《Kill the Joker: Survival Game》Everything Moves in Real Time - III
When I awoke, my room was dark.
No annoying alarms, just silence. It was quiet and peaceful, so I turned over to my side and closed my eyes...
But sleep wouldn't come. An uneasy feeling filled my chest. I went to check my ID to see the time. It was 2:43 AM. Wow, so much for a nap. I really must've slept a lot.
I sat up in my bed. I don't think I could easily get back to sleep like this. Maybe it would be best to go get a warm glass of milk to ease me back into a peaceful sleep...?
I sat up, and realized I was still in my clothes. Ah. I had a bad habit of doing that, here, huh? Smoothing out the wrinkles, I put on my shoes, which were sitting by the corner of my bed, and grabbed my ID before heading out. No one was walking around of course, and the manor was... dark. The lights were out in the hallways, and it was eerily silent.
I got to the kitchen, and opened the fridge and grabbed the milk. That's funny... We were running low this morning, but now it was totally full...? I checked over some of the other things in the fridge. We now had a full carton of eggs... more butter... in fact, everything had been replaced and replenished. That solved my growing anxiety about starving to death or food spoiling, I guess.
I took out a mug from the cabinet and began to pour milk into it. Suddenly, the shuffling of footsteps outside caught my attention. I hesitated in lifting the milk from the mug, and almost spilt it. Who would be up at this time...? Unconsciously, my heart started to race.
Protagonist: Hello...? Is someone there?
Against my better judgment, I called out to them. The footsteps stopped, and suddenly started to get louder. I could only assume they were only coming here. The door opened, and I held my breath.
Flare's cautious smile greeted me from across the kitchen, and she looked relieved as well.
Flare: Hello, Protagonist-kun. I'm really surprised to see you up.
Protagonist: I could say the same thing.
She giggled slightly, and came to stand across the table from me.
Flare: I just... have trouble sleeping sometimes. Even with my schedule in place...
She sighed and shook her head.
Flare: It's really a shame, but I'm not the only one who seems to be a nightcrawler.
Protagonist: Oh, me too. I mean, I just couldn't sleep tonight because I fell asleep early, haha...
Protagonist: Wait, is there someone else up?
Flare nods.
Flare: Rabbit-kun is pretty much nocturnal, and so is Luna-kun. But Luna-kun doesn't usually leave his room... I just hear mumbling coming from it sometimes... Hehe. Valkyrie-san also takes night walks, but...
Protagonist: Rabbit-kun...? Really?
Flare: Yeah, really. He's pretty active from 2:00 onwards. He'll go to bed early and pretend to be an edgelord so he has an excuse to miss King-kun's dinner get-togethers.
Protagonist: Wow, I just thought he really hated King-kun.
Protagonist: And the rest of us.
Flare: I've spoken to Spring-chan about him... she insists he's really a good guy.
Flare: And I've managed to see him a few times away from everyone else, so I think our bond has deepened a little, you know?
Flare: He's kind of a big doofus.
Protagonist: How many times do you have trouble sleeping...?
Flare: ...
Flare: I'm always up at 2 am, but... it's just how it is.
I get the feeling I shouldn't try to push the subject.
Flare: And, Protagonist-kun... as for Glasses-kun... I wanted to ask you something.
Oh great, here it comes...
Protagonist: Uh, sure.
Flare: He really is Enoh University's Ripper, right?
Protagonist: ...Yeah, but he's stopped. He's not killing anymore, and um, the reasons for him killing in the first place were unclear to me, but I... he said he'd speak at the meeting...
Flare: Ah. I see. Protagonist-kun, I trust your opinion... so...
Flare: What do you think of that? Redemption and the sort. Is Glasses-kun worth being redeemed?
Whoa. I don't know what to say to that...
Protagonist: Um, I can't say for now. He's working his hardest towards redemption but... I don't know the circumstances, so I can't judge that. And what position am I in to judge him...?
Flare: I see.
Flare: It's just that... I was thinking.
Flare: Protagonist-kun, think about it like this. You've got 9 of the worst, infamous, most notorious serial killers along with 9 of some of the most famous detectives. Isn't something like this...
Flare: Isn't what Maid-chan trying to hold... a redemption game?
...Oh shit. What Flare says is making sense.
Flare: With the secrets too. Everyone has something to hide. It seems like the underlying theme here... it must be redemption.
Protagonist: Y-You're right.
Protagonist: It totally makes sense...
Protagonist: Flare-san, I know you're not interested in coming to the meeting tomorrow, er, I mean... today... but, please... can I share your theory with the group?
Flare looked at me and blushed, putting a hand on her cheek.
Flare: W-well, if you like it so much, I suppose so.
Protagonist: Thanks. I think it'll be good to hear what everyone else thinks about it.
Flare: Make sure you credit me, Protagonist-kun! I want people to know of my genius. Hehe.
Protagonist: I promise I will.
I feel like my bond with Flare has deepened...
I yawn and look down at my milk. I'm not that thirsty anymore, but I still try to finish off the glass.
Flare: If you're tired, go back to bed.
She grins and clicks her tongue.
Flare: I have to tell my little sis not to stay up too late if she's tired too. Man, she overworks herself.
Protagonist: You have a sister?
Flare: ...
Flare: Well, yeah. I do.
Protagonist: Are you the oldest sibling too? I have a younger brother...
Flare: She's my step sibling. My dad married her mom. We're pretty close in age so we get along just fine... but.
Protagonist: ...but?
Flare: It's complicated, you know.
Flare: I think you'd like her, if you ever met her. She's a really earnest girl...
Flare: If not a bit naive.
Protagonist: Ah, I see. She must be really incredible if you can speak so fondly of her!
Flare huffed and waved her hand slightly in front of her face.
Flare: What's that supposed to mean, jeez! You're too much, Protagonist-kun.
Protagonist: It's meant in a good way.
Flare: I know.
She breathes out a sigh and slumps down against the counter.
Protagonist: Do you miss her...?
Flare: ...
Flare: ...
Flare: No.
That's... strange. Flare seemed to speak so fondly of her sister... what's up with that?
Flare: I mean, it's hard to. It's complicated, like I said.
Protagonist: O...okay.
Flare: You're a real nosy type, huh...? Kind of like the papparazzi.
Protagonist: ...Sorry?
Flare: It's nothing, I was just musing to myself. Hmph.
She's pouting now. Maybe I should leave her alone...?
Protagonist: Well, I'm gonna go back to my room. Thanks for chatting with me, Flare-san.
Flare: It's nothing. Chatting with me is kind of fun, right? It must be much more fun than chatting with King-kun all the time.
I laugh as I put my cup into the dishwasher. She watches as I pass her by to head to the exit.
Protagonist: That's for sure... though he's been more tolerable recently. I can see how Sol-kun does it...
Flare: Eugh... just make sure not to fall for him, okay? I won't forgive you.
Protagonist: I won't.
Flare gives me one last smile and heads to the refridgerator herself. I end up leaving. I'm kind of tired, even if the milk wasn't warm, I think that did the trick. But before I can even think about going back to bed, from a little down the hallway, there's a clattering in the gift shop. I can only think that it must be Rabbit, as Flare said.
He might need help... is my first thought. So I head to the gift shop with little hesitation.
Protagonist: Rabbit-san...?
I call to him before I can see him. As I'm approaching the gift shop, there's some shuffling about, but no answer.
Protagonist: Rabbit-san... ... ...?
I call again, this time peering into the room. Rabbit's in the middle of putting back an arm full of stuffed animals. I blink. Stuffed animals, huh?
Protagonist: Um, do you need help...?
He immediately drops everything in his arms angrily to fold them across his chest and stare me down.
Rabbit: What're you doing up...? Shouldn't goody-goodies like you be sleeping in?
Protagonist: Um...
Protagonist: I had trouble sleeping... so I went to get milk. I look at the stuffed animals on the floor.
Protagonist: Do you need help?
Rabbit: .... 'm fine.
I can tell his face is red, even in the dim lighting of the room.
Rabbit: Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not some softy. I could rip you to shreds.
Protagonist: ...Alright.
Rabbit: These're just f'r Spring-chan, you know...?
He starts picking up the stuffed animals he's dropped. I go over and start helping him.
Rabbit: ...Thanks...
Protagonist: You and Spring-san are pretty close right...?
I'm hoping for Killer's sake that they're not dating. But I don't think they are.
Rabbit: Yeah. You could say that. I'm always watching out for her. 'Cuz you've prolly noticed, she's the real oblivious type.
Rabbit: I'm keeping an eye on your friend by the way. The gyaru! Spring-chan attracts a lot of trouble, so I often have to bail her out of it...
Protagonist: I don't think K-
Rabbit: I don't think that gyaru's much trouble... but... you never know here.
Protagonist: I think she genuinely likes Spring-san a lot.
Rabbit: Of course she does! Spring-chan's the best friend I could ever ask for. She's a sweet person, and genuinely trusting. Which is why she attracts a lot of unwanted attention...
I want to convince him that Killer is probably one of the most trustworthy people here, but...
Rabbit: ...It's just 'cuz this isn't the first time something like this has happened to her.
He looks at a stuffed animal in his arms.
Rabbit: She's been kidnapped like, four times before this.
Wait, what the fuck-?
Protagonist: Whoa, what...?
Rabbit: ...
Rabbit: Her nature gets her into a lot of trouble... and she's from a pretty important family, in a pretty important position.
Protagonist: ...Can you... elaborate?
Rabbit: No.
Oh. Alright, I guess.
Protagonist: Well, I can assure you that her intentions are pretty pure. I trust her a lot, and... I think you should too.
Rabbit: ...Tch!
Rabbit: Whatever. He takes the stuffed animals that I've picked up from me and huffs.
Rabbit: Like I said, don't get the wrong idea.
Rabbit: I've been a part of Spring-chan's family forever now. Spring-chan's like a little sister.
Rabbit: If that gyaru chick wants to hang out with Spring-chan so bad, she'll have to prove herself to me first!
Protagonist: She has a name.
Rabbit: ...
Protagonist: ...
Don't tell me... he forgot.
Protagonist: I mean it's an alias sure, but... you do know it, right?
Rabbit: Sh-shut up! Rabbit: So what if I don't remember it? It's totally not important anyway!
He's looking away, embarrassed.
Protagonist: It's Killer. Her name here is Killer.
Rabbit: I knew that.
Protagonist: ...Do you know my name?
Rabbit: ... ... ...
He totally doesn't.
Rabbit: It's... King-chi, right...?
Protagonist: ...I'm Protagonist.
Rabbit: I was just testing you.
Protagonist: Um... sure. I don't believe that for a second.
Protagonist: So... uh, Rabbit-san... you're a night person, right?
Rabbit: What's that s'posed to mean.
Protagonist: Nothing! It doesn't mean anything. I was just curious about why you-
Rabbit: 'Cuz I don't wanna see anyone's face. No one can bother me if they're asleep.
He heaves a sigh and starts walking towards the exit with the stuffed animals in his arms. After a second, I decide to follow him. Something tells me I won't be able to get closer to him in the daytime.
Protagonist: I guess that's smart. But wouldn't that mean you miss out on time to hang out with Spring-san?
Rabbit stops a bit and turns to glare down at me.
Rabbit: Why are you so interested in me?
Protagonist: ...I just wanted to get to know you better.
Rabbit: Well, stop it!
Protagonist: Wh...?
Rabbit: I said, stop it!
Protagonist: Why?
Rabbit: Just stop! Do you have to have a reason for everything?!
Now I'm really curious. I want to know more about Rabbit.
I make my best pleading eyes at him.
Protagonist: Why? Please tell me?
Rabbit: ...!
He looks away, and for a moment, in this shoddy dark lighting, I thought he was blushing.
Rabbit: It's nunya.
Protagonist: ...Nunya?
Rabbit: Nunya business.
Protagonist: ...
Protagonist: But I want to be able to trust you...!
Rabbit: Well, that's too bad. Pbbbt.
He stuck out his tongue at me. It was kind of a childish gesture, and I could tell he was kind of getting irritated. I don't know if I should push on.
However... like Luna said, I was a nosy person, and Rabbit's unwillingness to cooperate just made me even more curious about him.
Protagonist: Can't we bond, even a little bit...?
Maybe if I take his hand...? No, no. Those were full of stuffed animals. I opted for gently grasping his arm. Maybe King was rubbing off on me, with how I was now clinging to Rabbit...
Rabbit: Hghghgk-!!
He looked down at where I was touching his arm, and blushed.
Rabbit: L-Listen! I'm not good at this stuff...! I'm not experienced or anything, so I don't know what you want with me...! I'm probably not a good kisser, and I, I-!!
Wait, did he think I was coming onto him?
I immediately backed up.
Protagonist: No-! No, you've got it all wrong! I wasn't-! I'm not-!
Rabbit looked more embarrassed than me, which was pretty damn hard to do at this point.
Protagonist: I'm not trying to... I'm not trying to come onto you... or anything.
Rabbit: ...
An audible sigh of relief.
Rabbit: I'm... really not good with romantic stuff.
Protagonist: I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Rabbit-san.
Rabbit: N-no, it's not that. I mean...!
He suddenly scowled.
Rabbit: Shut up! Shut up-! This is so annoying!
He even stomped his foot a little. He was throwing a temper tantrum, like a child...
Rabbit: I mean, I don't get a lot of affection from guys usually. So. It's.
Rabbit: I get a lot of affection from Spring-chan, but that's different stuff, 'cuz she's like my sister.
Rabbit: Not really, but she's like it.
Oh man. Looks like I was really getting the full story now.
Protagonist: I see...
If I was King, I would've probably said something along the lines of "So you're inexperienced in romance, huh? Do you need me to practice with you"? Yuck.
Protagonist: That's understandable. I've never actually dated someone, so...
Rabbit: ...Yet somehow you've got those two weirdos on their kn-
Protagonist: Glasses-kun isn't weird...
I didn't wait for him to finish that sentence. I didn't like where it was going.
Rabbit: Right, that's the serial killer one, right?
Protagonist: ...Sigh.
Protagonist: Yeah. It is.
I mean, they're both serial killers... so.
Rabbit: So, a weirdo.
Protagonist: I mean... what Glasses-kun did is inexcusable, but he's working towards a path of redemption, so I think that-
Rabbit: Have you ever considered that maybe he's lying to you? Rabbit: He told you, "Oh I'm working towards a path of redemption"! But, how are you to know for sure?
Rabbit: You can't!
Rabbit: He's killed people, Protagonist-chi.
Protagonist: Glasses-kun wouldn't lie to me.
Protagonist: I trust him.
Rabbit: ...Tch.
Rabbit: That trust is gonna bite you in the ass, you know?
Rabbit: He'll totally stab you in the back.
Rabbit: You can't trust anyone in a situation like this.
Rabbit: Not gyaru chick. Not Glasses-chi. Not creepy shades dude.
Protagonist: But... you trust Spring-san, right?
Rabbit: That's different! I've known her my whole life!
Protagonist: ...
Protagonist: Do you trust me?
Rabbit: No. He said so without hesitation...
Man, that was a bummer.
Rabbit: I mean, you're one of the better ones but.
Rabbit: And I do owe you one.
Protagonist: Owe me one...?
Rabbit: You saved Spring-chan's and my asses.
Rabbit: Don't tell me you already forgot.
Protagonist: Oh, no, I didn't forget.
Protagonist: ...Can't that be enough to trust me?
Rabbit: ...
Rabbit: ...
Rabbit: ...Fine.
Rabbit: Fine. I'll trust you. For now. But it's just 'cuz you saved Spring-chan's life. And she trusts you.
Protagonist: Aw... thank you, Rabbit-san.
He looked away and scowled.
Rabbit: Whatever.
Rabbit: Go back to bed. You'll need your stupid sleep or whatever.
Protagonist: So thoughtful.
Rabbit: Don't push it.
I feel like my bond with Rabbit has deepened...
I grinned at Rabbit, and waved at him.
Protagonist: Good night.
Rabbit: Night. With those parting words from Rabbit, I wave to him goodnight. I'm pretty tired at this point, so I think I'll head to my room and sleep until that alarm inevitably wakes me up.
But the alarm isn't what wakes me up. It's gentle knocking.
I must've not been in a very deep sleep if this woke me up. I check my ID. It's 8:54. Who gets up before the alarm? I sigh, and head towards the door.
On the other side, Spring is there, a small box in her hands.
Spring: Puwa? I hope I didn't wake you, Protagonist-kun... humu...
Man, I really wish there was some way to iron all these wrinkles out of my clothes.
Protagonist: You did, but it's fine. I went to bed pretty early anyway.
Spring blinks, and is kind of quiet for a long second.
Finally, she hums, and presents the box that she's holding to me. It's wrapped in patterened floral patterened orange cloth that I assume she got from the gift shop.
Protagonist: Is this for me...?
Spring: Yuh-huh!
Spring: Oh, I just sounded a bit like Killer-chan there, heehee.
Protagonist: Spring-san, you didn't have to...
Spring: No, I did. And besides, I really wanted to.
Spring: ...
Spring: Open it!
I nodded, and motioned for her to come inside. She sat at the table, and I sat on my bed. Carefully, I undid the cloth. It was wrapped very well... despite the fact she might have less fingers now. I tried not to think about that.
Inside was a small cloth strip, embroidered with the kanji for 'taichou'. Ah, there must be a sewing kit in the gift shop as well...
Spring: I imbued it with special powers. Humuuuu~ Taichou... should I call you that from now on? Heehee.
Protagonist: ... This is...
Protagonist: Spring-san, thank you so much.
Protagonist: I really love it.
Spring: I was lucky Tailor-kun leant me his sewing scissors... be sure to thank him too, puwa!
Protagonist: I will.
Spring: You know... I haven't sewn in a while, so I was kind of worried... about how it'd turn out... you know? Especially now... that I...
Protagonist: I love it! I love it so much! I'll keep it with me in my pocket!
Spring: ...
Spring: I'm really, really glad... puwaaaa!
I put the charm in the pocket of my shirt. The red fabric was a little too big, and showed a bit, but I didn't mind. Spring must've worked really hard on this charm, so I would carry it with me.
Spring: ...Sigh.
She suddenly sighed.
Protagonist: ...
Spring: Siiigh.
Protagonist: ...Uh.
Spring: Siiiiiiiiigh.
Does she want me to ask her what's wrong? She keeps sighing.
Protagonist: What's wrong, Spring-san?
She perked up a bit. I guess that was it after all.
Spring: Everyone's in such low spirits. I understand why...but...
Spring: Humu... Protagonist-kun, will you come with me?
She suddenly got out her ID and typed something onto it.
Protagonist: Oh, uh, sure. She got up and nodded.
Spring: Good. Let's go.
She started leading me, all the while typing away on her ID.
Protagonist: Um, where are we going?
Spring: It's a surprise, of sorts, humuuuu.
Spring: Be patient... maybe a patience charm next time...
She led me to the auditorium's doors. I hadn't been back in here since the announcement of the killing game.
I was a bit apprehensive about going back... but... Spring pushed forward through the doors.
Spring: Take a seat in the audience.
She made her way onto the stage, standing there.
The doors to the auditorium opened behind us. I craned my head to look at see who had come in.
Killer: Spring-chan! What's up?
Spring: I'm glad you could come... I wanted to show you two...
Killer: Me?! You wanted to show me something? I'm so touched, really, really!
Protagonist: ...
Of course that was who she told to come.
Spring: Now... if Maid-chan will heed my request...
The lights dimmed, and suddenly Maid-chan appeared from backstage.
Maid-chan: Stop PMing me! Do you know what time it is!?
Killer: ...It's a reasonable time to be up.
Maid-chan: No it isn't! I'm tired from watching you brats all day and night! Let me relax!
Spring: Maid-chan... please...?
Maid-chan: ...No way. Not gonna work. You can do all the puppy dog eyes you want, but I'm not gonna break.
Spring: ...
Spring looked extremely dejected.
Spring: T-then it's impossible, I guess...
Maid-chan: ...
Maid-chan: Okay, fuck it. What's the harm in this.
Maid-chan: This could probably even work to my favor. Heh.
Maid-chan: Alright, Maid-chan, out!
Spring: ...Heh.
Spring: Didn't think it'd work.
She grinned at us, and winked.
...Whoa, Spring is actually really devious!
Spring: Alright... puwa...
The lights suddenly dimmed, and Spring took that as her cue to move center stage. She stood there for a moment, holding herself with grace and poise. Is she... going to dance? Music started up, and that answered my question. It was a popular idol's song. Kirari Yuyuzawa, known for her fast-paced songs and well-coordinated dances. She was a sensational idol, and the epitome of cuteness. All her fans lived by her motto: "To live a Kira-Kira life."
Killer: ...!
Killer watched Spring dance with such fascination, and I almost couldn't take my eyes off of her. Spring's timing was impeccable. She knew the dance so well, it was almost like she had been born to dance it. She hit every move with such ease, dancing with a giant smile on her face, that I couldn't help but smile too. When I looked over to Killer, she looked like she was a giant flustered mess. Of course..
When the song finally stopped, and the lights went up again, Spring huffed a sigh of relief, but said nothing. Killer jumped up to her feet, cheering wildly. I stood too, clapping. It was truly a moving performance.
Spring: ...
Killer: Spring-chan! That was amazing! That was, that was... that was!
Spring: I thought... I could cheer everyone up like this.
Protagonist: Have you danced in front of people before...?
Spring: ...
Spring: Kirari-chan is actually...
Spring: I mean... I'm actually... one of her backup dancers, so...
Killer: WAIT, really?!
Protagonist: That explains why you're so good with timing...
Spring: Humu... I thought... maybe I could get those who were interested in performing... and teach them the dance.
Spring: I talked about it a bit with Maid-chan...
Spring: I want to put everyone in high spirits...
Spring: So, I thought... the dance needs two others...
Spring: I was thinking that... Maybe one of you would help me out? Puwawawa...
Killer: Definitely! I definitely want to dance with you!
I'm not the type to do idol dances... and I'm sure Spring can find someone else...
Protagonist: I'll have to pass but...
Protagonist: Actually, Diamond-san might be interested.
Spring: Really...? That's great news, you two...!
Spring: I think... humu... this will be a lot of fun.
Spring: And everyone will be able to watch us practice...
Killer: I'm suddenly SUPER PUMPED! This is so cool! I can't believe this, I'm so excited, I'm gonna scream, EEEEEEEEE-!!
Killer jumped up and down excitedly. I think she was more excited to have something in common with Spring now more than anything, but...
Spring: Killer-chan...
She smiled and walked towards us, getting off the stage.
Spring: I'm glad. I think it's important to protect everyone's smiles... puwawawa...
Spring: Showing a smile is the most important thing you can do~...
Spring: Especially in a situation like this...
Spring: It'll make you feel a lot braver than you actually are~...
Killer suddenly pulled Spring in for a suffocating hug. She didn't protest, only giggled.
I'm totally third-wheeling here. I kind of feel bad for Bled too. Killer is so caught up with Spring right now...
I wonder if Bled knows it too.
Maybe I'll talk to her later... after all, our time together was kind of interrupted by Glasses. Not that I really mind that though. Hanging out with Glasses is always really fun. Of course, we have the meeting today. I want to make time for Bled.
Spring: Protagonist-kun... humu... if you could find Diamond-chan at some point today, that'd be great. Just to ask her at least! I really... think she'd be perfect as the third member of the dance.
Protagonist: Of course. I can probably find her now... if you want?
Spring: That sounds like a great idea...!
Spring: Please tell her... to meet us here!
I nod.
Protagonist: Spring-san... thank you again for everything.
Spring: ...
Spring: Ehehe... it's not a problem. Really.
I feel like my bond with Spring has deepened...
Protagonist: I'll go then. Bye, you two.
Killer: Buh-bye, Protag-kun!
Spring: Bye...!
I head out of the auditorium, towards Diamond's room. I should probably shoot her a quick message first to see if she's awake.
Protagonist: [Diamond-san, are you awake? I have a question I want to ask you.]
Diamond's frantic reply came no less than two seconds later.
Diamond: [Please come to the kitchen!!!!! I'm trapped in here with ROMEO.]
Diamond: [HELP] Oh fuck.
I quicken my pace and turn towards the kitchen. I'm pretty much all but running at this point. I hope Romeo's not being too creepy.
As I enter the kitchen, Romeo looks at me.
Romeo: Ah, Protagonist-kun, you're just in time to hear me give an in-depth look into my boo-
I grab Diamond's hand and get the fuck out of there. Diamond laughs as we run away from the kitchen.
Diamond: Thaaaank you.
She sighs in relief as we finally stop.
Diamond: I don't think I could hear any more of Mr. Incel's lame analysis.
Protagonist: Yeah, that seems like the worst.
I still don't know what an incel is.
Diamond: Anyway... you had a question to ask me?
Protagonist: Spring-san got Maid-chan's okay to do an idol dance routine to cheer everyone up. She's going to teach Killer-chan the steps and stuff.
Protagonist: She needs a third person.
Diamond: ...Me?!
Diamond: You're asking me!?
Diamond: Man, I mean, I'm seriously uncute and stuff. I'm not suited for idol dances... I'm kind of used to hanging out with goths... and I'm more into darker and occult stuff... idol life isn't for me...!
She waves her hand slightly in front of her as she speaks. I can tell she's embarrassed.
Protagonist: But you're the first person I thought of.
Protagonist: Spring-san also said you'd be perfect for it.
Diamond: ...
Diamond: I mean, performing in front of people too!
Diamond: Oh...!
She covers her cheeks, slightly pouting. I think she really does want to do it. Her confidence in herself must just be really low. I wonder why that is.
Protagonist: I believe you can do it.
Diamond: ...
Diamond: Ehehehe... maybe Valkyrie-chan'll be impressed by me as an idol too...
Protagonist: Valkyrie-san?
Diamond: I mean!
Diamond: ...
Diamond: I know she doesn't seem the type to like cute things, but...
Diamond: Don't tell ANYONE this, but...
Diamond: She saw a plushie in the gift shop so cute... she cried.
Diamond: Like full on sobbing.
Diamond: It was... really adorable.
...Man, that's a total shocker. Valkyrie seemed like a distinguished hardass. But it made sense. Why she was so protective of Diamond... it's because Diamond's the epitome of a "cute girl", right?
Protagonist: Pfft...
I couldn't help but chuckle.
Protagonist: If that's the case, I think Valkyrie-san'll love you being an idol.
Diamond: ...!
Diamond: Well, then I have to do it! She's been pretty down lately!
Diamond: She's pretty sad. I want her to open up to me, because I well, I care about her. And I want her to be happy, you know?
I don't want to tell her what Valkyrie said to me.
Protagonist: I think if you keep being her friend, it'll do her a world of good.
Diamond: ...Friend, right.
Oh. Did I just "gal pals" Diamond and Valkyrie?
Protagonist: ...Or... more?
Diamond giggles.
Diamond: Who knows.
Protagonist: So... anyway, you'll do it?
Diamond: ...I think so. For Valkyrie-chan.
Protagonist: Great. You can go to the auditorium. Killer-chan and Spring-san should be waiting there for you.
Diamond: Thanks!
She hugs me and waves, running off towards the stage.
I feel like my bond with Diamond has deepened...
???: An idol show, huh?
Oh! I look around for who spoke, seeing Moth a little bit down the hallway, coming out of the gift shop.
He's carrying a deck of cards.
Moth: That sounds like a lot of fun. I've never really been to a concert or whatever, but...
Protagonist: Oh, they won't be singing. Only dancing.
Moth: That's still counts as a concert, right?
Moth: When does it stop being a concert?
Moth: Maybe... just a live show?
Moth: Hmmm... I dunno.
Moth: I'm not good at thinking about things like this.
Moth: In any case, I'm kind of excited for this.
Protagonist: Spring-san is actually a back-up dancer for Kirari Yuyuzawa, apparently...! She's really good. She'll be teaching Killer-chan and Diamond-chan.
Moth: Oho? Really?
Moth: Kirari Yuyuzawa...
Moth: Hey, whatever happened to her? Didn't she like... drop off the face of the earth?
Protagonist: ...
Protagonist: Now that you mention it...
Protagonist: I have no clue.
Protagonist: Maybe Spring-san knows.
Moth: Maybe.
I look at the cards in his hands as he approaches. They're tarot cards.
Protagonist: Oh, you like fortune telling?
Moth makes a face.
Moth: No.
Moth: ...
He looks at the tarot cards in his hands.
Moth: I just like the art.
Moth: I have no clue what any of these mean, or whatever. I just really like the illustrations.
Moth: My parents love tarot cards, and fortune telling...
Moth: It's...
Protagonist: Uwoah, that's really cool!
Moth: Definitely not.
He says it with such force, that I take a step back.
Moth: ...
Moth: Sorry.
Moth: My parents are...
Moth: ...
Moth: Embarrassing.
Moth: To say the least.
Protagonist: Oh. I see.
Moth: You don't get it.
Moth: They're both... chuunibyous.
Moth: I'm the only normal one.
Moth: It's terrible. I have to do everything myself, while they go on about being possessed by the devil and whatnot.
Moth: Family dinners are the worst.
Protagonist: ... That's kind of... hillarious, but really sad at the same time.
Protagonist: I... I'm really sorry, I guess.
Moth: It's nothing. It's never boring, at least. I hate boring things...
Protagonist: What's it like, going out to a restaurant?
Moth makes a pained face.
Moth: They wear full makeup and costumes everywhere. I'm forced to take public transit with these two middle-aged cosplayer-looking people, because they can't drive either.
Moth: Going out to eat is the worst. And I can never have any friends over.
Protagonist: Are... are they at least... kind?
Moth: ...They mean well.
Moth: Yeah. So I can't fully hate them.
Moth: ...But, they make my life a lot harder than it has to be.
He looks down at the tarot cards in his hand. Something interrupts our feelings jam. It's the buzzing of the alarms on our IDs.
Maid-chan: Hello sleepyheads! This is your morning wake-up call! It's now 10:00 AM! Wakey, wakey, or I'll be very sad at how lazy you are~.
Moth: We're already awake.
Moth: Can't we turn this off? Somehow?
Protagonist: I wish.
Moth: Sigh...
Moth: I'm hungry.
He declares this suddenly, putting the packet of tarot cards in his pocket.
Moth: Protagonist-kun, wanna get food with me?
Protagonist: Oh, sure!
Moth: I'm actually okay at cooking, because I'm the one who does it at home. Nowhere near King-kun's level, but... I might be able to make us pancakes.
Protagonist: Pancakes, huh... That actually sounds really nice. I haven't had a proper breakfast here yet, so...
Moth grins. His smile is still really refreshing.
Moth: Do you prefer waffles? We can see if there's a waffle iron.
Protagonist: No, pancakes are fine.
Moth: Aha. I don't mind either way, 'cuz I like both. Moth and I head into the kitchen. Unfortunately, Romeo is still there. Moth shoots me a Look, and tries to head past Romeo without any confrontation.
Romeo: Protagonist-kun! You stole Dia-chan from me! What the hell?
Moth looks at me, amused. I really don't want to do this.
Protagonist: She uh, had pressing manners that needed to be attended to.
Romeo: More pressing than hearing the indepth analysis of Creek Blues?
Protagonist: Yes.
Romeo grimaces a bit. I can tell he's not very pleased, but he sighs.
Romeo: Well, I see. She just must not be interested. So I'll move onto the next one...
Romeo: Bled-chan... no, she was first. Diamond-chan is a no... Killer-chan is too scary...
Moth: ...
I can tell Moth is totally creeped out as he gathers ingredients from the cabinets. He looks like he's debating on saying something.
Romeo: Puppet-chan is out of the question. Way too young. So that leaves Spring-chan, Valkyrie-chan, or Flare-chan... I think since she's a model, I might go after F-
Moth: I'm interested in talking to you, Romeo-kun!
Holy shit. Way to take one for the team, Moth. Romeo looks surprised. Oh man, I can't leave Moth hanging like this. I really can't. It'd be too cruel.
Protagonist: M-me too. I'd love to get to know you better.
Romeo: ...Really?
Romeo: That's actually really nice to hear. Heh.
Moth: I'm making pancakes. Would you like to eat with us, Romeo-kun?
Romeo: Oh, yeah. I'm kind of hungry. I can cook as well, so if you want me to help out, I can do that.
What the hell. He's kind of being normal. I guess... if you take away the creepy, chasing girls factor, Romeo can be an alright person.
...Unless he's a serial killer. Maybe I judged him too harshly. He was kind of being a creep, but if Moth and I keep him busy enough so that he doesn't get the chance to be...
Protagonist: Romeo-kun, do you write anything else besides romance novels?
Romeo: Oh? Hm, yeah. I write a little poetry too. It's not romance based, and I never published it because my publicist said it doesn't suit the image I'm putting out.
Romeo: I write a lot of darker poetry. Edgar Allan Poe is a big inspiration of mine.
Moth: Ah, so that's why it doesn't suit your image...
Moth laughs a bit, from where he's stirring together the pancake batter.
Romeo: Oh, do you want chocolate chips? I found some in the cupboard yesterday.
God, he's so fucking normal when he's not being a creep, this is such a blindside...
Moth: Actually, that'd be really nice. Thanks, Romeo-kun.
Moth shoots me another look, and I can tell we're thinking the same thing. Romeo gives him the bag of chocolate chips.
Moth: You like choco chips in your pancakes, right Protag-kun?
Oh. I've gotten my third nickname. I would've expected it from Glasses first and foremost... but... this is nice too.
Moth: I can make some without, you know.
Protagonist: No, I love chocolate chip pancakes.
His smile was dazzling. Man, despite him being kind of a typical high school student, he has such a warm smile...
I feel like my bond with Moth has deepened...
And so it continued like this. Romeo was shockingly normal throughout breakfast, and Moth's pancakes were just what I needed after a restless night's sleep. Moth and I continued to learn about Romeo. He had a twin sister who he described as an "utter bitch but also my bestie" (which was kind of terrifying), and apparently he loved cooking as well, and hoped King would let him cook one day. I don't think King would mind... but... who would eat Romeo's cooking? In the end, Moth and I parted ways with Romeo after cleaning our dishes.
I feel like my bond with Romeo has returned to normal.
While we went up to the second floor, Syringe waved to us from the stairs coming down from the third floor.
Syringe: Protagonist-ue, hello.
He waved at me, giving me a nod.
Protagonist: Hey, Syringe-kun!
He totally didn't acknowledge
Moth: ...
Moth: Hey, Syringe-kun.
Syringe: Hi.
Oh man, that was pretty cold. What happened between these two? Even Moth looked surprised.
Moth: ...
Syringe: Protagonist-ue, I'm excited for today's meeting.
Right, that's today...
Protagonist: Me too. What time is it right now?
Syringe got out his ID, and so did Moth.
Moth: 11:27-
Syringe: 11:27-
Moth: ...
Syringe: ...
Syringe: I'm pretty sure he asked me.
Moth: Right. Sorry.
...There's a lot of tension between these two. I wonder why. It seems kind of immature that they're being like this. Maybe I can fix this somehow...
Protagonist: Syringe-kun, do you want to go to the library with us?
Moth: With us?
Syringe: With him?
Man, they were pretty in-sync despite their pettiness.
Protagonist: Yes.
Protagonist: Let's, all three of us, go to the library.
Moth: ...
Syringe: Sounds like a wonderful idea, Protagonist-ue.
I could tell he really didn't think so. However, he still went with us, back up the stairs and towards the library.
Moth and Syringe sat in chairs across from each other. Did they do that just so they could glare at each other? I'm pretty sure they did. I sat in the chair at the head of the table, so I wouldn't look like I was picking a side.
They just sat there for a few minutes. In silence. Glaring at each other. Maybe this was a bad idea after all.
Protagonist: I'm gonna... go look at books.
It was awkward, so I excused myself.
As soon as I got up from the table and traveled a bit back into the library, they started talking as if I had left the room completely.
Moth: You're kind of a priss, you know.
Syringe: At least I'm not a degenerate.
Moth: Sigh. Listen, I said, I was -
Syringe: I don't want to hear your excuses, Moth-yogisha.
Moth: ...Sigh.
Oh no.
Oh fuck no.
The only person Syringe uses that honorific for is an actual serial killer. Moth can't be...
Moth: Can't you just quit it with your black and white thinking for once?
Syringe: No.
Moth: ...
Syringe: You may have Protagonist-ue fooled, but I can see through your act.
I'm right here. I didn't even leave the room. I can hear everything you're fucking saying.
Moth: It's not an act. I said I was sorry.
Syringe: You think saying "I'm sorry" is enough?
Moth: ...
Moth: Listen. Just hear me out.
Syringe: I'm listening.
Moth: I promise you that...
He leans into Syringe, and whispers the next words to him alone. I can't hear what he's saying, but...
Moth: Alright?
Syringe: ...
Syringe: I'm holding you to that.
Moth: I don't break promises.
Syringe: ...
Moth: ...
The tension in the room has eased up a little bit... but...
There's a shuffling of a deck of cards on the table. I can only assume that Moth is looking through his tarot cards.
Syringe: Tarot cards...?
Moth: Yeah. I can't read fortunes, but I just thought the artwork on this set was really pretty.
Syringe: ...I love this sort of stuff.
Moth: Really? You didn't strike me as the type.
Syringe: Well, I do.
Syringe: I can even read your fortune for you.
Moth: ...
Moth: I think that'd be really cool.
I think that's my cue to leave them alone.
I can tell Moth and Syringe's bond got a lot stronger.
I guess I inadvertently learned Moth is a serial killer, though I have no clue which one he is. I thought he was one of the normal ones too... At least he seems to regret it, like Glasses.
Whereas King is still... an enigma with his feelings. Of course, they could totally have been talking about something else, but. It's highly likely that this is the case.
As I leave the library, I see Sol sitting alone in the parlor at the piano. Oh, it looks like he's going to play. I shouldn't interrupt him, so I stand in the doorway.
Sol seems like the reliable, piano-playing type so I feel like this is only a natural thing.
He suddenly smashes the keys with his fists, as if being controlled by a sudden burst of terrifying anger, hitting the keys violently and randomly. Oh my god.
Maybe I should leave. I don't think I was supposed to see that.
...I should make sure he's alright. I'll talk to Luna, I think.
He'll probably know about this.
I get my ID out and compose a PM to Luna.
Protagonist: [Luna-kun, I just saw your brother behaving in kind of a worrisome manner. Do you know if the stress of this place is getting to him?]
Luna's reply comes a bit delayed.
Luna: [im fucking trying to sleep]
...Does he not sense the urgency in my question?
Protagonist: [I think he's having a breakdown of sorts]
Luna: [why arent u helpin him then]
Luna: [he does that a lot]
Luna: [itll be fine]
Luna: [call king or w/e]
He does that a lot... Okay, it's a normal thing. I look into the parlor again. He's still sitting at the piano bench, but he's at least... seemed to calm down.
Protagonist: [I should call King-kun?]
Luna: [do whatever u want just dont bother me im sleeping]
I sigh. I guess it's up to me.
Protagonist: Sol-kun?
I call out to him, and he turns his head. His eyes are red and puffy and his cheeks are streaked with tears, but he wears a smile.
Sol: Oh, it's Protagonist-kun. What's up?
How can he be so calm when not just a minute ago, he was...
Protagonist: Sol-kun, are you alright?
Sol: I'm fine. Sigh.
He wipes his eyes a bit, and avoids eye contact with me.
He's... totally not fine. But.
Sol: ...Hey, can we just talk for a while?
Sol: I don't wanna be alone right now, if that's alright.
Protagonist: No. It's totally fine.
Sol stands up away from the piano bench, and walks over to the couch and sits down. Even his sitting is very... proper. The way he folds his hands in his lap, his perfect posture... something about it is refined and charming, though I know he's probably five seconds away from another breakdown.
Protagonist: ...
Protagonist: I was wondering...
Protagonist: How you and King-kun met.
Protagonist: You kind of seem like unlikely friends, you know.
Sol: ...Really? How so?
Protagonist: I mean, he's so... you know. And you seem so poised and perfect and whatnot.
Though now I know that's definitely not the case. Sol laughs a bit, but it's dry.
Sol: Thank you, Protagonist-kun.
Sol: I'm sure King-kun wouldn't be happy to hear you say that though...
Sol: He was a new student in my class, halfway through the first year of junior high. I've been the class rep almost every year from junior high, so I was tasked with making sure he got treated nicely and whatnot.
Sol: He was even more troublesome than he is now at first.
Sol: But something inside him changed one day. Only I got to see the real King-kun...
Sol: But it was fine. Because King-kun being my friend is the greatest gift I could've asked for.
Sol: He's a really great friend, Protagonist-kun.
Sol: I wouldn't trade him for the world.
Protagonist: The fact that he was even more troublesome at one point is kind of terrifying...
Sol: Hehe. He was kind of a delinquent.
Protagonist: Really!?
Sol: Really. A ruffian.
Protagonist: But he's, y'know... a...
Sol: A twink?
Protagonist: No. But, I mean...
Protagonist: I never would've guessed he would be that type. He comes from a rich family, right?
Sol: ...
Sol: Yeah.
Sol totally hesitated. There's definitely something up with King's family.
We continued talking about King until Sol's ID vibrated with a message from King himself, asking Sol to meet him in his room. I can only assume Luna messaged King about what I had told him about Sol. I learned a lot about King's past, but realized... I still knew little to nothing about Sol. Nevertheless...
I feel like my bond with Sol has deepened...
I sat in the parlor, and checked my ID. It was 12:32... That means I had less than half an hour 'till the meeting. I should probably message Collector about it.
Protagonist: [Collector-kun, I'm headed to the auditorium, if you want to get set up a little early.]
Collector: [That sounds like a good idea. I'll meet you there.]
Alright. I begin to head to the auditorium.
It looks like Spring and the others stopped practicing for the moment. Probably to make way for the meeting. I wait for a moment, sitting on the edge of the stage.
Collector comes in not long after, and though he doesn't wave at me, he acknowledges my presence through a nod.
Collector: Protagonist-kun. I'm glad you came through. I'm glad I could depend on you in the end.
...Was he worried that I was gonna flake on him? Man, this guy must have a really low opinion of me.
Protagonist: Of course. I said I'd do it, didn't I?
Was that too passive-aggressive? I just don't like that previous statement.
Collector: ...
Yeah, it was kind of passive-aggressive, I guess. He doesn't say anything, just climbs the stairs to the stage and stands at the podium.
Collector: Sigh.
Protagonist: ...
Collector: I'm a natural leader type... I don't know why you're so... popular.
What the fuck. That was... incredibly rude.
Collector: ...No offense intended.
It's like he can sense my dislike growing towards him.
Protagonist: None taken.
Collector: Forgive me for looking down upon you, Protagonist-kun.
He's literally turning up his nose at me.
Collector: Your whole spectacle when Maid-chan announced the killing game was moving, I suppose. That's why I'll become your greatest ally.
He's. So. Fucking. Full. Of. Himself.
Protagonist: It's fine, really. I mean, I didn't see anyone else stepping up to do it.
Yeah, that was totally a jab at him and he can tell.
Protagonist: Despite there being so-called leader types in the group, y'know? I mean, who else could've protected Spring-san like that. A true leader, right?
Collector: ...
Was that too far?
Collector: Heh. Hehe.
He chuckles a bit. I really don't like him. He covers his mouth a bit and shakes his head.
Collector: You know, you're truly fascinating.
Screw Romeo being creepy, this guy's the worst. How can Syringe and Puppet respect him?
Protagonist: From the bottom of my heart, thanks for the compliment.
I feel like my bond with Collector has worsened, somehow...
Collector: I'm glad.
Collector: Truly.
We stood in silence, not really looking at each other until Collector cleared his throat.
Collector: It's 12:54. I'll send a message to remind everyone of the meeting.
Protagonist: Sounds like a good idea.
At least that was genuine. I got out my ID and watched as Collector sent a message to the group chat.
Collector: [Reminder that the meeting that Protagonist-kun will be leading is at 1:00 PM today. Approximately five minutes. Please meet us in the auditorium if you wish to discuss.]
Collector: [@Everyone]
Puppet: [Kyaaaa! I'm so excited! Is something fun going to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
King: [Kek. Solcchan and I will be there, y'know. And I have a great idea.]
Sol: [King-kun has been hyping up this idea to me all morning. I don't like it.]
Syringe: [Moth-kun and I will be there.]
Moth: [Yeah.]
Moth-kun...? Looks like the two got... really close.
Killer: [Spring-chan and Diamond-chan and I were just practicing, but we'll all be there too! Oh, so will Valkyrie-chan!]
Valkyrie: [Sigh. Yes, that's true.]
Spring: [@Protagonist Protagonist-kun, I'd like to have a little announcement at the meeting too, if that's okay...?]
Protagonist: [Oh, sure that's fine.]
Luna: [no one tell him]
Luna: [ever]
Bled: [I'll be going.]
Tailor: [I'm going to stay in my room for most of it. Maybe I'll catch the tail end.]
As more messages came in, the first few people arrived. Bled and Puppet showed up at the same time, and Puppet was now fluttering around Bled as she tried to walk down towards the stage. Bled sighed and took a chair up front in the audience. Puppet sat next to her and bounced up and down on her seat. She acted a lot like a child... She waved to Collector, who nodded his head back. What a douche. Was he just not a fan of waving or something? Whatever it was, it kind of pissed me off.
...For really no good reason, admittedly, but still.
Romeo showed up next. He didnt acknowledge Collector, but grinned at me. I smiled back. Hah. Fuck you Collector.
...It's still Romeo, so I don't know how much of a victory that is, but.
Moth and Syringe came together too, surprisingly. Huh. They were still hanging out. I did a really good thing, I think. They were chatting together as they made their way up to the front, and Syringe even smiled - a smile rivalling Moth's smiles - as they sat down.
Spring, Diamond, Valkyrie and Killer came a little later, laughing about something. Killer caught Bled's eye and excused herself to go over and say hello. Spring, Valkyrie and Diamond took seats all near each other, and Diamond waved at me. Collector didn't seem phased, but he did look at me slightly. Take that, you royal douche.
Sol and King came last. King was dragging Sol along, chatting loudly about what he should make for dinner. Sol looked extremely drained, though I don't think that was King's fault at all. For once. Sol sat down, but King bounded up to the stage, standing, looking up at me.
King: You know, this is a pretty nice view. I really don't mind being underneath you.
Protagonist: ...
King: But that's not what I came here to ask you.
King: Have you seen Glasses-chan? Like, at all, today?
Protagonist: ...No.
Now that he mentioned it, I really hadn't.
King: Man, you don't think he'll flake, do you?
King: Maybe he was murdered~.
Ice set in through my body.
Protagonist: Don't say things like that, King.
King: No honorific, huh. Yikes, I messed up.
Collector: It's unlikely that Glasses-kun has been killed, as this is the No-Killing Period according to Maid-chan.
Collector: Remember what she said? Any attempt on someone's life during this period will be met with strict punishment.
That made me feel better, at least.
Protagonist: You're right.
King: I was just joking anyway.
King: Pbbt. You guys have no sense of humor. You're lucky I love you,
Protag-chan. Protagonist: Knock it off.
King: ...Hmph!
He pouted at me, and went to go back to his seat. Still pouting. This was going to be a long meeting, wasn't it.
Collector: It's 1:00. Let's start.
Protagonist: But we have to wait for Glasses-kun...!
Collector: As much as I'd like to hear his explanation on why he took thirteen innocent lives, we should start.
Protagonist: ...
Suddenly, the lights dimmed.
Diamond: What's going on-?
???: Think you can have a meeting without your loving host!? Well, you're soooooorely mistaken!
Maid-chan. She appeared center stage, clapping her hands together.
Maid-chan: Everybody make some noise for your favorite maid~!
There was silence. King did a single clap, which earned him a glare from Killer, and a smack on the shoulder from Sol.
Maid-chan: ...Sigh.
Maid-chan: Oh well, I'm not really here to interfere with anything, I just really wanted to be here for all of your theories. Also I've been implementing a new thing-y on your IDs, so I'll announce that at the end.
Maid-chan: I really love hearing everyone's theories. It makes me feel so important~.
King: My theory is that you're a giant bitch!
Maid-chan: I'm going to disregard anything King says, 'cuz he's a stupid pissbaby.
King: Am not! That's really uncalled for. Stupid bitch maid. You're a bitch maid.
Collector: ...Sigh.
Maid-chan: Pissbaby.
King: Maybe YOU'RE the pissbaby.
Collector: ...Siiiigh.
Maid-chan: I'm not a pissbaby. I'm a robot. Robots don't use the bathroom.
King: Whatever. You're still a stupid bitch maid pissbaby.
Collector: ENOUGH.
Whoa. He looked like he was pretty pissed.
Collector: Let's. Start. The meeting.
Collector: Protagonist-kun, take it away.
He glared at me, and stepped back a bit onto stage.
Protagonist: But I still want to wait for Glasses-kun...
King: Oh come on!
Valkyrie: Just start the meeting already.
Spring: Glasses-kun... he didn't come, puwa... That's strange, he said he was...
Killer: Just, like. Start! He's probably coming late!
Protagonist: ...Alright.
Protagonist: ...So...
How... do I begin this. What the fuck. I'm literally the least qualified person for this.
Protagonist: How is everyone?
King: I'm good, thanks for asking!
Collector pinches the bridge of his nose.
Spring: I'm good as well~ puwa~...
Syringe: Can we seriously start talking.
Valkyrie: I agree with Syringe-kun.
Protagonist: ...Right.
...Wait, there was that thing, that Flare told me this morning. Maybe I should start on that.
Protagonist: To start, I'm going to pose a theory that Flare-san had, and told me about. She gave me permission to share it.
Protagonist: She said...
Protagonist: Well. In short, think about it like this. There are nine detectives here, right? And nine serial killers.
I avoid eye contact with King and Moth.
Protagonist: Isn't what Maid-chan trying to do here... a redemption game?
Protagonist: She says it's only natural. As, uh. There are some killers here that might be able to be redeemed. Such as Glasses-kun. But, what Flare-san thought was...
Protagonist: The underlying theme here is probably redemption... right?
There was a bit of quiet as everyone let those words settle in.
Killer: I think that's really smart! It's definitely right!
King: Redemption, huh? Of course, I already knew that so~.
Sol: Nobody likes a liar...
King: Hmph! I totally did!
Moth: But, redemption sounds totally plausible here... it's a good theory, to say the least.
Romeo: I'll have to agree with Moth-kun on this one. Diamond-chan thinks so too, I know it.
Diamond: ...Um... I do agree, but...
Diamond: Romeo-kun... stop.
Valkyrie: If he's bothering you, Diamond-san, I'll kindly escort him elsewhere.
Romeo: You can escort me anywhere you want.
He winked.
Valkyrie: ...
Spring: ...puwa.
Bled: [To be honest, I thought something similar was at work here. Redemption, huh? It seems pretty likely.]
Puppet: I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY! Kyahaha! Redemption and the like, is that really for people like us to decide though?
Syringe: It's not.
His voice is firm, and he moves to adjust his glasses, gaze cold.
Syringe: The whole ordeal of a redemption game is stupid.
Syringe: I don't believe in this sort of thing. Redemption is tricky. Serial killers? Should they deserve redemption? The short answer, in my opinion, will always be no.
Moth: ...
Protagonist: But... if they regret their actions, and are working to become a better person... shouldn't that warrant a second chance?
Syringe: You mean like with Glasses?
Syringe: You cannot excuse the behavior of a serial killer. Even if they are a former serial killer.
Protagonist: I'm not excus-
Syringe: They are not worthy of redemption in any way, so this cannot be a redemption game. End of story.
Protagonist: ...
No one said anything. Certainly there were those who agreed with Syringe... It was awkward for a few moments.
Maid-chan: Well, this is the worst meeting I've ever been to.
Maid-chan: I like the whole redemption thing you guys have going, but man, you guys are a bunch of awkward fucks.
Maid-chan: ...Is there more to that sentence, or are you just gonna stop there?
Puppet: No, I've said enough. Kyaha!
Maid-chan: Sigh. Like I said. Awkward fucks.
Bled: [To be fair, Puppet-san is fourteen.]
Maid-chan: Oh, is that what she's telling you? Hmm.
Protagonist: ...
Puppet: Kyahaha...!
Puppet: It's true facts!
King: It's joke.
Sol: Shut up.
I can tell Collector desperately wants to get this meeting back on track, because his hands keep twitching, and he keeps looking over to my spot at the podium.
Collector: ...
Protagonist: I think Collector-kun has a few things he wants to share, so... I'll step down for now, I guess.
Collector: ...Thank you. And the meeting goes without a hitch after that. Man, it really knocks my confidence down a few pegs. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a leader. However, no one seems to have found anything of note. Valkyrie shared the doorframe she found. No new identities were shared, so Syringe must not think Moth to be a threat. I kept thinking of Glasses though... Tailor came in halfway too, though he didn't really have much to contribute.
Spring had stood up now, and told us she would make an announcement.
Spring: With Maid-chan's approval, puwa... I've enlisted Killer-chan, Diamond-chan, and Valkyrie-chan's help. We're going to be performing a dance for you all soon! So we'll be practicing in here a lot, from now on... Whoever wants to see us practice can come watch!
Valkyrie: W-wait! Don't phrase it like that. It'll make it seem like I'm performing!
Spring: ...Oh yeah. Valkyrie-chan's helping us with the lights and stuff...puwa...
Diamond: I'm kind of excited to dance for everyone now~...!
Sol: This should be fun. It'll be something to look forward to, at least.
Bled: [Ah, that's actually really cute. I'm excited!]
Romeo: I'm ESPECIALLY excited for this.
Killer: You're not invited.
King: OH YEAH. That reminds me.
King: Hey everyone, watch this.
Sol: Oh boy.
King whipped out his ID and started typing.
Uh-oh. I was kind of scared and curious.
King: [hey ushikoe]
Wh... what is he doing. That's one of the names right? But it's spelled wrong... It's spelled with the kanjis for ox and ...fertilizer.
Oh my god.
Flare: [Did he just]
Luna: [oh my god what did i miss]
Sol: [King-kun that's not fair]
Everyone was just. Staring at Tailor.
Collector was pinching the bridge of his nose. Maid-chan sighed.
Maid-chan: Really. Fucking. Really. You let. King. Bait you?
Tailor: T-to be fair -!!
Maid-chan: SIGH...
Tailor: It's not my f-
Maid-chan: Alright, Ushikoe.
The group chat was blowing up, but I ignored it. Man, this was... a pretty stupid way of getting your name found out, but props to King.
I felt kind of bad for Tailor... or Umito Ushigoe as we now knew him as.
Collector: I'm calling this meeting dismissed. This was a disaster. Thank you everyone, but especially, you, King-kun.
King: Glad I could be of service.
Everyone started getting up, when Maid-chan jumped up and cleared her throat.
Maid-chan: EHEM. It's not over 'til I say it's over!
Maid-chan: I'm implementing a new function in your IDs like I said. An anonymous chat of sorts!
Collector: An... anonymous chat?
Maid-chan: Not entirely anonymous, but~. You'll be logged in as your detective or serial killer aliases, in two corresponding chats. A detective and a serial killer chat! Fun, fun!
Bled: [...That's not fun.]
Maid-chan: Well, I'm implementing it NOOOOOOOOOOOOW... so!
Our IDs collectively blipped with a notification. Sure enough, I had been placed in a chat with eight other people, all named for the detectives that I was trapped with.
Maid-chan: [Welcome! To those of you who weren't at the meeting, this is the detectives group chat! Don't worry, everything here is anonymous, unless your typing style gives it away!]
Maid-chan: Now you can go! Byebye!
As if there were a bomb evacuation threat, everyone left rather quickly. Probably to test out the new chats.
Only King stayed behind with me.
King: Protaaag-chan... I'm sad.
Protagonist: ...
King: Protag-chan, comfort me.
But I still thought of Glasses... I wanted to see him.
I felt like my decision here would impact me in the long run... Who should I go and see...?
- In Serial50 Chapters
[ The Administrator ]
She used to be a bright child. She was just not fortunate enough to have a normal life. Ill and bed-ridden, she slowly lost affect and cut herself off from outer reality, as her only joy was to construct a complex fantasy world. And eventually, she met her demise. Nevertheless, her story did not end here. Who is to say that Death is our last path? For her, it was just the beginning. She had been given a second chance. Reborn as a Goddess in the very own world that she created, it was now only up to her to write her own story. ‘This time, let’s try to live normally.’ Warning: Slow Character Development, Frequent Hiatus About the releases: Do not expect regular releases. I can no longer stick to a specific release schedule, so the chapters will be released once the entire arc is done, which implies long hiatus periods between arcs. About the tags: Although there are game elements, there are absolutely not the focus of the story so this isn't exactly a LitRPG.
8 135 - In Serial70 Chapters
Records of Rebirth
Aurelia Ross has been reborn! The gods deemed her life too short and unfulfilled so, they placed her into a remarkable new world. Reborn on the planet Aeon, a vast continent awaits her to explore. She will build a new life, rewrite past wrongs and grow strong so she can finally be happy.However its a bit strange. Something is terribly off with this rebirth. She has never cared for gods so why would they be so merciful to her? A rebirth? You must be joking. Why is the voice of her dead teacher suddenly in her head? What's with this new body? What's with these skills? [Bite]? [Poison Fang]? [Scent]? Is somebody playing a prank?Why are there suddenly snakes everywhere?I've been reborn as a WHAT?! Return me back to my world please. Gods shouldn't just do as they please. I didn't want to die in the first place! After losing her life by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, she reincarnates to a world filled with magic and monsters. Follow Aurelia on her journey to survive and grow as she explores her new Labyrinth home as one of its many monsters. -------- This story will contain multiple protagonists further down the line. But for now it mostly focuses on Aurelia and her adventures. Disclaimer: The image belongs to the rightful artist. No copyright infringement intended.
8 102 - In Serial36 Chapters
Child of Terra
The child of an Ageless, who is a God amongst Gods, is a cheerful young boy named Nox. Who lives with his family within a castle surrounded by a land of perpetual night with only a lonely moon to brighten the world around them. Though not allowed to venture outwards without an escort of some sort, he is confined to the castle and his own play room. Where he, along with his three friends who visit often, are able to have many adventures all through their imaginations. Whether it be climbing a mountain of dangerous pillows, or simply hiding from monstrous nannies who only desire to bathe and put them to bed. All of this, and more, is what keeps the young children entertained as they slowly learn about the world around them.______________________________________________________________________________________________Chapters will be released every weekday unless I have time on the weekends, and all posts will contain around 1500 words or more.Special thanks to Christian Bentulan for designing the cover art for the book.https://www.facebook.com/coversbychristian/
8 435 - In Serial248 Chapters
The Undying Magician
How would a true immortal with average talent in magic fare within a world where magic is everything? In the world of Aria, only a small fraction of the population are classified as magicians.These magicians are able to use magic through the manipulation of the mana they are born with and are the core of the military strength within every nation.However, one nation in particular uses magicians to an even higher extreme than the others.This nation is known as The Republic of Arcania.The largest power in Aria. Our story follows Nathan Fox as he graduates from high school and is sent to the Arcane Academy for his required military training as a magician before he eventually serves his ten year term in the military.Nathan has been a true immortal ever since he got a semi-magical disease that makes any damage done to his body instantly reverse itself, bringing him back to his top form on the day that he became an immortal. Ever since then, it has been impossible for Nathan to die.But there are worse things in the world than death.And if the power-hungry magicians of the world were to learn of Nathan's true immortality?Then he might just experience those things himself. What will happen to Nathan as he traverses life in the academy?Will his secret be found out?Or will he be able to safely make it through the four years of academy life with his secret intact? That has yet to be foretold. The beginning of the story starts out slow for what many Royal Road readers are used to and then speeds up after around chapter 20 or so. It is a school arc, so it is supposed to be slow. Most of the combat and action isn't seen until after these chapters, which you can view as an introduction to the world, the characters, and magic itself. Many of the reviews are outdated due to edits I've been making along the way through the story. Specifically some of the edits going over the world itself, including pointing out in the story some of the things a few of the reviewers missed when they wrote their reviews, along with fixing other things that were pointed out in the story from the reviews and comments. This book is also being edited as it's being written, so some small parts might change as I get suggestions from readers. I do not write harem or sexual content in my stories. Ever. My Discord Server Top Web Novel Link
8 732 - In Serial123 Chapters
Reincarnated as a Grunt in the Demon Lord's Army
Lenore Wraithwhisper is having a hell of a day. Up until a few moments ago, she was definitely someone else, but somehow she's now trapped in an unfamiliar body with an unfamiliar set of memories and a name that feels strange as hell to say. To top that headache, she's about to enter a fight to prove her worth to the Demon Lord and this is not at all the vacation she'd had planned for herself.
8 316 - In Serial20 Chapters
Energy: A Lloyd Garmadon Fanfic
You were pretty much a samurai. Everyone in your village thought you were the best! Until one day Sensei garmadon comes to you and tells you to work together with his son Lloyd in a mission that required the best two. You were happy to help! But you weren't really getting along with Lloyd. During the mission you had expected to fight bad guys and Be friend Lloyd but you weren't expecting to fall in love with him! Would this ruin the mission?A/n: This book is for my friend @silvermoon10123 and @lloydbeargarmadon so before ya read, give them a follow! :D
8 187