore kink]
Dolly: [Absolutely fucking die]
Edogawa: [sigh]
Salem: [guys can we not talk about kinks. please. thanks.]
Gallerian: [I second that.]
Salem: [you w.. were the one just talking about the kinks]
Gallerian: [...That was the "other" Gallerian.]
Salem: [oh i c]
Edogawa: [you'd think a bunch of detectives would be Better than this but apparently fucking not?]
Masquerade Butterfly: [lmao oh shut the fuck up]
Masquerade Butterfly: [its some harmless fun. its not going to kill you]
Arata Shoto: [its a detective chat huh]
I decided to finally put a message into the chat, despite King watching over my shoulder. He seemed to be a bit interested in the chat, obviously since he wasn't in it, but...
Masquerade Butterfly: [actually its a detective chat and then like one fucken normie maid-chan pulled off the street and was like "oh yeah you'll do" probably]
Masquerade Butterfly: [thats you @Arata Shoto]
Gallerian: [holy shit roasted]
That's enough of that chat for me, thanks! I know it's true, but you don't have to be an absolute fucking bitch about it. I kind of wondered who that was.
King is still leaning on me, pouting. He seems comfortable though, so I don't move.
This is kind of weird, isn't it.
Protagonist: You know, you're too touchy feely.
King: Do you want me to stop?
Protagonist: It's fine. I didn't say that.
King: Siiiigh. That makes me really happy, but at the same time, you're so dense.
Protagonist: ...
I thought about Glasses. Maybe I should message him...? I looked down at my ID and opened our DMs. King immediately slapped my hand lightly.
King: No!
King: This is our time!
King: No Glasses-kun! Bad, Protag-chan!
He was pouting a lot now.
Protagonist: But I'm worried -
King: Noooooooo.
Protagonist: I'm going to send him a message.
King: No!
He suddenly grabbed my ID out of my hands.
King: I'll make you send "I love King-kun forever and ever" to him. How about that?
Protagonist: Stop it. You're seriously acting like a baby.
King: Fine.
King: Message Glasses-kun. I don't care.
Protagonist: ...Sigh.
I typed up a message to Glasses after I took my ID out of King's hands. I could feel him watching me, but I didn't really care at the moment. I had to make sure Glasses was alright.
Protagonist: [Hey Glasses-kun... you missed the meeting, and I haven't seen you all day. Is everything alright?]
Protagonist: [Are you alright? King-kun and I are really worried about you.]
King made an indignant sound next to me.
King: No, I'm not! Don't spread lies, Protag-chan!
Protagonist: Don't be difficult.
There was no reply from Glasses. I waited, holding in my breath, for a reply.
King: ...
King: Huh. He's really not replying.
King: Maybe he is dead, huh?
Protagonist: Shut up.
King: ...!
Protagonist: Seriously. Shut up. We're going to find him.
I looked at the chat. Still, there was nothing.
King: ...Sigh. I guess I'll come along.
Protagonist: You don't need to.
King: You don't want me to?
Protagonist: You can.
Protagonist: Honestly, I don't care either way.
King: You're so mean to me. And here I thought we had made progress.
King: Something tells me you'll need my help anyway.
Protagonist: You've been more of a hinderance really.
King: Rude!
I got up, and King got up with me, following me as we walked to Glasses's room.
When we got there, I knocked on the door to his room.
Protagonist: Glasses-kun...? Are you alright?
There was no reply, but the shuffling of something being moved around on a table let us know he was inside.
King: We know you're in there!
King: Answer us, and stop being such a goddamn bother!
Protagonist: King-kun!
King: What? Too harsh?
There was silence.
Glasses: ...I can't...
Protagonist: Oh! You're alright, thank god!
Hearing his voice made me feel a lot better in itself.
Glasses: I can't open the door.
King: Are you indecent or something?
Glasses: No.
Glasses: ...
Glasses: I literally can't open the door.
Glasses: It's locked from the outside... or something.
Protagonist: ...!
King: Oh shit.
Protagonist: How did... how did that happen?
Glasses: I don't know - I just -
Suddenly, King and my IDs started blipping. I could hear Glasses's ID blip from inside his room too. The announcements app.
Maid-chan: Heeeey! I see three of you have recognized my little game, so that means it's officially...
Maid-chan: DE-DUC-TION TIME!
King: Wait, what the f-
Maid-chan: Yup, okay. So, some of you were probably wondering where everyone's favorite serial killer was all day.
King: ...I'm everyone's favorite serial killer.
He said this in such a low voice, I almost didn't hear.
Maid-chan: It was because...
Maid-chan: Well, he can't leave his room!
Maid-chan: Let me explain a little thing about the rooms to you. They can lock in two ways. From the inside, and the outside.
Maid-chan: And everyone's ID card can lock or unlock one other person's room from the outside. So, if your room gets locked from the outside, you're shit outta luck! You have to get the person who locked it to unlock it, or you have to beg me let you out. And I'm not going to let Glasses out of this one, scott free!
Maid-chan: So... today's deduction is... to find the person who locked Glasses's room! It's time to begin.
Maid-chan: Teehee! You'll get an hour for this. I don't think I'll dole out any severe punishments for this, but... If you can't find out who locked him in there... Well, I'll just let him stay in there for a while, then~.
Maid-chan: Transmission, end!
The screen switched off, and I was left with my mind racing. No, this couldn't be true. No one could've locked Glasses's room, right? No one here would... no one would do that, right?
King: ...
He looked at me.
King: Before you get any ideas about it being me, I'll prove that it wasn't!
He tried scanning his ID under Glasses's door. It didn't unlock. That eased my mind a bit, at least.
Protagonist: Thank you King-kun...
Protagonist: But... Glasses-kun, will you be alright?
Protagonist: ...And why didn't you respond to my messages? Or tell anyone about this? It could've been resolved sooner!
I was a bit exasperated with him, but... I was just glad he was okay for now.
Glasses: I... didn't want you to worry.
Protagonist: Glasses-kun... you have to tell me these things! Hell, not just me, anyone!
Glasses: ...
Glasses: I'm sorry.
As he apologized, I could hear others approaching the second floor. Bled, Moth, Syringe, Collector, Puppet, Killer, Valkyrie, Diamond, and Tailor had all appeared. A door opened from behind us and Luna came out to survey those who had gathered.
King: We should start investigating.
Protagonist: Right.
Bled: [Protagonist-kun...!]
Bled caught my attention with her text-to-speech calling my name.
Protagonist: What's up, Bled-san?
Bled: [Have you checked to see which door your ID locks?]
Protagonist: No. I think we should get to finding who locked Glasses-kun's room, but...
Bled: [...It wasn't me. I didn't even know the IDs could do that. I don't think most of the people here knew they could.]
Protagonist: I believe y-
King: Oh yeah? Prove it.
Bled: [...Hmph. Fine.]
She walked over to Glasses's door and scanned her ID. Nothing.
Bled: [There has to be a faster way than everyone scanning Glasses-kun's door, though.]
King: It's the most effective way~.
Bled: [Well... let's narrow it down. Who seems to dislike Glasses-kun? Or has a reason to lock him in his room?]
Bled: [He's a serial killer, so the list is pretty long. I'd say, my biggest suspects right now are probably Syringe-kun and Collector-kun.]
King: Well, let's give them a chat, huh?
Protagonist: Collector-kun, huh?
Even so, I felt like there was someone I was missing.
King: I dunno. Let's talk to 'ringe-y-kyun, first, rightsies?
Protagonist: ...Alright.
Bled: [...Sigh.]
We approached Syringe, who was talking to Moth and Killer. Upon our arrival, he politely waved at me. Killer and Moth waved too.
Protagonist: Um, hello.
Syringe: Hell-
King: Why the FUCK would you lock Glasses-kun in his room, 'ringe-y? Spit it out.
Syringe: ...
Syringe: M...me?
He pointed at himself.
Syringe: You really think I did this?
Syringe: You must have fewer brain cells than I imagined.
Protagonist: King-kun, we can't just go around accusing people like that.
King: Yeah we can. I just did.
Moth: ...If I may, Syringe-kun was with me for most of the day.
Moth: He had a small period of time, yes, but I really don't think he's the culprit here.
Killer: I don't think it was Syringe-kun either. I mean, like... Yeah, Syringe-kun really openly hates serial killers and whatever, and Glasses-kun is like. Pretty much our only confirmed serial killer, so it'd make sense in theory, but...
Killer: Hey, Syringe-kun, can you like, lay out your whole day for me?
Syringe: I don't mind. Sigh.
Syringe: I woke up due to the alarm, as per usual. I really hate that thing. I got dressed and went to the parlor afterwards to sit down and relax. Then I met Protagonist-shi and Moth-kun at the second floor and we all went to the library. I've been with Moth ever since. We went and got food sometime after that, and then the meeting. And now, this.
Killer: See! It's right there! What I'm saying is that -
King: Loser.
Killer: I SAID that, I think Glasses-kun's room was locked before the alarm. Because, you know. The alarm wakes a lot of people up. So there's heavy traffic at that time.
Bled: [So if Syringe-kun were to lock the room after he woke up, there's a higher chance that someone would've seen him, is what you're saying?]
Killer: Exactly.
Bled: [I suppose that makes sense...]
King: I still think it's him.
Syringe: Of course you would.
Moth: I mean, I got up before the alarm, but I was with Protag-kun for the most part. Should I use my ID to prove it?
Protagonist: That's actually a good idea. I trust you Moth-kun, but...
Moth: I understand, then h-
Suddenly our IDs alerted us again.
Maid-chan: Huhu! I forgot to mention, after five wrong tries, Glasses's room will be locked for the rest of the day! That's just how it is!
Maid-chan: Just so you all can't guess randomly.
Maid-chan: Maid-chan, out!
Protagonist: We've already gone twice. Bled-san, and King-kun.
Protagonist: Moth-kun... it'd be best if you refrained from scanning your ID.
Moth: Roger.
Killer: Why don't you ask Val-chan if she knows anything? She's got eyes like a hawk. Maybe she noticed something.
Protagonist: Right... that sounds like a good idea. Thank you, Killer-chan.
I didn't really want to ask Valkyrie for help, but... desperate times called for desperate measures.
King: Are we really gonna ask Valkyrie-chan...?
King: I still think he did it.
King nodded his head in Syringe's direction, who glared at King, but didn't say anything.
Bled: [It'd make sense for us to ask around. We've got limited time, so let's not waste it.]
Protagonist: Right... and I really don't think Syringe-kun did it.
Valkyrie was chatting with Diamond and Tailor, looking over her ID. She looked up at us though, as we got close.
Valkyrie: Hello Protagonist-kun. Bled-san. King-kun.
Protagonist: Um, hello.
Bled: [Valkyrie-san, do you have any information you might want to share with us? Or does Diamond-san or Tailor-kun?]
Valkyrie: ...Why? Are you perhaps suspecting me? I haven't done anything of the sort, you know.
We... didn't say that we were. Chalk that up as suspicious behavior. I sigh and shake my head, nevertheless.
Protagonist: Uh, no. We just wanted to know if you could help us.
Valkyrie: This event was forseeable.
Valkyrie: Within our group, those who distrust others have their attitudes catching and spreading like a disease. Soon, distrust will come and overtake us all, naturally.
King: Is she always this edgy?
Diamond: I-it's not edgy! She makes very valid points, you know!
King: So do you believe her, Dia-chan?
Valkyrie: She doesn't have to believe me.
King: Hang on Valkyrie-chan, I wanna hear this.
Diamond: ...I-is it really fair to put me on the spot like this?
Diamond: I believe in our group, I guess.
Though that seemed a little half-hearted.
Valkyrie: ...Like I said, Diamond-chan's trust in you all does not deter my opinion of her.
Diamond: ...
Tailor: You two make me jealous... having someone like that here... sigh...
Diamond: Ehehe, it's-
Valkyrie: It's a burden.
Diamond: ...!
King: Oof, haha. Kind of harsh. Yeeeeowch.
Protagonist: ...So, um. Do you... have any information to note. Anything you've seen, anything strange... you three?
I wanted to avoid anymore awkwardness.
Diamond: ...Nothing here.
Tailor: I don't think I've seen or heard anything either.
Valkyrie: Sigh. While I haven't seen or heard anything, I do think you should be wary of people who are naturally suspicious.
King: ...But that totally includes you, you know?
Valkyrie: I know what I said.
I think that was... actually helpful advice.
Protagonist: Um, thank you, you three. That really helped. I guess.
Valkyrie: Thank you, Protagonist-kun. I think we'll be able to isolate the perpetrator at this rate.
King: Is that optimism? Haha! Wow, didn't think you were capable of that.
Valkyrie: It's not optimistic. It's realistic. With however many detectives working on this, it's only natural that-
King: Jeez, take a chill pill, bitch.
Valkyrie: ...
And suddenly, Diamond steps forward and sends King reeling backwards with a powerful smack.
Diamond: Don't talk to her like that!
Tailor: Ah, this is...
We've attracted some attention now... and King adjusts his sunglasses, touching his red cheek.
Tailor: You shouldn't've said that, King-kun. It's not right to call a lady that.
King: I don't take orders from you.
He looks pretty pissed, and goes off to the side, storming away.
Bled: [He deserved it.]
Protagonist: ...yeah.
Diamond: I'm going to give him an even bigger piece of my mind later.
Valkyrie: Just. Don't.
She sounds resigned and tired, and touches Diamond's arm to calm her down.
Valkyrie: It's not worth it.
Protagonist: ...Well, um, if you three are good, we'll head off to do more investigating.
Bled: [Yeah. Uh. Thanks again, it was a big help.]
I step to the side with Bled, and look at her awkwardly.
She starts to type something.
Bled: [You'd definitely better not choose King-kun.]
Protagonist: ...I'm not choosing anyone!
Bled: [Heehee. It was a joke to lighten the mood.]
Protagonist: Thanks, Bled-san, for trying.
It didn't really work though. I look over to King, who's still pouting in the corner and look to the last group. It's Collector, Puppet, and Luna. We should probably talk to them. Bled sees where I'm looking and begins to head over there by herself, expecting me to follow. I do.
Bled: [Freeze! You're under arrest for locking Glasses-kun's room!]
Collector: ...Huh?
Bled: [Ahaha, it was just a joke. Hmm. What are we even going to do with the person who locked his room though...? Will we just have to live with this?]
Bled: [Will there be a punishment from us?]
Protagonist: A punishment...?
Collector: A punishment, huh?
We said it relatively at the same time, and we give each other an awkward half-glare. Jerk.
Puppet: Naaaaaaaturally, I won't be doing anything about it! I'm just a mischief-prone girl, so I'm likely to lock a buncha doors! But that doesn't mean I did it! Or did I? Huh? Huuuuh? Kyaha!
Bled: [Yeah, you definitely didn't do it.]
Bled: [I'm more worried about Collector-kun out of you three... sigh.]
Collector: That's kind of disheartening to hear. That you trust me so little.
Collector: I've tried to be a leader figure, and this is how I'm viewed, huh?
Protagonist: It's only natural.
Collector: ...
Luna: What's with this weird tension... it's stressing me out. I just want to go to sleep.
Luna: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. You guys and your killing attempts, and your locked doors, it's all way too troublesome. I'm going to take a nap. Wake me when we're rescued.
Protagonist: K-Killing attempts!?
Luna: Oh, it's bound to happen you know. But whatevs.
Bled: [Luna-kun...]
Puppet: Haha! Now you're starting to sound like Valkyrie-chaaaaaan!
People losing trust in the group this fast... it's really not good.
Puppet: But hmmm, you know what's weird, Protagonist-kuuuun?
Protagonist: Uh, what?
Puppet: The culprit responsible for this likely has to be someone who didn't come to the meeting.
Puppet: If someone knew about the doors, they would've shared it, you know, know?
Puppet: Sooooooo... therefore it narrows down our pool of suspects. Of course, it doesn't do anything if people were lying, but coupled with what you know already, I'm sure you can figure out who it is. Huh? What am I saying, kyahaha!
...Who was she speaking to? Oh well. She really was a strange girl.
Bled: [Right. Protagonist-kun... do you have an idea of who it could be?]
A person who is up early... before the alarm goes off so they wouldn't meet anyone in the hallway.
A person who distrusts the group... enough so that they needed to take this action. And rather, a person who distrusts Glasses.
And a person who didn't come to the meeting. Actually, there's really... one person that fits that description.
A person who outright stated they didn't trust Glasses as well...
Protagonist: It can't be... Rabbit-kun, right?
Collector: Rabbit-kun?
Puppet: AHAHA! I knew you could do it! I was thinking that too, you know!
Bled: [Rabbit-kun... really?]
Luna: Sigh. Okay. If it's him, it's him. I'll go to my room now.
Protagonist: Rabbit-kun is awake almost every night, so it gives him a chance to lock Glasses-kun's door without being seen. He's also told me he doesn't trust him, and... he didn't come to the meeting.
Collector: All of that makes sense. We'll have to place him under room arrest like I suggested. I knew he couldn't be trusted.
Bled: [No... I don't think that's good idea.]
Collector: And why not?
Bled: [It'll just cause tensions to flare. As for now, if it really is Rabbit-kun that did this, we should maybe just keep a better eye on him.]
Protagonist: Yeah, I agree with Bled-san.
Puppet: I'm fine either way, as long as something fun and exciting comes out of it!
Luna: I know people would feel safer if Rabbit-kun was like, under room arrest but, realisitically... he's probably ten times stronger than any of us.
Luna: So it's just not feasible, you know?
Collector: ...Sigh. I see what you're saying. I won't step in then.
Collector: However, it probably won't stop Maid-chan from issuing a punishment... I know she said she wouldn't but. Do we trust her?
Collector: Sigh... and that's troublesome to think about.
Collector pinched the bridge of his nose. I wonder if he was more worried about the collateral damage this whole situation would cause rather than the fact Glasses was targetted. Asshole.
Protagonist: I'm sure she can be convinced not to give out a punishment...
Collector: You must truuuuly have confidence in yourself then, huh?
Bled: [Um! Well, Protagonist-kun and I will go and find Rabbit-kun to unlock Glasses-kun's door! Okay, bye!]
Bled must've sensed the tension, because she took my arm and dragged me towards the stairs.
???: Hey! Are you leaving without me!? Did you figure it out?
Before Bled had any time to react, King had latched onto my arm, effectively getting Bled to drop her grip on me.
Bled: [Oh, King-kun... we think we figured it out.]
King: Ohhh? Whomst, then?
Bled: [...Rabbit-kun.]
King: Uwaaaaoh, Rabbit-kun, really!? Huh, I s'pose it makes sense.
King: Ehe. Let's go confront him then, Protag-chan. There's strength in numbers.
Protagonist: I don't want to confront Rabbit-kun! I just want to know why! Maybe it was an accident...
King: Oh wow, you're kind of blindly optimistic. Kehe. Cute.
Protagonist: I'm not really in the mood for your games, sorry King-kun.
Bled: [...Let's find Rabbit-kun.]
Suddenly, our IDs starting beeping again.
King: Haaah? Another announcement? It hasn't even been an hour!
Nevertheless, we opened up the announcements app.
Maid-chan: H-Hewwo!? Can you hear me? Aha! I've been listening in like a good hostess, and I've heard some of you have reached a conclusion! I'm going to make everyone's locations public for just five minutes, so check quickly if you want to catch your culpwit~.
Maid-chan: Alrightsies, Maid-chan out!
Suddenly, in my DM with Maid-chan, a list of everyone with their locations was sent.
Bled: [Oh, convenient.]
Bled - Second Floor, Near Stairs
Collector - Second Floor, Near Left Side
Diamond - Second Floor, Near Middle
Flare - Third Floor, Library
Glasses - Second Floor, Glasses's Room
Killer - Second Floor, Near Right Side
King - Second Floor, Near Stairs
Luna - Second Floor, Near Left Side
Moth - Second Floor, Near Right Side
Protagonist - Second Floor, Near Stairs
Puppet - Second Floor, Near Left Side
Rabbit - First Floor, Auditorium
Romeo - First Floor, Gift Shop
Sol - Third Floor, Parlor
Spring - First Floor, Auditorium
Syringe - Second Floor, Near Right Side
Tailor - Second Floor, Near Middle
Valkyrie - Second Floor, Near Middle
Protagonist: Looks like Rabbit-kun is with Spring-san. If he doesn't cooperate, we've got her on our side.
King: Hehe, what good luck. Let's go, I'm getting boooored.
Protagonist: ...We're wasting time just standing here like this anyway. We should head to meet them.
Bled: [I suppose so. This is... I have a no-good feeling about this, Protagonist-kun.]
She purses her lips and balances on the tips of her feet, looking down the stairs.
Bled: [Something about this feels awful. I can't figure out why.]
Protagonist: I'm sure everything will be fine.
King: Or, we're all wrong, and we'll all die a horrible, painful, and gory death!
Protagonist: ...
Bled: [...]
Bled: [A-anyways...! Let's get going. All we can keep doing is moving forward.]
And so we went down to the auditorium. Spring was on stage, instructing Rabbit from the audience. It looked like she might be teaching him part of a dance routine...?
King: Excuuuuuuuuse us!
King called loudly, letting our presence be known. Spring and Rabbit looked up. Spring waved, and Rabbit huffed. Maybe he already knew what we were here for. Time to get it over with. Spring got off the stage as we approached, and Rabbit didn't even turn his back from us in the seat he was sitting in.
Spring: Puwaaa! Hello~. Rabbit-kun and I were just choreographing some things. He says this locking doors thing is stressing him out, so please don't ask him about it at all!
Protagonist: ...
King: Like that's not suspicious at all.
Rabbit: Don't ask me about it.
King: Well, I'm asking. D-
Protagonist: Rabbit-kun, uh, it's kind of serious, so we need you to be honest with us. Did you lock Glasses-kun's door?
Rabbit: ...
Rabbit: So fuckin' what if I did, huh?
Spring stood awkwardly, playing with her bandage. She didn't look up.
Rabbit: Can't have a fucker like that runnin' around. Two-faced fucker. I know these types. Slimy scumbags.
I suddenly raised my voice. I don't know why, but hearing him say those things about Glasses, judging him by something he clearly regrets... It made me mad.
Protagonist: It doesn't give you a right to do something like that! And if you have a concern, voice it to the group! Don't try and vigilante actions all on your own!
Spring: ...
Spring: Protagonist-kun's right, puwa... Rabbit-kun.
Spring: I didn't want to say anything because I know you had me in mind... but...! It's really...
Spring: I can take care of myself... and Glasses-kun... you have to trust him for now.
Rabbit: ...
Bled: [Please... Rabbit-kun, can you just come with us to unlock his door?]
Rabbit: Fuckin' fine. Fine! But don't blame me when this comes to bite you in the ass. I had yer best interests in mind.
Bled: [Rabbit-kun... thank you.]
Now with Rabbit and Spring added to our mishmash party, we traveled upstairs, back to Glasses's room. Collector waited besides the door, and I assume he scowled as he saw Rabbit, though I couldn't tell due to the mask.
Collector: Ah, yes. Rabbit-kun. It really was you, hmm?
Collector: You know, I suggested that they keep you in your room, under room arrest as you had done to Glasses. However, no one seemed to ag-
Protagonist: You can unlock the door Rabbit-kun.
Rabbit: R-right.
He sighed and scanned his ID underneath it. It almost immediately unlocked, and I felt the sense of dread that had been gnawing away at my chest clear up.
Bled: [...So that's it. We did it.]
Bled: [But I still can't shake this awful feeling...]
King: It's called PMS.
Bled: [Shut up.]
I opened Glasses's door, not really paying anybody else any mind. I just had to make sure he was alright now.
...And maybe give him a piece of my mind for worrying me so much.
Glasses was sitting on the bed, facing a wall. Unmoving, just staring into space. How long has he been doing that?
Protagonist: Glasses-kun...?
He turned his head as I called his name and blinked.
Glasses: Oh, the door is open. Thank you... you didn't have to.
Protagonist: Glasses-kun.
My voice came out a little firmer than I meant it to, but still... I had to say something.
Protagonist: You really worried all of us. Especially me. Please, if something bad happens to you, you have to tell me. You can't sit idly by and let it happen.
Glasses: I deserved it though, so it's fine.
Protagonist: ...No, you don't. Glasses-kun...
I came to sit next to him on the bed.
Protagonist: Seriously, I was really worried about you. King-kun thought you might even be dead.
Glasses: I'm not.
Protagonist: Well, yes, we know... but... you have to tell someone if something like this happens! So we can all work together!
Glasses: I'm not... good at being part of a team.
Protagonist: Can you at least try...?
Glasses: ...Yes.
He looked away from me, and fiddled with his tie. I remained sitting for a few more moments, watching him in silence, before standing and backing up towards the door.
Protagonist: Thank you, Glasses-kun.
Glasses: ...
I moved back to the door, to find Rabbit and Collector had moved away from the group. Rabbit was being lectured by the latter, though he seemed to be taking it in stride, surprisingly. I figured he would've just gotten really mad at Collector, but...
Suddenly, our IDs collectively started to blip.
Maid-chan: And like that, our culprit has been found! Glasses's door is unlocked now, heehee.
Maid-chan: I also heard talk of punishments! I thought that was pretty interesting, you know. So I've made up my mind.
Maid-chan: I know I said "no severe punishments" in the beginning, but that's soooo boring!
Maid-chan: I've decided that anyone who tried to unlock Glasses's door, including Glasses and Rabbit, will lose one of their hands! I'll let them choose. Left or right, I'm such a generous host, you know!
Panic set in through the room, and my mind. King and Bled... they were the ones who tried to unlock Glasses's door...!
Maid-chan: BUT! Maid-chan: Since we're approaching the Killy-Killy week, I'll make you guys a deal. If a murder occurs before this time next week, I won't be taking any hands. If not, fingers will fly!
Maid-chan: Oh, and to clear things up, the afflicted parties are Bled, King, Glasses, Rabbit, and Diamond.
D-Diamond too?! Wait, when did she try to unlock the door?! This is... panic is setting in through my body. King and Glasses... no, everyone. I have to make sure they're safe.
Maid-chan: Anyway, Maid-chan out! Toodles!
There's silence on the second floor before Diamond bursts into tears. No... this isn't right. This can't be happening. No one will murder... Like I said...
Suddenly something grabs my side. I almost yelp, before I realize who it is. King looks at me through his shades, face impassable. Is he scared? I'd never be able to tell. What does he even think about?
King: ...
King: ...
King: You said you'd protect me, right?
Protagonist: I'm protecting everyone.
King: That means you're protecting me.
King: Good enough.
He squeezes himself underneath my arm and sighs. I can feel that he's shaking slightly. Maybe he is scared.
King: I've never been particularly strong, so this is reassuring.
Does he really think so?
King: ...Actually I'm going to my room. I'll find you later, Protag-chan, alright?
He's a mess. I quickly give him a hug, and he lingers for a few seconds, before heading towards his room.
I poke my head into Glasses's room while we're still here.
Protagonist: You... alright?
Glasses: I have faith in you. Like I said.
Protagonist: Okay, got it.
I back up into Bled, who lightly removes me from stepping on her toes.
Protagonist: Oh, uh, sorry.
Bled: [Can we talk?]
Bled: [It's nothing bad. I just don't wanna be alone.]
Protagonist: Oh, of course.
Bled: [Let's go to my room. I promise it isn't too messy.]
I look around.
Killer and Valkyrie are comforting a sobbing Diamond. Moth, Tailor and Syringe are beginning to head downstairs. Collector, Spring and Rabbit are talking. Puppet and Luna have disappeared, but...
I nod my head.
Following Bled to her room, I sigh. She scans her ID and opens the door to her room.
Bled: [Not too shabby, huh? I followed your lead and got a cactus.]
She grins, pointing to a small cactus sitting on her nightstand underneath the lamp.
Bled's room is... exactly identical to mine in decoration. In the other rooms I've seen, there was at least a little difference, but Bled's room is like, walking into my own.
Protagonist: Yeah, it's... familiar.
Bled: [Really?]
She huffs a sigh and bounces onto the bed.
Bled: [Sooooo. You got interrupted. I wanna hear allll about your crush on Glasses-kun!]
Oh, of course this is what she wants to talk about. It's super awkward, but...
Protagonist: Um, I don't have a crush on Glasses-kun.
Do I? I don't know at this point.
Protagonist: Honestly, we're just friends.
Bled: [Bo-ring! I think you two would make a cute couple.]
I finally take a seat in the chair facing the bed. I wonder why she wants to talk about romance so much...
Protagonist: I mean, my first priority in this manor is to get out of here with everyone alive. Not to get a boyfriend.
Bled: [Fair, but that's a plus, you know?]
Protagonist: You're kind of a helpless romantic, huh.
That's more of an observation than a question at this point.
Bled: [It's because of my step-sister. She's like a princess 'n' junk, so she gets tons of confession letters around holidays. She always makes me read them to help respond. I guess I gained a sense of romance from reading one too many love notes. Haha!]
Protagonist: That's fair.
Protagonist: So you like Killer-chan, huh?
Bled: [I know it's totally impossible... Spring-chan is so much cuter. She's got me beat in every way.]
Protagonist: I don't think it's an entirely lost cause.
Bled: [Yeah... I can't help but be hopeful.]
Bled rolls a little on the bed, groaning comically.
Bled: [Man, I want to talk about cute things like this to distract myself but...]
Protagonist: I know how you feel. We're all scared right now.
Bled: [...Yeah. I don't wanna lose my hands. I mean... how would I type? How would I sign!?]
Protagonist: It won't happen. We can convince Maid-chan not to do it. I've done it before. We have time, right?
Bled: [You're awfully optimistic. Come back down to earth, Mr. Astronaut.]
Protagonist: It's true! I really think that we can get through this if we all work together.
Bled: [Siiiiiiiiigh. Alright. You know what? You haven't been wrong yet, so I'll place my trust in you.]
Protagonist: Thanks, Bled-san.
Bled: [You know, you can call me Bled-chan. Like you call Killer, "Killer-chan".]
Bled: [I already call you Protagonist-kun, so...!]
Bled: [It's only natural for friends to do this sort of stuff.]
She sits up and grins at me, taking off her glasses.
Bled: [Surprisingly, I can still see a future when I take these off. Huh.]
Protagonist: That's g-
Bled: [Hehe, I'm not a psychic, though.]
I laughed with her.
We stayed like this for a little while longer, just chatting. I almost forgot about Maid-chan's threats until someone knocked on Bled's door.
Bled: [Could you go and get that, Protagonist-kun?]
Protagonist: Oh, uh, sure.
I got up and opened the door. Tailor stood there, and blinked, before waving slightly.
Tailor: Oh, Protagonist-shi. Hello. I wanted to talk to Bled-shi to make sure she was alright.
Tailor: I hadn't heard from her since... you know, and I wanted to just talk to her, as she is my friend.
I hadn't really noticed before, but he really holds himself with a dignified air. I look at Bled, who's laying across her bed, kicking her feet up and down.
Protagonist: Of course. Come in.
Tailor nods, and delicately and gracefully slips into the room. He sits in the chair I was sitting in, and Bled looks up at him. He signs something to her, and she signs something back.
Oh. So this is how it's gonna be. Should I just leave now...? I feel awkward, as I watch them sign back and forth with each other.
Bled suddenly looks at me and starts typing.
Bled: [I'll talk like this from now on. Don't wanna be rude. Tailor-kun just was signing because he thinks you're cute and wanted to impress you.]
Tailor: Th-that's not.
Bled: [Haha! Just kidding~.]
Tailor: Bled-shi... that's too cruel. Besides, I-... never mind.
Tailor: At least I'm glad to see you're in a good mood.
Bled: [It's thanks to Protagonist-kun. And you checking up on me makes me feel good too.]
Suddenly my ID vibrated with a message in the group chat. I had a bunch of unchecked messages in the detective chat, but I'd save those for when I feel like dealing with them. I'm still a bit soured on that chat from Masquerade Butterfly.
Sol: [King has made a special dinner and dessert for everyone tonight to raise everyone's spirits. Hopefully everyone can be in a good mood soon.]
Tailor and Bled were reading the message too, it seemed.
Tailor: We should go down. I'm a bit famished.
Bled: [Oh look at me, I'm Tailor-kun, I'm fancy~. I say famished~. I bet you say "peckish" too.]
Tailor: Do not.
Bled: [Do too.]
She got up off the bed, undoing the wrinkles from her clothes, and Tailor gently stood up to stand near me at the door. Bled soon followed after us, and we went down to the restaurant without any distractions.
As usual, it smelled heavenly. I guess King must've cheered up. That was good. King moping about, not clinging to me every five seconds would've been strange.
As we went to get the food, I saw King. He was kind of focused on cooking, so I thought it'd be best not to bother him. It looked like he was making some kind of short ribs. I didn't mind what he made, I would eat it. ...He was a really great cook, alright.
After we served ourselves, Tailor, Bled, and I found a table. Tailor was able to tell me about his past a bit. His outfit was actually an old kimono he had deconstructed for more practical wear. It turns out he really was a legit tailor. I found that pretty funny. Bled did too. Tailor didn't really see the humor in it, but he laughed along with us anyway. He also apparently had a girlfriend that he was looking forward to seeing again. Bled was incredibly interested in this, though Tailor was pretty vague on detailing her.
After dinner, we had chocolate cake for dessert. King really did spoil us. I wondered what would happen if he weren't here, but I pushed that thought out of my mind quickly. I went back to my room after saying my goodbyes to Tailor and Bled, and sat down on my bed. It was... scary. Being here. I ended up taking a shower after I sat and thought for a period of time, but immediately went back to my room, not feeling any better. It took me a while to fall asleep too, but sleep did come, eventually.
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Fatal Shot
As an international mercenary, Feng Luo entered a technologically advanced parallel world during a mission. After living several years in the new world, an online sci-fi game called War became popular across the entire Star Federation.Desert Eagles, Barrett, AK-47, Apache, RPG… One after another, familiar gears awakened his memories of the past!Terminator, Zerg, Resident Evil, the Force,… The missions that appeared after a system update made him even more suspicious and shocked! As such, Feng Luo entered War and became a sniper.
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Brave Soul
Take my soul, take it and let it flow along the river of space. The sadness will bloom, happiness will wilt as I venture in this world of stones. As I freeze by the sun and burned by the rain, the silence is screaming for my plea. Let my soul be at ease for a calm soul can see the river's end.P.S. - The pace is a bit slow.Rated 18: Strong Language, violence and gore, sexual explicitAdditional Genre: Administration, Agriculture, politics,cooking, ,alchemy, medicineMore info: There might be an action genre but it does not mean my novel will revolve in that genre alone. If you like OP character with tons of pills to swallow to become a God then this novel is not for you.Cover: thanks to lifemanagement4you.com
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the City
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Harry Potter is five years old now, though he does not look it. He looks more like a small four or three year old. But, that's not the end of it.The fact that none of his neighbors know he exists, that he sleeps in a cupboard, even that his parents are dead, is not the end, nor the worst of it. No, the worst, is his uncle. The reason he doesn't speak, look at anyone, barely even breathe. Each night, he hopes for someone to come and save him, but they never come. No matter how hard he wishes, how hard he hopes, it seems he will be stuck there forever, or until his slow, agonizing march to death ends.One night, after hoping and hoping, he starts to realize he will never get saved, helped, even comforted, for his entire life.What if he's wrong, and what if a certain Slytherin can heal this broken child?What if, in turn, this broken child can heal him?THIS IS NOT SNARRY!! If that's your thing that's fine, but HARRY IS FIVE IN THIS FANFIC!! NOT SNARRY!!Do not repost on any other website/account without my permission.
8 125