《Kill the Joker: Survival Game》Eyes of a Secret Garden - II
As we climb the stairs, I see a large metal panel covering something at the top. It looks like it should be a grand window, but it's currently being obstructed...
The paintings on the side of the stairs are pretty and the wallpaper is a striped floral, red flowers line the walls. Killer must've noticed me staring, because once we get to the top of the stairs, sher rushes two steps ahead of me and places her hand on top of one of the flowers, fingers spread wide as if she's trying to pick it up.
Killer: Wonder what kind of flower it is~...
???: It's a camellia.
There's a boy standing just to the side of us. He adjusts his sleek black-framed glasses with a small frown. Killer looks at me, and then at the boy. He doesn't say anything more, just folds his arms across his chest.
Protagonist: Oh, um. That's cool, I guess. Do you know a lot about flowers?
???: ...
He doesn't speak, an unimpressed look upon his face. Jeez, this guy is really intimidating...
Killer: Hello, he like, asked you a question!
???: ...
Killer looks at me and scoffs.
Killer: C'mon, this guy's a jerk.
???: No, I'm sorry, I just, uh. Don't...
It's then I notice his hands are shaking slightly.
Killer: Haaah? Just like, c'mon... We don't bite, I promise!
He takes a deep breath in and the frown on his face turns to more of a neutral expression. His glasses clear up and I can see his eyes for the first time. They betray his neutral face and hold a certain warmness to them...
I extend my hand towards him.
Protagonist: We're all really... scared, being here, so let's do our best to work together, right?
He takes it. His own hand is cold, and his shake is... really weak. He's really not used to this, huh?
Killer: Yuh-huh, I'm Killer, you know! Not like, literally, 'cuz that's illegal, but that's the name Maid-chan gave me!
Protagonist: And I'm Protagonist, I guess.
The boy nods.
Glasses: Glasses.
Killer tries not to snicker, and her cheeks puff up comically.
Killer: Th-that's so cute-...
She whispers to herself.
Glasses doesn't notice.
Protagonist: So um... do you know a lot about flowers?
Protagonist: And maybe... you could let go of my hand?
He looks embarrassed but lets my hand go.
Glasses: I like learning about different things. One summer, I educated myself on hanakotoba. The camellia means different things in different colors. A red one like this... It can mean love or... losing yourself with grace.
There's a gasp from Killer as she smacks her fist down onto the open palm of her hand.
Killer: I've got it! We all like flowers! Yes! I've figured it out!
It can't be that simple right...?
Glasses: There's no way that's it. Rabbit-shi hates scented things.
Killer: Huh, really? Rabbit-shi!? Whozzat? That's weird, with a cute name, you'd think they'd love flowers~... Ahh, my master deductions fail me again~.
Oh, that's right!
Protagonist: You said you were a detective, right Killer-san?
Killer nods and gives a thumbs up.
Killer: I can like, deduce any crime. Ever. My master deductions have even led to some reeeaaallly dangerous people being convicted! But for my protection, I can't say any more.
Protagonist: Wow, that's incredible...
Glasses: Hmm. I see.
Glasses: Protagonist-shi, are you a detective too?
Protagonist: No way, I'm not smart enough for that stuff...
Protagonist: I'm just a regular high school student from Akita.
Glasses narrows his eyes. I can sense something really chilly coming off of him right now... It feels like he wants to say something more, but before he can -
???: Glasses! There you are!
God, who is that and why is he so tall? Followed by the tall boy is a sleepy-looking blue haired boy and a girl in a black seifuku.
Glasses: Oh... Here I am.
The tall boy looks at Killer and I quizzically. The seifuku girl waves, and the sleepy boy doesn't do anything but sigh.
Protagonist: Um, hello! I'm Protagonist-
Tall Boy: Glasses, don't leave the group. The whole point of the group investigating is to cover more area than we could if we were each alone. Don't disappear again.
Glasses: ...
Protagonist: ...
Ah, I was ignored.
Seifuku Girl: I think that's enough scolding him, jeez. He obviously gets the point of investigating in a group. But uh, we have new people. Say, you said you were Protagonist?
Protagonist: Yeah, I'm Protagonist.
Killer: And I'm Killer!
Seifuku Girl laughs nervously as Killer introduces herself, and the Tall Boy's eyes narrow.
Tall Boy: Come again?
Killer: Okay, listen. I'm obviously not a killer. It's some stupid name this stupid tacky maid decided to give me! God, I hate having to introduce myself like this!
Sleepy Boy: It's too obvious anyway...
Glasses has moved further away from the group and is now standing in the corner of the hallway. He seems happy to avoid social interaction so I won't drag him in again.
Protagonist: And besides! Killer-san is a detective!
Tall Boy: Oh, is she.
Killer: Yeah! Totally! I can bust a nut up in any deduction, like HUWAA-
Seifuku Girl: I'm sorry, you can WHAT.
Killer: I can bust a n-
Protagonist: Um, who are you guys?
The Tall Boy sighs adjusts his mask.
Collector: My name is Collector. Nothing else about me is of importance to you.
Protagonist: Um, oka-
Collector: I just do not feel like disclosing my life story to you. Please understand.
Killer: Totally unreasonable. Did you know when I was a child my best friend pushed me off my bicycle and broke my arm? I still can't stand her to this day.
Seifuku Girl giggles at that.
Diamond: Um, very informative, Killer-san. The name that's been given to me is Diamond! I guess it's because I really like jewelry~. But you couldn't tell right now! All my stuff's missing...
Killer: Really? I had my makeup! Wait, did you check the closet in your room? Maybe they just took off like, necklaces and stuff because they didn't want you to choke while you were sleeping.
Diamond: Oh, I didn't check the closet... Ah! Hopefully they'll be there~.
Why did no one else think to check the closet? I guess it's because we were all so panicked...
Collector: I had everything in my closet. Did you not investigate your room?
Diamond: ... No. I, mean, I was kind of scared.
Protagonist: I'm the same way. I was really worried about waking up in an unfamiliar place...
Collector: Tch - that's a newbie mov-
Sleepy Boy: Yaaawn... I'm tired... the beds were so nice... It beats sleeping on the floor.... I want to go back to sleep....
Protagonist: Yeah! Everything about this place is super nice and like, high quality. Except for the kidnapping of course.
Sleepy Boy: You don't understand... I only wake up at nighttime... I usually sleep during the day... This is messing up my sleep schedule...
Killer: Your sleep schedule already sounds messed up, no offense.
Luna: Ehehe... I guess. Maybe that's why I'm called Luna~...
Luna wearily extends a hand to me and to Killer at the same time. Killer takes it enthusiastically, while I take it a little cautiously. This is a weird handshake.
Diamond: Luna, maybe Collector-kun can give you a piggy-back.
Collector: Don't touch me.
Killer: Hey, I want a piggyback! Protag-kun, gimme, gimme~!
She makes a move like she's about to leap onto my back and I yelp. Oh no, I'm super weak. I definitely cannot support another human on my back. This is a terrible idea-
Killer: Hey, just kidding~. Didja really think I'd do it? Hoohoo, you look like a pile of sticks! You'd go down in an instant, no offense~.
I sigh in relief.
Protagonist: Uhm, none taken.
I know my limits.
Diamond and Luna laugh, while Collector scoffs. Glasses is still in the corner, only this time, he's avoiding eye contact when I look over at him. Killer slaps me on the back. Hard. I let out an 'omph!!', and she laughs and takes my hand, dragging me slightly away from the stairs.
Diamond: By the way, Killer-san... I like your fashion! It's gyaru, right? I love gyaru so much~.
Killer: Hmm! Oh, thank you so much, cutie! I love the punkish look you've got going too~, and yup! I'm a gyaru~. I love kogal fashion the most. After all, it fits a high school girl like me!
Killer: Even if I am a third year this year~.
Luna: Oh, my older brother's a third year too...
Diamond: Oh, really? Does that mean I have to call him and you Sol-senpai and Killer-senpai...!? Huhu, that's kind o-
Killer gasps as soon as Diamond calls her 'Killer-senpai'. She lets go of my hand and grabs Diamond's, eyes sparkling brightly. She looks really happy...
Diamond blushes at this sudden display and turns her head slightly.
Diamond: Jeez, jeez, okay, jeez, don't be embarrassing about it!
I share a look with Luna. He laughs a bit.
Luna: Killer-senpai, huh?
Killer turns to look at Luna. She tilts her head and frowns.
Killer: No, it isn't as effective with you.
Luna: Wh-
Protagonist: Haha... uh, Luna-kun, your brother's a third year like Killer-san?
Luna: Humm... Yeah. He's a third year. I'm a first year... I think I'm the youngest here...
Killer: Wait, is your brother here-?
Luna: Oh. Yeah. He's here.
Luna: He's Sol-nii-san. We don't look much alike, but he's my older brother.
Killer: Wow, that must be a relief to have someone you know here...
Luna: ...
Luna: Somehow I don't think it will be...
Wow, that's kind of a downer.
Protagonist: I think... we have to be optimistic about this situation. Besides, it's always nice to have someone to support you. If we all work together, we can definitely get through this...
Killer: Hmm~, I kinda like the sound of that~. Protag-kun just ranked up in my heart~.
Protagonist: Uh, what-?
Luna: ... I don't think it's that simple but okay...
The tone of his voice seems to imply that he wants to call Killer a 'simpleton'. Diamond sighs, and messes with Luna's hair.
Diamond: Sol-kun told me to make sure you weren't being a downer. I'll have to give you twenty pinches if you don't shape up.
Luna: I'm not being a downer, I'm being realisti- OW-!
Diamond pinches his cheeks. Killer laughs and makes pinching motions with her hands. Looks like she wants to join too... Maybe we should get out of here before she actually causes some damage with those sharp nails of hers?
Diamond: One pinch-
Killer: Lemme pinch too-
I take her by the shoulders gently.
Protagonist: Um, Killer-san, maybe we should explore the rest of this floor?
She looks towards me, and then flashes a peace sign.
Killer: Hmm, sounds good by me!
Protagonist: Well, it was nice meeting everyone, but we're gonna go see everything else on the floor!
Diamond: Seven pinc- oh! Tell us if you find anything suspicious.
Luna: Stop pinching me!
Collector: Goodbye.
Glasses: ...
Glasses waves slightly.
Killer and I head away from the stairs we came from. It's an L-shaped hallway, with two doors down the side closer to the stairs, and three doors down the long side of the hall.
Protagonist: Let's go down here first.
I point to the side with two doors.
Killer: Alright!
We make our way to the room with the first door. I open it cautiously, and check out the room inside. It's a room on the smaller size, and it seems to be a large closet filled to the brim with supplies, such as toiletries, towels, bedspread, cleaning supplies... etc.
Killer: Wow, this is boring.
Protagonist: No, I think it's pretty useful.
Killer: Yeah, but it's boring.
I close the door to the supply closet and head over to the next door. When I turn the handle, it won't budge.
Protagonist: It's locked...
Killer: Lemme try it.
Killer pushes me out of the way and yanks on the handle. I'm kind of scared the door will break, but it doesn't budge.
Killer: ...
Killer: Yeah, it's locked.
Protagonist: Um... let's try the other doors next?
We make our way to the first door down the long hallway. When I open that door, it becomes apparent that it's a beautiful and fancy looking parlor with three couches, a table, a piano, and two armchairs.
Killer: Wow, is this place owned by a grandma? Haha, lame.
Protagonist: It's kind of cute...
We step inside. There's nothing important to note, but we still take the time to look around anyway. A potted plant sits in the corner behind one of the couches.
Protagonist: Hmm, is this a real plant?
Killer feels a leaf.
Killer: I'd say so!
After we leave that room, we move to the middle room. It's a dark blue room with the night sky being projected onto the ceiling overhead. Other than that, it's completely empty.
Killer: ...Okay, this room's really cool.
Protagonist: Look at all these stars...
We look at the stars for a few moments, awe-struck at the quality. It feels like I'm really outside watching the stars...
When we get to the last room, Killer opens the door. It's a simple library, nothing too fancy, however- it's definitely nothing to sneeze at. There are a few desks and a lamp for studying, I'd assume.
Protagonist: This is cool.
Killer: Of course you'd like it, nerd.
She grins, and charges in. We look at some of the book titles. Surprisingly, most of them are true crime. However, nothing really sticks out.
When we head to the top of the stairs, the other group is gone. Killer looks at me, lopsided.
Killer: Ready to go down?
Protagonist: I think I'm ready.
Alias: Glasses
Alliance: Unknown
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 66 kg
Identity: Unknown
Personal Quote: "I don't want to."
Alias: Collector
Alliance: Unknown
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 189 cm
Weight: 71 kg
Identity: Unknown
Personal Quote: "We are nothing without good leadership. I believe strongly that a strong heart will not waver in the face of such hardships."
Alias: Diamond
Alliance: Unknown
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Identity: Unknown
Personal Quote: "If you can dream it! Do it! Hm, that seems about right, huh?"
Alias: Luna
Alliance: Unknown
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Identity: Unknown
Personal Quote: "Life's like a shitty simulator you bought on sale, and I want a refund."
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