《Kill the Joker: Survival Game》Everything Moves in Real Time - II
The next morning I was awoken by a cheerful alarm coming from somewhere.
Just five more minutes...
It got louder and more persistent. I raised my head. This wasn't my bed...?
And then I remembered my situation. My throat still felt numb from screaming, and I didn't feel well-rested at all. I just wanted to go back to sleep, but the alarm kept jingling.
I sat up and opened my announcements app.
Maid-chan: Hello sleepyheads! This is your morning wake-up call! It's now 10:04 AM! Wakey, wakey, or I'll be very sad at how lazy you are~.
I sighed and flopped back down onto the bed after closing the app. I was free to go back to sleep if I wanted. Maid-chan can't bother me if I'm dreaming...
...A loud knock at my door interrupted my peaceful attempt at falling asleep.
???: Hey! Open up! You're not dead, right!?
I sighed. Looks like that sleep would have to wait.
I went to get the door, opening it to find Puppet standing outside.
Puppet: Wow, you're moving about but you LOOK like death... are you a necromancer?
Protagonist: Unfortunately not...
Puppet: Ehehe, I guess not!
Puppet: ...Did you sleep in your clothes?
I looked down and saw I was still in the rumpled clothes from yesterday.
Protagonist: I guess I did.
Puppet: Jeez, you must've been sleepy!
Puppet: Anyway, I bet you have LOTS of free time right now! What do you say? Want to spend it with me?
Protagonist: Huh?
Protagonist: Oh, uh, sure...!
Puppet: Thanks! I promise not to be a boring humdrum doll.
She started walking out into the hallway, so I followed her.
Protagonist: So, um... you're really fond of...
I wanted to say that I observed she was fond of violence, but...
Protagonist: Things that are exciting, right? So why'd you want to spend time with me...?
Puppet: Well, isn't it obvious?
Puppet: I think everyone has their eyes on you, Protagonist-kun... What, after deducing Maid-chan's puzzle and all...? You saved Spring-chan's life!
Puppet: That's the most exciting thing of all!
Protagonist: ...I thought you were more into violence, is all.
Puppet: Ehhh, it's fun in moderation. I think the way you stood up for Spring-chan is much more exciting. To tell you the truth, I was kind of scared.
Puppet: I thought something might be up with our memories, but I don't think I could've been motivated to put my life on the line...
Puppet: You should teach me how to be brave like you sometime!
Protagonist: ...The others were calling it foolish yesterday....
Protagonist: But, um... If that's what you want, I can try...? It was sort of a heat of the moment thing.
Protagonist: I think when you care about people a lot, it's easy to risk your life for them...
Puppet: I see! I've learned this new information splendidly, thanks to you.
Protagonist: Wait, what? I hope that doesn't mean you're going to risk your life-
Puppet: Kyaha! I don't think it'll come to that. I just learned new information, is all~.
So she had to announce it...? She's a little strange. However, I let her lead me up the stairs and down the hall towards... the closet. We stopped in front of it, and she was silent for a bit, staring off into space.
I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.
Protagonist: Um, why'd you take me here?
Puppet: ....
Protagonist: Uh... Puppet-san?
Puppet: Kyaha! What's up, Protagonist-kun?
She suddenly looked up at me, turning her head at a breakneck pace.
Protagonist: Um, why'd you bring me here...?
Puppet: Oh, that's easy. I'm gonna kill you!
Wait - wait, what?!
Protagonist: UM- WHAT-?
Puppet: HAHA! Just kidding~.
I thought it was a joke but still...
Protagonist: Please don't make those kinds of jokes...
Puppet: No, I've brought you here for something far from murder!
She ignored it, throwing open the closet door.
Puppet: See these bleaches and cleaning supplies?
Protagonist: Um, yeah...?
Puppet: Well, I was talking to Collector-senpai 'bout it, and he said something about it being dangerous having chemicals at such easy access.
Puppet: He said I should take inventory of all the items!
Protagonist: Oh... that's really smart of him.
Wait, Collector-senpai...? When did those two get close...?
She looked up at me expectantly. If I could see her eyes through her hair, I'd be sure that she was pleading with me to take inventory for her. Looks like I got roped into doing her chores for her...
Protagonist: Um... I think we should take invent-
Puppet: No, no~ I think you should take inventory! You're much more trustworthy after all~. I'm a mischief-prone girl, so I might steal something for later~.
I could tell she was totally bluffing to make me do all the work. I sighed. Looks like I'm going to have to work hard, even though I just woke up.
Protagonist: Fine...
I started to look over the cleaning supplies and read them off to Puppet, and she sent the quantity and fullness of the product to Collector in a private message.
Protagonist: You must have older siblings who do all the chores at home, huh?
Puppet: I'm an only child.
Oh. Her tone suddenly got really cold... I don't think I should push this subject.
Protagonist: Um, I see.
I went back to reading the labels of the products. I felt like I had put my foot in the mouth, because the air felt really awkward. As we finished, she giggled.
Puppet: Thanks for all your help, Protagonist-kun! Collector-senpai says he's going to message you later 'n' stuff. For the meeting, after all! He's got the perfect time in mind~.
Puppet: Sorry if I ended up becoming a boring doll in the end...
Protagonist: It's fine. I'll be looking out for his message.
Protagonist: And uh... you're not boring, Puppet-san. That's for sure.
Puppet beamed and twirled around, hoisting her arms above her head in a cheer. She seemed really glad I said that.
Puppet: Yay~. I'm glad, then! Kyahaha! You're not too bad yourself, Protagonist-kun! I'm glad you'll do the hard work for me!
Protagonist: Sigh... This was a one time thing. I don't want her to think I'm a pushover.
Puppet: You say that, but I know you'll give in every time!
Protagonist: ...
That was probably true.
We parted ways at the bottom of the stairs on the second floor, and just as I was wondering if I should go back to my room, I heard a sniffling noise coming from the top of the stairs leading to the first floor. I walked down a bit to investigate, and found Diamond, looking like she was trying not to cry.
Oh fuck. I'm really not good at comforting people.... Maybe I should pretend I didn't see her...
Diamond: Protagonist-kun...?
Oh fuck.
Protagonist: Um... hey.
Protagonist: Are you... are you.... okay?
Diamond: ...
Diamond: Ye- Yea....
Diamond: No...
Protagonist: Um, what's wrong...?
Wait, fuck. We're trapped here with serial killers being forced to kill each other with the threat of our own lives and limbs on the line. I sound like an idiot.
Diamond: I-I... want to go home...
She suddenly broke out into full-out sobbing. Oh god fucking dammit, I don't know how to deal with a crying person, um - I crouched down and awkwardly patted her back.
Protagonist: Um, there's probably help on the way... and I think we will go home...
Diamond: B-but...!
She kept blubbering and sobbing. It wasn't a pretty sight. Makeup was running down her face, and she just looked a mess.
Protagonist: Um. I won't let anything happen to you. I mean -
Protagonist: I'm going to make sure nothing bad happens to anyone here. I promise. I'll do everything in my power to make sure we're all okay.
Diamond: ...
Diamond: ...You shouldn't make promises you can't keep.
She seemed to calm down slightly, and sniffed. I looked to the bandages on my arms. Oh, this is gonna be awkward. I gently undid one of the bandages and handed it to her.
Protagonist: Um, here. You can wipe your eyes with this. I don't need it as much as you. Diamond nodded, and wiped her eyes on the bandage. I don't think she noticed the burn scars on my arm yet. Maybe I could get more bandages before she noticed... Why did I think short sleeves were a good idea?
Diamond: Thank you, Protagonist-kun... I should really... place my trust in you.
Diamond: You've done nothing but help out everyone. It's admirable, what you're doing. We could all aim to be people like you.
She finally looked down at my arms. Her eyes settled upon them for a minute, and there was silence. She sighed softly.
Diamond: Can I tell you a secret?
Protagonist: Um, sure...
I really don't want another serial killer to confess to me. I'm praying it's not that.
Diamond: I've never seen the ocean before.
Diamond: I live in Japan. How stupid is that?
Protagonist: Wait, really? Like, you've never seen the ocean before, ever?
Diamond: Nope. Never been in person. I live a few hours away from the ocean on any side, and I just have never gotten the chance to visit.
Diamond: You like to make promises you can't keep, right?
Diamond: If we both get out of this, will you take me to see the ocean?
Protagonist: ...
Protagonist: Of course. We'll definitely both live, you know. After all, no one's going to kill.
Diamond: Hmm, thanks Protagonist-kun.
Diamond: ...I need to fix my makeup. Will you help me?
Protagonist: Uh... sure.
She stood up and brushed off her uniform's skirt. I stood up as well and stretched out my legs. She handed the messy bandage back to me.
...What am I supposed to do with this.
Diamond started walking towards her room, and got out her ID.
Diamond: Coming, Protagonist-kun?
Protagonist: Uh, yeah - I'm coming.
I reached her and she opened the door. Her room was a lot like mine, only she had put her cosmetics on the table next to a mirror. It already looked like she had made herself at home, and her pajamas were folded neatly on her made bed.
Diamond: Maybe I'll do your makeup too, Protagonist-kun.
Protagonist: ... If you want?
Protagonist: I'm not against it, but I have sensitive skin...
Diamond: Me too! You're in luck!
She sat down in front of the mirror, and I sat down beside her. She grabbed a wipe and began. Watching Diamond do her makeup was a calming experience. She had such steady hands. Now I can get the appeal of those girls in my class watching makeup artists on Nico.
Diamond: Ta-dah~. I'm done. What do you think?
Protagonist: It looks really good, Diamond-san!
Diamond: Now it's your turn. I won't go too heavy on everything. I know some guys usually don't like this stuff. But you seem pretty agreeable.
Protagonist: It doesn't matter to me...
While Diamond did my makeup, I found it super hard not to laugh at her feather-light touches. How she was able to do this on herself is a mystery to me. I found myself enjoying it though.
Protagonist: Do you often do other people's makeup?
Diamond: Don't talk! I'll smudge it-...! But, uh, yeah. I do all my friends' makeup at school. I hang around with a lot of goths surprisingly too, so I work with darker colors usually.
Protagonist: Oh, that's cool!
Diamond: Shhh- shit! I smudged it-!
When she was done, she handed the mirror to me.
Wow, I looked really good... Maybe I should start wearing eyeliner normally...
Diamond: You like it...?
Protagonist: Uh-huh. It looks really nice...
Diamond: I'm glad!
She clapped her hands together.
Diamond: Hmm, actually, I have a favor to ask of you. It's pretty big...
Protagonist: What is it...?
She went over to the bed and pulled out a book from underneath it. She held it out for me to take.
Diamond: Could you please return this to Romeo-kun...? He wanted me to read it, but...
Protagonist: Ah. I see.
I took the book from her and looked at the cover. Oh, it was Creek Blues. That was his book, right?
Diamond: He had heard I hadn't read it and coerced me into reading a copy and I tried to read a bit but...
Diamond: ...
Diamond: ...
Diamond: ...
Protagonist: It's not good?
Diamond: It's... an acquired taste. I can see why it's so popular but...
Diamond: God, it's so pretentious and long-winded! And the main boy is such a typical nice guy, I wanna vomit just reading about him!
Protagonist: Yeah, I can totally see that.
...Wasn't Tailor a fan? God, you'd think he'd have better taste.
Diamond: Don't tell him I said that.
Protagonist: I won't.
Diamond: Just say that um, I... I...
Diamond: I hate romance novels. Yeah, that works!
I suddenly remembered what Bled had said when we first met...
Diamond: God, this is the first novel I've read where I've actively rooted against a protagonist I was supposed to root for.
Protagonist: It's that bad, huh?
Diamond: Yeah.
Diamond: I definitely can't face him either. He's a creep.
Diamond: So... please?
Diamond: I'll owe you something big.
I sighed. I guess I'd do it.
Protagonist: I'll do it.
Diamond: Thank you so much! You're honestly a life saver.
Diamond: ...
Diamond: ...
Diamond: He should be coming by soon, so if you could intercept him now, that'd be the best...
Protagonist: Alright, I've got it. It was nice hanging out with you, Diamond-san. I hope you're feeling better.
Diamond: Ehe, I guess I am, thanks to you.
I made my way out of the room, and back to my room for some fresh bandages to cover my scars with. While I did that, I sent a message to Romeo in a private chat.
[Protagonist: Romeo-kun, Diamond-san says that she wants you to meet her in the restaurant instead.]
I figured he wouldn't reply if it was just me telling him to meet in the restaurant instead, so... Besides, I was kind of hungry.
[Romeo: Alright. Tell her I'll be there in just a few.]
Got him. When I came down to the restaurant alone, Romeo looked rather disappointed that it was just me, but I expected that. He crinkled his nose up at my face.
Romeo: Where's Dia-chan? At least tell me you brought one cute girl with you?
Protagonist: No such luck.
I set down the book on the table.
Protagonist: She wanted me to return this book to you.
Romeo: Ah, I could tell you were with her.
Protagonist: What, the makeup gave it away?
Romeo: No, you smell like her. I can tell girls apart by their scents.
Diamond really dodged a bullet there.
Protagonist: Um, alright then.
Romeo: It's a special talent I have. I can discern a girl's scent -
Protagonist: Oh, please. Please stop.
Romeo: What? Isn't it cool?
No. No! No, it is not cool! It is incredibly creepy! It is incredibly creepy and gross! Please stay far away from any woman ever!
Protagonist: Not really.
Is what I really said.
Romeo looked a little dejected. Good. Honestly? Good.
Romeo: Man, I wonder why the girls here aren't reacting well to me... I'm usually so well-received....
I really doubt that.
Romeo: I have tons of fans back home...
He looked depressed. I looked to the kitchen. Would it be too rude to go and find something to eat?
Romeo: First Bled-chan... now Dia-chan... man, these girls are so tough...
Romeo: You understand, right Protagonist-kun?
Protagonist: ...Sure?
Romeo: Right on, I can tell you're someone who gets a lot of girls, just like me.
Protagonist: I mean... I've never had a girlfriend or boyfriend before.
Romeo blinks. And then he laughs. He's laughing in my face. I'm being laughed at in the face by Romeo.
Protagonist: ...
Romeo: Oh man. That's just sad. And how old are you?
Protagonist: I'm seventeen.
Romeo laughs again. Man, I really want to punch him. I didn't come here to get laughed at by some creep.
Romeo: Man, aren't you and King-kun like a thing? Which is uh, good taste for a boy.
Romeo: If I had to pick a boy, I think I'd go after King-kun too. He seems like a real housewife type. He can cook, he seems clean, and he's really cute and clingy too.
What is this, the 50s?
Protagonist: I'm not dating King-kun. He's kind of annoying.
Romeo: Yeah, that's the one downside.
Protagonist: One?
Romeo: Yeah. You know, Protagonist-kun. You're rather cute for a boy too, no homo and all.
...I wanna leave.
Romeo: Rabbit-kun's not cute at all, he's too shouty and standoffish. Glasses-kun could be cute, but he's too unpredictable... Collector-kun is mature, but he seems too caught up in himself. Syringe-kun is too pretentious and weird. And something about Sol-kun is off, but I don't know what. Tailor-kun's pretty and stuff, but it makes me unhappy that he's a guy. Luna-kun's too young.
Romeo: This is all just my very heterosexual opinion.
I looked at the book, and then at Romeo. I've spent enough time with him. I began to walk towards the kitchen without another word.
I went to the kitchen, where I was alone. I checked the time. It was 4:14. I think it was about time for me to eat something... and my stomach was definitely agreeing with that. I went through the pantry before I found something of my cooking caliber. Ah yes, instant ramen.
Heating that up, I felt a buzz in my pocket.
Oh, I had a private message from Collector.
[Collector: Protagonist-kun. I found a perfect time for our meeting. How does the day after tomorrow at 1:00 PM in the auditorium sound to you?]
I blinked and thought that over. It sounded good.
[Protagonist: That sounds perfect. Should I tell the group chat, or do you want to?]
[Collector: You can tell them. And thank you for assisting Puppet-kun today.]
[Protagonist: It's not a problem.]
I opened up the group chat. There hadn't really been many messages today, so I typed out my message.
[Protagonist: Everyone, listen up! The day after tomorrow at 1:00 PM sharp, we'll meet in the auditorium again to discuss everyone's knowledge of this place. Hopefully, you'll be there to join us.]
I saw a few typing bubbles pop up almost immediately.
[Killer: Roger, roger!]
[Puppet: I'm ready to share!]
[Sol: I might not be of much help, but I'll make sure King-kun stays in line.]
[King: So rude to doubt me~. But I'll be there.]
[Luna: I'm not going.]
[Flare: Like I said, I think it'll do a little more harm than help...]
[Rabbit: I'm against cooperating with any of you.]
[Spring: Puwawawa... I'll be there... I've been working on that charm, Protagonist-kun.]
[Romeo: I'll be there as well, if only for the girls.]
[Moth: I might not be much help, but I'll be there.]
[Diamond: I'll be there, and so will Valkyrie-chan!]
[Valkyrie: Of course. I must say I was talked into it...]
[Bled: I'll be there. I want to help as much as I can.]
[Tailor: I know I said I'd be there but... I'm getting a weird feeling. I'll stay behind.]
[Syringe: I'll be there as well. You can count on me.]
[Glasses: I'll be there to support you.]
[Collector: That's good. I'll be there of course, as well.]
[Protagonist: I'm glad everyone's been so receptive. Surely, we'll all work through this together.]
The microwave buzzed and as I ate my instant ramen, I watched the chat move quickly.
[Flare: Yesterday @Collector, you said there was a way to turn off notifications?]
[Collector: I'll PM you.]
[Luna: I already told you how :^)]
[Rabbit: I will literally kill you]
[Sol: I don't take threats to my brother lightly Rabbit-san]
[Collector: I don't take death threats lightly at all. Does anyone want to place Rabbit under room arrest?]
[King: Yeah none of us are strong enough to take on Rabbit-chan]
[Spring: Rabbit-chan... you're upsetting people. Please apologize!]
[Diamond: Don't be too optimistic with Rabbit-kun, Spring-chan...]
[Rabbit: Spring-chan's right. Sorry. I let my anger get the best of me]
[King: Wh]
[Diamond: Uh?????]
[Flare: Did he just? Apologize?]
[Moth: Spring-chan must have mystical powers...]
[Syringe: No, they obviously know each other from outside. Like King-yogisha and Sol-kun, right?]
[Spring: I mean... yeah. I know Rabbit-chan, puwaa... He's kind of like a childhood friend....]
[Spring: Thanks www >:^O]
As the chat moved quickly, I saw someone else enter the kitchen.
Valkyrie: Oh, Protagonist-san. What a fancy coincidence, meeting you here.
It's not really that much of a coincidence, since we're both kidnapped... but.
Protagonist: Um, hi Valkyrie-san.
I got the feeling she didn't like me that much already... I feel like I'd have to tread lightly around a conversation with her. Valkyrie moved towards the fridge without sparing me another glance, and started gathering ingredients. What, can she cook too?
Valkyrie: ...
I realized I was watching her and turned my head back to my instant ramen.
Valkyrie: Protagonist-san...
Protagonist: ...Yeah?
Valkyrie: Diamond-chan told me you promised her to take her to the ocean.
The room's air suddenly felt tense. Uh-oh. I feel like I did something really wrong, but I don't know what...? I mean, what's wrong with that...?
Protagonist: Um, I... did.
Valkyrie: ...I see.
She resumed gathering ingredients, and placed them near the stove, forcefully. Man, what did I do...!?
Valkyrie: I know you want to believe in everyone... but.
She finally spoke again, still not looking at me.
Valkyrie: It's best if you give up on us.
Protagonist: E-excuse me!?
Valkyrie: This group is a lost cause.
Valkyrie: There is no redemption for people like us, Protagonist-san. You might think this is incredibly pessimistic of me, but it's true. There is no hope for this group. Someone will kill eventually. It's only a matter of time before someone gets bored, or scared, or cornered. It's going to be sooner rather than later... I can feel it in my bones.
What the hell is her problem!? I didn't know what to say...
Protagonist: ...
Protagonist: You're wrong.
Valkyrie: ...
Protagonist: We're not a lost cause. We can survive this, together. Valkyrie-san... why don't you trust me?
She finally looked at me.
Valkyrie: You simply haven't given me any reason to trust you.
Protagonist: Why can't you just trust me...?
Valkyrie: That's... the stupidest thing you've said yet.
She said nothing more, and went on to making her dinner.
I finished my instant ramen and threw it out. It had gotten to be later, so I headed to my room. When I got there and had settled down, Sol had sent a message like the one yesterday.
[Sol: King-kun's making dinner again! Who wants to join us?]
I turned off the notifications on the chat, and laid down in bed. Man, I kind of had fun in the beginning of the day, but after talking with Romeo and Valkyrie, I was just bummed. I managed to lay around for a while without sleeping...
Maybe I should take a shower...
I went to do that. The hot water was nice, and I washed away all the day's worry and stress with fancy-smelling soap and shampoo.
Hah, as if. I was just as worried when I came out of the shower.
And to make matters worse, an annoyingly familiar voice interrupted my thoughts, as if to add more stress.
???: Yoohoo, it's Protag-chan. What luck.
Protagonist: ... What luck is right.
King: Hmm, Protag-chan, are you okay?
I tried to quickly put on my clothes, to avoid any awkward towel confrontations. I was just wrapping my burns when he came into view. He wasn't wearing his shades. Looked like he was going to shower too.
Protagonist: I'm fine.
King: Whoa, no need to get so snappy with me. Now I know you're certainly not fine!
Protagonist: ...It's been a long day.
King: I see... I missed you at dinner.
Protagonist: Well...I had eaten before, and...
My stomach grumbled. Talk about inopportune timing. Maybe eating one meal a day wasn't a great idea. King raised an eyebrow.
King: Hey, you know what...? I can take a shower later. I have the perfect thing in mind for you.
He suddenly grabbed my hand, and led me out of the bathroom. I followed along, hesitantly.
Protagonist: What do you mean?
It was later, so we didn't see that many people wandering about. He took me to the kitchen, and let go of my hand finally.
King: Whenever I'm really stressed out, or just feeling down... I always make this.
He went to work almost immediately, gathering ingredients. By the looks of the things he gathered, it was going to be a dessert... Ah, I was actually looking forward to a dessert from King...
King: Hmm, hmm, hmm~... Protag-chan, what's stressing you?
King: Is it someone being nasty to you? I can help you with that~.
He hummed and started on the dessert.
Protagonist: People don't seem to believe in our group...
I don't know why I was telling him this, but... Maybe it was because he was suddenly being so tolerable.
King: Well, that's easy. You just have to prove them wrong, right?
He winked at me.
King: I think you're right. We've got a pretty good group of people here...! I'll believe in them if you believe in them.
Protagonist: ...Thank you, King-kun.
I smiled at him, and he threw up a peace sign. He went onto cooking, and put the dessert pan into the oven.
Protagonist: What are you making, anyway?
He came to stand next to me and leaned on my shoulder. Oh, it's King, so I'm not surprised.
King: Chocolate caramel shortbread. It's really nice, and I'll send a message in the chat to see who wants the leftovers... but you can get first dibs.
Oh man, that sounded really good...
I'm kind of happy that King cares so much about me, if it means I get his cooking all the time.
King: Someday, I hope you'll come to see that I'm worth more than just my cooking though.
He pouts, and I blink. Man, did I say that out loud...?
King: No, I can read your mind.
Protagonist: Wh- what?
King: Just kidding~. You say a lot of funny things out loud without noticing...
Oh shit.
Protagonist: Don't tease me like that...
King: I can't help it. You're too cute.
But... There was something on my mind.
Protagonist: King-kun, you're...
Protagonist: ...a serial killer, right?
King: ...
Did I just spoil the mood? It felt so good a moment ago...
King: Ah, so Aracchan's figured me out, even though he's not a detective...
Aracchan-!? Wait, that means he...!
King: I know who you are, yeah. Don't look so shocked.
King: I wonder if you can guess who I am...?
He stuck out his tongue plafully a bit. Suddenly, I felt like vomitting. This wasn't... a good feeling.
King: You can look at your ID if you're stuck.
I didn't need to look at my ID. There was really... one killer who fit King's personality best.
A cocky, arrogant, and gross killer...
King was...
Protagonist: You're Lover Boy... right?
King only smiled for a moment.
King: Of course. You got it.
King: ...So.
Protagonist: ...
King: Are you gonna tell anyone?
Protagonist: I have to, I think.
With Glasses, it was different... he had given up killing. He wasn't going to harm anyone anymore... Whereas King... who knew what he was capable of?
King: That's what I was worried about... Sigh.
King: Pro-tag-chan, let's keep this our little secret.
King: I won't tell anyone about you, Aracchan, and you won't tell anyone about me~. Deal?
...Did I have a choice? This... kind of felt like a gamble. But... King had promised me he wouldn't kill. I needed to trust King. No matter who he really was.
Protagonist: ...KIng-kun, you're...
Protagonist: Against better judgment, I'll place my trust in you.
King: ...Oh, man. That was easier than I expected. You'll really trust me? Protag-chan...
He suddenly wrapped his arms tightly around me. I almost couldn't breathe for a moment at the suddenness, but he loosened his grip quickly. Ah... I guess I was going to make a habit of hugging serial killers...
King: I'm glad you're here with me.
Protagonist: ...
Something... feels weird. He's still hugging me. I try to wiggle free, but he just keeps hugging me.
Protagonist: Um... personal space...?
King: Boo, let me enjoy this.
Protagonist: Sigh... fine.
He must've hugged me for at least another minute, while I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do with my arms. He finally let me go, and I took a deep breath in. King smells a lot like brown sugar...
By now, a wonderful aroma had filled the room. My stomach gurgled again, and my mouth watered... man, maybe putting up with King was worth it...
King finally let go of me and moved towards the oven.
King: It's about time, huh?
He put on oven mitts and took the tray out of the oven. Man, they looked delicious...
King: We'll have to let them cool a bit, b-
Suddenly the door to the kitchen flung open.
Killer: I smell something REALLY GOOD!
She blinked upon seeing us, and grinned.
Killer: Protag-kun! Howdy!
Killer: Man, am I interrupting a date or something? Like I said before, bad taste. I'd recommend Glasses-kun or somethin'. Hmm, he's kind of close to you... I'll have to think up a cute nickname for him sometime...
Protagonist: I-it's not like that at all...! I'll ignore her first comment about Glasses.
Protagonist: I'm sure Glasses-kun would like a nickname from you, Killer-chan. It might make him feel more at ease...?
King: What, and I don't get a cute nickname? I'm close to both of you. If you talk about Glasses-kun like that around me, I'll get jealous.
Protagonist: ...
Killer: Heh, you want a nickname so bad? How about, 18782...?
King: I-ya-na-ya-tsu... hey, wait- you!
King: I'm not some unpleasant guy!
He pouted at Killer while she laughed. Just being with these two was making me forget all about my bad mood. It felt like I was just hanging out with friends...
Protagonist: 18782-kun, huh? Maybe it'll catch on.
King: Protag-chan, you too? I've been betrayed...
Killer: At least it's better than what than what you've been referring to me as!
She scowled at him, and folded her arms across her chest.
Killer: 'That brutish woman'... how cruel! Like, say that to my face next time!
King: Wait, did Solcchan rat me out!? Solcchan, how could yooooou....?
Killer: I have eyes everywhere, 18782-kun.
King: A woman like you is scary and uncute...
Killer: I'll beat you up, you wimp.
King: Eh? Protag-chan, save me~!
He hid behind me, while Killer cackled ominously.
Killer: Anyway, I didn't come here to beat up Mr. Unpleasant, though that's always a plus. What did you make?
King: Protag-chan was feeling down, so I, being the good husband I am, made him a surefire path to happiness! Chocolate caramel shortbread!
Protagonist: ...Husband...? Man, now I'm even more depressed.
Killer: Pfft- nice kill-!
Killer: Awawa, that sounds, like, super good though. I'm gonna pilfer some~.
King: No! You don't get any until you're nice to me.
Killer: ...
Uh-oh. That seemed like an impossible task.
Killer just calmly approached King, and hoisted him up from the underarms and easily lifted him high into the air, moving him from between the shortbread to the side.
Protagonist: Killer-chan!?
Whoa... I knew she was strong, but this was... she just moved him like he weighed nothing! She immediately set to work on taking a few of the shortbread squares.
Killer: Mmmmm! These are delicious!
Protagonist: ...
I went to take a few. They were still pretty warm... As I took the first bite, I could feel almost all of my worries melting away... What the hell, they were so good-?
Protagonist: These are... so good!?
King: I'm glad you like them~. Hehe. I put my special ingredient in there. Love!
Killer: Ew, you spoiled my appetite.
I spent another hour with King and Killer just talking about things like their past school lives...
King was a top student at Seijoh, like he had said before, and Sol and Luna apparently went there too. Sol was the class representative, or something? It made sense that someone as mellow and reliable-seeming as Sol was popular. King had also said he was in the track club, which surprised me. King didn't really seem like the type to do sports, but... He apparently had a lot of friends and was really popular, which I'll have to take his word for...
Killer went to a smaller, girls-only school called Awateishi High in the Kanagawa prefecture. She said it was near the beach and she wasn't surprised that King came from Tokyo. She did sports too, and was a cheerleader. King had scoffed at that, and Killer punched him for it. Apparently she was also one of the top students in her grade as well, and often tutored younger students. She had some friends who were into gyaru fashion back home and she wondered if they were doing alright.
I told them about my high school as vaguely as possible, though King sent me a few knowing glances. Killer wanted to know all about what clubs I was in, and seemed really disappointed when I told her I didn't really join any clubs this year, though last year I had been the school's baseball club manager.
We finally parted ways after I sent a message to the chat saying there was chocolate caramel shortbread for grabs in the kitchen. It was pretty late, so I went straight to my room, and fell asleep quickly, and was overtaken with pleasant dreams...
I was awoken by an annoyingly cheerful alarm.
Please, just let me sleep... I'm begging you...
However, I quickly rubbed my eyes and picked up my ID. I opened up my announcements app.
Maid-chan: Hello sleepyheads! This is your morning wake-up call! It's now 10:00 AM! Wakey, wakey, or I'll be very sad at how lazy you are~.
Protagonist: Oh fuck off.
I set the ID down and pulled up the covers again, trying to get comfortable... But it was no use. I was already too awake. Dammit. I decided to get up and get dressed. At least no one's bothering me right now, it seems...
As I got dressed, I suddenly remembered that I wanted to check out the gift shop. Maybe I should head there...? On my way, I passed by Valkyrie and Diamond sitting on the stairs together. Man, is this where Diamond just likes to hang out? Valkyrie shot me a pleasant look, and Diamond waved.
Diamond: Protagonist-kun! Thanks again for yesterday! You should come by my room anytime you want your makeup done! I really had fun hanging out with you!
Protagonist: Gee, um, thanks. It's not really a problem. I had fun too.
Valkyrie: I'm glad you're so good to Diamond-san.
I can't tell if that was genuine, but... I made my way past those two with a wave, and went to the gift shop without anymore interruptions. Someone else was already there though... just my luck.
Oh well, Syringe isn't one of the bad ones. He just seems a bit... mysterious.
Protagonist: ...
He doesn't see me.
Oh well, maybe he won't talk to me. I make my way over to the cacti I've been eying since the first time I came here with King and Killer. God, it's so cute...
Syringe: Oh, Protagonist-ue...
He looks at me finally. It looks like he was examining one of the swords on a higher up shelf.
Syringe: Look at this.
He climbs up onto a display, not really seeming to have any regard for the stuff already on the shelf, and gently starts taking down the sword.
When he steps down, he unsheathes the sword. Whoa, what the fuck-? That's definitely a real sword...!
Syringe: We need to be careful of things like these, Protagonist-ue. It's easy to access, therefore making it easy to kill with one of these. Just like the knives from the kitchen, we need a system. I was thinking of confiscating all the swords and bringing them to Collector-ue. What do you think?
...That's good thinking. But why Collector...? Is he really that trustworthy of a person...? I know he's tried to make himself the leader figure here, but...
Protagonist: I think that's a good idea. The meeting's tomorrow, right? I can message Collector-kun about this and we can all discuss what we think is the best course of action in the meantime.
Syringe: But what's bothering me is...
Syringe: There are five display cases for swords.
He pointed them out one by one. Sure enough, five display cases. But there were two that were empty. One was in his hands... but where was the other...?
Syringe: You see it, right?
Syringe: Someone's already taken the sword.
I suddenly didn't feel so good.
Syringe: I've narrowed down a list of suspects that I know have visited the gift shop, and I'm going to share them tomorrow at the meeting.
Protagonist: But, but- that can't be right...
Protagonist: They probably just thought it was cool...?
Syringe: ...Please get real, Protagonist-ue.
Syringe: You're optimistic to a fault.
Protagonist: Maybe they had the same idea as you, Syringe-kun...?
Syringe: Then why not say anything? Why only take one?
Protagonist: ...
I didn't want to accept it...
Syringe: I can tell this subject is bothering you.
Syringe: I'm sorry. I didn't intend to trouble you.
He bowed.
Syringe: Protagonist-kun, I'm curious. You spend a lot of time with King-yogisha, so...
Syringe: What exactly is your relationship with him?
Ugh, this is probably even worse...
Protagonist: ...Um, we're just friends.
Syringe: Friends... sigh. That's what I feared.
Syringe: King-yogisha is not someone you can trust, Protagonist-ue. You can't be friends with someone like him.
Syringe: If you ally yourself with him, he'll stab you in the back.
Protagonist: ...
There's something more to this story...
Protagonist: What's the real reason you hate King-kun...?
Syringe's expression darkens, and he looks down.
Syringe: He killed my sister.
Protagonist: ...
Oh my god. Oh my god, this is so awkward, I should've never asked, oh my fucking god...
Protagonist: I'm... so sorry.
Syringe: My sister was a fan of host clubs.
Oh my god, please don't go into your whole life story, I already feel so awkward for bringing it up...
Syringe: She was one of King-kun's customers, and he saw her as a desperate girl. And then he killed her. I...
Protagonist: I'm so sorry, I don't know what to say...
I really don't.
Syringe: Don't worry. It's been two years.
Protagonist: ...Then why haven't you t...told anyone.
Syringe: That's none of your business.
Protagonist: Alright...
Syringe blinked.
Syringe: Sorry, I'm being a downer, huh?
Syringe: I think we're starting off on the wrong foot Protagonist-ue.
Syringe: You like working together, right...?
Syringe: I'll place my trust in you for now. I think if anyone can keep someone despicable like King-yogisha in line, it's you.
Protagonist: ...! Thanks, Syringe-kun.
Syringe: It's simply nothing.
He climbed up onto the shelf again to put the sword back in its case.
Syringe: I saw you looking at the cacti... Do you like them?
Protagonist: ...Huh? Oh, yeah. I mean, I'm not very knowledgable about that sort of thing but...
Protagonist: They're pretty cute right? I like that one the best. It has a little flower.
I pointed to a cactus that had sprouted a small flower. Syringe nodded, and placed his hand to his chin.
Syringe: I see. I think they're cute too. I can't say I know much about plants either but...
Syringe: Doesn't your friend know a lot about plants?
My friend...? Oh, doesn't he mean Glasses?
Protagonist: Glasses-kun? Yeah! He's really interested in hanakotoba. It's been really useful, and he really knows a lot!
Syringe: I see. Syringe beamed.
Syringe: That's really cool. I want him to teach me all about it.
Protagonist: I think he'd be more than happy to tell you about it if you asked him.
Syringe: ...Really? I got the feeling he didn't like me...
Protagonist: I don't think so. Glasses-kun might seem a bit aloof at first, but he's a really good guy.
Syringe: I see... I'm really not good at reading people...
Syringe: I have a hard time with sarcasm too. And I just generally don't connect well with people.
Syringe: ...
Syringe: And as you can see, I tend to overshare.
Protagonist: It's fine. I think you're a really good guy, Syringe-kun.
Syringe blinked at me, and looked away.
Syringe: ...
Syringe: You liked that cactus, right? Here.
Syringe picked it up and handed it to me.
Syringe: I think you should take it. Because you wanted it.
I took the cactus from Syringe and he started to fiddle with the corner of his cape.
Syringe: I have to go. Please put in a good word with Glasses-kun for me...
Syringe: Thank you...
He hurried off. He seemed really embarrassed that I praised him like that. Man, he really isn't good with compliments, and he's pretty strange but... I feel like we can really get along.
I looked down at the catcus in my hand. It was cute, and it's small pink flower was lovely and vibrant. I decided to bring it back to my room. They don't need much water, right? I'll put it right under the lamp so it gets lots of "sunlight"...
As I began to leave the gift shop, I saw someone down the hall, sitting at the foot of the stairs. It was Bled. She was cleaning her glasses off with something, and as I approached, I could see it was a lace handkerchief. She looked up at me and waved. I waved back.
Protagonist: Hey Bled-san.
She blinked at me and set the glasses down in her lap to pick up her ID and type something out.
Bled: [Oh, Protagonist-kun, if you'll just give me one second, my glasses are really dirty, and I can't talk to you and clean them at the same time. Unless you had something to tell me...?]
Protagonist: Oh, no. I was just saying hi. Sorry for interrupting you. I can wait.
She gave me a big smile, and I looked at her eyes. They were a chestnut brown color, and she had two moles underneath the left eye that I hadn't seen before due to her glasses...
After a few seconds, she put her glasses back on, and returned the handkerchief to her pocket.
Bled: [Did you need me for something in particular?]
Protagonist: Um, not really... I just saw you sitting here. What are you doing?
Bled: [Oh. I see, then...! I'm not really doing much in particular... but I was cleaning my glasses just now so...]
Protagonist: Oh...
Bled: [Sorry, that's terribly boring of me, huh? I just need to clean my glasses if I want to be able to see ahead into the future.]
Protagonist: I don't think it's - wait, what do you mean-...?
Bled: [Oh. Protagonist-kun, I'm a psychic.]
Protagonist: Wait, r-really!? That's kind of cool- what stuff do you do!?
Bled: [...Sorry, that was a lie.]
Bled: [I wanted to sound a little less boring.]
Bled: [You see, I'm kind of jealous of you right now.]
Protagonist: Huh? ...what? Jealous...? Of me?
Bled: [...Yeah. I mean, you solved that deduction no sweat. You're obviously an experienced detective.]
Protagonist: I... wouldn't say that...
Bled: [Eh? You're not...? But that would mean you're a...]
Wait, shit, I didn't mean to imply that...!
Protagonist: I mean, I'm definitely not a serial killer, don't get me wrong! I'm just not on everyone else's level, definitely.
Bled: [Oh...I see.]
Bled: [If that was supposed to make me feel better... I mean, thank you for trying. But I'm still jealous.]
She playfully smiles at me.
Bled: [What's her name?]
Protagonist: H...huh?
Bled points at the cactus in my arms.
Bled: [What did you name your cactus? Or is he a boy, or something else?]
Protagonist: Oh, I didn't think to name it...
Bled: [Really? You have to. It's important to name plants. They're your friends after all.]
Protagonist: Um, you think so...?
Protagonist: Then... I'll name it...
Protagonist: Bled-chan Jr., after you. See, the flower is kind of flashy, just like your fashion is...
Protagonist: I-In a good way I mean!
Bled: [Are you trying to flirt with me...?]
Protagonist: No! No, that wasn't my intention.
Bled: [Good, because there's someone else I like.]
Bled: [And I'm not interested in boys... period.]
Protagonist: Someone you like...? Is she here, then?
Bled looks away.
Bled: [Maybe.]
Protagonist: Man, now you have to tell me.
Bled: [Noooooooooooooo.]
Protagonist: ....Fair.
Bled: [I mean, if I told you... I'd have to ask you about if you had a crush on Glasses-kun or not.]
Protagonist: E-eh, I mean. I decline to answer.
Bled: [See? Hehe.]
Bled: [Just don't lead King-kun on too much or it could turn out bad for you.]
Bled: [I don't think he's the yandere type but...]
She shudders and shakes her head. I try to imagine a yandere King. It's... a terrible thought, and I want to purge my brain of that image.
Bled: [Sorry for putting such a nasty image into your head...]
Protagonist: Aha, it's fine... I just really hate it. Thanks.
She laughed, giggling into her hand.
Bled: [Me too. King-kun really gives me the heebie jeebies for some reason... and not just because I think he's a serial killer.]
Bled: [I can't shake the feeling he - pardon my French - fucked me over somehow. I get a super bad sense of betrayal from him...]
Bled: [But I really can't remember anything... so for now, I'm wary. It's probably just a feeling.]
Protagonist: That's really strange... it's probably just a feeling, though.
Bled: [I mean, I've never even met him before, so...]
Protagonist: Then it's definitely just a feeling. I think it's best to trust in King-kun for now.
Protagonist: He might be shady, but...
Bled: [Is that how you feel...? Alright... I think you're too trusting, but...]
Bled: [It's probably best to trust everyone for now.]
Protagonist: It's good that you feel that way too, Bled-san.
Bled: [Ehh, I guess... but maybe it'll come back to bite us in the butt.]
Bled: [Hopefully not.] Bled stood up, and dusted off her skirt.
She jumped down the last two steps to stand next to me, and looked up at me.
Bled: [Hmm, maybe you can help me out...]
Bled: [Do you like-like Glasses-kun? I want to know these things! If you tell me, I'll tell you my crush.]
Oh man. I covered my face with my hands. I don't want to answer this...
Protagonist: I mean, I-...
???: Protagonist-kun, Bled-san, hello.
Speak of the devil... At the top of the stairs, interrupting me at the most opportune time, was Glasses. I uncovered my face with my hands and Bled broke out into a grin.
Bled: [Saved by the bell, huh?]
He descended the stairs to stand where we were and he nodded to Bled and I, fidgeting with his tie slightly.
Glasses: Bled-san... may I borrow Protagonist-kun for a while...?
Bled: [Huuuh? Heehee, I don't mind. You two have fun. Make sure he's back in his room by 10:00 PM for a nice night's rest.]
Protagonist: Bled-saaan.
Glasses: ...? I don't think it'll be that long...
Bled: [Don't worry, I'm only teasing. See you two.]
Bled turned to leave, and had started to go, but turned back to me quickly and lowered her glasses. With a wink, she smiled.
Bled: [It's Killer-chan, by the way.]
Oh. Oh my god. She then turned back to continue walking off without any further comments.
Glasses: What's... Killer-san?
Protagonist: It's nothing, she was just telling me about something.
Glasses: Oh... I see.
Glasses: Well, um...
Glasses: I found a watering can. I'm currently in possession of it.
Glasses: Not... currently as in now, but it's in my room.
Glasses: King-san suggested I water the plants here, remember?
Glasses: ...Would you like to water them together...?
Protagonist: Yeah! That sounds like it'd be a lot of fun.
I remembered the cactus in my hand.
Protagonist: Let's go to my room first though, I have to put Bled Jr. away.
I displayed the cactus to glasses.
Glasses: This is a mammillaria backebergiana. It's healthy and the flower is pretty...
Glasses: Good choice...
Protagonist: Wow, you really know a lot!
Glasses blushed.
Glasses: There's just as much I don't know. Such as marine plant life.
Protagonist: Still, I think it's really cool that you know this much.
Protagonist: Syringe-kun thinks so too.
Glasses: ...does he?
Protagonist: Yeah, he said so! He told me to ask you if you were interested in sharing your knowledge of plants and hanakotoba with him.
Glasses: ...
He started walking up the stairs again. Did I say something wrong? He was fidgeting with his tie.
Protagonist: Um, but of course... you don't have to.
Glasses: No..no... this makes me... really happy.
He wrapped his tie around his fingers tightly. For a moment, I was worried he might accidentally choke himself, but...
Glasses: I'll arrange a meeting with Syringe-san. I'm really excited now...
Even though he said this, his voice didn't seem to rise above a neutral tone. But, his words seemed genuine. We reached my room, and I unlocked the door with my ID.
I went inside and Glasses hovered in the doorway. He didn't come in any further.
Protagonist: Um, aren't you coming in?
Glasses: ...Alright.
He followed me into my room. He was basically my shadow, it seemed, though he did look about the room. I set Bled Jr. down onto the table next to the lamp, and nearly knocked into Glasses as I turned around. Wow, he was really close.
Protagonist: Um, should we go to your room now? To get the watering can...?
Glasses: That would be optimal.
We started off to his room, and I closed the door behind me. Glasses' door was down three doors from mine, and he quickly unlocked it so we could go inside. It was orderly and plain. It would've looked absolutely unlived in, had it not been for the watering can on the table next to three small cacti.
Glasses: I took some cacti as well...
Protagonist: They're cute! Did you name them?
Glasses: Yes.
Protagonist: ...
I waited for him to tell me the names.
Glasses: ...
Protagonist: ...
Glasses: ...
He looked away.
Protagonist: Um... what did you name them?
Glasses: ...That's a secret.
Oh. I tried not to get the wrong idea about that. He probably didn't...
Protagonist: Well, anyway, let's go fill this with water and start watering some plants!
Glasses: R-right. We went to the bathroom to fill the watering can up with water.
Glasses told me there were about 12 plants on this level, 26 plants on the above level, and 24 plants on the lower level, for a total of 62 plants in the entirety of Joker Manor. I enjoyed spending time with Glasses... We didn't get to the plants in the girls' bathroom, but we got to every other plant. He's pretty funny, despite being quiet. I think that he's come out of his shell a bit more.
We ended up outside of the room that had shown me the starry sky with Killer.
Protagonist: Don't you kind of miss it?
Glasses: ...?
Protagonist: The sky.
Glasses: ...Mm.
He nodded his head and looked at me. I grinned and looked to the door.
Protagonist: Wanna go in?
Glasses: ...Sure.
He seemed a little shy, but when I opened the door, he went inside without hesitation. Inside was...
It wasn't the beautiful starry sky... No, it was a mellow sunny day in the city. I'd assume it was Tokyo, because I'd been before to Tokyo before, but... there was a bench underneath a sakura tree and a crepe cart nearby that. Glasses looked at me.
Glasses: It changed...
Glasses: I was in here with my group last time... it was a garden...
Protagonist: Yeah, it did change! I was in here with Killer-san too, and... it was the most beautiful starry sky...?
I looked over at the crepe cart. Something moved from behind it.
Popping out of nowhere, was Maid-chan. I yelped and grabbed onto Glasses' arm.
Maid-chan: CHILL! I'm not here to hurt you on your date!
Protagonist: It's n-
Maid-chan: I'm running the crepe cart! Who wants crepes~?
Glasses looked at me.
Protagonist: Should we... trust crepes from her...?
He said nothing but looked eagerly at the crepe cart.
Protagonist: Alright...
Maid-chan: Yaaay~. You'll find my crepe making skills are almost as good as my torturing skills!
...I'm not going to comment on that.
Protagonist: Maid-chan... what's with this room?
Maid-chan was getting to work, but she looked up and tilted her head.
Maid-chan: It changes to suit the mood of the people who arrive in it! It's the ideal place for bonding and all that junk~.
Protagonist: I see...
There was an awkward silence as we watched Maid-chan prepare crepes for us. We didn't even get a say in what kind we wanted... oh well.
This is so awkward... I can't talk freely to Glasses with Maid-chan here... I wish she'd just scram.
Finally, she finished our crepes, after what felt like forever... They were actually pretty good, and at least Glasses seemed pretty happy.
Maid-chan: What, no tips? No thank yous? A bunch of ingrates you are! You open up your house and home for some brats, and they don't even treat you with respect. Bah! Well, I'm gonna disappear now. If you need anything, PM me!
The lights went down momentarily, and when they went up, she had vanished.
Protagonist: ...Oh thank god.
Glasses was eating his crepe without looking at me. When I looked at him, he just looked away. Man, did I do something wrong...? I remembered that I had something to ask him. I wondered if now was the appropriate time...
As a gentle breeze blew some cherry blossoms around the simulation, I gathered my courage.
Protagonist: Why did you... kill those people, Glasses-kun?
He stopped eating his crepe midbite, and turned slowly to look at me. His glasses were murky, and his expression was unreadable. He lowered his crepe a bit and stared down at it.
Glasses: ...
Man, maybe now wasn't a good time to ask.
Protagonist: I... it's fine if you don't want to tell me.
Without a word, Glasses took out his ID. He tapped some things, and suddenly I got a notification on my own. In the group chat, a message from Maid-chan rang out as clear as day.
[Maid-chan: Glasses has chosen to share a secret with everybody! The secret is: Glasses' parents run Enoh University.]
[Maid-chan: Glasses has two secrets remaining, and will gain an advantage when he needs one!]
Protagonist: ...
Protagonist: You just...
Glasses: If everyone is as understanding as you... I'm sure I'll still be accepted...
Protagonist: ...
In the group chat, I could see messages popping up.
[Romeo: Really? Glasses-shi's a killer?]
[Luna: RL BW glasses]
[King: Ok, Glasses-chan is up to something, I don't trust it. Why does he basically randomly announce that he's a serial killer to everyone.]
[Syringe: Enoh University's Ripper is probably one of the least of our worries though. Right next to XYZ.]
[Syringe: It says he stopped killing.]
[Syringe: Still, fucking disgusting @Glasses @Glasses @Glasses but]
[Bled: He probably regrets it... I want to hear Glasses-kun out.]
[Protagonist: Guys... I've known Glasses-kun was Enoh University's Ripper. He's on our side though. He says he regrets it and he's been working towards a path of redemption since then...]
[Killer: YOU KNEW?????????????]
[Collector: I want to hear it from Glasses-san himself, but a killer is still a killer, and he shouldn't be trusted. He should probably be monitored 24/7.]
[Syringe: Does anyone know where he is now...?]
[Protagonist: I'm with him right now.]
[King: Of course :^/]
[Glasses: I'll speak at the meeting tomorrow.]
[Sol: At least we can give him points for honesty... right?]
I stopped paying attention to the group chat and looked over at Glasses, who looked extremely uncomfortable.
Protagonist: You didn't have to do that...
Glasses: No... it's been.... weighing heavily on my mind. I... have to be honest.
He didn't answer my question... but I feel like I understand Glasses a bit more.
We finished our crepes and parted ways soon after. I was still a bit hungry, so I decided to go to the kitchen for something more. I saw Luna heating up some instant ramen like I had done yesterday.
Protagonist: Hey Luna-kun!
Luna: Don't bother me.
Protagonist: ...
Whoa. Talk about snappy.
Luna: I'm in the middle of something big.
He was on his ID, typing out something out. When I craned my neck to see what he was doing, he shot me a look and turned the ID away.
Luna: You're nosy. Kinda like Sol-nii-san.
Protagonist: ...But you can't just say you're in the middle of something big and leave it at that...
Luna: Well, yes I can.
Luna: For starters, I can't trust you. And even if I could trust you, Maid-chan has eyes and ears everywhere. I've yet to find a blind spot.
Protagonist: Oh... so it's something to help us get out?
Luna: Have you ever heard the term, "loose lips sink ships"?
Protagonist: ...
I could tell he wasn't going to let up any time soon. I went to go and get a bag of chips. I got salt and vinegar, my favorite... But as soon as I opened the bag, I saw Luna make a disgusted face.
Luna: What the hell? Vinegar is the worst!
Luna: Honey butter is where it's at.
Protagonist: I like vinegar...
Protagonist: I've never tried honey butter chips, so...
Luna looked at me in shock. Was that such a big thing...? He got up and grabbed a bag of chips, holding it out for me to take.
Luna: These are godsend. They're my absolute favorite food ever.
I looked down at my chips, and put them down to take the honey butter. Luna gave me a thumbs-up and went back to his ID.
Luna: I remember how many sleepless nights I'd pull with just me, my computer, and fifteen bags of honey butter chips.
Protagonist: T-that can't be healthy!
Luna: Oh, it definitely isn't. I'm a doctor's worst nightmare. It's a wonder how I'm still alive.
Luna: I'm pretty sure my bloodstream is 90% Cola.
Protagonist: ...
Protagonist: That's kind of amazing...
Luna: I actually had my first full night's sleep in three years last night. It was weird... but now I feel...
Luna: Oddly refreshed. See, I'm not even yawning.
Luna: I forgot how it felt to have a full night's rest. I feel like I could do anything.
Luna: But of course, I'm pulling an all-nighter tonight to make up for all the shit I missed while I slept last night.
Protagonist: ...
He's... a walking disaster. How is he still alive?
Protagonist: Are you good with computers, Luna-kun...? I think you me-
Luna: That's like asking if King-kun's a creepy fucking serial killer.
Protagonist: ...
I mean.
Luna: King-kun told you I go to Seijoh with him, right? And that I'm a first year.
Luna: I'm already the top student in the computers department.
He grins and holds up a peace sign.
Protagonist: Uwoah, that's kind of amazing...!
Luna: Ehhhh, it's just my hobby and stuff. I fuck with computers for fun.
Luna: What I really want to do is become a...police officer. But I'm kind of short and weak, so I'm working on that.
Protagonist: A police officer, huh...?
That sounds... It sounded really fake, honestly. Luna said it with such enthusiasm that I didn't think he even expected me to believe that.
Maybe he just wants me to trust him...
Luna: Yeah! A police officer!
Yeah, it's definitely a lie.
Protagonist: Anyway...
Protagonist: I'm kind of curious... Is King-kun just as bad as he is at school as he is here?
Protagonist: He said he was pretty popular...
Luna: ...
Luna: It's amazing, truly...
Luna: He's like a totally different person at school. His personality is totally fake, but no one seems to pick up on it...
Luna: He's actually... really popular.
Protagonist: ... Wow, that's actually... terrifying.
To think that an unpleasant guy like King has people fooled... It makes sense why he's able to kill people like that as well...
Luna: You seem surprised. But... it makes sense. You know he's good at lying. He has to be. Something tells me you already know about who he really is.
Protagonist: ...
Protagonist: I mean... Hiding your entire personality is extremely hard...!
Luna: Not for someone like King-kun. It's second nature. But here, he probably feels like he can be his real self without being penalized...
Luna: I don't trust him, and I wish my brother wouldn't trust him either.
Luna: You shouldn't trust him, you know.
Protagonist: You're not the only one to tell me that today...
Actually, he's the third person to express that... Syringe, Bled, and now Luna...
Protagonist: But trusting people... we have to do it, right?
Luna: I mean, no we don't. We're not obligated to.
Luna: But I respect that you want to keep everyone safe...
Protagonist: I'll trust King-kun for now.
???: Aww, you'll trust me? So sweet, Protag-chan~.
Oh fuck. Luna looked up and I turned around. There were King and Sol, standing in the entrance to the kitchen.
King: You know, it's not nice to gossip about people, Luna-kun.
Luna: How long have you been there!?
Sol: Long enough...
Well, this is awkward.
Sol: It's um, nice to see you bonding with people, Luna-kun.
Luna: Like I said, he's so nosy.
Luna said this mainly to me.
Protagonist: Is it dinner time already?
King: We decided we were gonna get started a bit early tonight. It's only about 4:30-ish? I think.
I must've spent a lot of time watering plants with Glasses...
King: You didn't spoil your appetite with snacks, right Protag-chan?
King: I don't want you to miss out on a dinner again...
He pouted slightly.
Protagonist: Ah, no. I'm actually going to eat with whoever shows up tonight. What's on the menu, King-kun?
King: Hmmmm... what do you want to eat, Protag-chan?
King: I'll make something special for you.
I answered without hesitation.
Protagonist: Curry rice.
Maybe I sounded a little too eager...
King laughed a bit at my earnesty.
Protagonist: O-of course, I mean...
King: I'll make you the best curry rice you've ever tasted.
Luna: God... King-kun's going to have the upper hand over Glasses-kun in the game for Protagonist-kun's heart if this keeps up.
King: I've always got the upper hand! I'm just that amazing!
Sol: Speaking of Glasses-kun... Protagonist-kun, you've confirmed it. He's Enoh University's Ripper, right?
...Ugh. I guess I was going to have to address it...
Protagonist: ...Yeah.
Sol: I see...
Luna: I haven't been playing this stupid matching game, so I only have King-kun's and Glasses-kun's identies. Bah.
Sol: You only have King-kun's because I told you... and Glasses-kun's because he told the group... Luna-kun... you might want to try...
King: Hey! Everyone here has my identity. It's the 'King Identity Knowers Party'.
Luna: Of course you told Protagonist-kun too...
Protagonist: Actually, I kind of figured it out on my own...
King: Surprisingly, I've matched everyone's identities. I know the identities of each serial killer and each detective.
...He was lying again. He had said this with the deduction, but he didn't even know that. I guess he just liked to show off. Sol and Luna rolled their eyes, and I could tell they were thinking the exact thing I was.
Sol: It's kind of unlucky though, Protagonist-kun... that you've attracted the affection of not one, but two serial killers.
Protagonist: Glasses-kun is a former serial killer... so...
I didn't make eye contact with King. It's fine, because he was busy setting up for cooking.
Sol: I see... well...
Luna: It's just because Protagonist-kun is the type to attract scumbags. You're too nice, so you attract trash.
Protagonist: Glasses-kun isn't a scumbag!
King: Man, you're all just taking stabs at me, huh...? Bleh. So mean.
Luna: That's 'cuz you're inhumane scum, you know.
Sol: Isn't that taking it a bit too far, Luna-kun...?
Luna: You're too permissive when it comes to this guy, nii-san.
King: No hard feelings, anyway.
King: I have thicker skin than you think, Solcchan. I'm not a sensitive baby.
Sol: ...You say that, but you and I both know you're a sensitive disaster.
King: Am not. That's really rude, you know.
Sol: ....Sigh.
We ended up making small talk until the food was ready. Sol had sent a message to the group chat like always, and people had begun to trickle in. I think everyone but Glasses and Rabbit showed up this time. Wow, King's cooking really does bring people together...
We ate, with King, Killer, and Spring at my table.
Spring: Curry rice is so nice... It's the perfect amount of spice too, King-kun... puwa...!
Protagonist: It's really my favorite food...
Killer: I'm a huge fan of spicy foods, so I'm used to it being spicier, but I'm a fan of King-kun's too. Man! Your cooking is the only good thing about you.
King: Such high praise from everyone~. I'm really glad.
King: Say, Protag-chan, is this the best curry rice you've ever eaten...?
...Was it...? I think it was up there.
Protagonist: I dunno. It's definitely top three, though.
King pouted slightly.
King: I guess I'll have to settle for that then.
Spring: Uwawawa... Killer-chan, open your mouth~...!
Killer: Wh-wh-wh-wh-!?
Spring giggled as Killer turned absolutely red. Hm, it seemed Spring was a little more sadistic than she let on...
The dinner went on without any problems and I returned to my room.
Man, what a great meal... Maybe a nap wouldn't hurt...
It definitely couldn't hurt...
- In Serial22 Chapters
The Contestant
Jack was dying of cancer when a strange being appeared before him in a dream, granting him a new life. But nothing comes without price. If he wants to live, he must compete against others to become the champion of a self-proclaimed goddess. Taken to a new world, he must quickly learn the rules and excel, that is, if he wants to live. This is a LITRPG/Portal fantasy. I will update this story as often as possible. My plan is to release 3 chapters per week, with the occasional bonus chapter thrown in when I have time. The release schedule should be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
8 121 - In Serial49 Chapters
Tempest Rogue
This story follows Auron, a man who has been plagued with vivid nightmares his entire life. While running away from a beating, a splitting headache causes him to fall to his knees. Once again his nightmares bleed into reality. The next "episode" he has brings him from the scene of his nightmare, to a posionous swamp. To make matters worse his memories from earth are fading, and these nightmares that plagued his childhood, filled with darkness and a red coocoon, are back and worse than ever. As he clings to the only memories he has left, he is forced to fight through a world of brutal blood thirsty monsters, dungeons, and a complex magic system governed by an ancient agreement. First time writing any sort of story. Everything is still a work in progress. As I improve on my writing I will go back and edit parts. Early chapters are subject to change as I grow my ability. I am going to try my best to write this world and improve as I go. My goal is to make my dream come to life through the medium of text. This is why I wanted to post it here. Feel free to comment, and bring constructive criticism. Hope you enjoy! More info (Spoiler warning): only read if you are picky, read a lot, and want to waste no time with a story you may not want read. This book is a litrpg. This means it contains stat tables, and other game elements. (Which you may gloss over if you would like) It is written in a fantasy world, in the style of a progression fantasy. The main character grows in power as the story plays out. My characters are written to my best ability, but you may find them immature. The MC has to adjust to fighting, and killing which he struggles with for a while. His partner is a magical salamander who is a friend and mentor. The world building, monsters, and descriptions are also low tier. (I am working hard to change that!) If you are okay reading something by someone who is just getting started then welcome! I am doing my best, and incrementally improving as I go.
8 189 - In Serial18 Chapters
The New Destiny ( New Game +)
My name is Harris Cage. Several years ago, a game called The New Destiny was released. A game so successful, it created it own phenomena but also the hardest game in history. It didn't take long for me to get addicted to it. After 5 years of being a shut in, I finally managed to beat this game. As a consequence, I lost my job and love life,but who need those? . I then decided to play the new game + mode and to my surprise, I get plunged into the game world. Well then, how should I survive?
8 173 - In Serial61 Chapters
Midnight Lullabies
Perhaps someday these words will make up for the bloodshot eyes and sleepless nights. [H.R: #13 in Poetry] beautiful cover by: @-averagesky
8 195 - In Serial81 Chapters
My Husband Is The Emperor: I Woke Up With A Husband
Disclaimer:FOR OFFLINE PURPOSETHIS STORY IS NOT MINECREDIT GOES TO 𝘈𝘜𝘛𝘏𝘖𝘙 - 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘢0𝘦𝘷𝘦................ "I' your husband" suddenly a man claims to be my husband.How did it happen?Before my coma , The man I loved betrayed me and choose my step-sister, xie huelin . I was accused of abusing drugs by xie huelin and My birth parents kicked me out of the family.My foster mother was the only person who believes in me, But on the day I went back to my foster mother house, the house was burned and she fell into coma.The one who caused it was my step-sister, When I went to the hospital to meet my mother, I met an accident, that was also staged by her!I fell into coma and after a year I woke up, I met a handsome and he' known to be cold-hearted, ruthless and expressionless man who was known as the Emperor of the city. The CEO of Li cooperation , Li jun WeiAnd He claims to be my husband?!
8 97 - In Serial17 Chapters
Barbie Driver
What will Happen when one the strongest Alpha Karan shergill will find out that his Mate... which he is trying to find from Many years is a small baby...He has just turned 18 and she.... she is just a few weeks old.... peep into know more(Inspired from an English writer's stories(Barbie Driver)
8 183