《Kill the Joker: Survival Game》Eyes of a Secret Garden - IV


With King and Killer's affirmation, our new group of three descended the stairs. They were stairs much like the ones leading to the floor above, and the trend of red flowering wallpaper continued. However, once we stepped down into the main hallway of what I presumed was the first floor, the wallpaper gained another flower.

This time it was one I could identify.

Protagonist: A red spider lily...

I wasn't sure of the hanakotoba behind it, but I could always ask Glasses later.

Killer: Huh? Whazzat?

Protagonist: It's the flower on the wallpaper, with the camelia -... I don't know the hanakotoba, but...

King: Bzzt! Nerd answer. God, don't talk to me about nerdy flowers. If I wanted to be kidnapped by some stupid flower enthusiast, I would've passed out at a florist's.

He shakes his fist at no one in particular. Killer and I share and look and sigh.

We were in a grand hall, and directly in front of us, a large metal panel covered what I assumed to be the entrance. Before I could say anything, King was already making a beeline towards it.

King: I'm gonna rip this thing off the hinges.

Killer: With those noodle arms? Hah!

King: Just you watch what these noodle arms can do!


Well, at least I can say that he tried.

It wouldn't budge. It was a really pathetic display. In fact, he whines as Killer goes over to try the same.

King: I'm gonna sue this place... I think I pulled soooomethiiiinggggg...

Killer: Protag-chan, kiss it betteeeeerrrrrrr...

Protagonist: Um, no thank you.

Killer scoffs as she tries to move the panel. No luck for her either.

As I approached them, King puffed out a sigh and they looked at me expectantly.

Protagonist: ...What?

Killer: You should try it!

Protagonist: If you two couldn't do it, what makes you think I can?

Killer: Dunno, but it's kind of a satisfying rebellion in its own way.

King: She has a point.

I heaved a resigned sigh and tried to budge the heavy metal panel. Damn, this thing is super sturdy. It's definitely not going anywhere soon.

I stepped back and looked at them, wiping a bit of sweat that had accumulated off my forehead.

Protagonist: It's really stuck.

King: Man, that sucks.

Killer: I think it does more than suck, but okay.

I looked down the hallway to either side. On the right there was another panel a little further down, however it was a window-shaped one this time. Three doors lined that corridor before it seemed to end.

On the left side, it was... exactly the same. Almost like a mirror image. However, there were only two doors in this hallway.

Protagonist: Which way should we go first?

Killer: Right!

King: Left!

Oh, they said it at the same time.

They both sent each other a glare, then looked at me expectantly - as if waiting for me to shut the other down.

Oh shit. Which way should I choose?

Protagonist: ... Let's start with the right side first. There's more doors there, it seems.

King pouted, while Killer gave him a not-so-subtle nudge.

Killer: Hey, I think that's a really great idea~. Yuh-huh, let's go~.

King: I think the left is cooler.

Protagonist: I'm pretty sure both sides are equally as cool...

Dealing with this situation felt kind of like diffusing a bomb.

Killer took my hand and began to drag me down the hallway. I had to scramble to keep up. King was trailing slightly behind me, and suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled himself along with it. He was going deliberately slowly, so it felt like I was being ripped in two.


Protagonist: Ow, ow- let me go, please!

Killer stopped and looked back to the two of us. King displayed a satisfied peace sign and let go of my arm.

Protagonist: You two... I can walk on my own.

Protagonist: It's not good if you two are fighting all the time as well.

Killer: But...

King: Whatever.

We continued towards the first door separately, and I opened it, with a little nod from Killer.

Inside was a large restaurant-type room, with tables and fancy lighting, and beautiful seating... I was a little awestruck for a moment. It was like stepping into a five-star restaurant...

Killer: Whoa... this place is...

King: Oh great, more real plants to take care of. You know, I'm not going to be the one stuck watering these.

King had already kneeled near a rose bush and was picking at the leaves and petals.

King: What's the point of having all these real plants? I'm just gonna make sure they die.

In the back of the restaurant, to the right side - I saw a door. It must lead to a kitchen, I assumed.

Killer: Hey, stop killing the roses! You'll make a mess!

Killer started yelling at King, and I laughed a little at the sight. However, the door in the back opened up, and another group began to enter the restaurant again.

A very small girl, a red-haired boy, a boy wearing a certain fashion, and a boy with a fur collar were now watching the scene between King and Killer unfold.

As Killer went to deliver a chop to King's head, I grabbed her hand - gently and waved to the group.

Protagonist: Um, hello there!

Small Girl: Kehehe! Why'd you stop her? I wanted to see something violent!

Protagonist: Uh, what-?

Fur Collar Boy: Don't pay any attention to this gremlin.

Small Girl: I told you! I'm not a gremlin! I'm -

Fur Collar Boy: Sorry, did we scare you?

I shook my head. He totally interrupted her, but I won't tell him that he seems kind of rude.

Protagonist: Not really. I think you had more of a chance of surprising these two...

Fur Collar Boy: Haha, I see. Still, sorry, wasn't our intention...

Protagonist: It's fine, like I said-

Red-Haired Boy: King-kun, are you already getting into trouble again? And what's with these two? What happened to your other group?

King: Oh, Solcchan, don't worry about little old me. I simply switched to a more interesting group, y'know?

Sol: I see... Um. Sorry for any trouble King-kun might've caused. I'll take full responsibility as his childhood friend. I'm Sol, by the way.

Protagonist: Wait, childhood friends?

Killer made a face.

Killer: I feel bad for you. You seem normal.

Sol: ... Eh, I mean, King-kun is quite troublesome, so I often have to clean up after his messes, but...

Protagonist: We've experienced that... um. Wait... childhood friends? Does this mean-

Protagonist: ...that you two know each other's names?

Sol and King looked at each other, then at me.

King: ...

Sol: ...

Killer: Well?

Sol: Um, I can't remember his name at all. It sounds weird, but every time I try, I just get static. It's the same with my brother, Luna-kun. I mean, of course I can guess his surname but...

Oh right, this must be Luna's brother as well!

Funny, they don't really look anything alike.

King: ...Of course I remember Solcchan's name. I'm not some idiot wh-

Sol: No one likes a liar. It just makes things troublesome.

Protagonist: So you don't remember...?

Small Girl: Kehehe! That's sus-piscious of this place. I wooooonder~. Oh, of course I have a theory on tampering with our m-


Fur Collar Boy: I'll trust Sol-kun. Not King-kun, but uh, nothing personal, I guess.

He interrupted her again... She seems a bit discouraged, and pouts off to the side.

Fashionable Boy: It seems plausible. For now, let's trust Sol-shi.

Oh, he finally spoke, after seeming to be interested with a table. He adjusts his glasses slightly, and gives a nod in my direction.

Killer: I'm trusting Sol-kun, not King though~. Like Mr. Blue, over there~.

The fur collar boy gives her a thumbs-up.

Small Girl: That's probably a good idea!!

Oh, it seems she has her energy back.

King: Man, everyone's a critic these days.

Sol: Sigh... It's because you're too troublesome.

King: Who are you? My husband?

Sol: Don't.

King: Does this make Lunakkun our son?

Sol: Shut up.

King pouts slightly and moved towards Sol to pinch his cheek. Sol sighs, but smiles. Those two seem close in a weird way.

King: Don't feel jealous, Protag-chan~. You can be my husband too.

Protagonist: Gross.

Oh shit, I said that out loud.

King's sunglasses glitter dangerously, and Killer laughs and slaps my back.

Killer: Nice kill.

Fur Collar Boy: I think the most surprising discovery of this whole ordeal is finding out King-kun has friends.

King: Hey!

Fur Collar Boy: Huh? Was that mean? I can never tell if I'm being rude or not.

That actually explains a lot.

King: Yes, it was mean!

Killer: No, it was true.

Killer: My guess for what we all had in common was 'Everyone hates King'.

Protagonist: I don't hate you, King-s-

He immediately looked at me, eyes shining through his glasses.

Oh, that face kind of makes me hate him.

Protagonist: ...Anyway, um, I'm Protagonist!

Sol: Protagonist-san, nice to meet you.

The fur collar boy extends a hand.

Moth: I'm Moth. It's nice to meet you too, Protagonist-san.

I take his hand and he gives me my first non-weird handshake here.

You don't know how relieved I am.

The small girl looks up at me and stretches her hands up into the air.

Puppet: I'm Puppet!! I'm not a puppet, though!

Moth: No one thought you were.

Protagonist: Um, it's nice to meet you Puppet-san...

Killer: How old are you? You're tiny!!

It's obvious that she asked what was on everyone's minds... She seems to have the uncanny knack of doing that.

Puppet: I'm fourteen!

King: Jesus, really-? God, I'm so old.... hck-...

Sol: You're not that old.

King: Eighteen is super old and mature, excuse you.

King: I'm a third year anyway~. Puppet-chan, call me, 'King-senpai'.

Puppet: No thanks!

He seemed to deflate after that. Killer laughed.

Killer: Will you call ME 'senpai', Puppet-chan?

Puppet: No thanks!

King laughed as Killer deflated this time.

Fashionable Boy: ...

Oh, it looks like he's been trying to speak for a while, and we've been ignoring him. He looks sort of miffed.

Fashionable Boy: I was wondering... about what you thought of the others.

He seems to be talking to me.

Protagonist: Well, I've... met a lot. They're kind of all... colorful people.

King: I think most everyone here is a loser, exceptions of course, for some people.

Fashionable Boy: I see...

Fashionable Boy: King-yogisha... kindly shut up. I wasn't talking to you.

Syringe: I'm Syringe, by the way.

King: Hey! '-yogisha-'?

He looks extremely displeased.

Protagonist: It's nice to meet you, Syringe-kun...

I'm kind of wondering about his question though... and the use of the honorific for King.

King: What's the big idea? 'King-yogisha' my ass-

Sol: King-kun...-

Killer: Now that we know who y'all are, we can introduce me! I'm Killer! Not like a -

King: Exactly like a serial killer.

Even though he says this, he still seems incredibly pissed about the 'yogisha' honorific. The comment earns him a punch, to which Puppet laughs at.

Killer: Not like a serial killer.

King: Ouch...

Protagonist: Um... since you all seem to already know King-san, I think our group will continue to investigate...?

Killer: Hey wait! How does everyone already know him?

Syringe: You two woke up late... we all gathered in the ballroom, and made groups. King-yogisha was already awake at that time, so...

King: Stop calling me that, or I'll call you, Syringe-yogisha. How do you like that?

Syringe: Why should I? That's simply incorrect, too.

Is a fight going to break out? And why would Syringe refer to King with such an accusatory honorific?

Killer: Really? That's shitty. I always did tend to oversleep... Why didn't someone wake me?

Killer really isn't reading the tense air...

Syringe: ...We couldn't get into your room, for starters. Our IDs only seem to unlock our own rooms. Collector-ue confirmed this.

Why does he use such weird honorifics? Should I ask him about the 'yogisha'? I'm really curious.

Oh well, here goes nothing.

Protagonist: About the honorific you used for King-kun...

Syringe: Oh? That? Do you want to know why?

King: I'd like to know what you think you know about me.

I feel like I shouldn't've asked.

Syringe: Very well. King-yogisha...


Syringe: Has been a host since he was fifteen years old. That is simply an incredibly inappropriate age to be a host, especially since he's lied about his age to his workplace and -

That's ... not what I expected.

King's face is completely neutral, before it pulls into a wide grin.

King: Man! What the hell, that's such a lame ass reason -!

He's laughing. Puppet puts her hands to her cheeks, and Sol looks mildly outraged.

Sol: You told me you had become a host last year!

Killer: Ew, no wonder he's so slimy...

Puppet: Kehehe, I can't help but wonder if -

Moth: So all this drama was over that?

Protagonist: Um... while it's a bad thing to lie about your age... I don't think it deserves that honorific...

Syringe: Suit yourself.

King: I don't mind the 'yogisha' now...! It's actually kind of funny~.

He seems kind of relieved.

Protagonist: By the way... Syringe-san... how did you even know this?

King pauses and then frowns.

King: Yeah! That's personal info! It's super creepy that you know that!

Syringe pushes up his glasses.

Syringe: My sister is a fan of host clubs. She frequents the club you work at.

King: ... Oh my god. So you snooped into my life to - pfft...

He's trying so hard not to laugh.

Syringe: Yes.

Protagonist: Um.

Protagonist: I think we were just leaving.

It feels like an awkward air has taken over. I wave, and start to head towards the door they came out of. Killer and King follow me.

Puppet: Ehe. Byebye, Protagonist-chan~. Byebye sidekicks~.

King: I'm not a sidekick.

Killer: I'm more of a protagonist type. Hmph!

Puppet: If you say so~.

Moth: Ah, seeya.

Syringe: Goodbye.

Sol: Don't make too much trouble for them, King-kun.

King: No promises~.

Sol: ...Sigh.

We head through the door and find ourselves in a state of the art kitchen. Everything is shiny and new, stocked to the brim with appliances and food.

Killer: Well, that solves my hunger problem.

Killer says as she takes an apple. She inspects it quickly, and bites into it.

Killer: It isn't poisoned, I think.

Protagonist: You think?

She's silent for a couple of seconds, tapping her foot.

Killer: Nope! We're good.

King: Dammit.

Killer glares at him and he tosses up a casual peace sign. I check around the kitchen. There's a bunch of food, it seems like we'd be good for a while. I'm worried about the freshness though... Oh well. There's not dates on any of the meats or frozen items, so I think we'll all have to take a leap of faith and say they look... pretty good.

Protagonist: Is there anything I missed?

Killer: Don't think so!

King: I think we've seen everything.

I nod, and with that, we head outside the other door. This seems to be the second door in the hallway, and we head to the right, to the third door.

In the third door's room is a... gift shop? That's what it looks like. It looks like a museum's gift shop! With little knick-knacks and toys, stuffed animals and t-shirts. There's some replicas of famous swords higher up, and some ships-in-bottles. All in all, this place seems like it has everything...

...Except for a cash register, and a person working it.

Killer: So, can we like ... just take this stuff?

Protagonist: I'd assume so...?

Killer: I'm coming back for all these plushes. Mark my words.

King: Not if I take 'em first.

Killer: I'll kick your ass.

While they squabble, I look around. It's an ordinary gift shop, and there are some plants in here too. It seems you can even bring your own little cacti with you! How cute.

I kind of want to grab one, but I think that it'd be annoying to carry around, so I make a mental note to come back.

Protagonist: I think we've seen everything here, right?

I look over to Killer and King, who are practically at each other's throats, and sigh.

King: Are we going to the left side now?

Protagonist: Mmhmm.


Alias: Sol

Alliance: Unknown

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 178 cm

Weight: 67 kg

Identity: Unknown

Personal Quote: "Hmm? Is there a problem? I don't usually like talking to the press."

Alias: Puppet

Alliance: Unknown

Gender: Female

Age: 14?

Height: 150 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Identity: Unknown

Personal Quote: "If there's something amiss, I swear I might not have anything to do with it... kehehe!"

Alias: Moth

Alliance: Unknown

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 174 cm

Weight: 75 kg

Identity: Unknown

Personal Quote: "I don't have time for an interview. I'm not really that important after all, I'm just a normal high schooler."

Alias: Syringe

Alliance: Unknown

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 174 cm

Weight: 73 kg

Identity: Unknown

Personal Quote: "If you want me to donate to your charity, just send some papers by the mail."

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