《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 26: Mushroom hunt!


It was a good thing I went in when I did. The moment I pushed the door closed Taros bedroom door swung open and Taro, still in his pajama, walked out. Ok, you can't really call that a pajama, it's more like a loose pare of pants and a way to big shirt. When he saw me he smilled.

"G'morning, Ruth. Mom is not*yawn* awake yet?"

((No, she's still sleeping.)) While Julia-sama does almost everything in the house she is not a morning person. She's gotta drink a lot of tea before she is able to wake up, so Taro puts a kettle on the "stove" and lights the cabin underneath, effectivly warming up the water within.

When the water was hot enough he put something in it. This would make the tea taste something. Todays thing that went inside the kettle was the leaver of the Humin plant. It is pretty ordinary around here and it have a mint-like taste and you can eat them for snack. At least the leaves, the plant itself taste like dirt.

Taro always makes tea in the morning for his mother and he seems to enjoy doing something for her. That is really adorable and I always enjoy watching him make tea. It's very calming.

But this morning the atmosphere is tense. Probably because of the talk. I wonder how Julia-sama explained it to him. Was she frank about it or did she sugarcoat her words.

"Ruth" Taro suddenly says, almost making me drop Rowan from between my wings. "We gotta talk."

Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap! This ain't good! I am not ready for this! How should I talk to him about ir? Should I be casual, or maybe defensive? Wait, perhaps he want's to talk about something else?


((W-what is it T-Taro?)) I ask. Crap, crap, crap.

"Well you see" crap crap crap crap "yesterday" CRAP CRAP CRAP "I learned that" CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-AAAAAP! This is it! I have to confront him about astral! I am not ready, I can not do thi-

"... Today it is the start of the mushroom season. Wanna go pluck some?"

... Eh? Mushrooms? I stare at Taro in disbelief. He is smiling with anticipation in his eyes.


"Yah, mushroom! There is a kind of mushrooms that only grows this time of the year and it is really tasty! Do you wanna do it?"



((Ah! Sorry, yes I would like to pluck mushrooms with you.))

"Yay! We can go after breakfast! We can bring sandwiches with us and have dinner outside!"

Taro goes on, talking about how fun it is gonna be. I am really confused now. Why does he not bring up astral? Is he in denial? What is going on?

Suddenly Julia-sama walks into the kitchen. She looks terrible. Her hair is a mess, her face looks drugged and it looks like she is about to die. The usually beautiful and stunning woman is nowhere to be seen. At least she is properly dressed.

When Julia-sama sees the prepared cup of tea she smiles and thanks Taro with a hug and a kiss on the forehead. I glanced at her. What did she say to Taro?

"Mom, after breakfast, Ruth and I am gonna go out and pluck mushrooms! Do you wanna come with us?" Taro says excitedly.

"Oh dear, that sounds really fun but I am sorry, I have things to do" Julia-sama answers with a sad expression

For a second Taros smile disappear but then it comes back.

"Oh, Ok, I understand, but a least I have Ruth to come with me!"


"I am also here for mistress" Rowan commented. I have a bad feeling about this...


After breakfast we prepared some sandwiches and then we went out. Julia-sama said that we needed to be back before dinner. We left and went out to the forest. And now we are lost.

"B-but the road should be here. Didn't we pass that stone one hour ago? Why is there a swamp here!?"

I learned a new thing about Taro today; his sense of direction sucks. We even have a map but he lost it the moment we entered the forest. Is he really the champion of Chreshna? What hero can't navigate through a forest?

((Taro, are you sure we shouldn't go back?))

"No!!" he shouted. "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell, but I am not ready to give up yet". Taro seems distressed. He really wants to pick those mushrooms. I have spent some time in the forest but never this far in. The trees are taller and the ground is covered in moss and grass. The air is fresh and it feels really nice walking like this.

Suddenly I heard a low growling, like a ferocious animal. I looked around warily. Are we under attack?

((Taro, did you hear that? I think it is some kind of anima-))

Groaaaan. Taro hold his stomach.

((Uhm... Maybe we should take a break?))

Taro and I then unpack our bag and starts eating our food. We are sitting on a large boulder, gazing into the forest. It is breathtakingly beautiful.

"I am really sorry about how I shouted to you before..."

((Oh it's Ok, no offence taken.))

We go silent. Usually we always have a lot to talk about but right now there is nothing to say. We eat out sandwiches in silence.

"Mistress, I have been having a bad feeling about this place for a while now" Rowan suddenly exclaims.

((Hmm? What do you mean?)) I make sure Rowan can't hear me.

"This place is too quiet. No birds, no rodents, nothing."

((Now that you say that, it is really quiet. Maybe we should get moving.))

"Yes, that would probably be the best ch-"

Suddenly the ground starts too shake. An earthquake!? No, it's directly under us. Suddenly the ground rise and me and Taro fall down. What is happening!?

Oh, that is not good.

Before is a giant troll with a large grin on his face. He is licking his lips while staring at us. Oh this is so not good.

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