《Kill the Joker: Survival Game》Everything Moves in Real Time - I
After the whole debacle that took place inside the auditorium, I find myself and Glasses just outside the room. The door swings shut behind us. I know I told him we'd get food, but there's something I want to check up on first...
Protagonist: Glasses-kun, do you mind if we check up on Spring-san first? I want to see how she's holding up.
Glasses: Oh. I don't mind.
He shuffles over to my side a bit more, and I look over to the door besides the auditorium. That's where Maid-chan said the infirmary was, right? And if I'm not mistaken, Flare and Killer took Spring there...
I open the door. Sure enough, it's an infirmary. It looks more like a school nurse's office, just with more useful items. This might come in handy if Maid-chan chooses to attack someone again... but hopefully it won't come to that. Sitting down on a bed are Spring and Killer, and Flare is standing off to the side. Killer is finishing bandaging Spring's hand, it looks like. Flare catches sight of me and waves. I take this as an invitation to approach them. Glasses follows me.
Protagonist: How are you three holding up?
Flare: Could be better... but it could be a lot worse. Thank goodness Killer-san seems to be good at first aid...
Killer: I picked up a few pointers from my time as the school nurse's assistant!
Spring: Puwa... thank you again... I'm sorry for causing so much trouble...
Killer: Don't say that! It's obviously not your fault. And if it weren't for your quick thinking, we could've been dealing with a much worse injury. How'd you get the timing right...? Moving your hand like that and all!?
Spring: ...Well, you could say I'm good with timing...
She seemed embarrassed, and blushed.
Glasses: ...
Protagonist: Um, Spring-san, I'm really glad you're alright. I'm sorry I couldn't save your fingers. I feel like I've failed you... But I promise I'll do a better job, so please place your trust in me!
Spring tilted her head at me, and took my hand with her good hand.
Spring: I haven't stopped trusting you, Protagonist-kun...! After all, you saved my life, puwa...
Spring: I wonder if I can make you a lucky charm to thank you... If the gift shop has the right materials...
Spring: Do you want a charm to help you with your studies...? Or maybe you need luck in money? Or do you need help with your love life?
Spring: My charms have a high accuracy rate~.
Flare: Do you have a charm to keep youthful beauty in stressful situations?
Spring: ...I think I might have something in mind~...!
Killer: Wow, that's amazing, Spring-chan!
Glasses: A charm for my studies...?
Protagonist: So you like to make charms? I think that's really cool! I've never really been into spiritual stuff, myself, but...
Spring: Hmm, that's fair~. I think I know what charm I'll make you.
She hummed a few notes and then gave a thumbs-up.
Spring: I'll make you a leadership charm. For a smooth leadership~.
Killer: That's perfect! You're so smart and thoughtful, Spring-chan!
Flare and I shared a look, and I grinned.
Protagonist: I'd really appreciate that actually. Thank you.
Flare: Protagonist-kuuun, would you let me tag along with you when you go? Somehow I feel like the third wheel here...
Protagonist: Um...!
I looked at Glasses. He didn't look too happy about it, but he wasn't openly objecting.
Protagonist: Of course, Flare-san.
Flare: Thank you. I just want to go to the library and read, and don't feel like being alone. Especially not after an announcement like that. You understand, right?
Protagonist: We were going to get something to eat first actually. Do you mind?
Flare: No, I don't mind. Siiiigh.
I can tell she totally minds.
Protagonist: Um. Well, Spring-san, I'm glad you're okay. Killer-san is pretty reliable, so I'm sure you're in good hands here.
Killer gave me a thumbs-up. I felt like her wingman just now for some reason...
Killer: Leave it to me! Ol' Killer's the most reliable girl you'll ever meet! Ever!
Spring giggled, and clapped her hand to her knee happily.
Spring: You're really funny, Killer-chan, puwaa...
Her face turned really red and she made a really embarrassing noise... I think she stopped functioning. Note to self, Killer stops working after receiving a compliment from a cute girl.
Spring: Is... she okay? I didn't upset her, right?
Flare giggled.
Flare: No, I think you made her really happy.
Spring: Huh...? That's good, then~.
Killer: I've seen heaven.
Flare: Hmm, make sure you don't actually stay there, tch...
Killer: I'm fine! I'm totally cool! Heh. I'm the epitome, of like, cool.
Flare: If I reacted like that every time someone complimented me, I'd never be a good model.
Hm. I kind of wanted to test that.
Protagonist: She's right...! Flare-san's really accomplished. I mean, being on Vogue for someone her age is no laughing matter. She probably takes her job really seriously. I can tell why she's so successful too. Flare-san's really cool.
Flare turned to look at me, and she blushed a bit, waving her hand in front of her, quickly.
Flare: O-of course! I mean! Of course I take my job seriously! I mean, -I! Of course!
She seems to stop and narrow her eyes when she realizes what I've done. She puts her hands on her cheeks to cover up her blush.
Flare: That's a little cruel. Are you sure you're not a serial killer? Tch.
Protagonist: I'm sorry Flare-san... I couldn't help it. I do think it's really cool that you're so accomplished at such a young age. You're a high schooler, right? I mean...
Glasses: Flare-shi's accomplishments are nothing to sneeze at, truly. I admire Flare-shi's tenacity and perserverance.
Flare covers her face. I guess even though she must hear compliments all the time with her job, she still really likes them...
Flare: You guys are the worst... Jeez.
Killer: I wanna try too! Flare-chan, you're the one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen! You're so beautiful, I think an angel fell out of heaven, and landed in Tennessee!
Flare: Thanks, Killer-san...?
She looked kind of confused, but happy nonetheless.
Spring: Flare-chan's so pretty, she doesn't even need a youthful beauty charm like she asked for...!
Flare: Spring-san...
Flare: Alright, enough foolishness! You four are evil. Truly. I'm putting you four on my serial killer suspect list just for this! Jeez, jeez!
Flare: Protagonist-kun! Are we getting food, or not?
She seemed to jump to charge. I think maybe we pushed the compliment thing a little too far... but if I listened closely, she still sounded a little bit happy.
Protagonist: Um, Glasses-kun, are you ready to go?
Glasses: I'm ready.
Flare: Alright, then I'll lead the way. Since I'm a natural leader, of course.
I don't think I have much of a choice but to follow her, and Glasses doesn't seem to mind following her as long as I'm there as well. I wave goodbye to Killer and Spring.
Protagonist: See you two around.
Killer: BYEBYE!
Spring: Bye~...!
We walked back out into the hallway. I watched as Flare stretched her hands in front of her and looked to us to see if we were still following along.
Flare: Well, hurry along. I want to get to the library today.
Glasses: ...Does anyone know the time?
Protagonist: Huh... that's a good question.
As I pondered that, something blipped in the three of our IDs. We looked at each other and then went to our IDs. Maid-chan's announcement app was blinking.
Maid-chan: Heya! I couldn't help but overhear you wanted to know what time it was~. Silly me! I forgot to set you up with a clock app on these things... Hmmm. Siiiiiigh... Daaaaataaaaa traaaaanfeeeerrring.....
Maid-chan: Heh! You should be able to tell what time it is now! Don't forget to listen in to my announcements though~. As for what time it is right now? It's 5:26 PM.
The transmission ends.
Glasses: She's listening in on our conversations.
He looks very uncomfortable...
Flare: I mean... it's to be expected, but it's still...
Flare shivers.
Protagonist: ...
Flare: Well, uh - we can't let this deter us. Tch, such low spirits. What happened, Protagonist-kun? I kind of admired you during that strange meeting... and now...
Flare: Hmph, oh well. I'll lead us to the kitchen, nevertheless.
Protagonist: Thanks, Flare-san. I promise I won't let you down.
Flare: You'd better not, tch.
Flare: After all, I'm an important person.
Glasses: I believe in Protagonist-kun not to let us down...
Flare: I'll give him the benefit of the doubt~.
She's smiling though. Flare takes us towards the center of the hallway where the two corridors meet. It looks like we're not the only ones here either...
Collector, Moth, and Valkyrie are doing something strange. Moth is holding the large plant, moving it to the side, while Valkyrie and Collector are examining the wall. Flare catches sight of them, and stops. Glasses seems to want to continue on, but when I stop as well, he stops too.
Flare: Hey! What are you three doing? Your suspicious behavior is being noted.
Glasses: ...It looks like they've found something.
Moth: That's exactly right, haha. Valkyrie-san has sharp eyes...! She noticed a door-shaped groove in the wall right behind this plant here.
Valkyrie: It's very faint, but it's definitely the imprint of a door...
Protagonist: Really? I didn't catch that at all...
Collector: There's no way to open it, it seems... You'd have to find another way inside. Maybe you can get outside here, though.
We walk over to check it out. Sure enough, there's a slight crack in the wall faint enough to resemble the outline of a door.
Flare: Good find, Valkyrie-san.
Valkyrie: Oh, it's nothing truly... I simply seem to have an eye for even the smallest of details.
Protagonist: You must have eyes like a hawk, haha! I didn't see it when I investigated here!
She smiles and shakes her head.
Valkyrie: It's nothing to praise me over.
Valkyrie: I'm sure anyone respectable could've found it, with enough scrutiny.
Yikes...I feel like that was a attempt at saying I didn't pay enough attention...
Collector: We'll continue to search for the door that leads here, and I'll report back to the group if we find anything.
Flare: Sounds like a plan, Collector-kun. Please keep us posted.
Moth: What are you three up to anyway? I almost didn't recognize Protagonist-kun without King-kun hanging off of him, heh.
Glasses: ...
Protagonist: We're jus-
Flare: We're going to get food, and then they're accompanying me to the library! I'd like to see if this place truly has something to pass the time.
She interrupted me... I see, she really is keen on being the leader.
Moth: I take it Killer-san's with Spring-san too, too? How are they holding up?
Valkyrie: I forgot to ask... Spring-san is alright, right?
Protagonist: Yeah, Killer-san's with her. They're in the infirmary if you want to check up on them, but... they're doing fine just by themselves.
Moth: Something in your voice tells me we shouldn't interrupt them. I get you.
Valkyrie: I see... what Spring-san did was foolish, but I'm glad she's alright.
Valkyrie: What you did was foolish as well, Protagonist-san. But at least you knew the right answer. Goodness. I don't think I could've handled any more blood.
Moth: They were pretty brave though, huh? I think it was kinda cool.
Collector: Truly... you two were willing to sacrifice yourselves in order to save your friends. It's admirable.
Protagonist: Th-thanks, you guys.
Protagonist: I just, uh, I spoke without thinking, and I -... It was sort of a rush. Killer-san and Glasses-kun are the real heroes for believing in me.
Glasses: ...!
Glasses turned away and blushed slightly, embarrassed. Flare giggled.
Flare: No matter who the real hero is, I think it was pretty cool. Almost as cool as being on the cover of Vogue.
Flare: If you three don't mind, I think we'll head to the kitchen now. We have a tight schedule. It's -
Flare checked her ID.
Flare: Goodness. It's 5:43. Come on, Protagonist-kun. Glasses-kun.
Protagonist: Eh? Oh, uh - I guess we're leaving...?
Glasses: ...I don't mind...
Protagonist: Um, see you three. Keep us all posted. We have a group chat now, so use it, please!
Valkyrie and Collector waved.
Moth: Bye, Protagonist-kun. I'll make sure to inform you of what we find...
And like that, he turned his focus back to his group.
Flare led us quickly towards the kitchen. I got the feeling she was in a hurry.
Protagonist: What's with the rush, Flare-san?
Flare: Hmm? Oh. It's uh... Well, as a model, I'm used to having a tight schedule for my days off. I wake up every single morning at 5:30 AM and I go to bed every night at 7:30 PM. I make sure I never stray from that schedule. I've been in bed at 7:30 for all my non-working days for two years now. I haven't missed a day.
Flare: And I don't plan on starting.
Glasses: ...
He tensed up besides me.
Protagonist: Wow, you really wake up at 5:30 AM? That's honestly terrifying. Props to you, though.
Glasses: So you plan on going to sleep every night at the same time here? And waking up at the same time?
Flare: Of course. Being here is just like having a day off. I have to stick to my schedule.
Glasses: I see...
We reached the kitchen with Flare leading us at a fast pace. I was kind of glad that I wasn't being stretched back and forth like last time, honestly...
But before I could even wonder about how King was doing, I saw him in the kitchen with Sol. He was cooking something that smelled.... heavenly actually. I could feel my stomach growling just smelling it. He didn't seem to notice us because he was caught up in his cooking, but Sol waved.
Sol: Oh, hello! You're just in time. King-kun's making dinner. We were going to send a message in the group chat asking who wanted some... he's almost done.
I don't think I trust anything that King makes... but damn, it smells delicious.
Flare: What is he making...?
King grinned lopsidedly and looked up from cooking to display a peace sign.
King: Okonomiyaki, of course. I'm thinking 'bout making Naporitan tomorrow or something. Hmm~ if I make myself the regular cook here, I think it puts less of a target on my back, don't you think?
Protagonist: ...
Ah, so that's why.
King: It's almost done if you want some. I'll let you guys have first servings. I'm making enough for everyone to have seconds too. You'll find I'm a super good cook. There's not one thing I'm not super good at~.
Sol: ...
King: ...
Sol: ...Hey, remember in seventh grade when you-
King: Don't you dare.
King flushed super red and returned his attention to cooking.
Sol: Sigh... King-kun is kind of a show-off, but...
Flare: Kind of?
Glasses: ...Heh.
He laughed at that... Wow, that's kind of cute.
Sol: Heehee, I know it may seem hard to believe but...
Sol: You know...actually... there once was this one guy who seemed to change King-kun's entire attitude.
Flare: Really? That can happen? Forgive me if I'm a little skeptical...
King paused cooking for a bit to swat at Sol.
King: Stooop it! I don't go sharing stories of your first love!
First love? I have to admit, I'm a little curious as to what kind of guy could tame someone like King.
Sol: Hehe, he was a transfer student in our class. He was kind of strange to me, but King-kun and him got along really well somehow... We hung out occasionally and he was... really a good guy.
King: Stop, just the memory of him will make me blush!
Protagonist: Sounds like you really liked him.
King: Of course! But he moved away, and and I lost a way to contact him. I'd give anything to find a way to see him again...
He seems kind of caught up about this... It's kind of cute, in a whole-hearted way.
Flare: Well... tch. It's like in those romance movies of course! Love always finds a way!
Flare seems heated about this too. It's cute how passionate she gets.
Glasses: First love... that stuff is confusing...
Protagonist: I think it's cute.
Glasses: ...You're right. But it's King-shi, so...
King: What's that supposed to mean?
Glasses: ...
Flare: Just what it sounds like, obviously.
Flare: It's less cute, because it's you.
Sol: Ahaha, King-kun is cute in his own way. He's the charming sort, and he doesn't break promises.
Sol: He's also never late when we hang out, and he remembers to return things. He also lends me money when I need it. He's reliable...
King: See! I'm the reliable type!
Flare: Yuck. No offense, Sol-kun, get better taste.
Protagonist: ...And set higher standards.
Glasses: Snrrrk- pfft-...!
Oh, he was really laughing now, and had covered his face to try and hold it in. Flare and I turned to look at him.
Flare: See, even Glasses-kun agrees.
King: I'm hurt.
King: No food for you. You can starve.
Protagonist: ...It was a joke. I think you're super reliable, King-kun.
Flare: Protagonist-kun!? What is this betrayal!?
Protagonist: I'm hungry.
Glasses had calmed himself down back to his neutral state and was now standing directly behind Flare and I. Sol fiddled with his ID.
Sol: I'm gonna send a group message to tell people that we made dinner and to meet us in the restaurant. Since you three are here, maybe you can help us set up?
Protagonist: I wouldn't mind that.
Flare: ...How long will this take?
Sol: Not long...
Flare: Fine then. Let's help out.
It seemed like Flare's schedule was just getting more and more messed up... My ID buzzed. Sol had sent the message it seemed.
[Sol: Anyone who's hungry is welcome to come to the restaurant. We've made lots of okonomiyaki, enough for everyone to have seconds. It's fresh and hot, please come and enjoy some!]
A few seconds later another message popped up.
[Syringe: Who's 'we'?]
[Sol: King-kun made it actually. He's a really good chef.]
[Syringe: Hard pass.]
[Luna: I'll be there in a minute, Nii-san.]
[Rabbit: You couldn't pay me to eat something King made.]
[Valkyrie: ...Ah, I agree with Rabbit-san and Syringe-san. Thank you for the offer, Sol-san.]
[Moth: I'm hungry. What the hell. I'll be there.]
[Killer: Spring-chan and I will be there too! Spring-chan says she's hungry.]
[Killer: Tell King-kun this had better be good okonomiyaki or I'll punch his lights out.]
[Sol: ...Please don't.]
[Puppet: Kyaha! I'm not hungry right now, so I'll pass. Have fun, miscreants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
[Romeo: A dinner date, huh? I'll go.]
[Diamond: Hm, I was gonna go, but then Romeo-kun said he was gonna... oh well, I'll just avoid talking to him. You can count on seeing me there!]
[Romeo: That's so cruel...]
[Bled: Tailor-san and I were wondering what we'd do for dinner. I guess we can say thanks for making food, even if it is King-san. We'll be there.]
[Tailor: What Bled-san said.]
[Collector: A dinner is nice, but King-san is unfortunately not. I'll have to pass.]
[Flare: I'm helping set up, so I'm already there. I'll definitely have to leave at 6:30 sharp. I still want to go to the library.]
[Glasses: You could've said that out loud.]
[Flare: Well, it's better if it's in chat form, right?]
[Glasses: ...]
[Protagonist: I'm looking forward to seeing everyone coming.]
[King: Killer-chan please don't punch me, I assure you it tastes delicious.]
[Killer: I'm cracking my knuckles right now, but you can't tell.]
[King: I'm not scared.]
I looked over at King, who looked totally intimidated. I chuckled to myself and continued to set the places at the tables.
[Killer: I can smell fear.]
[Killer: You're literally pissing your pants right now, aren't you?]
[King: Shut the fuck up.]
[Collector: Just turn them off.]
[Rabbit: HOW]
[Luna: Ok go to the chat menus]
[Luna: And then click the three dots]
[Luna: Click on King-kun's name]
[Luna: Turn on the function that says "receive extra notifications every time this person posts"]
[Moth: Is Maid-chan the admin of this chat? Can she like... mute King-kun or something.]
[King: This is cyberbullying. We learned about this in school.]
[King: I'm going to report you all.]
[King: I'm calling the police.]
[Diamond: Half the people here ARE CONNECTED to the police.]
[Syringe: @Maid-chan is there any way to leave this chat Please I'm begging you.]
[Maid-chan: Nope!]
[Maid-chan: Ah yes.]
I stopped paying attention to the chat after that.
Luna and Moth had arrived first.
Luna: Man, if there's one thing good about King-kun, it's his cooking.
Luna: I kind of missed it.
Moth: ...It smells really good. That's unfair. An unpleasant guy like King-kun's so good at cooking...
As we were being served, Killer and Spring arrived with Diamond and Romeo in tow.
Killer: What the fuck.
Killer: That looks good. I'm so mad.
Spring: Uwa, that's kind of a blessing... that we've got someone so good at cooking here with us...!
Romeo: Diamond-chan~... Since Bled-chan's not here yet, will you do the honor of being my replacement date?
Diamond: Man, okonomiyaki's one of my favorite foods. I'm kind of excited for this.
She totally ignored him and went to be served.
Bled and Tailor came in last.
Tailor: Jeez, I didn't know King-kun was so good at cooking...
Bled types something into her tablet, and it speaks out loud. Oh... looks like she acquired a text-to-speech function!
Bled: [I'm quite hungry... I didn't even realize until I smelled it. Let's dig in...!]
Oh. It spoke in Maid-chan's voice. That's not creepy at all...
After we were all served and seated, the chatter resumed. I looked back at my tablet to see the group chat had died down. I hadn't really missed much.
Killer: KING-KUN, YOU ASS! I hate you!
Killer stood up suddenly after taking her first bites, and glowered over King.
King: Wha-What did I do!?
Killer: This is too good! You're really good at cooking and I hate it!
King: ...Thanks?
Killer: Fuck you!
She punched him. Oh well, even if he did make this dinner, it's King, so he deserved it.
Moth: ...It's really good, I hate to admit.
Spring: Huuu.... I hope King-kun cooks for us every night!
King: I plan on it. I think a home-cooked meal will brighten up everyone's miserable hearts in a situation like this, right?
That's totally not what you said before...
Flare: He just doesn't want the target on him to be too big.
Luna: God, he would say that.
As we ate and chatted, I felt a wave of ease settling over the group. It gave me comfort that things looked good for our group. No one would kill, even if we did have serial killers amongst us. And besides... maybe some were like Glasses, and felt bad about it.
I made a mental note to ask him later about his past. It might be a tough conversation, but I really wanted to know. I wanted him to tell me when he was ready at least.
Flare had finished her food, and stood up, looking to Glasses and I.
Flare: I want to go to the library now, if you're done.
Glasses: I'm done... it's fine.
Glasses: Protagonist-kun... are you alright if we leave...?
I looked down at my plate. I had finished most of my meal, and I didn't think I'd be too hungry until morning came. I stood up and looked at Flare and Glasses.
Protagonist: I'm good now. Let's clear up our dishes and head out.
Flare: Alright! Thank you. Finally!
She and Glasses got their plates and brought them into the kitchen after thanking King for the meal. I nodded to King as well.
Protagonist: Thank you again, King-kun.
King: You know, I accept payment in kisses as well~.
Protagonist: ...Eh.
I decided not to answer that and walked to put my plate into the dishwasher. Outside of the kitchen's entrance, Glasses and Flare waited for me.
Flare: Ah, I'm full. It's amazing what a good meal can do for you after such a terrible day... but don't tell King-kun that. I don't want him getting a swelled head.
Protagonist: Oh, we won't.
Glasses nodded.
Flare: I'm glad. Let's go then.
We headed to the library with no more distractions. Flare went ahead and sat in a large armchair after she had picked out a few books, and read them to herself, occasionally commenting aloud to us about how gruesome all these books seemed to be. Glasses had questioned why she was reading them in the first place, but she said that it was for "research, of course", and all the books had to be of the true crime genre for a reason. I picked out a few books and looked them over, but nothing seemed to interest me. Glasses dug deep into the back of the library and found a book on human taxidermy, which grossed out Flare.
Time seemed to fly, and soon enough, Flare announced that she had to head back to her room for the night. Glasses and I said our goodbyes at her room, and I was left alone with Glasses. It was silent for few moments before he excused himself and left for his own room. I guess he was tired after such a busy day. I decided to go back to my own room as well.
When I opened my room, the first thing I did was to check out my closet, like Killer had done much earlier. There were my clothes and shoes. Nothing too special, just things to make sure I would be able to have good hygiene while I was here. Man... It suddenly hit me that there was no laundry machine. That's gonna be a pain in the ass when I go through all my clothes.
I looked around my room once more, and flopped down onto the bed.
Hiding my face in the pillows, I screamed.
Man, this was so frustrating!
It was beyond frustrating, actually!
It was the worst!
Why did I have to be here!?
I'm not fit to be here!
I screamed and screamed into the pillow until my throat got hoarse.
I don't remember when I fell asleep.
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My Orange Glove
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Riley who was born to be a assassin has been one he has only liked dogs and watching anime or reading manga or light novel.he was betrayed and has reincarnate in the naruto world Naruto is not mine or the characters that will appear in this novel There might be many errors to my typing so keep that in mind Also i will add extra characters keep that in mind too.And mc will have Sharingan but wait he will not have a clan so he will be just a civilian This might not be good because this have no plot i just think of it suddenly then want to make it ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGEThe cover of this novel is not mine I got it from Pinterest so who created it pm me and I will remove it This not might be a harem I think the name of the novel doesn't make any sense so I will tell you just don't look at the name of the novel i have made this webnovel and so it got more popular. Discord link -removed from the description-
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This is the story of an older man who lived a hard but full life, being reincarnated into a fantasy world as a human-lizard hybrid. The new world is violent, magic is real, a game-like development system crushes physics and natural law under its ambivalent thumb, and myth and legend don't just meet, they chase you down to eat you.Follow Braza as he tries to make a very different life for himself in a familiar but ultimately alien world. In this story the protaginist will not just be a muscle bound monster. He is not a proper hero, willing to sacrifice himself for the good of a stranger, but neither is he a maniacal villain. He is trying to survive, and he is trying to give himself and those he deems himself responsible for a seat at the table of the"goodly", the "civilized" races. He is trying to create a secure home for his people, to arrange beneficial trade agreements, explore ancient ruins, decipher ancient runes, push the boundaries of magic to create a better life for everyone around him, to learn about the history of the world and the multiverse, and ultimately attempt to become powerful enough to take on a being that even the gods themselves fear. This is my first story and it blends many different elements and styles. It's a bit darker than most of what I have read on Royal Road, but even with that, I hope you give it a try, and I hope you like it!
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(previously titled The Vampires Human)"Awe pretty baby, look how cute you look all tied up and crying for us," he softly stroked my face, but the smirk on his lips made me shiver. He turned to look at them, "What should we do with you now?" He asked, lowering himself to my face. I stared at him wide eyed, listening to the others circle around me like lions ready to pray on a lamb. I can't hide my arousal from them, they can sense it, even if I lie, they'll call my bluff. I bit my lip, staring into his red eyes. "Punish me?" ~•~This book contains sexual content, age gaps, light bdsm, and second hand embarrassment. If you don't like submissive female leads, this isn't the book for you.READ THE DISCLAIMER.(cover by @asweetprincess )
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love puts us together and tears us apart
8 141 - In Serial48 Chapters
The Secrets of BDSM
just a few things about BDSM that any Kinky f*cker should know about 😉 hope you enjoy
8 164