《Kill the Joker: Survival Game》Eyes of a Secret Garden - III
Killer and I descend the stairs again, looking at the red camelia wallpaper as we go down. Losing yourself with grace... I wonder if it had any meaning to what we had been gathered here for.
Killer skipped down the steps, faster than me, and waited for me at the bottom. I never thought of myself as a slow walker, but she seemed impatient...
Killer: Jeez, making a lady wait...
Protagonist: Do you want me to run down the stairs?
Killer: Yeah, duh.
Protagonist: That's dangerous.
I reached the bottom and stepped by her side. We were now on the floor we had started at. On the left, there was another set of stairs leading down. However, down the hallway there was -
... Another person?
A boy wearing shades was humming softly to himself, not too far away. Killer looked at me and then waved her hand at him.
Killer: Yooo!
This caught the boy's attention.
He looked up to us, and stopped humming.
???: Yo.
Killer and I started walking over to him, and he turned to face us.
Protagonist: I take it you're investigating too?
???: Yeah. My group's all girls though. They're checking out the girl's bathroom currently, and I DEFINITELY don't wanna see that.
Is it just me or did he seem a little disgusted when he said all girls...?
Killer: What? All girls? Lucky.
???: Hmmmmmmmm. You can think that.
Killer: Girls are like, the greatest thing to ever come out of this world.
???: Ah. I see.
He makes a snide face but Killer doesn't catch it. Maybe that's for the best.
Protagonist: So, um, I'm Protagonist, and this is Killer-san...
Killer: Not like a-
???: Like a serial killer? Cool.
Killer: ...
Protagonist: ...
???: What? They're totally cool.
Killer: Ehem! Before I was so rudely interrupted, I was saying - not like a serial killer.
???: Right... right.
He hums a short tune, and adjusts his glasses. I get a glimpse of his eyes for a moment. They're the color of blood. Oh, how creepy.
King: My name is King by the way~, not really, but that's how it is in this bitch of a mansion.
What's that supposed to mean?
Killer: Isn't this a manor?
Protagonist: Yeah, I think it's Joker Manor.
King: ... Is there a difference?
I don't know.
King: Man, I'm like super rich, I should know this stuff.
Killer: Eat the rich.
King: Vor-
Killer: Don't you fucking dare.
Protagonist: What?
King: Oh my god, do you not know what v-
Killer slaps her hand over King's mouth, hard.
I don't think I want to know what that is.
Protagonist: ... Anyway, King-san, what do you make of this situation? Especially the task at hand?
King makes a face from behind Killer's hand, and suddenly she jerks her hand away.
Killer: He licked me-! So gross-!
King: Believe me, I'm not thrilled about it either.
He wipes his mouth off on his jacket sleeve.
King: Anyway, I've already found out what we all have in common.
He flashes a peace sign and grins, something akin to the one you'd find on the face of a slasher flick's killer.
Protagonist: What? You have?
Killer: Why did you wait to tell us then?
King: Tell you?
King: I'm not telling you anything!
Protagonist: ...
Killer: You're a jerk!
King: That's just how it is in this bitch of a mansion!
Protagonist: At least learn another line!
Oops, I said that out loud.
Killer: And it's a manor.
King: Anyway, it was super easy. I'm like, in the top three in my grade. Ever heard of Seijoh Private High School?
Oh man, that's the private high school for really rich and talented kids. Just hearing it being mentioned makes me kind of hate this guy more...
Killer: No way, you go to Seijoh?
King: Yuh-huh. I'm number three in the grade~. I'm the top student in the special Criminal Justice branch they've opened.
Protagonist: Oh. Do you want to be a detective?
King: Haha, hell no! Don't make me laugh. That's for chumps. I want to be a defense attorney.
Oh, I see. He seems kind of immature to be the lawyer-type, but I'll hold my tongue for now. I probably wouldn't hire him as my lawyer ever, but who knows? Maybe he's really gifted. After all, he's supposedly number one in his school for that sort of stuff.
Killer: I can't see you ever being a lawyer.
Oh, she went and said it.
King: Boo, that's mean.
Killer: That's just how it is in this bitch of a manor.
King slides his glasses down, and I can see a peek of his eyes again. They're harshly glaring at Killer, as if sizing her up. I don't like this look at all...
King: ...
When the glasses go up, his whole face changes. He grins and claps his hands together. He seems to be really amused.
King: I kind of like you, Killer-chan! Hey, and Protag-kun, you're not too bad too~. I think I'll ditch my group for yours~.
Killer: I can't stand you.
Protagonist: Um, sure, you can join us.
Killer shoots me an incredulous look and King gives me a thumbs-up. I can practically see the [KING HAS NOW JOINED YOUR PARTY] rise up in the air above his head, but before I can say anything more, another group comes out of the last door down the hallway. I can only assume this is King's old group.
A girl in a cream trenchcoat with red detailing is trailing to the side of a girl in a big, floppy hat who seems to be leading, and a girl in a floral print dress and purple sweater walks beside her. The floral dress girl waves at us, and smiles warmly.
Floral Dress Girl: Hiiya! Oh, King-kun, you've found new friends!? I haven't seen them before, um, nice to meet you... puwawa.
Her voice is high pitched and she seems to be genuinely happy to see us and King, and just exudes a pure and calming aura. I look at Killer, and she practically has hearts in her eyes. Yeah... I guess she is pretty adorable.
Killer: I want to protect her.
King: That's pretty gay.
Killer: I'm gay.
King: Touche.
The three girls are far enough away that they don't hear the exchange between King and Killer, but I snicker a little at it. I wave back at them, and so does Killer. King puts up a peace sign.
Hat girl checks her nails. Or pretends too, because she's wearing gloves, and possibly couldn't see them, and the other two wave back at us. We make our way over to them.
Floral Dress Girl: Hmm, nice to meet you...! Any friend of King-kun's is a friend of mine, huhu~. I've just met you, but you seem so nice~ I feel such warm energies from you two~... here, I'll put my trust in you~ puwaaa!
With that, she grabs Killer's and my hands. Killer turns bright red. She raises them above our heads and hums loudly.
Floral Dress Girl: Puwaaaaa.... wawawa....
Protagonist: Um.
Floral Dress Girl: The ritual is complete! We're friends now... yes.
King: She did that to me too.
She lets go of my hand, but Killer seems to keep her hand in the girl's still. The girl stares intently at their hands, but says nothing.
Floral Dress Girl: Huuuuumuuuuuuuuuu.......
Killer still doesn't let go. She's still red. I think she's short-circuiting. The big hat girl snickers.
Big Hat Girl: Is there something wrong with her?
Floral Dress Girl: ...There must be a spirit possessing her...
King: Why don't you try giving her a kiss to exorcise her?
She nods.
Floral Dress Girl: I'll do my best... chuuuuuu-...
King snickers, and just as she leans in, Killer comes to her senses, and flails her arms, smacking the girl in the face.
King: Oh my god, you useless lesbian.
Floral Dress Girl: ...............Ow..............
Killer: Oh my god, I'm so sorry - are you okay, jeez, are you-
The trenchcoat girl clucks her tongue.
Trenchcoat Girl: This is kind of a shameless display.
Killer: Sorry.
Protagonist: Yeah... Um. I'm Protagonist!
Killer: Oh yeah, and I'm Killer! Not like a serial killer.
The big hat girl raises an eyebrow at Killer's name but says no more.
Floral dress girl clasps her hands together and nods.
Spring: Here, you can call me Spring... That's what Maid-chan said.
Spring: I like to think of it as.... not the season.... though that is.... lovely as well! ... but...
Spring: ....a spring from clockwork....humuuuuu~.... agreed?
Killer: I think th-that's really cool, Spring-chan.
The girl with the big hat adjusts her coat slightly.
Flare: I don't know how not even one of you didn't recognize my real name, but I'm Flare. Here, at least.
Protagonist: What do you mean? Are you famous?
Flare: Do you live under a rock? Of course I'm famous! I'm the youngest model to ever be on the cover of Vogue! And yet, somehow - no one here knows my name!
King: ... I don't think it's just you, Flare-chan. No one recognized me, either.
King: Even though I'm wearing my signature jacket.
Flare scrunches up her face.
Flare: What are you famous for?
King: I've been on television before. People should at least know my family name. It doesn't add up.
I try recalling upon the recesses of my memory. I concentrate and close my eyes. I can pull up issues of Vogue I've seen before in the convenience store before, and I can... I can recall Flare's face. It's vague, but it's definitely her. I remember King's face vaguely too, but I don't remember where from...
Protagonist: I know your faces... for some reason... Flare-san, King-kun... if I try really hard I can recall them...
Flare: Really?
Protagonist: But not your names at all...! When I try to pull up that memory it's just...
Killer: Static! I get that too!
King: ....Hm, maybe our captor's fucking with us.
Protagonist: I think we should tell the others this.
King: Nah. They don't need to know.
Killer: You're a jerk.
Trenchcoat girl has been silent for a while. Spring seems to be checking out the doors ahead of us, though they won't open due to being private rooms. Flare looks at trenchcoat girl, and gives her a prompting look.
Valkyrie: Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt anything... My name here... is Valkyrie.
Short and sweet. She doesn't seem to want to say any more. I don't blame her, so I won't push it.
Killer: Nice to meet you, Valkyrie-chan.
Protagonist: Mmhmm.
She nods and smiles sweetly at me.
Valkyrie: Um, Protagonist-san, Killer-san... Have you already checked out some rooms upstairs?
Protagonist: Oh, yeah. There were some really cool rooms. I think you'll like the projector room... It showed the prettiest starry sky.
Killer: Yeah, it felt like major bonding time!
King: What? I already missed out on group bonding?
Killer: I don't think I could've relaxed as well if you were there, so I'm happy~.
Valkyrie laughs a bit and Flare rolls her eyes.
Valkyrie: I think that sounds quite interesting. I will have to keep my eyes open for that room.
Flare: I'm more interested in a room where there's a beautiful museum.
Protagonist: I don't think we have one of those...
Flare sighs.
Flare: I know, but it's only wishful thinking that I would be so graciously accomadated whilst being kidnapped. Hah! What a fool I am.
Protagonist: ...Um.
She slumps slightly. I try patting her back awkwardly.
Protagonist: There, there...?
She smacks my hands away.
Flare: Get your filthy pleb hands off me!
Killer: ...
Protagonist: ...
King: Biiiiitch.
She adjusts her hat.
Flare: Well, exCUSE me for not wanting to be touched by a stranger.
Protagonist: She uh... has a point...
...She just didn't have to be so rude about it.
Flare: Hmph, of course I'm right.
She turns and goes over to Spring, who is now further down the hallway, 'puwaaa-ing' softly. Valkyrie curtsies to us, and without another word, follows Flare and Spring.
King: Girls are weird.
Killer: Rethink that statement.
King: ... ... ...
He seems to be contemplating saying something he might not want to.
King: Girls are evil.
Oh look, he said it anyway.
Killer grabs him by the ear and drags him to my side. King squeals in pain the entire time.
Killer: So this is the girl's bathroom, huh?
In front of us is a door labelled with Ladies Room in cursive on it. King is still yelping in pain as Killer twists his ear in her hands, and I give him an awkward look. He really shouldn't've said that...
Protagonist: I don't think we have to go in.
Killer: Hmm...
She lets go of King, who immediately stands back up and cowers over to my side, tucking himself into my side for protection. I pat his back awkwardly.
Killer: I'll go and check out the girl's bathroom, while you and King check out the boy's bathroom. Deal?
Protagonist: That sounds like a good idea.
The door on the other side of the hallway is the boy's bathroom. Inside, there are several toilet stalls, sinks, and several shower stalls. It looks like if fancy hotels had communal bathrooms. I feel like they're nice now, but knowing how bad the boy's bathrooms at my old school got so quickly, I think I'll try to keep them clean.
Wait. What am I saying?
Sure, Maid-chan said we would be here indefinitely, but help is definitely coming... right?
King is looking in the mirror, examining his hair.
King: Hmm, Protag-chan, you're king of cute too. In a plain way.
King: I have ikemen charm, while you have protag of a dating sim charm. Protag-chan... that name suits you well!
Why is he calling me Protag-chan...? He's so informal anyway... It's kind of flustering. Especially with him calling me cute.
Even if it's kind of backhanded.
King: If no one else strikes my fancy, I might have to romance you!
Wait, what?
Protagonist: Wait- no, what?
King: Just kidding~.
I don't want to be alone with him anymore. His joking manner is too embarrassing.
He finishes playing with his ahoge (which somehow seems to bounce back no matter how much he combs it down), and clings to my arm.
King: Protag-chaaan~, is there anything weird about this bathroom, or should we leave?
I survey it again. There's nothing inherently strange about the bathroom, just a regular bathroom with some more potted plants.
Protagonist: I-I... don't see anything strange. So.
King: Alrighty. Got it. He drags me outside to where Killer is waiting.
Killer: Oh! ...Oh.
She looks at our connected arms, eyebrow raised.
Killer: Bad taste.
Protagonist: Wait, no - it's not like that -!
King laughs and tosses up a peace sign.
Killer: Riiight. Anyway, it was just a regular ol' bathroom. Some toilets, showers. Sinks. More plants.
Protagonist: It was the same in the boy's.
King: Boring, huh?
I try to shake him off my arm. He finally lets go.
Protagonist: I think we've hit everything on this floor... the rest are just private rooms.
Protagonist: We should start going downstairs.
Killer: Yupsies.
King: Sounds alright by me~.
Alias: King
Alliance: Unknown
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 61 kg
Identity: Unknown
Personal Quote: "Just put down kek, or something - I'm kind of busy, and like, famous and hot."
Alias: Spring
Alliance: Unknown
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Identity: Unknown
Personal Quote: "If at first you don't succeed... third time's a charm... and I have lots of those... puwa?"
Alias: Flare
Alliance: Unknown
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Identity: Unknown
Personal Quote: "Beauty is pain. And I'd personally punch every model I ever met in the face, myself included."
Alias: Valkyrie
Alliance: Unknown
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Identity: Unknown
Personal Quote: "To the unknown."
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